1 minute read

God’s Wings Jack J.Chielli

The starlings lifted from the field then coasted single file into a stand of trees where they chatted and whistled, then scattered from the branches, circled in unison and settled in the field movements repeated at a cadence known only to the collective

I wanted to understand their movements but the language hidden in their wings was known only to them


Such single-minded synchronicity, once thought to be messages from the Gods, holds the truth of what we all need to know to move as one in great numbers with a common purpose

They swirled and settled in the field all at once a soft purr arose as they communed with the meaning of oneness

I knelt to listen as the sun darkened from the sky

Jack J. Chielli is a writer living in Frederick, Maryland. He has an MA in poetry from Wilkes University and a BA in Writing from Roger Williams University. He has been writing since he was very young, in fact wanting to write is his first memory. He was editor of his collegiate literary magazine, Aldebaran. Jack also was a journalist for many years before working in politics. He is currently in higher education where he is vice president of enrollment management, marketing and communications. His poetry is forthcoming or has been published in Plainsongs, the anthology project Keystone: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania, Martin Lake Journal, Schuylkill Valley Journal , EcoTheo, Coal Hill Review, and Hole in the Head Review.

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