25 minute read
New Boarders
Sunday 31 July
11.00 – 12.30 Meeting with Mr Benny, Head of Library & Mr Pavan, Network Services Manager return to school for lunch for new boarders and parents time on campus Parents should not take their children off site
7.45 – 9.15 Meeting with Boarding Heads of Houses
9.15 onwards Staggered lights out
08:30 AM - 9.30 AM Welcome & Introduction by Dr Caroline Pascoe, Principal to new students and parents of Grade 6, 7,
8, 9 and 11 Venue: Main Auditorium
09:30 AM - 10.30 AM Orientation Programme for all Grade 6 students and parents. Dr Sindhu S – Grade 6 Coordinator
Venue: Main Auditorium. Information Session for all Grade 8 students and parents. Mr Ajay Shukla– Grade 8 Coordinator
Venue: Admin Auditorium Orientation Programme for new Grade 9 students and parents. Ms Bhaswati Bhar - Grade 9
Coordinator Venue: Music Room 1 Orientation Programme for new Grade 11 students and parents. Mr Bimal R – Grade 11
Coordinator. Venue: Music Room 2
10.00 AM -11.00 AM BREAK
10.30 AM - 11.30 PM Information Session for all Grade 7 students and parents. Ms Velina Murari – Grade 7 Coordinator
Venue: Admin Auditorium.
11:30 PM Students and parents who have opted for Day Boarder status leave
11.30 PM - 12.30 PM An overview of boarding Dr Caroline Pascoe - Principal, Mr Naveen Tom - Deputy Principal Pastoral and Mr Gopinathan S -Head of Boarding Venue: Main Auditorium. (Only for new boarders and parents who have opted for boarding)
12.30 PM - 01.30 PM LUNCH
01:30 PM - 03.00 PM New boarders proceed to respective boarding houses to unpack and set up the rooms
03:00 PM - 03.30 PM TEA
03:30 PM - 04.00 PM Meeting with Boarding Housemaster/Housemistress in respective Boarding Houses for new boarders and parents. Venue: Respective Boarding Houses.
4.30 PM All parents and guardians of new boarders depart.
*Please note that all returning/old boarders should report to the respective boarding houses before 5.30 pm on 31st July 2022.
All parents will be sent account activation details to access to the ISAMS Parent Portal on their child’s first day at TISB. The parent portal is a site that allows parents to access information and important documents, such as school policies.
We urge parents to download the iParent app at the same time, and allow Push Notifications, as you will then be notified when new information and notices are added.
If you have any queries regarding the Parent Portal, please contact Ms Sulochana ssulochana@tisb.ac.in.
Login details for the Website Portal are as follows:
Parent Portal | Homepage
Username: parent@tisb.in | Password: Parent@2022
Student Portal | Homepage
Username: student@tisb.in | Password: Tisb@2022
Living Away From Home
For many new boarders, arriving at TISB to board may be the first time they have spent a significant amount of time away from home, family and friends. The staff at TISB are fully aware of this and put a number of strategies in place to help support the new boarders.
Arrival at the Beginning of Term
➢ New boarders should arrive between 8.00 and 8.15am on Saturday 30 July and induction and orientation activities will be organised to help new boarders to settle in, see above.
➢ There will be an opportunity to meet Houseparents on arrival who will inform the parents and new boarders of their room allocation.
➢ On arrival any medication (which should be clearly labelled), prescriptions should be handed over to the nurses at the medical center and the medical condition should be discussed with the Doctor / Nurses. Passports should be handed over to the Houseparents for secure keeping
➢ There will be no requirement for cash on campus.
➢ Parents are asked to leave the school site by 4.00pm and may return to school on Sunday 31 July at 12.30pm for lunch.
At the start of the academic year, existing boarders should arrive at school between 7.00am and 8.00pm on the day preceding the first day of school.
Making your space your own
We encourage you to bring personal items with you to decorate your space and make it feel like home. That could be photos, pictures or cards for your noticeboard, and even soft toys! Anything that helps you to enjoy your space and make it comfortable for you. Your room is yours. It is your space, and it is important to make it personal and to keep it tidy throughout the week – for your mental wellbeing, and safety.
Other facilities in the boarding houses
In the boarding houses there are common rooms and music rooms which you are welcome to use at your leisure. Staff members are available in the House Office from 6.00 to 8.00am and from 3:00 to 10:30 pm on weekdays. During the weekends, staff members are always available.
Contact with Home
We request that all boarders of all Grades use basic (not smart) phones as many students set up hotspots which interferes with and diminishes the school network, or they play games rather than socialising or calling parents. All smart phones will be collected in and stored in a lockable cupboard for weekends out or at the end of term. Any misuse of a smart phone will result in confiscation.
Boarders are allowed to use their mobile phones once after-school clubs have finished, or between 5.00 pm and 5.30pm and between 8.45pm and 9.15pm to call home.
Outside of these hours, parents should contact the Head of House or Houseparents in case of emergency. The school landline number is +91 80 67235900
Extension numbers are given below:
Students and parents can also use the Reception numbers (207) to establish contact, and the Medical Center telephone lines (212 and 218) for emergency situations.
Dealing with Homesickness
A perfectly natural, albeit challenging, reaction to spending time away from home for the first time is homesickness. It will take some time for new boarders to get used to their new surroundings and routine, but the staff and other boarders will be there to support them.
Homesickness tends to reoccur after a weekend at home or after a school break, especially in the early stages of boarding. There are some tried and tested ways to help cope with homesickness including:
➢ Limiting the number of times your child calls home. This can be tough for parents, but establishing a regular time and day for a call to home can help to allow time for your son or daughter to settle in. For some families a complete break in communication for a week or so can also help with settling in.
➢ Encouraging your son or daughter to involve themselves fully in their academic studies and in the numerous clubs and activities on offer, with team sports being especially effective. Keeping busy and occupied will create opportunities to make new friends and reduce the time to think about home.
➢ Resisting the temptation to be an over-protective parent. Of course, parents should be there for their son or daughter, but it is also important for the new boarders to adjust to life in school and learn to cope with situations on their own, with the support of their Houseparents and the school.
➢ Understanding that it takes time to adjust. A new boarder will need time to learn the new daily routines and expectations. Parents can often be told only the worst parts of their child’s day at school, which can be difficult to deal with from a distance. The likelihood is that 99% of the day was exciting, engaging and educational!
Buddy System
Each new boarder will be assigned a buddy who will take care of them and show them around the school on their arrival. This relationship enables each new boarder to be able to seek advice and guidance from their buddy and aims to avoid disorientation and isolation in the first few weeks after joining the school. Buddies will be allocated from within the boarding house and will be of a similar grade (where possible).
Guidelines for Good Behaviour
We hope that by following these guidelines, we will create a happy and harmonious home for all:
• Keep music and noise to a minimum during quiet times.
• Respect other’s right to privacy – do not enter rooms without permission or when someone else is not present.
• Be kind and considerate of others.
• Keep rooms and communal spaces tidy.
• Ensure good time keeping and organization.
• Be polite and treat others with respect.
Local Guardians
All parents of boarders are required to appoint a Local Guardian in accordance with the Local Guardian Policy, which can be found in the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Boarding.
The Local Guardian Form (also found in the Parent Portal under School Information / Bookmarks & Links) should be completed and returned before the start of the academic year. Parents who do not wish to sign the Local Guardian Form will be asked to complete the Non-Local Guardian Form.
Keeping Rooms Tidy
Each boarder has a wardrobe and desk for the storage of their belongings; it is important that both students and parents realise that space is limited There are two laundry sessions per week and most of their time, throughout the week, students will be in their uniform. Therefore, we request that you are mindful of how many additional clothes and items are brought into boarding. Any items that cannot fit into the wardrobe and desk must be taken home as no items can be stored in suitcases or bags in the rooms.
We recommend that you bring one large suitcase with you – it tends to be just the right number of items for you to keep tidy! You will also find that you will accumulate more things throughout the year, so it is important to bear this in mind when planning for going home. Suitcases and travel bags must not be kept in the rooms and will be taken to the storeroom after they are unpacked on the same day of their arrival
Designated time on Sunday is used by boarders to organise their belongings and to maintain the tidiness of their rooms. Each boarder is allocated:
• one lockable wardrobe where personal items should be kept using a personal padlock
• one desk
• one pinboard
If a boarder is found to have damaged school property, then parents will be notified and charged for the repair or replacement of the damaged property.
Staff Accessing Rooms
Staff have permission to access boarders’ rooms and will do so with reason and in a polite and considerate manner. Should boarding staff need to investigate a situation, they will do so following the Searching and Confiscation Policy which can be accessed via the Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Policies
Fire Alarm
If you hear a fire alarm it is important that you leave the boarding house promptly. You should not run or talk during this time, nor should you return for any personal possessions. During boarding hours, the assembly point is outside the respective Boarding Houses. We run regular fire drills in boarding to help you know what to do during an emergency. This should always be treated as if it were a real fire.
Daily Routine
At TISB there are no compulsory early morning activities, but options will be available.
Golden Time
Boarders in Grades 6 – 11, Monday – Thursday, are given ample time after school to complete their homework/prep during structured study known as ‘Golden Time’, which is supervised by residential academic staff.
Golden Time 1 6.00 - 7.00
Break 7.00 - 7.15
Golden Time 2 7.15 - 8.15
Grade 6 – 8 students will not need their laptops in school, but Teams will be needed for homework.
Grade 9 students may need laptops for lessons and for Golden Time when required.
Grade 10 students who do subjects with coursework will be allowed to use laptops during Golden Time. Duration and recurrence are agreed with subject teachers depending on tasks set and exam board requirements.
Grade 11 may use laptops during second Golden Time
Additional Academic Support
Staff are always willing to assist students with their studies, within reason. Many of the academic staff live on site, and through prior arrangement, are able to give extra support when possible
ICT Acceptable Use Policy – Students
All students and their parents are required to read and agree to the ICT Acceptable Use Policy. The policy and digital signature form can be found here: ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Students and is also available in Parent Portal under School Information / Documents & Information / Policies / Senior School Policies
Mobile Phones
As previously stated, we are requesting that boarding students do not use smart phones. In addition, students are not allowed to use their mobile phones during the school day. If a student is found to be using their phone, then it may be confiscated. The Mobile Phone Policy can be found on the Parent Portal for further clarification.
Boarders are allowed to use their mobile phones between 4.30pm and 5.30pm, or when they have completed after-school activities, and between 8.45pm and 9.15pm to call home. All phones are handed in at night. Boarders are not permitted to have an additional phone with them.
Use of Laptops
Students in from Grades 6 to 12 are given permission to have laptops in school for educational use at specified times. Students must abide by the teachers’ instructions of when they are allowed to use their devices. Laptops are handed in at night. TISB will not be responsible for loss or damages of laptops.
Use of Wi-Fi
Due to safety and proper behaviour, all video platforms are blocked except for MS Teams. Students who require access to YouTube or similar platforms for academic purposes can access them from one of the computer labs (202 or 306). Computer labs will be accessed between 5pm and 6pm on weekdays and 11:30am to 1pm on weekends.
Grades 6 to 9 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Grade 10 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Grade 11 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Grade 12 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM
During certain holidays Wi-Fi network with password will be shared with students alongside additional access to platforms (e.g., Netflix and Prime). This network will be accessible to students from 6am to 12am.
During certain exams Wi-Fi time extension may also happen following approval from teachers and leadership.
Online Tuition
All video conferencing platforms will be blocked by the school firewall. Therefore, boarders will not be permitted to sign up and subscribe to online tutoring lessons. Boarders will have the opportunity to consult on-campus teachers to clarify and clear their doubts and queries.
If you do NOT wish your son or daughter to appear in any photographs or other publications, then please email the respective head of houses clearly giving the name and grade of your son or daughter.
Social Media
The school has a number of official social media accounts that we use to share the numerous events that happen in school on a daily basis. The news updates can be seen on the website, but please do follow the accounts as well: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter can be followed at TISBangalore. Photos will be put on SmugMug and videos on YouTube
There is an exclusive Instagram account for boarding and we encourage parents to subscribe to this account to keep up to date with activities in boarding.
Structured Meals in the Cafeteria
Boarders will be provided with three meals per day in the cafeteria, where there is a buffet system offering Indian and Continental choices. The three-weekly rotation of Menus can be found in the Parent Portal
Breakfast 6.50 – 7.40
Juice Break 10.00 – 10.25
Staggered Lunch 12.00 – 1.10
Afternoon Snack 3.10 – 3.25
Street Food 4.30 – 5.30
Dinner 8.10 – 8.40
Food Committee
The food committee meets regularly to look at changes and improvements in the food being served to all students. In each boarding house there is an anonymous suggestion box for feedback and suggestions about the food.
Food Deliveries (including birthday cakes)
Students or indeed parents are not allowed to order food for delivery from outside vendors and this does include birthday cakes Parents can order a birthday cake from the school kitchens via the Head of House and the cost will be put onto the pocket money account.
Students are given extra snacks during Juice Break at 10.00am and after school at 3.10pm. The snacks menu is available to view in the boarding houses
Street Food Café and Tuck Shop
In addition to the structured mealtimes, boarders can buy Street Food or other items from the Tuck Shop from between 4.30-4.30pm every day The Tuck Shop operates a cashless system as students use their School ID cards to purchase items The charges for Street Food will be added to the pocket money account. Currently, after consultation with current parents, we have set the upper limit for a student’s expenditure at Rs 5000 per month, however, parents are able to adjust this amount by contacting Mr Gopinathan headofboaridng@tisb.ac.in. The use of the ID card for payment is monitored, any misuse will be dealt with according to Rewards and Sanctions.
Boarders are allowed to keep tuck in their dorms, but certain guidelines do apply:
• Tuck should be stored in school supplied boxes which will be kept locked
• Boarders can bring in such items as crisps, cereal bars, dried fruit, biscuits/cookies, chocolate, juice and Indian savoury snacks.
• Boarders should not bring in tinned meat, packets of breakfast cereal, noodles, perishable items or fizzy drinks.
• Tuck should not be seen as a substitute for meals.
• Tuck is allowed to be eaten during free time in the boarding house, but not after lights out.
• All waste should be disposed of in the appropriate bins.
• Boarders should not force others to share their tuck or steal from others.
• Boarders may not take tuck into school.
ONLY Grade 12 boarders have the privilege of having a pantry facility where they can make hot drinks, cook and prepare snacks as well as store food and drinks. Boarders in other grades do not have access to this facility and should adhere to the guidelines regarding tuck.
Weekends are less structured, and students are given ample opportunity to take part in sport, spend time with friends and catch up on academic work. Regular outings such as theatre trips, mall trips, cycling trips, trekking and other adventure trips are organised for boarders. Activities within the campus such as camping, barbecue nights, talent night cooking and fun sports are also organised.
School Uniform And Equipment
It is an expectation of the school that students have high standards and take pride in their appearance. The PE uniform should be worn daily, except during end of term exam weeks and when students represent the school at external events, when the formal uniform should be worn. The Uniform Policy can be found in the Parent Portal.
School Uniform Shop (Stores)
NB. Uniform should be ordered in advance, via this link: Uniform Order Form, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic production of uniform has been delayed and may not arrive in time for the start of term. Parents and students should not worry as there will be many students in the same predicament. New students should initially order the recommended number of items. Any queries should be sent to uniform@tisb.ac.in
Extra items of uniform can be ordered during term time via the Uniform Order Form and can be collected from Stores on Wednesdays between 10am and 1pm. For the most part, orders will be available for collection after 7 days.
All clothes should be clearly marked with the student’s name and are the owner’s responsibility Items bought during term time must be marked by the student or boarding staff.
Prices of school uniform items can be found on the Uniform Order Form, or in the Senior School Parents’ Handbook
Bath towel
Hand towel
Personal pillow
Spare glasses/contact lenses (if required)
Soap/shower gel
Wash bag Shampoo & conditioner
Toothbrush & toothpaste
Shaving kit (if required)
Laptop (optional) for Grade 9 and above
Water bottle
Feminine hygiene products
Personal sunscreen
Specialist sports equipment (e.g. tennis racket, mouth guard etc)
Reading books and board games
Bed linen – optional, as school does provide Padlock (with key or combination)
Pencil case Mosquito repellent
Hangers Optional musical instrument/s
School books backpack
Backpack for school trips
Sunscreen Water bottle
Please note that for hygiene purposes we are also requesting that boarders bring their own pillows. All bedding, including blankets, sheets and pillowcases, are provided.
Valuable Items
Students should not bring valuable items to boarding as TISB is unable to take responsibility for such items (e.g., jewellery, cameras, clothing). If there is no option but to bring such items to boarding, then any valuable items should be handed to staff for safe keeping.
One of the reasons that parents and students wish to come into boarding is to build independence and develop responsibility; therefore, we view laundry and bed making as an area that students need to take ownership of.
School uniform and sports uniform will be washed and ironed by the school Laundry according to the rota below. All students will have two opportunities a week to have personal and bedding to be washed.
It is important that parents and students of all Grades abide and follow the system in order to ensure clothes and bedding are washed regularly and without loss.
The system is:
• All Boarders have a laundry number, and all items of clothing should be marked/labelled with this number
• Boarders are responsible for gathering their items for laundry. There is a limit of 15 items and the sock/underwear bag each wash
• All clothes should be placed in a boarder’s named laundry bag for collection
• The student is responsible for completing a laundry slip (similar to those found in hotels) confirming the list of items in the laundry bag. Discrepancies will be investigated and may result in the bag not being washed
• Personal clothing and bedding should be placed in a specific area for collection
• Clean laundry and bedding can be collected after school
Students are responsible for making their own bed. Boarding staff will assist.
Laundry Rota
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
What Not to Bring
Students should use common sense when deciding what to bring with them into their boarding houses. If there if any doubt, please ask the Head of House. Although this should not be seen as an exhaustive list, students should not bring:
• Fireworks, BB guns, air guns, laser pens, knives or weapons of any description, televisions, large stereo systems, DVD players, refrigerators, irons, kettles, microwaves, pornographic material, violent or other inappropriate movies
• Skateboards, roller skates, inline skates
• Dongles – students should not connect to an outside provider using dongles, but instead use the filtered and monitored school Wi-Fi system as detailed in the Acceptable Use Policy – Students.
• Expensive jewellery or electrical items
• Credit cards and cash
Guidelines for the exit process for boarders
A boarder is permitted to leave the campus only if he / she is signed out by one of the following;
1. his / her parents,
2. his / her local guardian,
3. the driver who is registered with the school to sign the student out from the campus.
The link for registration of the driver is given below:
Driver and vehicle information
The driver must be an employee of the parents or the local guardian. We do not permit boarders to go off-campus with cab drivers due to safety reasons. It is very important that parents confirm that they take complete responsibility for their son / daughter’s safety and for their behavior during the time their son / daughter’s time offcampus. The school reserves the right to impose the full range of disciplinary consequences, including dismissal, on any student who misbehaves off-campus in any context.
Please note that boarders cannot use the school bus facility to go off-campus for the weekends.
The request for the exit of a boarder from the campus must include the following details.
1. The date and time of the proposed exit,
2. The details of the person who will be signing the boarder out from the campus,
3. The place where the boarder is going once signed out from the campus,
4. The time of return to the boarding house.
Boarders going off campus for the weekend are expected to return to the boarding house at the latest by 8:00 pm on Sunday, if they have classes on Monday. Permission is not granted for them to return on Monday morning. Parents may visit their son or daughter on site during the weekends and sign them out for leave. Parents should check that their son or daughter is not involved in a school commitment such as sporting or academic event or other activity or have homework obligations.
If parents are planning to take their son or daughter out of school for the weekend, then the Housemaster or Housemistress should be informed and approve it
Any request for the weekend exit of a boarder must reach the respective Head of House at the latest by the Wednesday of that week.
Boarders going off-campus for the weekend can be provided with a maximum of Rs. 2500/- if the mail in this regard is received from the parents by Monday at the latest of that week. This is possible subject to the availability of enough balance in the boarder’s pocket money account.
Parents requesting permission for their child’s exit from the campus to go to the house of another student must sign a temporary guardianship form. The link to the Temporary Guardianship form is given below.
Temporary Guardianship form
This form must be filled in and signed by both the parents of the child and the host parents. Digital signatures in temporary guardianship form will not be acceptable. The exit of boarders after both the parents signs the temporary guardianship form can be permitted only if the host parents can come directly to school to sign the exit slip. The driver of the host parents will not be allowed to pick the students.
If a boarder goes off campus and if his / her visit off campus involves an overnight stay, it is a requirement that the school receives the information from the parents as to where the child will be staying overnight.
If a boarder is going to the house of the local guardian, the mail from parents and the confirmation from the local guardian about this arrangement are required before the exit procedure is prepared.
Exits for breaks / holidays
Boarders are permitted to travel back home for the school holidays like Dasara break and Diwali break. During the Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Break the school will be closed, and therefore boarding will also be closed. The travel plans of the boarders must reach the respective point of contact at least two weeks in advance.
The travel plan must include the following details;
If the boarder is signed out by his parents / his local guardian / his driver, the same procedure as mentioned for weekend exits must be followed – but two weeks before the break begins.
If the parents of boarders want their child to use the school transport to go to the airport, the following details must reach the respective Heads of houses at least two weeks before the date of departure for the break / holiday.
1. Flight tickets - both onward and return tickets,
2. Unaccompanied minor forms if the child travels as an unaccompanied minor*,
3. Copies of the transit papers including Marhaba
4. Boarders using school transport for travel to / from the airport are advised to wear PE T-shirts during their departure and arrival at the airport. This helps to identify the students easily – particularly when they arrive at the airport.
Please note that early departure before a break or late arrival after a break must be strictly avoided. Domestic flights should depart after 7.30pm
International flights should depart after 9.00pm
The Heads of Houses will send the following details once the transport arrangement is ready.
1. Photo of the driver
2. Phone number of the driver
3. Vehicle details.
The driver will wait in front of the arrival gate with a placard bearing the name of the child and the arrival details. In case of any difficulty at the airport, boarders are advised to contact us on this mobile number, +91 9141007119. The vehicle will leave immediately once the boarder meets the driver. The vehicle will not be stopped on the way for any reason except a medical emergency.
Unaccompanied minor:
* Parents booking their child’s ticket as an unaccompanied minor have to pay the required charges while booking the ticket.
Information regarding booking the child as an unaccompanied minor has to be shared with the respective Head of House well in advance so that we will be able to share the details of the driver with the parents.
Boarders traveling back to other cities of India will be provided Rs. 2500/- as travel allowance and boarders traveling to other countries will be provided Rs 5000/- as travel allowance. This amount will be deducted from their pocket money account.
When returning to school, boarders should be in their boarding houses by 8.00pm.
Boarders should try to arrange travel for the last day of term so travel plans do not interfere with academic studies. During Dasara, Diwali and February short mid-term break the boarding houses will remain open should boarders prefer to stay on site.
Third Party Leave
• If a student is to be collected by a third party such as a friend, relative or driver, then this information must be provided by the parent or Local Guardian in writing/email.
• A host may not sign out more than two students for an overnight stay at any time. In special circumstances the host may seek permission from the Head of Boarding.
• The person collecting the student/s must meet with the Houseparent, show ID and sign the leave book
• A definite time of return must be set, and should this change, the host must contact the Houseparent to change the arrangements.
• The student must sign in and report to the Houseparent on their return
Regular Arrangements
Many students regularly stay for a weekend with the same host. Parents should contact the Houseparent to make these arrangements.
Medical Center
TISB is very fortunate to have an onsite fully staffed Medical Center that is open 24 hours a day. If a student is ill or injured, they should report to the Medical Center where a School Nurse will be on duty.
Minor ailments and injuries will be attended to by the Medical Center; with anything more serious being seen by the resident school doctor. Students can also meet school counselors at our medical center.
Please ensure that routine medical and dental appointments are made during the school holiday, so that they do not disrupt academic work during term time.
Parents should ensure that the Medical Center is kept up to date of any medical treatment or conditions that students may have received during the holidays and even more important if it is continuing during term time.
All medicines should be given to the Medical Center for safe-keeping and for administration.
Resident Doctor Email: doctor@tisb.ac.in
Medical Center Email: medicalcenter@tisb.ac.in
Medical Center contact Numbers: +91 80 67235900 Extn 212 & 218
General Information
After School Activities
TISB offers numerous co-curricular activities which take place between 3.30pm and 4.50pm during term time. We encourage students to take part in as many activities as possible as during this time the boarding houses are closed. Details can be found in the Parent Portal and the New Parents’ Handbook.
Common Areas in Boarding Houses
The common areas in the boarding houses are furnished with sofas and chairs, a television, landline telephones and board games.
Computing Facilities
Students have access to computers in the library which can be used when the library is open. (See Library Opening Times below).
Mr Naveen Tom (tnaveen@tisb.ac.in), Deputy Principal Pastoral liaises closely with the academic staff and boarding staff to prevent and manage pastoral issues among both day and boarding students.
Boarders can book an appointment via the online booking system and then meet them at their office in the school wellbeing centre as per the scheduled timings.
More senior boarders may be asked to assist with whole school duties, such as showing parents and prospective students around the school during Open Mornings and taking on certain responsibilities as assigned by the Principal.
Emergency Evacuation
Planned fire evacuation procedures are practiced throughout the year and details can be found in the Fire Evacuation Guidelines document in the Parent Portal.
The School does not take any responsibility for students’ personal valuables including electronic equipment that is brought onto campus. We advise parents to arrange insurance cover for any valuable items such as laptops and mobile phones. It is the responsibility of the owner of the equipment to take responsibility for their possessions.
Letters and Parcels Sent to School
Mail of any sort should be addressed to the Boarder at:
The International School Bangalore
NAFL Valley
Whitefield - Sarjapur Road
Near Dommasandra Circle
Bangalore 562 125
It is important to mention the name of the house where the boarder is staying.
Parcels will be kept by the Reception on delivery and arrangements will be made for the delivery of the parcel to the student.
Students are allowed to order from Amazon (paid for by parents) and deliveries will be kept at Reception for collection. However, a recommendation to parents is to not send expensive items via online delivering platforms. The school is not responsible if these items cannot be traced or tracked. Wherever there is a possibility boarders should purchase these items when they return to boarding houses after a scheduled holiday, or they should get these items delivered through their local guardian or registered drivers.
Library Timings
The Library is open at the following times:
7.40 am till 4.00 pm
5.45 pm-8.15 pm (for study during Golden Time – no library services)
8.45 pm-9.40 pm
10.00 am till 1.00 pm
6.15 pm till 8.00 pm
8.30- 9.40pm
Lost Property
All boarders’ possessions should be clearly named and looked after. Items that have been lost and found will be put in the Lost Property Cupboard, near the Reception.
Medical Insurance
If parents choose to take out a medical insurance policy for their son or daughter, please inform the boarding staff of the details.
Generally listening to music should be done through headphones so as not to disturb others.
Pocket Money and Valuables
TISB is a no-cash campus, there is no need for students to carry any money or keep money in their cupboards. If boarders do bring money into school it must be handed in to the Houseparents. This money will be deposited in the pocket money account of the boarder. The receipt for the same will be sent to the parents by the respective Head of House. If boarders choose to keep money themselves, then the school cannot be held responsible for it.
Valuable items such as Aadhaar Card or Passport must be handed in for safe keeping. Boarders are given pocket money when going on outings, and the amount is determined according to the trip and will be deducted from the pocket money account.
ATM cards and Credit cards