1 minute read

Notes on Design LeslieSchultz

If I yearned for the rococo, where would I go, here on the prairie?

Schooled by craftsman oak fine grain, fresh air, & sunlight I am surprised by excess.


Yet: behold these whorls chiseled by blue winds marking this grand facade of snow.

Leslie Schultz (Northfield, Minnesota) is the author of three collections of poetry, Still Life with Poppies: Elegies (Kelsay Books, 2016), Cloud Song (Kelsay Books, 2018)., and Concertina (Kelsay Books, 2019) Her poetry has appeared most recently in Poet Lore, North Dakota Quarterly, Able Muse, Blue Unicorn Journal, Light, Mezzo Cammin, Swamp Lily Review, Third Wednesday, The Madison Review, The Midwest Quarterly, The Orchards Poetry Journal, and The Wayfarer; in the sidewalks of Northfield; and in a chapbook, Living Room (Midwestern Writers’ Publishing House). She received a Pushcart Prize nomination in 2017 and has had three winning poems in the Maria W. Faust sonnet contest (2013, 2016, 2019). Schultz posts poems, photographs, and essays on her website: www.winonamedia.net.

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