1 minute read

New Student Acceptance Pack



Each Grade has a Grade Coordinator, and their email contacts are listed below. If you have any queries prior to the start of term, please email the student's Grade Coordinator

Grade 6 Dr Sindhu ssindhu@tisb.ac.in

Grade 7 Ms Velina mvelina@tisb.ac.in

Grade 8 Mr Ajay sajay@tisb.ac.in

Grade 9 Mrs Gunjan gunjanjyoti@tisb.ac.in

Grade 10 Mrs Bhaswati bbhaswati@tisb.ac.in

Grade 11 Ms Vijayalakshmi jvijayalakshmi@tisb.ac.in

Grade 12 Mr Bimal rbimal@tisb.ac.in

The student will also have a Form Tutor which you will be informed of at the start of the school. They should be your first point of contact for any queries for the remainder of the academic year


We distribute the necessary textbooks to each student at the start of school


If they do not already have one, Grade 7, 8 and 9 students are required to purchase a scientific calculator

We recommend the following calculator CASIO Scientific Calculators fx-991 EX

You may enquire/buy from Email Id: casio.shreeji@gmail.com Website: www.ezbuy.co.in


For boarding families, please read through the Boarding Handbook 2023-2024 for more information and details about boarding

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