The Banking Crisis A Time for Introspection Richard K. Davis ’83, Chairman, President & CEO, U.S. Bancorp
n Student fee increase. Undergraduate student
fees will increase from $3,658 per year to $4,662 annually, and there will be comparable increases for graduate, credential and non-resident students. One-third of the fee increase will be set aside for need-based scholarships. n Reduced admissions. We are expecting 1,200 fewer college-eligible community college transfers and first-time freshmen this fall. Summer enrollment was cut by 38 percent. CSUF has closed spring 2010 undergraduate admission. n Salary and hiring freeze. Nonessential positions will not be filled, and we have instituted travel and purchasing restrictions. n Furloughs. A twice-monthly furlough plan began in August, affecting virtually all faculty and staff members. n Operating expenses. We continue to seek other cost-saving measures. We truly appreciate the efforts of our faculty, staff, students and administrators whose ongoing sacrifices allow us to maintain the quality of our institution. In spite of the budget crisis, Cal State Fullerton is committed to future success – in graduating well-prepared students, generating funds to support the campus, and showcasing the success of our alumni. Despite the challenges we face, I am confident that the university community will pull together to continue to serve our students and support the regional economy with graduates who are ready to be productive members of the workforce.
Presi dent /View point
It goes without saying
that we need your support now more than ever. While no single solution to the California State University budget crisis provides the answer to the system’s $584 million budget shortfall – the largest deficit in its history – the support of individuals, corporations and foundations will be critical in the months to come. California State University, Fullerton’s share of this unprecedented shortfall is $38.7 million for 2009-10. We have no choice but to take steps to bring our budget in line with the deficit. A decrease of this size will have serious effects on campus operations and bring fundamental changes to the way we do business. I am working with universitywide advisory groups to address this significant reduction. In the meantime, we are taking the following steps:
TITAN FA L L 2 0 0 9 / VO LU M E 9, N U M B E R 1
Titan is the magazine of Cal State Fullerton, published by University Advancement for alumni, friends and the university community. We welcome your observations, news and comments. E D I TO R
Cathi Douglas ’80 A RT D I R EC TO R
Howard Chang ’00 W R I T E RS
Russ L. Hudson, Mimi Ko Cruz ’91, Pamela McLaren ’79, Valerie Halleen Orleans ’80, Debra Cano Ramos ’84 CO N T R I B U TO RS
Bruce Bourquin, Marcia Escobosa ’94, Jeanine Hill, Katie McGill, Kathy Pomykata ’80, Geri Silveira, Kym Snew ’10, Chris Strong P H OTO G RA P H E R
Kelly Lacefield P RO DUC T I O N P L A N N E R
Andrea Kelligrew’99 S E N I O R D I R EC TO R, D ES I G N D EV E LO P M E N T
Mishu Vu PU B L I S H E RS
Dr. Milton A. Gordon President Pamela C. Hillman Vice President, University Advancement Jeffrey D. Cook Associate Vice President, University Advancement T I TA N A DV I SO RY B OA R D
Sherry Angel ’78, Janine Fiddelke Arp ’80, Elaine Beno ’83, Jeff Brody, David Ferrell ’78, Dianna Lopez Fisher, Michael Mahi ’83, Chris Meyer, Bill Prichard ’79, Bobbi Rice ’82, Paula Selleck, Andi Stein, Kelly Teenor ’86,’96, Greg Young’90
Sincerely, University Operator 657-278-2011 Titan Magazine 657-278-4850 P.O. Box 6826, Fullerton, CA 92834-6826
Milton A. Gordon President, California State University, Fullerton
TITANmagazine@fullerton.edu Nonprofit standard postage paid at Fullerton, CA. © 2009 California State University, Fullerton. Mail list updates occasionally result in error or oversight. Report concerns to: Talumni@fullerton.edu or 657-278-2586
Contents 4 Titans of the Workplace Who employs our alumni? Cal State Fullerton grads can be found virtually everywhere.
6 The Banking Crisis: A Time for Introspection Richard K. Davis ’83 (B.A. economics) – who has been called one of the nation’s most influential leaders in the financial services industry – is chairman, president and CEO of U.S. Bancorp, the parent company of U.S. Bank. The sixth-largest bank in the country, U.S. Bank has $264 billion in assets and more than 2,500 banking offices in 24 states.
10 Surviving and Thriving in a Weak Economy In order to offer new perspective to today’s economy, Titan Magazine asked Cal State Fullerton specialists for their thoughts on various aspects of personal finance. From recognizing possible tax breaks to saving for a
rainy day, their insights and ideas may help you navigate successfully through the recession.
20 Annual Report: The Giving Tradition We are reminded once again of the myriad ways in which Cal State Fullerton is enriched by the generosity of alumni, students, faculty, parents and friends.
COVER Richard K. Davis ’83 says today’s economic crisis provides the perfect
2 University News 12 Alumni Association News 14 Class Notes
opportunity for introspection. It’s a time for consumers to be particularly thoughtful about financial decisions. Cover image by Chris Strong
University News
For more campus news, please visit www.fullerton.edu/news.
Theatre Majors Win National Awards Cal State Fullerton theatre arts majors won two acting awards and a major design prize, presented at the 41st annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival in April. It was the first time in the history of the Irene Ryan Scholarship auditions that students from one university won both national titles. Students Meredith Hinckley and Adam Navarro from CSUF’s Department of Theatre and Dance won the national fellowships. Hinckley was recognized for her work in “The Night of the Iguana” and Navarro won for “As You Like It.” Joseph Holbrook won the Barbizon Award for Theatrical Design Excellence in Scene Design for an on-campus production, “Urinetown the Musical.” The honor has an honorarium and all-expenses-paid trip to New York City for the National Design Portfolio at Lincoln Center. Hinckley also won the Classical Acting Award of Excellence, which includes a two-week internship at Canada’s prestigious Shaw Festival. Navarro also received a yearlong internship at the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, D.C. CSUF student LaTasha Tobias received the O’Neill Institute Internship for the summer. Susan Hallman, chair and professor of theatre and dance, said the awards given to her students were “a remarkable achievement and testimony to the quality of our students, faculty, staff and institutional support.”
Congratulations to the Class of 2009 Commencement speaker U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Cal State Fullerton President Milton A. Gordon enjoy the crowd May 24 during this year’s Commencement, which included the largest graduating class in university history. CSUF alumnus Jack O’Connell ’73 (B.A. history), state superintendent of public instruction, addressed Cal State Fullerton’s Class of 2009 during the previous day’s ceremony. Prior to being confirmed as secretary of labor in February, Solis was a four-term congresswoman representing the 32nd District that includes East Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley. During her congressional career, Solis championed workers’ rights and was the author of the Green Jobs Act, which funded “green” job training. She received the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award in 2000.
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Tweet and Share!
Cal State Fullerton now has official Twitter and Facebook pages, with additional
social networking sites coming. Using these social media allows you to keep up with what’s going on at CSUF as well as engage in conversations with other Tweeple and Facebook fans. On our pages, you’ll find useful information, inspiring stories, news and other timely information. Visit www.fullerton.edu and click on the Twitter or Facebook icons. If you’re an alumnus or an alumna , be sure to check out the CSUF Alumni Association’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Flickr pages to connect and network with other CSUF alumni. Visit www.fullerton.edu/alumni and click on the appropriate icon. We look forward to getting together with you.
University History Books Available Through Titan Shops “The Fullerton Way: 50 Years of Memories at Cal State Fullerton” is a history of the campus that combines narrative and analysis of the development of the university from its origin in 1959 to 2009. Authored by Lawrence de Graaf, history professor emeritus, and a team of students, alumni and university staff, it is available through the Titan bookstore. Prices are $24.99 for soft-bound and $29.99 for hard cover, and checks should be made payable to Titan Shops. Send orders to: Titan Shops, California State University, Fullerton, P.O. Box 6828, Fullerton, CA 92834-6828, or order online at www.titanbookstore.com. CSUF Among Top in Nation In Graduating Minority Students Diverse Issues in Higher Education ranks Cal State Fullerton sixth in the nation for the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded to minority students. The listing, based on 2007-08 data from the U.S. Department of Education, was included in the publication’s June 25 “Top 100 Degree Producers” issue and posted online. The magazine also ranks Cal State Fullerton first in the nation for communication/journalism degrees, third for public administration and social service professions degrees, fourth for education degrees and fifth for business degrees awarded to minorities. The magazine also ranks CSUF sixth in the nation and second in the state for the number of undergraduate degrees awarded to Hispanics – rankings that match those published earlier this year by Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education.
n Pauline
Univer sity/I nBri ef
Mihaylo College Awarded Maximum Extension The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business extended the full five-year term of accreditation for Cal State Fullerton’s Steven G. Mihaylo College of Business and Economics. “It is wonderful to have AACSB reaffirm the outstanding performance of Mihaylo College in fulfilling its mission and meeting its goals,” Dean Anil K. Puri said. “The excellent work of our faculty and staff earned its recognition, and we look forward to reaching even higher goals in the coming years.” The college is among 5 percent of business schools worldwide to have earned accreditation.
Abbott, director of the Institute
of Gerontology, received the Birren Senior Scholar Award from the California Council of Gerontology and Geriatrics Association, which recognizes outstanding achievements by individuals who have spent the majority of their careers working in and contributing to the fields of gerontology and geriatrics in California. “I’m so honored by this award, because it is a recognition by my peers,” Abbott said. n
Joseph H. Arnold Jr., veteran professor of theatre and dance who has
been serving as associate dean of Cal State Fullerton’s College of the Arts, is the new dean of the college. “Dr. Arnold is exceedingly well-prepared to lead our nationally recognized College of the Arts and to continue the college’s stellar history of serving as the teaching laboratory for the region’s brightest minds and talented students in the visual and performing arts,” said President Milton A. Gordon. n
Grewal, professor of electrical engineering and an internationally recognized authority
on satellite global positioning, is Cal State Fullerton’s Outstanding Professor award
recipient for 2009. Grewal, who earned his doctorate at USC, enjoys an international reputation for contributions to the development of the space-based positioning, navigation and timing systems that lie at the heart of the increasingly common global positioning technology found in everything from smart phones to navigation systems.
Michael E. Loverude, a scientist
students call “awesome,” “exceptional” and “outstanding,” whom they credit with helping them enjoy learning physics, is this year’s recipient of the Carol Barnes Excellence in Teaching Award. Loverude, associate professor of physics, was recognized as demonstrating academic rigor in teaching consistent with the university’s mission and goals. “The process of teaching and learning is at the very core of my professional being,” Loverude said. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON
Workplace Story by Cathi Douglas ’80
HOW RECENT GRADS ARE BUILDING CAREERS, AND WHY THEY ARE SOUGHT AFTER en Christenson ’00 (B.A. sociology) worked his way through college in restaurants and retail jobs, and then “followed the money” in pursuit of a lucrative career in management at Disneyland, Target and Kohl’s. But when he and his wife adopted two specialneeds children, it opened Christenson’s eyes to the need for special-education teachers. “I think my calling is to work with people,” he realized, and went back to school at Azusa Pacific University, earning a master’s in education and a special-education teaching credential. “Special education means a lot less money, but it’s rewarding,” he said. “I love finding ways that kids can be successful. And today I have a Monday-Friday job with summers off ” to spend much-needed quality time with his own children.
Brett Bittel ’80 (B.A. communications) originally pursued a journalism career, but a valued mentor took him aside and gave him different advice that he has always cherished. “Gary Granville was our adviser to the Daily Titan when I was on staff, and he sat me down at the end of my junior year,” Bittel recalled. “I was burning the candle at both ends, working 30 to 40 hours a week at Ralphs. His recommendation for me was to stay in business – he believed that’s where my passion lay.” Granville was right. Today, Bittel is vice president
and general manager of the Southern California group of Enterprise, responsible for 10 percent of the automobile rental company’s operations worldwide. “It’s a challenging, ever-changing marketplace,” Bittel said of his chosen profession. “Enterprise, as a privately held company, is like an extended family. It’s a very special place.”
T.J. Landig ’06 (B.A. American studies, political science) wanted to be a lawyer. But he discovered he had no passion for practicing law. Instead, he followed one of his childhood dreams. When he was younger, the budding musician conducted marketing for his own band. As a college student, Landig realized that he really wanted to work in the music business. He did an internship with Warner Bros. Music Group, where he became known as a “super intern” because of his work ethic and attitude. Now Landig is assistant to the marketing director and works with artists like Taking Back Sunday, the White Stripes and Disturbed. “Looking back, my CSUF classes were a great preparation for a career,” he said. “Going to college was so important. I owe a lot to Cal State Fullerton.”
Christenson, Bittel and Landig are just a handful of Cal State Fullerton’s more than 200,000 alumni, the majority of whom typically remain in Southern California follow-
ing graduation. Other CSUF grads can be found working in various levels of city, county, state and U.S. government; in engineering, computer science and scientific firms; at Disney and at Coca-Cola. In fact, the list of top employers of Titan grads is so long that, for the university’s 50th anniversary it was impossible to cull the number to just 50, said Jim Case, director of the Career Center, whose current “top employers” list tops 225 companies and organizations. Titans work in Big Four accounting firms, at Nestle, Boeing, Pacific Life and Mercury Insurance. They work at Kraft Foods, American Airlines and Starbucks. Titans are educators in most of the county’s school districts, as well as at UC Irvine, UC Riverside, Chapman University, UCLA and USC. They work in all kinds of nonprofit agencies, including Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Olive Crest and the Orangewood Children’s Foundation.
“ I just think Titans have a business savvy about them. It’s exciting to be recruiting CSUF students.
— Rufus Richardson ’98, Black & Decker
And Titans are hiring Titans in all kinds of careers. Rufus Richardson ’98 (B.A. business administration-marketing) is a recruiter and a national account executive for Black & Decker. “We’re looking for applicants with an internal competitive drive,” Richardson said. “We’re looking for someone who wants to win.” From a business/marketing standpoint, he said, “Titans have a head start with us.” He finds that Titans seem better prepared for the workplace than graduates from other nearby schools. “I just think Titans have a business savvy about them. It’s exciting to be recruiting CSUF students.” Bittel agreed, saying that the more than 150 CSUF grads now employed with Enterprise throughout the country worked hard either in school, at work or both. “They are very focused, ready to work, and ready to get their hands dirty,” he noted. Peter Disi ’08 (B.A. business administration-management) is a human-resources consultant for Southern California Edison. Disi believes that quality is what sets Cal State Fullerton students and graduates apart from others. “Students at CSUF work and go to school. They manage their time, and they are dedicated to what they
T.J. Landig, 25, liked the roster of rock stars represented by Warner Bros. Music Group and so pursued an internship with the company. Today, as assistant to the marketing director, Landig is thrilled to work with bands like The Raconteurs. “I love every artist that I work with,” he said.
do,” Disi said. “They are motivated and analytical; they are great communicators, and they are coachable.” Ashley Morely and Josilin Torrano hire interns for Nickelodeon Animation Studios. While not Titans themselves, they believe that Cal State Fullerton students understand the Nickelodeon culture, work hard, pay their dues and “they just get it.” Nickelodeon recruits all across the country, from places like Cal Arts, Parsons, UCLA, USC and Chapman University, but Morely and Torrano say that not only does the company employ more interns from Cal State Fullerton, but they hire more full-timers from Fullerton than any other school. “We love coming out there for job fairs,” Morely said. “We invest so much in Fullerton, but we get so much back from them.” The main reason Young & Rubicam Brands, an international advertising agency with offices in Irvine, has an effective relationship with Cal State Fullerton, and hires so many interns, is the outstanding Communications Department and the advertising emphasis, said Christine Hays, director of human resources. “The most successful people we hire are eager, hungry and take the initiative. Fullerton seems to attract students who are like this.” n
For more stories about Titans and where they are working, as well as a list of top employers of Cal State Fullerton graduates, please go to www.TitanMag.com/workplace.
The Banking 6
Story by Cathi Douglas ’80 / Images by Chris Strong
Crisis: A Time for Introspection Richard K. Davis ’83, Chairman, President and CEO of U.S. Bancorp, Speaks Out 7 oday Richard K. Davis ’83 (B.A. economics) – who has been called one of the nation’s most influential leaders in the financial services industry – is chairman, president and CEO of U.S. Bancorp, the parent company of U.S. Bank. The sixth-largest bank in the country, U.S. Bank has $264 billion in assets and more than 2,500 banking offices in 24 states. But he remembers growing up in Hacienda Heights in a home where the furniture was covered with plastic. He recalls drying the dishes with threadbare tea towels while a couple of dozen new towels languished on the shelf. These were his Depressionera parents’ thrifty ways of staving off wear and tear on their possessions for as long as possible, sparing the need for extravagant spending. It’s that kind of thinking and those kinds of values – frugal living and wise choices – that Davis
sees as important in today’s uncertain economic times. Whether it is planning for the future with a will or trust, spending money mindfully or investing conservatively, Davis believes that lessons learned from the past should guide the way we think about money now. “The Depression made a permanent impression upon adults who will be forever careful about their finances,” Davis said in a July interview. “Those lessons were hard, painful and permanent.” These days, even as there are some initial indications the downturn may be bottoming-out, it is increasingly important that individuals, organizations and corporations alike review their assets and liabilities with the goal of ensuring adequate risk and returns. “Take stock in everything you own, and decide how to protect it,” Davis recommends. “Be a decent money manager. When you make a decision, see the
Davis said that the economic downturn is the perfect time to be thoughtful about financial decisions. “A recession is the very time to consider everything. It’s a time for introspection.”
alternatives. For instance, I could step up to a better house, but under what circumstances? We each should decide our own unique advantage. “It’s time to be thoughtful about decisions but not afraid to make them. For every issue, there’s an opportunity. Even in a downturn, it’s time to take stock of what you own, check your own risk tolerance. A recession is the very time to consider everything. It’s a time for introspection.” What Davis calls the ultimate chore in taking stock of one’s finances is thinking about wills and trusts. “People don’t want to think about it, but planning is important whether it’s for the distant future or goals for vacations and college education.” Davis predicts that economic recovery will occur very slowly, with permanent recovery trajectories by mid2010. “It’s likely to take two to three years total to get out of the recession,” Davis said. “And I don’t think that we’ll recover back to where we started.” U.S. Bank officials hope the bank will be a leader in the recovery, which will be possible largely because Davis led the company with prudence and careful TITAN M A G. C O M FALL 2009
methodology throughout the economic boom. “We were routinely criticized for not growing fast enough,” Davis noted. But today, the bank is considered particularly strong. “We’re careful investors, and that has turned out to be the right course. We’ve earned that distinction.” Not only did U.S. Bank return its $6.6 billion of the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds in June, the bank is launching a multimillion-dollar, national advertising campaign aimed at introducing its strength, stability and legacy to its key constituencies, beginning with investors and critical decision-makers and ultimately rolling out to consumers throughout its markets. “The headlines are all about companies failing or in distress,” Davis said. “We didn’t fall into distress, and we wanted to protect our depositors. We found the right way to respond appropriately.” The ad campaign, he said, will let consumers know that U.S. Bank is caring for its customers and is a relevant, highly visible partner in the recovery. “When the future is uncertain, you need leaders,” Davis said. “We need leaders who are not Pollyannas, but
also who are not mired in the morass of the downtrodden. We need courage. As the economy struggles, banks are fulfilling the needs of the people. We are vested with that responsibility.” Davis, 51, and a resident of Minnesota where U.S. Bank is based, is incoming chair of one of the nation’s most powerful lobbying groups, the Financial Services Roundtable, representing the top 100 U.S. banks, important insurance and investment companies, and more. “We want people to know that banks are still here to achieve in consumers’ investment future. The industry is capable of being a good steward of consumers’ resources.” In hindsight, Davis said, the recession was a warning for us all that if things seem to be too good, they probably are. “We as a society need to be more prudent. The world is more global now, with the influence of others on the American economy much bigger than we thought. It won’t be the strength of other markets that helps us out of this. ”
leaders are less aware of the implications of the global aspect of this recession and the risk of a slower, multicountry recovery as it will impact the United States. “This current slowdown is unlike many which preceded it in that the worldwide community is suffering from the same economic malaise at the same time,” he said. Davis attributes his vision today in part to his formative experience at Cal State Fullerton. Enrolled as a night student and working fulltime during the day, Davis gained a keen appreciation for the value of an education. “When you do that, you aren’t in it for fun. Education’s real. Those are the people I like to hire, the folks who are working all day and in school at 7 p.m.” In his experience, “I found there was an incredible breadth and depth of educators at Cal State Fullerton. I will forever be grateful to those amazing people.” He believes the world is still in the learning stages of the economic decline. “We’re not finished with economic stress for consumers or for business. A real recession is
“We need leaders who are not Pollyannas, but also who are not
We need courage.
mired in the morass of the downtrodden. As the economy struggles, banks are fulfilling the needs of the people.
We are vested with that responsibility.” - Richard Davis ’83 In addition, he said, brokers, bankers and international fund managers did not realize the degree of the connectivity of markets worldwide. “There is a need for better, more comprehensive regulation that’s more deeply ingrained in our economy than we would have thought.” At the same time, he said, “we are in this with the global community. We’re in a great position to lead with solutions.” Davis noted that consumers and business leaders make future decisions based upon current circumstances. “As a result of this prolonged recession, coupled with no strong evidence that it is ending soon, it is reasonable to note that confidence is very low at this stage of the downturn,” he said. “Accordingly, the recovery will likely be delayed [in part] by the ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ theory that we expect the recovery to be slow and lagging.” It is likely, he said, that consumers and business
under way. We believe it’s time to reevaluate core business needs and adjust for a prolonged economic downturn.” He worries about the sheer numbers of people who are being hurt in the recession, many of them U.S. Bank customers. “We are doing everything to help them,” he said. “We’re keeping them in their cars, reducing their expenses. By the virtue of what I do, I’m all about helping people achieve their dreams.” n
U.S. Bank is the presenting sponsor and Richard K. Davis is guest speaker at the 2009 Economic Forecast Conference with Anil Puri, dean of the CSUF Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, on October 27 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Individual tickets are $125. For more information, please contact Ginny Pace at 657-278-2566.
Surviving and Thriving in a Weak Economy n order to offer new perspective to today’s economy, Titan Magazine asked several Cal State Fullerton specialists for their thoughts on various aspects of personal finance. From recognizing possible tax breaks to saving for a rainy day, their insights and ideas may help you navigate successfully through the recession. For more thoughts on surviving and thriving in a poor economy, including observations about the real estate market, planning for your heirs, insurance costs, protecting your identity and managing your career, please visit www.TitanMag.com/
Saving for a Rainy Day
Mark Hoven Stohs, professor of finance
Over the past 35 years, the personal saving (the portion of personal income that is not spent on current consumption but that is instead used to provide funds to capital markets or invested in real assets such as residences) rate has ranged from a high of 11.2 percent in 1982, to a low of close to zero percent during the first quarter of 2008. Note the recent uptick in the personal saving rate:
While the impact on funding investment in capital markets and real estate is important, as is the related issue of your personal indebtedness, let’s put those aside for now. Let’s just focus on personal savings. People save to prepare for the future – for retirement and for rainy days. Since we expect or hope to receive Social Security upon retirement, and since housing values skyrocketed from 1997–2007 (and the wealth in our homes also contributes to our retirement savings), it is rather easy to guess why the savings rate fell during the 35-year period, and even why it was at a low in early 2008. It also is rather easy to understand why people have started saving again: They are more anxious about their future retirement plans, and their home values (equity) are plummeting. In addition, since we have had many rainy days in the past year or so, those rainy day funds need to be replenished. Let’s consider both the long-term (retirement) and the short-term (rainy day fund). Many retirement planners would recommend having anywhere from 10 to 25 times your current household income as a nest egg. With the median annual household income at about $50,000, you should have about $1 million by the time you plan to retire, which would then provide you with an annual income of $40,000 to 50,000/year in retirement (4 to 5 percent of the total annually). But you can subtract your Social Security income equivalent and the equity in your home from that amount. If you expect to receive $25,000 per year from Social Security, then you only need half a million, and if you expect your home to be worth $500,000 in retirement, then you don’t have to save anything (which may explain the near zero percent personal saving rate in recent years). Even though I am being generous in both Social Security payments and in real estate equity, perhaps we are better at planning than we thought! Home equity, Social Security payments and our nest eggs are intrinsically related. The more of any one of them, the more wealth we have in retirement. Since home equity
has been ravaged and we are becoming more anxious about Social Security, people are saving more. That makes sense. But what about my situation, you ask? How can I weather the most severe recession since the Great Depression? If you are the average person, you are acting rationally – you are saving more. While some of us have already had rainy days (with the unemployment rate at about 10 percent), they are about to begin for others. And you are taking action. By not spending your current income, you are more able to pay those inevitable bills and even to weather the possibility that a spouse is layed off. There is one additional exercise you should complete, namely to track your take-home income and all of your expenses, even to the penny, for three to six months. Your expenses should include all of your monthly debt payments (and other regular monthly payments). You may well be spending money that could be saved for that rainy day. Once you have your budget information, you can then review your habits. For example, do you really need those two bottles of water every day? At 50 cents for a 12-ounce bottle, that is about $5 per gallon – 100 times what we pay in Fullerton (tap water costs about 5 cents per gallon, and we receive quality reports every year). Add in the daily Starbucks drink; soft drinks; monthly cell phone, PDA, Internet and telephone bills and you get the idea. Without writing down all of these daily/monthly costs (in Excel or on paper), you won’t be able to visualize your habits – and your habits can get you into trouble or provide you with a cushion. If you believe that you or your spouse may be without a job for several months or longer, then begin reviewing your budget now!
The Economy’s Impact on Taxes Kathleen K. Wright, professor of accounting
To get the economy going again, taxpayers have benefited from one major tax bill at the federal level (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [ARRA]) and lost most of that benefit through tax increases included in the California budget. n ARRA
1. Making Work Pay credit. Eligible individuals are given a refundable income tax credit for 2009 and 2010, which is equal to the lesser of 6.2 percent of an individual’s earned income or $800 for married taxpayers. Income phase-outs apply. 2. New car deduction. Eligible purchasers of new vehicles can deduct state and local sales taxes. The deduction is claimed on the first $49,500 and income phase-outs apply.
3. First-time homebuyer credit. An $8,000 credit is available to eligible first-time homebuyers for 2009. This credit does not have to be repaid. Income phase-outs also apply. 4. Enhanced $2,500 education credit. 5. Expanded child tax credit. 6. Tax-free distributions from qualified tuition plans for computers. 7. Depreciation incentives and extended net operating loss carry-backs for businesses. n California Budget
To cover California’s expanding deficit, the first budget for 2009/10 included multiple tax increases. That was not enough, and the 2009/10 budget was short by an estimated $24 billion. Tax increases effective 2009: 1. One percent increase in the sales tax effective through July 1, 2011. 2. Increase in the personal income tax rate of .25 percent, which brings the maximum rate up to 9.55 percent (up from 9.3 percent). Effective through January 1, 2011. 3. Increase in the vehicle license fee. n Credits
1. New homebuyer tax credit equal to 5 percent of the purchase price up to $10,000. The house must be “new” to qualify. 2. Small business received a hiring credit of up to $3,000 per increase in full-time equivalent employees. n
Cal State Fullerton specialists offer their additional observations at TitanMag.com/economictips: Managing Your Career in Challenging Times / Jim Case, director, Career Center
How you respond to the pressures of the latest financial challenge or record unemployment rates can derail or jumpstart your career. The Recession and Protection of Personal Identity / Rahul Bhaskar, professor of information systems and decision sciences
Protecting your personal identity information is an urgent necessity during a recession. Planning for Your Heirs / Stephen Tanenbaum, senior director of estate and trust planning
In times of economic stress, the well-being of heirs and family becomes a concern. Insuring Against Risk / Weili Lu, director, Center for Insurance Studies
Individuals and businesses are facing risks every day in the tough economy. Prudent individuals and companies will always value their insurance. Home Equity, Mortgages and More / Michael LaCour-Little, professor of finance
A discussion of the decrease in home equity lending, foreclosures, Southern California home-buying and home-building activities and more.
Alumni/Alumni Association News For the latest news and upcoming events of the Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association, visit www.fullerton.edu/alumni.
Message from Board President Verne Wagner Dear Titan Community, The Alumni Association would like to thank the alumni, friends, parents and students of Cal State Fullerton. Why? There are many reasons you deserve thanks, but I reserve this recognition for the past support you’ve provided our university. Maybe it was a gift to the annual fund; a donation to scholarships; you might be a regular attendee of Front & Center; or perhaps you participate in one of the many Alumni Association events and chapter programs. The gift of your time, talent and financial support has helped us become a distinguished university. We have all been impacted by these challenging economic times. Though we have some tough storms to weather, it is comforting to know that Cal State Fullerton has a community of more than 200,000 alumni who have great Titan Pride and a deep commitment to the well-being of our university. So my message as board president is simple. Keep it up! Reflect upon all the ways Cal State Fullerton has positively influenced your life. Think of your personal story as a college student – the challenges, the opportunities and the celebrations along your journey, and find a way to support programs and services that will help contribute to the student experience today. Some of you may not be in the same “place” you were last year, but everything you do for the university is important. None of us can rely on the next person to step in – we all need to do our part. Do what you can – just do something. Mentor a student, attend a basketball game or give to a scholarship program. Your continued support will help keep Titan Pride alive, provide current students with the college experience they deserve, and offer you continued meaningful experiences with your alma mater. Go Titans!
Did you know that the class of 2009 was the largest commencement in CSUF history, with more than 11,000 participants?
Alumni Association Launches Student Alumni Ambassador Program Student outreach efforts for the fall semester began with a new Student Alumni Ambassadors group. The purpose of the Ambassadors will be to promote, foster and create mutually beneficial relationships among Cal State Fullerton students, alumni, faculty, staff, prospective students and the campus community. Members of the group will have the opportunity to gain leadership and networking skills, develop personal working relationships with the Alumni Association Board of Directors, participate in association-sponsored events, host student events and serve as founding members of this flagship organization. These ambassadors will help bridge the gap between our current students and Titan alumni by developing a tradition of involvement.
New Business Finance Chapter Chartered Left to right: President Thuan Lam ’06; Public Relations Officer Dung Vu ’04; Board Member Ivan Cardenas ’06; Vice President Judy Trong ’07; and Treasurer Nicole Dagampat ’07 are officers in the Business Finance
Verne Wagner ’77 President Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association
Chapter. The chapter’s goal is to provide Cal State Fullerton business finance alumni opportunities to network and give back to the university. For information regarding upcoming events or to be part of this chapter, visit http://www.fullerton.edu/alumni/finance.
[1] Before the Titan baseball team headed to the College World Series, players swept the opposition during Regional and Super-Regional tournaments. The Omaha West Hospitality tent, featuring the prize wheel above, welcomed Titan fans. The tent was sponsored by the Alumni Association, OC Choice, Titan Athletics and University Advancement. “It was a fun, festive atmosphere,” said Mary Louise Hlavac ’80. Hlavac and her husband Ed were two of the volunteers from the Alumni Association board, Diamond Club and Titan Athletics Club who helped make the event a success. [2] Titan supporters welcomed the Titans to Omaha. During their stay, the team shared in the Titan House tradition — in a joint effort of the Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association, Titan Athletics and Titan Shops. The Titan House provided a home-away-from-home for alumni, parents, friends, players and fans at the College World Series. Titan House was popular with press from ESPN and the Omaha World Herald. More photos: www.flickr.com/photos/csufalumni.
Announcing the Alumni Association Board of Directors Executive Committee 2009-10 Verne Wagner ’77 – President Patrick “Paddy” Gough ’80 – Immediate Past President Dr. Tam T. Nguyen ’05 – Incoming President Paul Carter ’92 – Vice President, Finance Kristin Crellin ’95 – Vice President, Advocacy Julie Espy ’92 – Vice President, Programs Suzanne Hawley ’94 – Vice President, Membership & Marketing To see a full list of the board of directors visit www.fullerton.edu/alumni/board
Sizzling Summer Socials Ashley McKell ’09, below, satisfied her sweet tooth at the Ice Cream Extravaganza, the kickoff event to the Sizzling Summer Social series. The Alumni Association hosted three free summer gatherings as a way to bring together Titan alumni and say “thank you” to the 838 graduates who work at Cal State Fullerton. More photos: www.flickr.com/photos/csufalumni.
Vision & Visionaries Alumni Awards Call for Nominations Vision & Visionaries was created in 1994 as an event to recognize Cal State Fullerton’s most distinguished alumni. The Vision & Visionaries Award is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon CSUF alumni. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2010 Vision & Visionaries Distinguished Alumni Awards. Categories include Distinguished Alumni Award, Honorary Alumni Award and our newest category, the Young Alumni Achievement Award. The V&V nomination process is open to all current staff, faculty, emeriti and alumni of Cal State Fullerton. Do you know a CSUF graduate or community member who has a heartfelt passion for the university and is accomplished in their profession, or has made a significant contribution to their community, state or nation? The Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association encourages you to nominate your fellow alumni or suggest honorary alumni for these prestigious awards. The nomination deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, October 16, 2009. For more information on the nomination process, please visit www.fullerton.edu/alumni/vv.
Alumni/Class Notes To submit news about you, please e-mail titanmagazine@fullerton.edu.
T. Allan Comp ’65 (B.A. history) is founder and coordinator of the Appalachian Coal Country Watershed Team and the Western Hardrock Watershed Team. Comp was honored in May as a National River Hero at River Network’s National River Rally in Baltimore. The peer-nominated award program honors individuals who have made substantial and inspirational contributions to river conservation. He is the first federal employee to receive the award since its inception in 2002. In addition, Comp recently was awarded a Service to America medal by the Partnership for Public Service, in honor of his work building a network of volunteers to revitalize communities in Appalachian coal country and the Western Hardrock mining region to repair decades of environmental degradation.
Ronald F. Frazier ’77 (B.A. political science) recently was appointed to the San Diego Superior Court by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Frazier has been of counsel for Dietz, Gilmor & Associates since 2003 and a sole practitioner since 2000. He earned a juris doctor degree from the University of San Diego School of Law.
Julie Greiner ’75 (B.A. business administrationmarketing) was promoted to Macy’s chief merchandising planning officer and is a member of the company’s senior management team. Greiner is responsible for centralized merchandise planning and assortment allocations by store, as well as the district/ region merchandise planning structure and function. She was formerly chairman and CEO of Macy’s Florida and prior to that served as senior executive vice president of the company’s Bloomingdale’s division. Greiner began her retailing career in 1975 at Robinson’s in Los Angeles and rose through positions of increasing responsibility in the merchandising and stores’ organizations. She joined Bloomingdale’s in October 1993.
Lucy Dunn ’76 (B.A. political science) was appointed by State Sen. Lou Correa to serve on the California Transportation Commission. Dunn is CEO of the Orange County Business Council. Prior to her tenure at the OCBC, she served as director for the Department of Housing and Community Development.
Kevin Kelly ’76 (B.A. political science) is managing director for the Enterprise Development Group, a local nonprofit microenterprise development organization in Arlington, Va., EDG is affiliated with the Ethiopian Community Development Corporation, which provides social services to refugees in Northern Virginia.
Marian Mapes-Bouck ’71 (M.A. music) is a programmer-DJ at community radio station KMUD in Redway, Calif. Mapes-Bouck has had her own program for two years. It airs every Tuesday from 6-9 a.m. and online at www.kmud.org . Teresa Marquez-Lopez ’75 (B.A. history) is associate dean for master’s degrees and continuing education in the School of Educational Leadership and Change at California-based Fielding Graduate University. David M. Morgan ’73, ’79 (B.A. political science, M.P.A.) retired in June as Anaheim city manager after 35 years of service. During his nearly eight-year career as city manager, Morgan oversaw efforts toward development of a historic downtown area, and projects including the Anaheim Resort Area and Anaheim Garden Walk. Community facilities such as new libraries and youth centers were also built under his watch; the Anaheim Convention Center was renovated; and the Tiger Woods Learning Center at Dad Miller Golf Course was completed. Jane Quan Olsen ’77 (M.S. library science) has published a children’s book titled “Animals in Order in Verse or Worse,” with her husband, Roger Olsen. Roger wrote the book and Jane did the illustrations. It can be purchased online at www.castlepress.net/olsen
David Van Derveer ’79 (B.A. art) works in maintenance at the Stater Bros. East Highlands store in Highland, Calif. Van Derveer has portrayed Stater Bros. and its people in various artworks, including a portrait of his manager, Armando Negrete; a backdrop for the company’s anniversary; and landscapes. His work is displayed at the Art Angles gallery in Orange.
’80s Audrey Gardner ’83 (B.A. business administrationaccounting) is controller for Community Hospital of Long Beach. Gardner previously was controller at Bellflower Medical Center, where she was responsible for financial operations, producing and maintaining month-end and year-end financial statements while maintaining and generating sound accounting practices. Ed Hays ’89 (B.A. business administration-finance) announces the formation of a new law firm known as Marshack Hays LLP. Hays has served as chair of the Orange County Bar Association’s commercial law and bankruptcy section and frequently presents lectures to attorneys on a range of legal issues. He also is an active alumnus, serving on the board for the Philanthropic Foundation. Previously he served as president of the CSUF Alumni Association.
“A Charitable Gift Annuity is perfectly in tune with my financial goals.”— Betty Everett, planned gift donor
A musician, writer and retired journalist, Betty Everett fits in anywhere artistic – especially the Cal State Fullerton Flute Ensemble. “Inspired and accepted” by the student flutists with whom she performs, Betty created a charitable gift annuity that benefits the Music Department. “My annuity provides lifetime income for me and supports a program I’m passionate about.” Like Betty, you can get an annuity rate far above CD yields, 15 achieve a sizeable charitable tax deduction and support Cal State Fullerton.
To find out more, call Steve Tanenbaum, senior director of estate and trust planning, at 657-278-3947, or visit: www.fullerton.edu/plannedgiving
Rate Range
* Rates subject to change.
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Call 657-CSU-ALUM (278-2586) or visit
www.csufalumni.com Use code: TMF09 when applying online
Jennifer Heinly ’82 (B.A. communications) is owner of Orange Countybased J&J Consulting. Heinly recently joined forces with other experienced professionals to form the Sage Public Relations Group, a virtual agency offering customized, strategic communications programs on a national scale. Rod Hoops ’82, ’88 (B.A. criminal justice, M.P.A.) was appointed to serve as sheriff by the San Bernardino Board of Supervisors. Hoops has more than 30 years of law enforcement experience and served as police chief of Rancho Cucamonga, Loma Linda and Grand Terrace. Steven McHarris ’87 (M.P.A.) is development director for the city of Soledad. McHarris is the former deputy community development director for the city of Atascadero.
Merry Morgan ’85 (B.A. economics) is a community association manager for Keystone Pacific Property Management who has received her Certified Community Association Manager (CCAM) certification. The CCAM program was developed to establish and ensure standards of practice and professionalism in managing California community associations. Morgan is responsible for managing a portfolio of existing accounts throughout Orange County.
Donna Hauck Peterson ’82 (B.A. business administration-accounting) was promoted to financial services manager at the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Peterson has worked with the district since 1999. Meg Gallagher Sanders ’85 (B.A. physical education) was named U.S.A. women’s basketball coach for the International Deaflympics to be held in Taiwan this fall. Sanders just completed her sixth season as associate head coach for Arizona State University’s highly ranked women’s basketball team. Previously Sanders was head coach at Northern Arizona University, where she became the winningest women’s basketball coach in school history. In 1988, Sanders played for U.S. Olympic team handball, competing in the Seoul, South Korea Summer Olympics. She is married to Mark Sanders ’85 (B.A. religious studies) and they have two children. David Topping ’81 (B.A. musicmusic education) is part of the Phoenix Chorale, known as Arizona’s GrammyAward-winning professional choir. Topping is in his 16th season with the Phoenix Chorale. He earned his master’s degree in choral music from Arizona State University and has studied at the Oberlin conservatory and the Musikhochschule in Frankfurt, Germany. John P. Williamson ’86 (B.A. business administration) is the new president of ITT Water and Wastewater. Williamson joined ITT in August 2005 as vice president and director of operational excellence. He previously worked with Danaher Corporation for 17 years and as vice president of global operations for the Fluke Corporation. He holds a certificate in Strategic Marketing Management from Harvard Business School.
Edith J. Castillo ’99 (B.S. human services) is program officer for the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. Castillo supports grant-making activities and assists in identifying community needs and funding opportunities. She previously served as deputy director of the Southwest Detroit Business Association.
Alumni/Spot li ght
Theresa Doyle-Nelson ’93, ’00 (M.S. education-educational administration, credential-preliminary administration) recently wrote a book, “Saints of the Bible,” published by Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Corp. She also has had more than 30 articles published in various periodicals.
Making History
Michael C. Flores ’91 (B.A. history) recently defended his doctoral dissertation at the Orange County campus of Argosy University, and was awarded his doctoral degree in education. Flores’ dissertation, “Instructional Delivery for Student Success” investigated the instructor’s perception of the value and validity of the inclusion of learning styles into the classroom. He has spent the past 16 years teaching, including nine years at Cypress College, where he is a professor of history and education.
17 17
n Story by Bruce Bourquin / Image Courtesy Fran Inman
Caryn Golden ’94 (B.A. communications-radio/TV/film) has been promoted to WHIO-TV’s managing editor. Golden previously served as a full-time reporter on Dayton’s crime and courts beat, and as a fill-in anchor. She first came to WHIO in October 1997 and has earned the station two regional Edward R. Murrow Awards. She also worked on the assignment desk of CNN’s Los Angeles bureau, and as a news writer for the Orange County News Channel.
Fran Inman ’76, ’81 (B.A. business administration-finance, M.B.A.) has made history by becoming only the third female chair of the board in the 120-history of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. But Inman is used to standing out in a crowd. The North Tustin resident is senior vice president of corporate development for Majestic Realty Co., one of the nation’s leading real estate developers. “Building on my experience working with businesses and communities, I now have a unique opportunity as chair of the region’s largest business organization to bring key stakeholders together to help lead the region during very difficult economic times,” Inman said. “I’m honored to be in a position to help Southern California during this historic period in our nation’s economy.” The chamber’s 2009 Inaugural Dinner and the recent Southern California on the Hill – Access to Washington, D.C. advocacy trip were the highest-attended events in the chamber’s history. Inman also launched the chamber’s Accelerate Recovery initiative to encourage business growth, job creation and economic recovery. “Creating jobs is our No. 1 priority,” Inman said. The latest unemployment figures show that nearly 12 percent of Californians are out of work or underemployed. “The road to recovery must start with jobs, jobs, jobs.” Inman is the right person at the right time to lead the chamber and help ensure that the current economic crisis does not become tomorrow’s missed opportunity, said Gary Toebben, president and CEO of the L.A. Chamber. “Fran understands that in order to achieve full prosperity for those who live and work in our region, we must create an environment that is hospitable to business, particularly in today’s challenging economic climate.” A native of Fullerton, Inman’s first job was at Knott’s Berry Farm, and she credits that early training in the hospitality industry as one of the best foundations upon which to build a career. A non-traditional student, Inman completed both her undergraduate and graduate degrees while working and having a family. “I was determined to get my degrees, and Cal State Fullerton offered me the opportunity to multitask,” Inman said. “It took a while, but what I really gained was the advantage of putting what I learned academically to use in the real world instantaneously.” n CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON
Steve Reeter ’94 (B.S. computer science) is vice president of consulting services at Oracle. Reeter works at Oracle’s Denver campus and his consulting practice covers North America. James P. Schilling ’93 (B.S. physical education) is associate professor at the Emeritus Institute at Irvine Valley College and serves on the Academic Senate at Coastline Community College. David Valentin ’95, ’01(B.A. sociology, M.P.A.) was named chief of school police for the Santa Ana Unified School District. Valentin leads the 74-member police services force, responsible for safety and security for Orange County’s largest school district.
’00s 18
Manny Alfaro ’05 (B.A. criminal justice) is the author of “Griego the Great and the Green Goopally Goop that Gobbled,” a book about the issue of child obesity available via Amazon. com. Alfaro’s book covers dietary issues concerning today’s kids. Renee Anderson Maucher ’02 (B.A. speech communication) is a human resources manager with Classic Residence by Hyatt in its corporate Chicago headquarters. Maucher earned her master’s degree in human resources from the school of business at Loyola University in summer 2008.
Nick Arciniaga ’07 (B.A. business administration-accounting) finished fifth in the Feb. 15 Ome Marathon, a 30-kilometer race in Tokyo, with a time of 1 hour, 34 minutes, 25 seconds. Arciniaga was invited to Japan after he finished 10th in the Boston Marathon last year. He was the first American to cross the finish line. In November, he finished 17th in the Olympic Marathon time trials, six minutes off a qualifying spot. He is setting his sights on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Artie Casas ’05 (B.A. communicationsjournalism) is assistant baseball coach at Gabrielino High School in San Gabriel. The La Puente resident is a former sportswriter with the Orange County Register with a passion for baseball. Nicole Cox ’00 (B.A. communicationspublic relations) has been promoted to vice president of recruitment for Irvinebased Decision Toolbox, a recruitment firm. Cox joined Decision Toolbox in 2003 and has served as the company’s director of recruitment quality. Kevin Hermansen ’06 (B.A. political science, philosophy) earned the prestigious Mason C. Brown Award from the USC Gould School of Law, which recognizes top law students who are involved in public service and trial work. Hermansen accepted a job at BASTA Inc., a Los Angeles nonprofit organization that works for tenants’ rights. Daryl Hernandez ’07 (B.M.-instrumental) teaches all styles of guitar at the Fret House in Covina. In June 2008, Hernandez started the House of Rock, a class in which musicians can learn how to work as a band. He is working on his master’s degree at Cal State Fullerton.
Ed Hernandez ’05 (B.A. criminal justice) is the new criminal justice program director at Kaplan College in Riverside. Hernandez retired from the Ontario Police Department in 2003, after 12 years of service. In 2007, he earned an M.A. in organizational leadership from the School of Professional Studies at Biola University. Sarah Kerr ’01 (B.A. business administration-finance) has earned an Excellence in Service award from Keystone Pacific Property Management Inc., a Californiabased property management firm. Kerr is general ledger supervisor and trains community association managers on the financial aspects of community management. The honor recognizes Kerr’s excellent customer service as investment manager for brokerage accounts. Michael Moodian ’03, ’04 (B.A., M.A. communications) has released a book titled “Contemporary Leadership and Intercultural Competence.” It is intended for organizational managers, trainers and students, and focuses on the evolving world of workplace diversity. Moodian is an assistant professor of social science at the Irvine campus of Chapman University. James M. Wright Jr. ’03 (B.A. business administration-management) is one of the co-founders of Proper Knowledge, a new nonprofit organization. Wright’s association is made up of musicians, painters, dancers, writers and poets who have worked as professional artists. The group’s members want to create better entertainment for children, youth, and young adults and are producing music, books, videos and educational materials.
Cheryl Aranda, 45, assistant to the dean in the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, died at home June 27 after a seven-year battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her four children, Michael, Sara, Rene and Nathan; her brother, David; and her parents, Al and Dorene. Aranda graduated from Cal State Fullerton in 1987 with a degree in communications.
Alumni/Spot li ght
In Memoriam
Dorothy Louise Beckwith, an active supporter of OLLI, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, at Cal State Fullerton, died April 22 of cancer. She was 87. Beckwith is survived by her six children, Mary Lou, Kate, Chuck, Mike, Denise and Mark; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Alex Omalev, who coached college basketball in the city of Fullerton for 23 seasons, died Nov. 10. He was 88. Omalev was the first coach of an intercollegiate sport at Cal State Fullerton, launching the program in the 1960-61 season and coaching through the 1971-72 season before retiring. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Betty; two children; three grandsons; two brothers and their families.
Poetry in Motion
19 19
n Story by Bruce Bourquin / Image Courtesy Michael Shorb
Bessie M. Rutemiller, emerita librarian, died April 24 of a cerebral hemorrhage. Rutemiller served the university from 1966 to 1982. She is survived by her husband, Herbert C. Rutemiller, emeritus professor of management science. Corrine Shear Wood, a pioneering medical anthropologist, died May 25. She was 84. Widely recognized for her research on malaria, leprosy in Pakistan and women’s issues internationally, Wood had been battling Alzheimer’s disease for nine years. She is survived by her children, Carl, Roberta, David and Gina Wood; her sister Rochelle Levin; and 10 grandchildren.
Poet Michael Shorb ’66, ’70 (B.A., M.A. English) discovered his literary voice when he returned to Cal State Fullerton to earn his master’s degree. Shorb had been enrolled for three quarters in UC Irvine’s graduate writing program, but decided that he wanted to write about the real world rather than the scholarly one. He switched to CSUF, where the emphasis was more practical. After earning his master’s degree in English in 1970, Shorb moved to North Beach in San Francisco and began reading poetry in public at a time when it was a popular, yet fairly tough, activity. “To get in front of inebriated people who are not shy about letting you know if you’re not that good can be pretty hard,” he said. “I was able to hold my own, and I knew then that I could write poetry.” In 2008, Shorb published 39 poems and seven anthologies. They include war stories, environmental poems and lyrical poems. In total, his work has appeared in more than 100 magazines and anthologies, including The Nation, Audience and Michigan Quarterly Review. “I try not to fall into a trap where I define myself,” he said. “Some poets write something that ends up defining them and they spend part of their entire lives on it. You’ve got to keep it loose, keep it open.” While studying at Cal State Fullerton, Shorb was one of two columnists who authored a left wing-versus-right wing column for the Daily Titan. “I liked my professors quite a bit,” he recalled. “I never emphasized writing. I was just a regular English student. I loved dealing with poetry and mythology.” He was active off campus, writing anti-Vietnam war poems and participating in protests. His most recent anti-war poetry can be viewed at www.ravingdove.org . In addition to his prolific work as a poet, Shorb was a writer and editor in the online information services industry for nearly 15 years. He’s also interested in writing children’s stories and poems. He lives in San Francisco with Judith, his wife of 34 years. n
Giving the
“The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.” - Pierre Corneille
Young Alumna Graduated from Student to Donor Jeanette Alvarez, just 23 years old, understands the value of her degree and the rewards of giving back. The first one of her family to go to college, Alvarez graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications with a concentration in public relations. When she talks about her alma mater, she is all smiles. “I love Cal State Fullerton. I made a lot of friends, and my professors helped me to discover what the future could bring to me. It was a great experience.” Like many Cal State Fullerton students, Alvarez worked while attending college. An employee of Kohl’s department stores, she is currently an area supervisor. Ambitious and bright, Alvarez wants to work her way up the Kohl’s corporate ladder with a job in public relations – or maybe there’s something else in her future. “I’m thinking about going to graduate school and getting a master’s degree in either communications or ethnic studies. I’m open to all possibilities.” Immediately upon graduating, she joined the Alumni Association. Shortly after, she received a call from Cal State Fullerton asking for her support. “I didn’t hesitate. I really wanted to get an education, and I know how hard it can be for others to do the same.” Asked if she would continue to support Cal State Fullerton, she said, “Yes, definitely. I appreciate everything that was available to me. I want future students to have the same opportunities.”
Giving n For information about giving to the Titan Fund, please contact Jeff Gilstrap at 657-278-3522. Tradition
Young Alumna Graduated from Student to Donor
Jeanette Alvarez ’09 joined the Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association immediately upon her graduation, and didn’t hesitate when asked to give to the Annual Fund. “I really wanted to get an education, and I know how hard it can be for others to do the same.”
ike many Titan alumni, I have watched with swelling pride as Cal State Fullerton has developed into a university of global prominence. Whether it is a student winning a Fulbright Scholarship, the national success of our top-ranked baseball team, the creative efforts of our award-winning performing arts students in each autumn’s Concert Under the Stars, or the growing diversity of our student body, it seems that our alma mater continues to strive toward excellence. Indeed, our university continues to succeed in making a mark: n Cal State Fullerton is ranked sixth in the nation and second in California for the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded to Hispanic students. The figures were reported in a recent issue of Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education’s “Top 100.” n Cal State Fullerton theatre arts majors won two acting awards and a major design prize, presented at the 41st annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival in April. It was the first time in the history of the Irene Ryan Scholarship auditions that students from one university won both national titles. n Design and construction are under way on a number of important university projects, including a new 1,064-bed, dormitory-style residence hall and a 1,500-space, six-level parking structure in the campus’s southeast corner. Also under way are a 15,317-square-foot Children’s Center, including extensive play areas, and a new 10,470-square-foot, state-of-the-art police facility on State College Boulevard just north of the Golleher Alumni House, which will double the department’s space. n We recently celebrated the university’s first-ever endowed chair, the Rick Muth Chair in Family Business, with Thomas V. Schwarz of the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics receiving the title. The dynamic progress of Cal State Fullerton would not be possible without the generosity of people like you. We are thankful for the charitable support of the alumni, students, parents and friends who volunteer their time, treasure and talents to the university. In fact, even as Cal State Fullerton remains committed to quality, there is a heightened reliance upon not only volunteerism, but also individual, corporate, foundation and other financial support. This promises to be a challenging year, as we experience reduced funding, cutbacks in classes and services, and the lingering recession. So now more than ever before, you make a difference in the lives of our students. On behalf of the entire Titan community, I thank you for your continued support.
Milton A. Gordon President
Donor Constituents and Gifts for 08-09 This report is a donor recognition publication issued by California State University, Fullerton. The listings reflect cash and in-kind DONOR CONSTITUENTS gifts to the university between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009, Alumni $5,102,305 34.95% as reported to University.58% Advancement by on-campus Parents $84,896 Other Individuals $4,258,730 29.17% beneficiaries. Because the listings recognize only gifts, they do Foundations $1,240,409 8.50% not include membership in various university support groups, nor Corporations $3,480,513 23.84% do they reflect pledges. Every effort has been made to ensure the Fundraising Consortia $25,764 .18% accuracy and completeness of the listings. Other Organizations $407,230 2.79% TOTAL
$14,599,847 100% Traditionomitted, or incorrectly shown, TheIf your name was inadvertently
please notify University Advancement at 657-278-4487.
DESIGNATION OF GIFTS Unrestricted Academic Support Faculty and Staff Development Library Student Support Athletics Other Campus Programs
Capital Projects
Deferred Gifts TOTAL
ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING & DONOR HONOR ROLL 08-09 s Cal State Fullerton students head into a new academic year, I’m delighted as an alumna of the university to have the opportunity to give back to the institution that has given so much to me. Thank you, too, for your dedication and commitment to the university, particularly in this time of financial hardship. Because of the dedication of my professors, the caring of our staff members and the support of the alumni community, I believe that my years at Cal State Fullerton prepared me for success in the marketplace. I know that you also share that feeling of loyalty to our university. Today, as chair of the Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation, I’m pleased to note that the foundation is involved in strategic planning aimed at helping guide the university’s fundraising efforts and managing its donated funds. The foundation’s vision for the future is far-reaching. We believe that there is a great need to raise private capital in support of the premier university in Orange County and Southern California. Our planning will help the foundation recruit new leadership and align its efforts with future projects and needs. We kicked off the foundation’s planning work at a February 12 event, and since then have adopted a road map of eight themes, each of them outlining a strategic area for development. The themes address acquisition of land and facilities; ongoing efforts in infrastructure improvements; leveraging government funding opportunities; community engagement; student and alumni participation; building degree and brand equity; growth in the next 50 years; and the possible development of a university district – a distinctive neighborhood of retail shops, dining establishments and residential areas – in Fullerton. With your help and the continued generosity and commitment from individuals, corporations and foundations, we were able to attain a groundbreaking achievement in fundraising this year: Well over $14 million in cash gifts and pledge payments were made to the university, reaching an all-time high. We are concerned, though, about our ability to continue to achieve these kinds of results in light of the challenging economic environment and the uncertain future of higher education in California. I urge you to continue to contribute to the university – through your generous financial donations, volunteer efforts on behalf of various colleges, departments or programs, or participation in universitywide events – so that Cal State Fullerton remains successful in the years to come. Thank you for all you do to make Cal State Fullerton a global leader,
Annette Feliciani ’80 President, AEF Systems Consulting / Chair, Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation
$5,000,000 $2,750,000
$2,000,000 Unrestricted
$84,896 17.48%.58% $1,573,234
$1,750,000 Academic
29.17% .70%
$1,500,000 Faculty
OtherFoundations Individuals
$1,240,409 35.38% 8.50% $3,184,543
$1,250,000 Library
Foundations Corporations
$1,377,770 $3,480,513 14.86% 23.84%
$1,000,000 Student
Corporations Fundraising Consortia $2,315,680 $25,764 25.72%.18%
$750,000 Athletics
Fundraising Conso rtia Other Organizations
DONORAlumni CONSTITUENTS (2006)$5,102,305 Parents Alumni
Other Individuals Pa rents
Other Organizations
$4,258,730 $63,263
$198,470 $407,230 2.20% 2.79% $329,217
$500,000 Other
ALUMNI PARTICIPATION AND GIFTS 3,770 2004 $1,211,805 4,923 2005 $2,670,651 4,680 2006 $1,546,886
5,091 2007 $2,123,682 4,670 2008 $2,293,312 4,606 2009 $5,102,305
$250,000 Capital
and St
Deferred Gifts TOTAL
Individual Giving
$1,000,000 OR MORE
Dr. J. William Maxwell (deceased) ns Steven G. Mihaylo lsv
Cris and Adriana Abrego l Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Aitken l Vicki and Dennis Anderson Michelle and Jeffrey Anderson s Sally Anderson and Tom Rogers Anonymous l Anonymous s Richard Baillif Karkutla P. Balkrishna l Corinne and Kevin Baughman l Laurie and David Bedillion John Belli Marion and Lee Brockett Boris Bugarski l Loretta Colclasure Andrea and William B. Filbert l Camille and Barry Gershenovitz l Betty and Robert Grant l Gary Hausdorfer Ruth and Merideth Helm ls Suyuan Hong Ron Hudson Yvonne and Damien Jordan l Michelle and Robert Kargenian l Frances and Stephen Knott l Mildred Knott Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kotch l Pamela and Lonnie Laster l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindquist sv Alan A. Mannason Margaret McCarthy and Michael Potter l William J. McGarvey Karen and Joseph Moderow l Noah Franklin Modisett Margaret and Return Moore l Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Myles Kristin Sharples and Phil Nevin l Dr. Maria C. Linder n Eric L. Openshaw l Katherine Peters and Douglas Simao l Kevin Peterson Kathi Renman Tina and Lance Robinson ls Theresa and Dean Samsvick l Philip R. Schimmel l Donna and Ernest Schroeder l Dixie Shaw l Bobbie and Daniel Struve l Lucille Conser and John Summerfield s Pam and Tom Summerfield s
$500,000-999,999 Joseph A. W. Clayes III Charitable Trust
$100,000-499,999 Susan and Allen Boerner Dr. Giles T. Brown ns Kris and Steve Charton l Daranne and Paul Folino Kalli O’Malley and Terry Giles l Gale and Frank Robitaille s
$50,000-99,999 Anonymous Beth G. and Steven N. Bangert ls Dan Black and Kathy Chao Black ls Dr. Jewel Plummer Cobb n Richard K. Davis l Kathryn T. McCarty Rick Muth Family s Scott T. O’Brien l June, Ronald, Russell and David Stein s Cheryl and David Zimmerman n
$25,000-49,999 Anonymous Lee and Nicholas A. Begovich s Patricia Stone and James Gutmann ls Dorothy and Donald Kennedy Sharon Lesk Robert L. Mayer Sr. s Cathy and John Monson ls Mary E. Moore Dana Praitis Barbara Robinson Wendy Sellars-Robinson and Christopher Robinson l Heidi Ray Robinson l Lorin and Jeff Robinson l Sally Trost Diana and Gregory Waller l Sandra Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. James D. Woods l
Sharon Arkin and Rodger Talbott Kathy and Chris Taylor l Dennis Ullrich s Julie and Michael Weiser ls Dr. James D. and Mrs. Dorothy Young nsv Abel A. Zeballos lns
$5,000-9,999 James and Connie Alderson Katherine F. Allred l Dr. Michael D. Ames n Anonymous l Anonymous l Marcie and Greg Arbues Dr. Gordon M. Bakken n The Ronald and Ellen Benigno Living Trust Marilyn C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bridgford Gregory D. Bunch l Shirley and Jim Cadwell ls Peggy and Kevin Calcagnie l Cheryl and Kenneth Case l Jonathan L. Christy s Barbara and David Cline ls Rachelle Cracchiolo ls Lucy and Ron Davis l Carl S. DiNicola l Eleanor Everett Annette Feliciani and Bryan Fitzpatrick l Karen Preston and Michael Gillmore l Paul Goldenberg Joan and William Gregg l Kenneth and Christina Guchereau l Drs. Debra L. and Arthur A. Hansen ln Dr. Dorothy and Mr. William Heide ln Barbara and Dan J. Heneghan Wally Hicks III Julie and David Hirz l Mary Louise and Edward Hlavac l Nancy Noble and Dennis Hudson Tracey and Paul Irving Susan James and Ron Trujillo Pierre J. Nicolas Trust Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Johnston l Sharon and Jack Jory Linda M. Lamar Richard Lewis s Debra and Emmit Luther l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Nannette Macbeth Rajesh S. Manek l Julia and Brian McCalmon l Donna and Michael McKennon l Larry Meckley Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mendoza l Betty and Marlan Merhab l Arlene and Andrew Mihaylo l Pravin and Sudha Mody s Lyle Parks Jr. Elaine Redfield s Laurie A. Resnick l Kerri M. Ruppert l Dr. Rollin T. Sandberg n Ram P. Singhania n David S. Sniezko l Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Stone l Dr. Sandra Sutphen and Mr. Roger Albers n Bill Tutton l Arthur Villa l Dr. Ardath H. Wightman You Zhou Dr. Robert and Wanda Zimmer n
$2,500-4,999 Brad N. Baker s Maria and Dino Basdakis l Carol A. Bradford l Samuel W. Cargill Paula and Joseph G. Cervantes Shannon Cook and Scott Coler l Jerry L. Conrey l Mary Cottrell and Richard Frauenzimmer l Sandra and John W. Daniels l Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Shirley (deceased) de Graaf n Lisa and Richard Doebler l Dr. Mildred R. Donoghue n Elsa and Paul Dunlap Haleh Emrani l Andrea M. Evans l Brenda G. Farrington l Gabriele Genereux Mrs. Annette and Dr. Lee Gilbert ln Eleanor and Mike Gordon D. Edward Hays l
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Cal State Fullerton ANNUA L R EPOR T O F G I Philanthropic V I N G & D O N OFoundation R H O N O R 08-09 ROLL 08-09 Annette E. Feliciani ’80
Executive Officers Margaret McCarthy ’84
Katherine Allred ’83
President AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Partner Paradigm Ventures
Leonard Dreyer ’72
Jose Lara ’02
CEO & Chairman of the Board (Ret.) Marie Callender’s Pie Shops, Inc.
Senior Vice President for Planning & Development SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Immediate Past Chair
Vice Chair
Pamela C. Hillman Executive Director
Vice President, University Advancement California State University, Fullerton
Board of Governors Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hefner l Pamela and Raymond Hemann ln F. Owen Holmes Jr. and Cynthia N. Togami ln Andrew H. Hua l Jane Paul Hummel and Jorg Hummel ns Joanne B. Kedzie s Kari and Michael Kerr Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Klammer ns Patricia Kwan and Anthony Knapp l Annette and Ronald C. Larson l Rebecca and Gordon MacLean l Laura and Stefan Markowitz l Randy H. Mason l Ketti and Donald Mercer J. Michael Moore l Doris and Robert Muschek Dwight Richard Odle n Viva L. Palumbo ls Tammy and Sean Peasley l Rick Rayson Jack Robinson Kirk G. San Roman l Janie and Jack Scott William Selman Jr. l Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheffield Donna and Kirt Spradlin l Cindy and William C. Taormina Alice and Gregory Terlecky Thomas Tucker Vikki Vargas and Michael Nason ls Dr. Dorothy and Mr. Eugene Wong n James F. Woodward n Kiyo and Ray Young ln
$1,000-2,499 Marianne and A. George Abiaad l Hirschel S. Adler Karen and Frank Allen l William R. Allen l My-Ngoc Thi Allred l Curtis Anderson s Anonymous l Anonymous l Anonymous Anonymous Alian Aquino Susan L. Arena ls Debra and David Armbruster l Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Arnold Jr. ns Barbara A. Arrigale ls
Wylie Aitken
D. Edward Hays ’89 Attorney Marshack Hays LLP
Senior Vice President, CFO Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Bala Balkrishna ’78
Gerald E. Johnston ’71
Curtis Schlaufman
Dan O. Black ’67
Founding Partner Aitken, Aitken, Cohn President/CEO Commercial Bank of California
Chairman & CEO (Ret.) The Clorox Company
Kerri Ruppert ’82
ASI President Student Representative
Chairman ProThera, Inc.
Debra F. Luther ’80
President Exceptional Restaurant Company
Christopher G. Schmidt ’72
Marilyn Brewer
Steven G. Mihaylo ’69
Douglas H. Simao
Julie Miller-Phipps
Julianne Greiner Weiser ’75
Gregory J. Nelson ’74
Professor of Theatre and Dance California State University, Fullerton
California State Assembly (Ret.)
Gregory D. Bunch ’79
Vice President for Distribution Ovation TV
Paul F. Folino
Executive Chairman Emulex
Milton A. Gordon
President California State University, Fullerton
CEO iMergent
Senior Vice President/ Service Executive Director Kaiser Foundation Health Plan/Hospitals Director of Commercial Lines and Risk Management Western Growers Insurance Services
Frank J. Quevedo
Vice President, Equal Opportunity Edison International
President & COO Moss Adams, LLP President & CEO Narratus, Inc.
Chief Merchandise Planning Officer Macy’s
Jim Volz
Mitchell Zehner ’83
Executive Vice President Voit Commercial Brokerage
Governors Emeriti Marilyn Powell Berns Educator (Deceased)
R. James Considine, Jr. President & CEO Ryder, Stilwell, Inc.
Jerry I. Goodwin Owner (Ret.) Goodwin Honda
Stephen R. Knott
General Partner (Ret.) Knott’s Berry Farm
Rudy Hanley
President & CEO SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association 08-09 Patrick J. “Paddy” Gough ’80 President
Colonel USMC (Retired) Executive Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development O.C. Transportation Authority
Gregory J. Nelson ’74 Immediate Past President
Director of Commercial Lines and Risk Management Western Growers Insurance Services
Executive Committee Verne D. Wagner ’77 VP, Programs President-Elect
Tam T. Nguyen ’05 VP, Membership & Marketing President Advance Beauty College, Inc.
Kristin S. Crellin ’95 VP, Advocacy
Mary Louise Hlavac ’80 VP, Finance
Accounting Manager of Integrated Defense Systems Boeing Company
Dianna Lopez Fisher Executive Secretary
Executive Director, Alumni Relations California State University, Fullerton
Executive Director of School & Community Relations SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Board Of Directors Richard N. Ambrose ’82
President Standard Pacific Mortgage, Inc.
Paul J. Carter ’92
Partner Bergkvist, Bergkvist & Carter
Antonia C. Castro ’00, ’02 Management Analyst City of Cypress
Julie A. Espy ’92
Manager Training & Development O.C. Transportation Authority
David L. De Filippo ’92
Regional Vice President Southern California Business Banking Union Bank
Suzanne E. Hawley ’94 Owner Hawley Communications
Lorraine M. Perez ’03, ’07
Susan A. Stewart ’04
Senior Vice President, Move, Inc.
Joanne M. Gass ’74
Ex-Officio, Faculty Representative Professor of English and Comparative Literature California State University, Fullerton
Curtis Schlaufman
Assistant Principal Fontana USD
Ex-Officio, ASI President California State University, Fullerton
Daljit Singh ’65
Pamela C. Hillman
Professor Emeritus of Public Administration University of Guam Mangilao, Guam
Ex-Officio Vice President, University Advancement California State University, Fullerton
Karen L. Ashworth l Charles and Karen Ayres Dr. Charles A. and Mrs. Joanne A. Baker n Joanne Ausmus Baker Robert C. Banks s Barbara D. Baranski l Linda S. Bauermeister l Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beall Barbara M. Beckett Sandra C. Bell l Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bond Lynn J. Bower l Lisa E. Brandon l William L. Bridgford l Steven D. Bromberg l Dr. Paul E. Bush Karen and John Bushman lns Enid J. Busser Ms. Lois Butler l Monica and Vincent Calvillo l Terri Cammarano l Rose and Paul Carey ln Casey J. Cecala l Dr. Julie Chan Joseph J. Chang l Dr. Betty M. Chavis n Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Christensen Lila Churney l Vivien Cienfuegos Ide and Lawrence Newberry Ronald E. Clapper n Jeffrey D. Cook n Arthur Cooper Lonna E. Dayhoff l Christine and Terry Dedeaux Eduardo E. Delgado n Mr. and Mrs. A. Terrance Dickens l Mr. and Mrs. William Dickerson n Ronald R. Diluigi l Marianne and Robert Dolan Mary and Clifford Doubek s Teri and Patrick Doucette l Cathi and Les Douglas lns Patti and Jason Drotter n Michelle and Robert Duncan l Lucy Dunn l Desiree Engel l Karen E. Englert l Anna M. Eyster s Liz and Brian Fairley l Patricia and Anthony Florentine Alan D. Floria l Natalie M. Fousekis n Dellanie P. Fragnoli l Evelyn K. and Richard J. Francuz Donna and Larry Geer l Stephanie S. George l Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth GoodhueMcWilliams ln Merilyn and Jerry Goodwin v Naomi Goodwin n
Dr. Margaret Faulwell Gordon and Dr. Milton A. Gordon ns Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Groff l Ellen and Bill Groves Laurie A. Haack l Dr. Willie J. Hagan n Peggy and Joseph Hammer l Marion and John Hance Robert M. Handshuh l Catherine and Rudy Hanley l Linna M. Hanson l Cheryl and David Harris Gloria Harrison Milly and Bill Heaton n Kimberly J. Hennessy l James L. Henriques l Ginney M. and Harry N. Herbert l Betty J. Hernandez Michael-Ann Herring Lawrence K. Hester s Stan Higa l Pamela Hillman and Dan Fineman n Douglas R. Hollis l Dr. Emma and Mr. Robert Holmes ns Bryan P. Hopkins l Dr. Granville W. Hough n Elizabeth and Dr. Kim Housewright lns Robert L. Howell l Robert Hsu Beth and Robert Jahncke Dr. Robin Johnson and Robert Cox ns Daniel A. Jones l Eric Jones Vi and Henry Jones Gladys M. Kares ns Nancy and Jerry Keating n Anne Key Zeeba Khan ln Susan and Jack Kidwiler l Ann and Daniel Kiernan Yeung Jun Kim Frieda R. King Theresa R. Klass Nicole Klyczek l Susan and Robert Knepper ls Guy W. Knuf l Shari L. Koch l Frances K. Krausman l Sandra and Wally Kreutzen l Helena and Mark Krikorian l Matthew Kuhn Grace and Louis Kurkjian ls Knute Kurtz Dr. Irene L. Lange n Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Laroff Jeff Lawhorn Mr. and Mrs. James K. Leeg l Gwendolyn and Carlos Leija l Mr. and Mrs. William Leong Lucille Lichtenberg l George T. Lin l David W. Lockwood Mr. Robert Marcoe David Markowitz l Todd E. Marumuto Ken Masters
Dr. S. Irene Matz ln Mr. and Mrs. Tim Matz l Josephina McAulay l Jim E. McClintock l Irene and Mac McCormick Peggy and Robert McKennon l Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medina Veronica Michalowski l Patricia and Carl Miller Marilyn Miller l Julie K. Miller-Phipps l Dr. Sallie Mitchell n Jan Mittermeier Marion Moll l Matt Moschetti ls Frank A. Mumford Takeshi Nakaya l Tam T. Nguyen l Cindy J. and Cary T. Ninokawa Joni M. Norby n Sandra and David A. Norris l Jo A. Norton n Steve O’Donnell Valerie O’Regan and Dr. Stephen Stambough n Valerie J. Orleans ln James D. Painton ls Dr. Robert L. Palmer Jr. n Sandra M. Pasqua Virginia Castro-Pasquil and Daniel A. Pasquil l Naul M. Paz Laura A. Pellegrini Dr. and Mrs. John B. Peller Cheryl Perreira and Razeek Alibullah ln Carrie V. Perry ln Don Peters Kerry and John Phelps Virginia and William Pickering Curtis P. Pilon l Victoria Smith-Porcello and Leonard Porcello l Merry and John Powers ln Peter and Irene Pulizzi Dr. Anil and Mrs. Sharon Puri n Grace and Victor Ragni l Diane Randall l Dr. Lynda E. Randall n David M. Reid Mary Rence n Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rice l Silvica Rosca l Dr. Marvin Rosenberg n Katherine Powers and Hakan Rosengren n Robert A. Ruffini l Robert L. Sage n The Salermo Family Trust Maria and David Schafer l Gerald S. Schnabl l Eva and Fred Schneider Margaret J. Schnoor Barbara E. Selleck l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Edward Sellmeyer l Sam C. Serrano Brent Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Shipman Ingrid R. Shutkin Kathryn Sims Daljit and Kathryn Singh l Dr. and Mrs. Ephraim Smith n Reed D. Smoke l Christa and Ernie Solheid ln Irene and Frank Stanek l Dr. Bradley E. Starr n Richard D. Stephens l Carrie and Patrick Stewart n Douglas G. Stewart ls Dr. Eula M. Stovall ns Sarah E. Strozza Andrea and Jeffrey Sward l Bonnie and Patrick Tait Nancy and Robert Taylor l Barbara and Stephen Thatcher l Tung T. Tran l Robert F. Traut Tony Valentine s Randy Vanderplow Dr. David E. Van Deventer n Edwin Vane Jeffrey S. Van Harte and Melissa L. Smith l Bruce Waggoner Verne D. Wagner l Donald E. Walton Jonathame Wang Steven C. Wang l Douglas E. Ward l Sally and Jim Williams Stuart Williger l Michael J. Wilson l Helen K. Wodicka Kathleen and Curtis Wohlgemuth Dr. and Mrs. Francis Y. Wong Jean and Lance Wood Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Yocam l Kathy Harrison and Charles Yuhnke l
$500-999 Dr. Silas H. Abrego n Maxine and Floyd Allen Daniel J. Allstun l Graciela Amaya ln Eileen R. Anderson Michael Anthony n Gay M. Arakawa l Michelle R. Arsneault ln Kathryn J. Asolas l Dr. Catherine Atwong ns Anthony Babich l Dr. Martha Baker-Jordan n Walter R. Baranger l Martha Bartholomew Dr. Susamma Barua n Brian M. Bates l
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bedell n Dr. and Mrs. Leland Bellot n Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Bennett Charles S. Benson l Dr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Benson Norm Bergstrom l Mario A. Bermudez l Carol Shepard and Stephen Beverburg l Dr. and Mrs. Ashley L. Bishop n Dr. and Mrs. James Blackburn Patricia S. Blake l Patricia M. Boggs ln Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bower l Steven D. Bradley l Mary Jane Bragg (deceased) ns Robbin and Mattew Bretzing ln Carmen and H. William Bridgford v Diana M. Brown ln Lourdes and Greg Brown Samuel A. Broyles n Dr. Jon C. Bruschke ln Marty Burbank Nancy and Leo Byrne n Poupee and John Cabalar l Cheryl L. Carrera l Dr. Jo Ann Carter-Wells ln James Case n Paul and Nita Causey l Gil Chavez l Trisha and Paul Ciccoianni l Linda and Bill Claprood Karen Connair Mr. Joseph Conway Nancy and John Cooper l Sanjay Dalal Michael R. Dannan l Lynn R. Davis Patricia and Joe De La Fuente Yolanda De La Paz Michele A. Derus l Mary Ann Desmond Gerald E. Desrochers l Elizabeth Scordalakis and Jean Diaz l Brian E. Dickert l Dr. James L. Dietz n Paula J. Dinkel l Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DiTolla n Kathleen Dominguez-Ritchey and William Ritchey III l Dr. Maureen A. Donnelly ls Andrew Downin Nan H. Ducolon n Thomas E. Duff ls Linda S. Dunlap Leslee and Geno Effler l Ginger and Bob Emry l Kelly A. England lns Chris Esperanza l Brooke E. Fessler ln Judith Fielden Celeste R. Finley Christopher J. Finnerty l Jean R. Fischer l Lori and William Flack Don Flecky Ronald Flores
Visionary professor left a legacy of caring and commitment he late J. William (Bill) Maxwell was the founding chair of Cal State Fullerton’s Communications Department. Maxwell also was a visionary, a man of extraordinary generosity, and an exceptional educator. He joined the faculty in 1960 shortly after classes began on the newly established Orange County State College campus. Maxwell served as head of the Communications Department for 13 years and continued to teach courses on campus until 1982. When he stepped down as chair, the communications program had more than 600 students, including 80 graduate students and 19 faculty members. Today, the college has more than 2,800 students and 46 faculty members. Rick Pullen, current dean of the College of Communications, recalled: “Bill was greatly respected by all those who worked with him. He was a true visionary in that he established a Communications Department that embraced more than just journalism – which just Dr. J. William Maxwell watched over the burgeoning growth happened to be Bill’s great of the Communications Department from its inception until passion and love.” the 1980s. Maxwell maintained close ties with Cal State Fullerton throughout his life and remained particularly committed to the progress of the College of Communications. Upon his passing, his estate provided a significant gift to the college, which was divided into two parts: one part to fund an endowment for scholarships in the name of his parents, and the other used to strengthen the overall learning environment. Carolyn Johnson, communications professor emerita, friend and executor of Maxwell’s estate said: “His heart was always with his students, and his incredible legacy proves just how much he cared about them.”
For more information about giving to the College of Communications, please contact Nancy Byrne at 657-278-3348.
Frida Fluck s Patricia K. Ford Marilou Gojit and Sebastian Francisco Dr. Albert J. and Mrs. Kathleen Fredman n William D. Freeman ln Dr. James O. and Mrs. Elizabeth Friel n Beverly and Brad Friend Jeannie Fulton ns Mr. and Mrs. Vance Furukawa Judi Garman and JoAnn Zwanziger Anna and Paul Garza l Joseph Gazmen l Dawn and Al Gettman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gigliotti Raymond D. Godeke l Briana and Adam Goldman l Cindy E. Gonzalez l Jack L. Gonzalez l Michael A. Gonzalez l Kapriyel Govjian JoAnne Granville s Dr. Lynne S. Gross n Michael G. Grubbs l Dr. Diana W. Guerin lns Beverly and Richard Gunter l Dwight R. Haggard l Lynnette and Gregory Hahn l Dena J. Hall l Gary Hall l Dr. Deborah O. Hancock ns Don Hanggie Dr. Carole S. Harrison n Marcia and Stephen Harrison n Theresa and William Harvey l William M. Hatalsky l Bruce A. Healey ls Richard D. Hedrick l Mr. and Mrs. Dean Heiser Stanley Hillman l Jennifer and Steven Hocking l Reed W. Holderman l Nancy L. Holmes l Scott Holt l Davida Hopkins-Parham n Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hopping Andrea F. Horwatt l David R. House l John G. Huarte Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huebner l Nicolas Huerta l Charlene and Dan Hull l Lawrence G. Hurst l Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hyland Courtney Ibarra l Leanna and Morris Ishibashi ns Mark P. Janci Lea M. Jarnagin n Barbara and Robert Johnson l Dr. Caroline J. Jones n Mary and Russell Jones Pamela Jones-Tintle and Jeffrey Tintle ns
Gale and Robert Kahn n Linda and James E. Kilponen Colin Kingston l John V. Kiser l David Klass Jean and Bill Klinghoffer Marianne and Leo Kreter ns Brittany E. Kunza Paul K. Lee l Willis Ku Lee l Dr. and Mrs. William Lenahan Marsha and William Link Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Little Deborah H. Lombardi l Garnette A. Long l Michael T. Losquadro l Renee and Alan Lupinetti Grant A. Lynd l June Mackey Christopher A. Manriquez ln Christi and Henry Martinez l Martha McCarthy ln Patricia McCarthy ns Christine Mc Clain James R. McClain n James Kershaw and Lee McClendon Sr. l Melissa and Douglas McRae l Lillian E. Mettler l Edward B. Mitchell l Bruce V. Moock ls Charles L. Moore Jr. n Laurie K. Morgan ls Jeff A. Morris l Norma L. Morris ns Sandra Blanco and Ahmad-Maher Moubayed Betty Murphy Dr. Steven and Mrs. Nancy Murray ln Kurtis Nakagawa Dennis Narlinger Aria Nasiri Richard E. Nelson l Vinh Nguyen Toni B. Nielson ln Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Noel Carrie A. Oetter l Edmondson Overton Ralph W. Overton Buzz Owens Janice and Glen Owens l Kathleen A. Packer l Joseph R. Pasek l Linda Patton s Dr. Donald and Mrs. Ann Pease n Robert T. Perez l Nanci and Rick Perkins s Trish and Doug Peters Randy Peterson Stephanie Petty n Steve W. Pihl l Keith Pledger l Rebecca and John Posthuma Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quevedo Mr. and Mrs. Brian Quinn n Gloria and Robert Radde
Christy A. Ragon l Dr. Judith V. Ramirez ns Dianne C. Ramos l Alice and Ramon Ramos Lorelei Redding Christopher D. Reese l Ramon F. Rendon l Drs. Jeanna and Glyndon Riley n Dr. and Mrs. Tony Rimmer ns Dr. Debra J. Rose n Michael Rubel l Charles L. Ruby Jr. Tehnaz M. Daruwala Rutledge l Nick G. Salaita l Kandy Mink Salas and Edward Salas ln Garrett Y. Sato Karl D. Sauer l Gloria and Karl Schlaepfer l Suzanne and Robert Schultz Paul E. Schulz l Mr. and Mrs. Chris Scibelli Victoria Scott l Paula J. Selleck ns Dr. and Mrs. Mark Shapiro ns Elyse R. Sharp l Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sherwood l Rebecca A. Shiley l V.E. Sjogren Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Slagle l Kim E. Slosarczyk Dodo Standring Virginia V. Starrett l Mary A. Stein l Gene J. Stelcik Cindy and Peter Stephan l Jeanie and Dean Stockwell Frances Stoller ln Ronald D. Stumpf l Dr. and Mrs. Michael Sugarman Susan and Harry Tancredi Margo and Stephen Tanenbaum n CarolAnn Tassios Cassady J. Taylor l Todd R. Taylor l Carrie L. Tellone l Joseph C. Torneo l Christopher I. Torres l Jeannette R. Tozaki l Vu P. Tran l Dr. Edgar P. Trotter III ns Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner Claudine and Ira Unterman l Willem H. Van Der Pol n Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Van Pelt Kevin W. Vaughn l Joseph M. Venegas John M. Waldeck l Debbie and Mark Wells l Mike Whipple Kimjera Whittington l Glenda and Carl Wolnisty Lia and Albert Wong l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Doris and Howard Wood Stephanie Wynne Wendi F. Yamabe Donna M. Yobs l Emeline M. Yong n Lawrence T. Young Ryan D. Zeiss l Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zelko Carolyn L. Zimmerman n
$250-499 Jean and Michael Abdalla Samuel Abrego Denise and Dean Ackland Mrs. Janet and Dr. Gene Adams lns Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Aitken Mr. and Mrs. Darren O. Aitken Irina Gordeyera and Tofik Akhmedova Justin and Kristen Alderson l Craig Alexander Alvaro Alfaro Mark L. Andersen Karen M. Anderson Martha J. Anderson l Walda R. Anderson Betty Andrews Anonymous n Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong s Patricia Butcher and Phillip Armstrong n Mary and Paul Attner l Dee J. Balle Jr. Lana Barlow l Michael T. Barry l Kathryn Bartle-Angus l n Brian Bates Beverly and David Bates Alma and Robert Bean Barbara B. Becka Dr. Leland J. and Mrs. Marlita Belott n Colleen Belt Jeanne and Harold Blum Ursula Bohen Joseph C. Boltinghouse l Richard E. Boswell l Will Bowman Terry Pratt Brick and Carl Brick Edith and Jerry Brown l Judith K. Browning l Karin and David Bruesehoff l David N. Buck l Daniel Burzumato l Kelley Butler l Janet and Bert Buzan ln Judith M. Byrnes n Susan and Frank Calabretta l Todd Cameron l The Campbell Family Trust Ann and Lloyd Carnahan Patrick Carroll n Lisa Castro Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Catlin Mary C. Catone l
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Claire C. Cavallaro n Jeffrey S. Cavanaugh l Raul Cerda Kuan P. Chak Lynn and Gary Chalupsky Laura D. Chancellor l Sandra L. Charlesworth l Angela and Luke Chen l Yen Hui Chiang Michael Chiaramonte l Patti Chikahisa l Susan and Philip Chow Julie and Chris Chung ln Deborah Cirilo l Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Clarke Melissa R. Cohea n Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohn Holly Ivey and Doug Colby n Dr. Kathryn J. Congalton n Kenneth D. Cooper l Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Cooper Debra and Patrick Craddick Kristin and Robert Crellin l David S. Crum l Mary and Michael Curtius l Jenny Dang Donald F. Daniels l Cynthia and George Daverin l Elizabeth Davidson l Mark Davis Michael DeLorenzo Mary T. Desiderio Matthew Doig l Dianne Dollarhide Richard Dolnick Audrey P. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Bob Durazzo Bonnie L. Dwyer l John Echeveste l Gene Ekenstam n Charles Epperley Jeanne and John Eslinger l Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Estrada Jon N. Everhart l Catherine and Milton Ewald George Fareed Robert L. Fellows l Bill C. Fenoglio ls Theodore P. Flati Jr. l Stephen J. Flynn l Timothy P. Fong George A. Fontes l Pat and Richard Ford n James T. Fousekis Jean Franks l Nancy and Mel Franks n Mrs. Kathleen and Dr. Charles Frazee ln Mary Ellen Frazier n Elizabeth A. Freeman l Jay Fuller l Kris Gagnon l Marsha G. Gallavan l Diane and Michael Gandy l Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Gannon n Albert J. Garcia l Kathleen L. Gardner l
The Kresge Foundation’s challenge grant helped complete Steven G. Mihaylo Hall, home to the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics.
The Kresge Foundation builds infrastructure – and futures he Kresge Foundation is a $3.1-billion private foundation that seeks to enhance the quality of life for future generations through its support of nonprofit organizations nationwide. In 1924, Kmart founder Sebastian Spering Kresge established the foundation that bears his name for the “promotion of human progress.” For more than 80 years, this mandate continues to be realized, primarily through the support of fundraising campaigns to build capital projects – libraries, hospitals, schools, museums, community centers and the like – that have contributed to the creation of our nation’s nonprofit infrastructure. In 2007, the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics was awarded a Kresge Foundation challenge grant to help complete Steven G. Mihaylo Hall, which provides much-needed space for 8,500 students, 250 faculty and 50 staff. In August 2008, the college met Kresge’s challenge to raise the remainder of the $12 million private fundraising goal. Caroline Altman Smith, program officer at Kresge, remarked: “We supported Cal State Fullerton because it educates thousands of Californians, including many low-income students and students of color. We also were impressed with the important role that the university plays in California’s postsecondary education pipeline as demonstrated by the fact that approximately half of the student body transfer to the university from community colleges.” The iconic building opened in August 2008, and “has enabled us to provide a world-class business education in an optimal learning environment for our students,” said Anil Puri, dean of the college.
For information about corporate and foundation giving, please contact Jerry Yu at 657-278-7677.
Ron Garfield John Garland l Joyce Garrison (deceased) Mary and Joseph Gaugush l Mr. and Mrs. Bill Geissert Sean Gerold l Christine and Jeffrey Gilstrap ln Mr. Michael Giouard Sandra and Richard Glaus Enrico Gnaulati l Genet and Manuel Gomez Jr. l Rosamaria Gomez-Amaro n Roy P. Gonzales ln Jean Good Lierzau l Barbara and John Gossett l Michael D. Grant l Terri Grassi l Dr. Charles P. Greening Barbara S. Gregory Ronald K. Gripp Adeline and Richard Gromacki Scott B. Gudes l Julia and William Hamill Leah and Larry Hamilton Suzanne Harmon n Ingrid T. Harris l Joyce Harris s Dr. Mary and Mr. George Hartman ln Ann Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haynes l Rowland G. Hazard Mary K. Heath l Christopher W. Heilmann l Pamela and John Heine l Charlotte and Joseph Henderson Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Henry l Dr. Gene Hiegel ns Dr. James K. Hightower ns Gloria and Clarence Hill Deanna and Hugh Hill n Karl J. Hill l Kelly and Ken Hoffmann Dr. James R. Hofmann n Mary Anne and David Holcomb Dr. Michael H. Horn ns Richard and Susan Howard Scott D. Howells l Jiaying Huang l Robert D. Hunter l Timothy A. Hyde l Dr. John D. Ibson n Brian N. Igawa l Christopher J. Inano l Mary Lee and Gerald Ippel Kelly and Doug Ireland l Christine and Michael Irwin l Brice E. Jarvi l Norman H. Johnson Sandra Johnson l Dr. and Mrs. F. Richard Jones Jerry A. Jones
Kay Jones Ruth Juergens Bergen Junge l Dr. Bertram Justus Cathy and Kenneth Kalcevich l Marian Kalman l Dr. Daniel W. Kee n Dao A. Kieu l Michael J. King l Kurtis Kingsolver l Michael Kipper Janie and Ronald Kirk ln Dr. Vuryl J. and Mrs. Jane Klassen ns Justin Klipp l Julie Knight-Bowse and Scott Bowse ln Mr. and Mrs. John Kobara Laurie and Dave Komatsu Stanley N. Krasinski l Mrs. Bernard (Jeanne) Kravitz n Douglas J. Kresse l Lawrence Y. Kubota Martin A. Kudler l Roland E. La Beaf Cathy and Dr. Wayne Lancaster l LeeAnne M. Lang l Dr. Ray R. Larson l Susan and Lynn Lasswell ns Charles A. Lawhorn l Patrick Leddy Margaret and John Lehmann n Dan Lewis l Frank E. Lindquist l Tania Tinsley-Little and Philip Little Erin Livermore and Nicholas McMurray l Monica and Mark Livingston l Robert A. Loll l Arturo Lomeli Martha and James Lough l Sidney Lowrey Betty and Austin Lundgren Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maag Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Magnone l Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh Dustin Marshall Gwen Marshall Barbara and Frank Martin Robyn and Mark Martinelli l Raymond D. Martinez l Mr. and Mrs. Matt T. Marttinen Mark T. Massman l Martha and Bucky Maurin l Kenneth M. May l Jayne and John McArthur Elizabeth and Robert McCann l Molly McClanahan Judy and Gilbert McFadden Shelley and Michael McGuire Scott Andrew McKay Thelma and Earl Mellott l Caren and Marc Merrill Emily L. Mitchell l Jill and Christopher Money l Jane Moon Mary and Bruce Moreton l Lisa and Michael Morrison Jami Moyer
Susan and Tim Munroe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munson Joyce R. Natland l Gregory J. Nelson l Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Allene Symons and Alan Nestlinger ln Steven Neuman Jill and Harry Norman n Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nowell Susanna Odom Michael O’Hara Charlotte A. Oliva l Eric D. Opel l Marco Anthony Orozco Shane Orr Mary Quinn-Otsuka and Frank Otsuka l Glenn M. Overley Ginny Pace n Kathleen Palmquist l Marilyn B. Paris Nena Park l Bimal C. Patel l Kathleen and Jack Patrona l Mark A. Patton l John L. Peel l Richard W. Pena l Steve Penny Pat O. Perkins Serge M. Perusse Barbara and Jarrold Petraborg David R. Pierce l Michael A. Pimental Susan and Brian Pimley l Mary and John Pinson Kathleen A. Pomykata ln Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Potter Nancy L. Pretty Patricia Prunty n Rick and Jill Pullen n Dr. Jackson K. Putnam n Toni and Terrance Ramsay Melinda and Charles Rathmell II l Kittie and John Rau s Jeff K. Renken William H. Reynolds n Lisa M. Richens l Kathleen Ringer Phyllis and Roy Roberts l Ed Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Rogers Thomas A. Rolinson l Don Wade Roper Helen and Fred Rose s Theresa and Larry Rovira l Mary Rupp Dennis L. Salts l Mary K. Sampson l Phillip and Deborah Sanchez Arlene D. Sanders l Anthony Sandoval l Patricia A. Schammel Louis E. Scheffler l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
James L. Scheppele l Robert L. Schneider l Patrick J. Schuneman l Jessica Schutte n Thomas F. Schwartz Anita and Richard Schweppe l Krista Binder and Robert Scialdone ln Robert O. Scott l Christina A. Shafer l Takeshi Shimamoto Marilynn M. Shirreffs Beverley Shook Roman A. Shulze l Andrea Sims n Dr. Wilbur Sims Judith and Joel Slutzky Andrea and William Smith ln Janet L. Smith n Dr. Judy A. Smith ln Ronald L. Smith l Frederick Snyder l Greg T. Spielman l Scott A. St. John l Maganda and Tom Stamos Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Stannard Robert Statham l David Streit l Mrs. Alyse and Dr. H. Eric Streitberger n Gary P. Strout Jr. l Nancy and Everett Stuck lns Michele L. Suire l Dr. Laichen Sun n Judith and Paul Sundermann William F. Swift l Joseph Michael Szilagyi Dr. Barbara N. Talento ln Kathy and Steven Tanikawa l Robert L. Taylor l Martha E. Thomason l Terri L. Thompson n Donald R. Thornburg l Mrs. Cathrynn and Dr. David Thorsen ns Anthony J. Thymes l Karen and Richard Timian l Andrew T. Tran l Theresa P. Tran Bert G. Trevino l Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Valenti Edward N. Valenzuela l Christine and Richard Vanderbeck Anne T. and Ara Vardanian l Anita Varela Sandra J. Vaughan l James L. Vena l James Venuto Rhonda and Carl Vincent Wendy Y. Voong l Doyle F. Wagner l Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Wagoner Carole G. Wakeman l Michele and Michael Walsh l Sonia G. Waltenspiel
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Joan and Thomas Waltman l Angela L. Wang l Dr. Howard S. Wang n Hattie A. Weaver l Martha Weaver Dr. David R. Webb l Joseph A. Weber n Doretta and Wayne Wedin l M. Elaine Weidner n Michael T. Weiss l Piero Wemyss Mr. and Mrs. James R. Westling l Linda Wheeler Kennon H. White Charles Williams Michael R. Williams l Faye and Gary Winstead l Cheryl and Gregory Wirzbicki l Nancy and Carl Woodard Dr. Nelson E. Woodard n Randall P. Yang Sylvia Young David A. Zirkle l
$100-249 Pauline Abbott n Brian Abrams l Michelle Marie Abril l Janine Acoba l Sandra Acton Dr. Curtis Adams l Gregory A. Agalsoff l Esther and Nick Agpalo Laura K. Agsalud Michelle A. Aguirre l Mr. and Mrs. Terrance J. Aitken Jeffrey Akahoshi l The Akins Family Trust s Laurel Alexander l Rick Alexander l Lupe I. Alfaro l Robyn Alhadeff Susan and Keith Allen l Thom Allen Antoine Allevato l Noha M. Alshugairi l Jeffrey M. Altshuler l Dr. Sylvia Alva Maricela Alvarado ln Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alves Barbara J. Amsbury l Michael D. Anastasion l Steven M. Anastasion Maribel Andaya l Wilma and James Anders l Barbara and Jerry Andes l Ann T. Andrews l Lavern A. Andrews Michael S. Aparicio J. Kim Apel n Denise and Jim Arbiso Barbara and Andrew Arczynski l Pauline J. Arietta l Nart Arislanouk l Andrea Armstrong l Daniel M. Armstrong l
There’s no debate about his commitment to CSUF seasoned trial lawyer, Terry Giles ’70 (B.A. communications) makes a convincing argument for supporting Cal State Fullerton. “My experience at the university is significant for a lot of reasons. While I was involved in school politics, baseball and a fraternity, the most important reason, by far, was my participation on the debate team. I sincerely believe it’s why I’m a success.” After leaving Cal State Fullerton, Giles earned his juris doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1974. A year later, he founded and built his law firm in California and successfully handled hundreds of civil and criminal cases. He also enjoyed a rewarding business career, including ownership of more than 30 companies. Now based in Houston, Texas, Giles is retired from the courtroom, but still pursues numerous Terry Giles, here with his wife Kalli, has given generously to business interests. the university’s debate team and to the Center for Leadership His support of the Development. debate team has been long and generous. “I want to give others the benefit of the education that I received. Debating helps you organize your thoughts and to think faster. Lucy Keele, the director of debate at CSUF at the time, was absolutely instrumental in helping me to develop these skills.” A true university citizen, Giles, and his wife Kalli also made a significant contribution to the Center for Leadership Development at the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics and continue to support the College of Communications. “I feel really good about our involvement with Cal State Fullerton. I hope our help allows students to advance their careers.”
For information about giving to the College of Communications, please contact Nancy Byrne at 657-278-3348.
Marshall D. Armstrong l Andres M. Arteaga Catherine and John Arthur ln Rosemary L. Ashcraft l Z.R. Ashcroft Naser Ashkar Robyn M. Ashton l Marty Avalos l Diana L. Avendano ln Alicia Ayala Katherine L. Ayala Linda S. Baca l Relie M. Bacho Jr. l Catherine S. Baddorf l Adriana A. Badillo ln Stefan Badstuebner ln Celine Bae John V. Bakas l John C. Bakkila l Robert B. Bakovic l Laurie Balerud Casey B. Ballwey l Jo E. Bandy l Carol and Donald Bankhead l Marilyn R. Barbour l Joann P. Barham l Wendy L. Barker l The Barlow Family Trust s Holly and Steve Barnett l Louis C. Baron l Scott M. Barr R. Barzen s Dorothy and Nick Batinich Nancy Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John E. Baugh Jr. l Tracy D. Bavasi l Kathleen A. Baxter l Eric Q. Bayani l Judy A. Bays l Leah Beattie Michael A. Beeuwsaert l Alese P. Bell l James M. Bell l John R. Bellows l George D. Bement l John W. Ben Douglas R. Bender Jr. l Douglas Bennett l James Bennett l Elaine P. Beno l Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Benson Kathleen S. Bent l Edward J. Benthale l Todd Berens l Dr. Dennis F. Berg ln Kim L. Berger l Lawrence T. Bergeron l Cathleen and Thomas Bergeron Donald G. Berkheimer l Jay Berman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernstein
Franki Berry Shirley R. Berry l Pratibha Bhagwat l David Biggs l Katherine Bihr Peter A. Bilello l Barry Binder Craig Birker Bozena Birsic l Kathleen and Steve Birt James Bisnow s James H. Blake William R. Blanchard s Michael M. Blank Tina and Mark Bliese l Shirley Bloom l Sandra G. Bloore l Jesse D. Bluma l Patricia A. Boatright l Peggy G. Bockman n Todd Bogardus l Peggy Bogart Carol A. Boice l Jean R. Boivin l Constance M. Bonanni ln Dr. Martin V. Bonsangue ln Celest and Dario Borelli Cheryl A. Borris-Morenc l Richard H. Borschel and Susan J. Borschel l Robert G. Bosanko l Carl Botterud Carrin and George Bouchard Jeff Bouchard Scott M. Bourdon ln Stephen Bowers l Howard E. Boydstun l Roberta Boyle Carolyn Bradford l Francine G. Bradford l John Bradshaw Frances A. Brannon Roger L. Bratcher l Gail M. Braverman l Marshal Brecht l Dr. Renae M. Bredin n Dr. Lauren W. Breese n Helen Breitenbach l Charles A. Brewer III l Girard S. Brewer Katie M. Brewer Vicki R. Brewster n Bill Brickey Jim Bright Patricia J. Bright Alvin J. Brightbill n Teresa C. Brito l Mary Lou Broadbent Helen A. Michel l Kelli A. Bronson l Monika R. Broome l Alanna L. Brown l Anne M. Brown Craig Brown l Dr. Gregory Brown n Helen Brown
Helen M. Brown l Leslie M. Brown l Mark S. Brown l Warren A. Brown l Michael Brunolli April S. Buchner l David L. Buck l Michael Buhbe l Felicia Bukaty Kika G. Bukoski Valerie Bullock William J. Bullock III Ed Burch Elizabeth and Jochen Burgtorf n Charles E. Burgwin l Patricia Z. Buril Martha K. Burke Dr. Versie G. Burns (deceased) Dr. and Mrs. William Burns l Robin C. Burris l David Burt l Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Burtner Jan Button l Krystle C. Bybee l Susan K. Cadwallader Stanley H. Calloway l Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campagna James Campbell Lillian and Frank Cannizzo Gerard W. Caraccioli l Stephen P. Cardona Sr. Nancy E. Carlberg l Nancy and David Carlock ln Pilar A. Carlos l Marilyn Carlson Pamela and Paul Carney Kimberly J. Carr l Lawrence Carroll s Joan and Richard Carroll Nancy L. Carson n Alta and Alan Carter Patricia Carter Paul J. Carter l Patricia A. Carver David Casey l Richard Cassel l Jean E. Cassidy Gloria and Jorge Castellanos ln Gerald P. Castillo l Michael Castillo l Dr. Marjorie Caswell-Smith Jennifer and Gary Cattelino l Florence M. Cavileer l Janet and Andrew Cece Allen C. Cekorich l Elizabeth P. Cendejas l Cathy and Jay Center l Sarah Chaffin and Peter Pasquale Nancy Chalmers l Clair Chambless George D. Chandler l Carey Chastain l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Andrea and Randy Chavez Georgina Chavez-Villella l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chavis l Louis G. Chazen l Jan C. Chen l Jie Chen l Michael Chiaramonte l Min K. Choi l Casmir R. Choppy l Patricia I. Chorak l Marsha and William Christensen l Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Christiansen l Michael Christman Maureen and Erman Christofferson Craig L. Chyrchel l Daniel A. Cisneros l Jill and Gary Citronl Claudia Clark l Colleen E. Clark l Darrell Clark Richard L. Clark l Teresa Clark Nora O. Clayton l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cochran s Mr. and Mrs. Hal P. Cochran ls Hiromi Taya Cochran Joan and Burnett Cohen l Riley Coker s Robert J. Colacion l Carol Ann Comeau l Rosemarie Compean l Kata B. Conlon l Robert E. Constantine l Liz and Bob Cook Dorothy Cook Anne and Jim Cook Katherine and Kevin Cook ln Mark Cook Patricia and Mario Cordova l Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Corey n Renee Cornell Mary Ann T. Coscino Michael W. Costello l Sandra Cotten s Patricia M. Cowsar l Lynn and Gary Cox Suellen Cox ln Dr. and Mrs. Chris Cozby n Cecilia D. Craig l Barbara and Theodore Cramer ln Arla and Jay Crane Rick Crane Gary L. Crippen l Mr. and Mrs. George Cross Kevin W. Cross l Oren C. and Mary Crothers l Victoria and Michael Crow l Jane and Dr. Wendell Crow n Nick Cruz l Thomas Cruz Jana and Gary Cuiper l Robert F. Cummings l n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Claire Curran Thomas P. Curran l Elizabeth and Shannon Cutsinger Amir H. Dabirian ln Dr. James R. Daehnert l Mary Dalessi l Ramona M. Daly Dr. Hugh R. Dana Michael J. Danko l Karin Darmanin s Judith and Kenneth Datz Lisa M. Datz l Dwight L. Davidson l Thomas Davidson Alyssa L. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davies l Andrea C. Davis ln Brian L. Davis l Diana J. Davis lns James L. Davis l Lyn K. Davis Peter Davis Charmaine Coker-Day and Duane Day l Russell Dean Brenda and Donald Deas Dale Deffner Matthew J. Degen l Mark E. Deiters l Dr. and Mrs. Paul De Land n Dennis a. Deliddo Joseph Scott DeLillo l Margaret A. Delmastro l Susan DeMeester Benny J. Demus Vickie M. Demus Laura and John Denovi l Richard DePaul l Judith and William Dermody l Jennifer and Mike Detlefsen Peggy Deutch l Paul B. Deveau l Walter C. De Vries l Toby W. Dickinson l James Dierking l Dr. Steven Dierking l Rita and John Dietrich Duane Dike l Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dillashaw Stewart W. Dillingham l Edward Din Dr. Roger M. Dittmann n Karen R. Dixon Helen and Ronald Dolbin Sr. n Dr. Rebecca E. Dolhinow n Margarita Donato l Yariv Donde ls Margaret H. Donnelly l William M. Doran l Tenzin Dorjee Frank G. D’Orsi l Paul J. Douglas l Suzenne Dourte l Michael D. Doxey l Mark R. Doyle l Richard Drake l Joanne E. Driggers
Rebecca Vance was moved to make a gift to Titan baseball in honor of Jon Wilhite, a former player severely injured in a tragic accident.
The game is on her mind; the players are in her heart ebecca Vance has one tough job: She is not only a student studying math and geology at Cal State Fullerton, but also a single mom of two sons – a 3-year-old and a 4-year-old. She’s a big fan of the Angels, and her sons are already playing T-ball, an entry sport to baseball and softball for young players. Like all of the university community, she was shocked when she heard about the tragic automobile accident in April that took the lives of Angels’ pitcher Nick Adenhart, law school student Henry Nigel Pearson and CSUF communications major Courtney Stewart, and severely injured CSUF alumnus Jon Wilhite. “Jon went to my school, so I felt connected to him because of that,” she said. “I felt so bad for him, that I just wanted to honor him in some way.” Vance wished to make a donation directly to Cal State Fullerton in Jon’s name. Since CSUF did not have a donation fund set up to directly benefit Jon (this could only be done through a trust fund set up by his family), she decided to make a gift to Titan baseball in honor of him. She also shared that she would like to make a gift to the philanthropy identified by Courtney Stewart’s family. “I didn’t know Jon or Courtney, but I was so moved that something like this happened at my college. I just felt like I had to do something,” she said. “I hope the money helps someone who can’t afford to go to college, or perhaps it can help fix something that needs repair.”
For information about giving to Athletics, please contact Pam Jones-Tintle at 657-278-4407.
Pamela M. Drummond n Melissa J. Dukes l Robert D. Dumas Jr. l Dr. Thomas L. Duncan l Carmen and Burnie Dunlap n Raymond R. Dunne l Stacey L. Duran l Albert Duron Trudy and William Durrette Susan and Steven Dutcher Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dyment n Barbara Bautz and Dr. Thomas Eagle l Ernalee and Curtis Eakin l Nancy L. Edman l Andrew W. Edwards l Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edwards Mary V. Edwards l Marsha G. Ehlers l Mary A. Eide l David A. Eisenberger l Dhiya El Saden John L. Elders ln Barbara and Thomas Eldredge Ceasar D. Eleasar l Maria and Jack Elenbaas ln James Elfring Steven C. Ellingson l Dorothy L. Ellington l Marsha and Thomas Elliott l Frank S. Ellis l Shawna and Gregory Ellis ls Joy C. Ellis l Catherine Ellis Frank H. Elmer Anna B. Emery l Joyce and William Emery Aiko Endo Robert L. Engeman Joanna and Jeffrey Ennis l Mr. and Mrs. Erkan Ereren Dr. John R. Erickson n Janacque M. Ernsbarger l Andrew A. Espinosa l Patrick Estrada l Mary G. Eury l Christine E. Evenson l Christopher J. Everett l Victoria I. Evers l Norman G. Ewers l Marjorie E. Ewing l Barbara A. Faessel l Charles M. Farina l Sheila Faris-Penn and James Penn n Shohreh Faroky l Andrew R. Feghali l Laverne and Gerald Felper l Kathleen and Joseph Felz l Dr. Mitchell J. Fennell n Lesley K. Fera ls Dr. Anne T. Feraru n Diane M. Ferguson l
Veronica Fernandez l Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fick l Lawrence L. Fick Jr. l Mark G. Filsinger l Darin Finkelstein s Rhonda C. Finnigan l Sandra L. Finstuen l Kenneth A. Fischer l Paula J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fixa Felicia L. Flahive Susan and Patrick Flannery Jennifer and Jon Flemming Dr. Ronald K. Fliss June D. Flood l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Florentine l Rita A. Flores l Deann and Kent Floro David M. Flynn l Rebecca L. Flynn l Kevin R. Foley l Jeannine A. Ford l Martha Ford l Tom Ford H. Forman Michael D. Forrester l Frances S. Forsch Pat Forster Dick and Cynthia Foster l Henry E. Foster Chris and David Fox Hermine L. Fox Delaine P. Fragnoli l Carolyn France l Feliciana B. Francisco Robert Franco l Patricia and Dennis Franklin Hannah R. Freeman l Cary Friedman Emory Frink l Caroline and David Fromson ln Nicholas Frost Atsushi Fujimoto l Stephen I. Fukumoto l Dennis Fuller Craig and Diana Fulmer l Brian A. Fulsom l Nicolas T. Furjanick l Dr. Kimo N. Furumoto n Amy S. Gadacz l Julie D. Gallant l John E. Gallardo l Marcus J. Gallo l Paul E. Garber s Sylvia and Leonard Garber l Brittany A. Garcia Dr. Philip Garcia l Richard Garcia l Barbara and David Gardner Christy and Pat Garneau Laurel Peniche Gartman l The Garvey Living Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Gary s Susanne T. Gaskins l Dr. Joanne M. Gass lns Dr. Robert H. Gass Jr. lns
Tallya Geiger Mr. and Mrs. William Geister Paul J. Gelormino l Karen E. Gentry l Dean Gertie Dr. and Mrs. George Giacumakis Jr. n Joanne Giannini Steve V. Giano ln Dr. Phillip L. Gianos n Kaitlin Gibson Melani Gil de Montes l Gregory M. Gill l Paul H. Gillebaard l Deborah S. Gillen l Mr. and Mrs. William N. Gillespie Robert J. Gleeson l Teresa A. Glennan l Jane and Kenneth Glessner Richard M. Gloady l Patricia L. Gloster l Ed F. Gogin l Michael A. Golackson l Camille Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gollhardt Jesse Gomez l Cristina and Alfred Gonzales Sabrina C. Gonzales Crispin Gonzalez Jr. l Joe Gonzalez Lisa M. Gonzalez l Jeff Goodban Debra Goodding l Pamela Gooden l Kristen N. Goossens l Mario Gottuso Jr. ln Patrick J. Gough l Anthony J. Grande l Anthony P. Grande l Cheryl and Bill Grandey s Janice R. Grant l Timothy Graven l Edward F. Graves l Val Gray Janet M. Green l John Greenwood Marilyn D. Gregson l Michael E. Gretzinger l Mark R. Griess l Clayton Griffith l Carol and Michael Griffith Robert A. Griffith l Merritt J. Grimm l Michelle Gromacki ln Wallis Grover l Yader D. Guadamuz Victor E. Guerrero l Dr. Andrea M. Guillaume n Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Guinaldo l Elaine E. Guttmann l Nathan Haase l Barbara Haddad and George Santoro l Richard J. Haddad l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Dr. William W. Haddad n Connie C. Haddix William C. Hagan Jr. l Kenneth T. Hagihara l Carlota Haider l Kathleen and James Haiker l Cynthia Hailey l Gerald Haines Christine M. Hall l Michael D. Hall l Susan Hallman ns Linda S. Ham l Dr. Bronson Hamada l Michelle Hamrick Daniel W. Hancock l Dan L. Handayan Deanna Hanford Roy A. Hansen Harley J. Hanson l Jack Hanson l Michael G. Hanson l Cynthia E. Hardgrave l Alethea Hardy n Gwen Hargrove l Dr. Katrin R. Harich n Michelle and Jim Harkins Sheila and Danny Harlow ls Philip E. Harrington l Carolyn S. Harris l Greg A. Harris l Mary E. Harris l Rev. Dr. Kathy Harry-Wilborn l Philip J. Hart l Deborah K. Hastings l Donna and James Hatchett l Marirene and Cliff Hatter l Jane M. Hauck l Eric J. Hawkins l Suzanne E. Hawley l Karen A. Hays l Lucille Hedrick Peter A. Hedrick l Colleen H. Hefley l William M. Heiden l Tristyn J. Heldt Dr. Robert N. Helton Sandra L. Hendon l David M. Henry l Antoinette M. Heppner l Dale A. Herman l Nancy Herms Maria Hernandez-Figueroa l Susan Hernandez-Mares l Robert F. Herwig l David G. Hess l Christine P. Heusser n Lloyd J. Heyne l Donna R. Hickman l Patricia J. Hicks l Karin Higa Audrey B. Hime l Kris Hirata
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Cher Hobbick l Rhona Hodgen l Joseph Hoffmann Sherrie and Wayne Hoglin l Tamera and Gregory Hogue Colleen Hohn George M. Holbrook Jr. l Timothy Holland l Marianne S. Hollander n Sarah S. Holmes l Charles W. Holt l Sandra E. Hom l Jerry R. Honeycutt Jr. l Breana Rose Hope Stephen L. Horn l Ronald G. Horspool l Ronald J. Horvath l Jon W. Hosea l Leh-Liang C. Hou l Christina M. House l Jackie Hovda Terri and Jim Hovda Mitchell R. Hovey Diane Howard Elizabeth A. Howard l Doug Howland Carole and Robert Hubbs l Don A. Hudson Robert T. Huesca l Chris and Roland Hueth Jeffrey W. Huffman l K. Lyle Hugenberger l Michael Hughes Dr. Dorota M. Huizinga n Royelle J. Hunter l Brian R. Hutchins l Janette Hyder ln Debra Hyer Olga Hynes Dr. Craig K. Ihara n Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inglis Jarmel Ingram Lloyd Inui Kirk V. Irersen l Robert M. Istad ln Elaine and Ralph Jaarsma Daniel L. Jackson Christopher Jacobson l Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Jacques l Aniedi James Anne James and Michael Polak Jr. l William M. James l Sylvia W. Jarvi l Dr. James L. Jenkins l Kenneth J. Jenkins l Christina Jennings Ronald B. Jensen ls Say Y. Jeon l Dr. Maryalyce Jeremiah n Josef M. Jochim l Dr. Kevin T. Joe l Betty L. Johner l Brit E. Johnson l Dr. Carolyn E. Johnson n Casey R. Johnson Cynthia and Stanley Johnson ls
Retired assemblywoman can teach us a lot about giving arilyn Brewer has an impressive resume: wife, mother, grandmother, state assemblywoman (1994-00), business owner, talk-show host, parent of one Cal State Fullerton alumnus and grandparent of another, and longtime supporter of the College of Education. Brewer’s involvement with the college began more than 20 years ago though a friendship with Carol Barnes, professor emerita of elementary and bilingual education. At a luncheon, Barnes was talking about the need for scholarship funds for re-entry teaching credential students, mostly female, who could not afford to go to college. At the time, the amount needed for a scholarship was $2,500, and Brewer said quickly, “I can do that.” Thus, the Brewer Scholarship was born. Her commitment to teacher education continues to this day. “It’s a reasonable amount,” she said. “I believe there are other people in the community who could support a named scholarship such as this one.” A woman of imagination and initiative, Brewer heard Marilyn Brewer, who aspired to be a teacher herself, founded that a former Brewer Scholar the Brewer Scholarship and the Brewer Legacy Scholarship wanted to go on for a master’s for future teachers. degree, but was struggling with finances. So, last year, she established the Brewer Legacy Scholarship, which supports former Brewer Scholars or family members who are pursuing either undergraduate or graduate degrees. “I thought about it as a reunion of the scholars,” said Brewer, “and it just seemed like the thing to do.” Brewer’s charitable choice is based in her own experience. “My first ambition was to be a teacher, and I was a re-entry student myself, so I know what it’s like to go back. Teachers change kids’ lives. They deserve our support.”
For information about giving to the College of Education, please contact Bobbee Cline at 657-278-7567.
Daniel P. Johnson l Kenneth R. Johnson l Leila V. Johnson l Leslie Johnson l Marjorie Johnson Stanwood C. Johnson l Carol D. Johnston l Melody Johnston n Graham L. Jones l Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Jones Nancy H. Jones l Sharon A. Jones l Diane and Timothy Jones Larry Jordan l Sharon Jordan l Char and Jeff Jorgenson Veronica and Sean Joyce l Jill Juneau Stanley W. Junkert l Diane K. Juricich M. Annette Justus l Nina Kaiser s Gitonga Kanampiu l Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan n Debra and Robert Kaplan Chris Karanastasis Mr. and Mrs. Keith Karis l Thomas Kartrude l Denis S. Katayama l Marilyn and Paul Katz Lisa Kauffman s Irene B. Kauppi Jeffrey L. Kaylor l Jon Kazunaga ls Marilyn L. Keaney l Michael P. Keaney l Carol A. Keathley Sherryl Keegan l Frederic Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Dave Keene Samantha I. Keh l Sheryl L. Keller l Dr. Andrew P. Kelly l Vicky and Colin Kelly Robert J. Kemp l Julie C. Kenny l Mary M. Kernodle l John W. Kerr l Aporn Khananusit l Thomas A. Killeen Jr. l Barbara R. Kilponen Richard D. Kilzer l Jakyung Kim and Steve Maleski l King Kimball l Bernard P. King l Mary W. King l Ron A. King l David W. Kipp l Allison Kirby Pamela and Kenneth Kirin l W. David Kirk Jr. l
Dr. Kurt K. Kitselman lns Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kittredge Karla M. Kjellin-Elder ls Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Klausner Greg Klein Bertha and Bernard Klimek Lisa J. Kluever l Debrah F. Knight l James Glenn Knight Mary Kohlenberger Roger G. Kohlenberger l Dr. Chiranjeev S. Kohli n Chiyomi and Ei Koike Joseph L. Kolb l Carol J. Gaves l Rieko Komagome-Towne l Anne K. Komatsu Robert Korsgaden l Dr. Kathleen and Steven Koser ln James A. Kowalski l Judith A. Kraft l Paul S. Kramsky l Jay and Gloria Kremer l Pamela and Richard Krey ls Janet Kries Barbara A. Krochta l Christy I. Kropacek l Verajaviela Kuan-Roberts ln James D. Kubicki l Dan Kudo l Kale Kuehnle Dr. Christian R. Kueng l Joan Kunselman Shun H. Kuo l Martha G. Kurschat Ramona Y. Kuwahara l Claudia E. Kuykendall l Wilman K. Kwan l Ron John La Brada Jennifer L. La Casa l Nadine Laborde l Robert P. Lacy l Tam D. Lai l Hieu T. Lam l Sharon and Robert Lambert Stan L. Lambert l Michael Lamberti Janet McKenzie and Lee Lance l William Landon Jennifer and John Langenwalter l Eugene J. La Perle III l Suzanne LaPorte Gerardo P. Lara l Pat and Cliff Lardinois Patricia Larson Steven A. La Shier l Linda M. Latz l Persis Lau l Nadine A. Lauru l Suzanne R. Lavaty l David M. Lawrence l Robert J. Lawrence l Bruce Lawson l Phillip N. Le l Ellen and Alfred Lee l Patricia S. Lehane l
Stalky Lehman Robert A. Lenard Marilyn R. Lengyel l Mary Leonard l Kacey F. Lessley l Trudy C. Levindofske l Toti Levine l Marty C. Lewis l Marvin M. Lewis l Melodee and Thomas Lewis Peter S. Leyenaar l Kathryn Leyes-Fischer l David K. Li l Dr. Edith C. Li n James L. Liedtke Stefanie A. Light ln Stephanie DeKelata Morrissey l Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lindahl Jon C. Lindbeck Michael Lisha Marilyn K. Liston l Jocelyn and Roberto Litiatco l Hao-Ming Liu l John Douglas Liverpool Jr. lns Marian D. Lockwood l Richard Lockwood l Dr. Dana Loewy n Marie Louise Loggia-Kee l Stephanie Lomibao Parra l Elma and Nicholas Lomibao Bill R. Long l Helen F. Long T. Long Michael Longo l Sally Rae Lonner Adam B. Loo l Alma and Sergio Lopez l Miguel Lopez l Robert Antonio Lopez l Charlene and Royal Lord l James F. Lorigan l Nancy M. Lottman l Mary Ann Lovrich Charlie Lowe Richard A. Lowe l David T. Lowerre l Dr. Weili Lu n Margaret Lucas Niccum l Cheryl L. Ludwig l Jo A. Ludwig l Richard F. Ludwig l Lindy Zhi Lui Donna Z. Lum l Susan M. Lum l David N. Lund l Nadine B. Lundberg l Victoria Lusk l Kevin R. Lussier l Dr. Mary Anne Lyles l Joanne L. Lyon l Judith M. Lyons l Rikki L. Macbarron l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Dr. Linda MacDonnell Carolyn and Doug Maclean Lynne MacVean Kathleen Dempsey Magee l Marie and Steven Mains l Melissa M. Maldonado Teresa M. Malinowski ln Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malkowicz Richard R. Malone l Teresa and Mark Mansell l Autumn and Randy Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mansfield Ula Manzo n Jorge Maradiegue l Michael Marcinkevicz ln James A. Marcus l Christina Marino l Gayle Mariucci-Wood and Stephen Mariucci l Cheryl A. Markel l Ruth Markowitz l Joan M. Marks l Mr. and Mrs. John G. Markulis Dave Marlow Leona and Joe Marshall Sheryl Marshall Margaret Martin Pam Martin Alicia M. Martinez l Dorothy M. Martinez l Edward J. Martinez l Gloria P. Martinez Mauricio Martinez Oscar R. Martinez l Mr. and Mrs. Raul Martinez Rudy Martinez Tammy A. Martinez l Risto H. Marttinen l Gregory J. Marty l John and Paula Marzola Derith C. Mason l Joyce and Frederick Mason l Mr. and Mrs. William Massey Jane and Richard Mathewson Beverly C. Mathis John Mathis Kathleen and Steven Matson l Dale V. Maurer l Karen M. Mauro l Mr. and Mrs. Robert May Barbara and Jeremiah Mazeau Laurence E. McCalley l Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCann Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McCarthy l Christine E. McCarthy lns Barbara E. McCartney Daniel J. McClain l Joyce C. McCleery Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCollum Jeffrey McConnell l Jennifer L. McCormick ln Kathleen McCormick n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Helen McCoy Kathleen M. McCoy l Kellee T. McCrory l Alice A. McCullough l Anna Y. McDonnel l Gene D. McDonough l Barbara A. McDowell ln Eleanor M. McFarland l Katherine J. McGill n Audry McGillicuddy l William F. McGinn Dr. Nancy N. McGinnis l Jeffrey G. McGowan l Diane and Dennis McGranahan l Rebecca A. McGraw l Mr. and Mrs. Richard McIntosh Dr. Robert McLain n Margaret M. McMillan n Gary J. McNulty l Philip A. McWilliams l Charles A. Mead l Margene L. Medeiros l Paul Medina Nicole Medlen Ximena Mejorado Mary and Robert Mellano l Forest L. Melton l Mark E. Melton l Mehrdad Memarnegad Henry T. Mendoza l Ruben Mendoza l Harlan L. Menkin l Jessica T. Mercado l Dr. Doris F. Merrifield-Leffingwell n Rhonda and Ron Mertins Diana Meyer Bahr Gregory E. Meyer l Vicki Miceli l Laura T. Midkiff l Daniel T. Miller l Mr. and Mrs. David A. Miller Lawrence H. Miller l Paul K. Miller n Marilyn E. Millet l Gloria and Phil Millett Suzanne and William Mills Jr. l Craig J. Minegar l Dr. Paul Minh n Edward F. Mishica l Karen J. Missler l William L. Mitchael l Richard E. Mitchell l Robert Moe Randy C. Mohlman Julie C. Molina l Dr. Mariko Molodowitch n Kriss Montague Jennie S. Montalvo Mr. and Mrs. Dan Monteverde l Diane Montgomery l Scott A. Montgomery l Robert D. Moodie l Ross Keoni Moodie l Daniel S. Moon Gia and Geoffrey Moore l Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moore
With their help, the arts and the arboretum are blossoming ogether and as individuals, Doug and Ann Myles are helping Cal State Fullerton grow and thrive. Doug is a man of many talents: an entrepreneur, business park developer and a recently retired volunteer fundraiser for the Fullerton Arboretum. “I did a lot of hiking in the eastern Sierra Nevada, western Mojave Desert and the Channel Islands, where I developed an appreciation for California wildflowers and native plants. The arboretum is a special place to experience some of this beauty.” He started the Chaparral Society, a donor group, to raise much-needed money to improve existing gardens and to build new gardens, the first of which were the Channel Islands and the Mojave Desert gardens, now under construction. Ann has been an active volunteer in several Fullerton Volunteers and donors Ann and Doug Myles have made gifts to cultural groups. Ann’s Cal State the Fullerton Arboretum and the CSUF arts for nearly 40 years. Fullerton involvement began in the early ’70s, when she joined the Music Associates board. As a former elementary school teacher, she recognized the importance of a strong arts program in the schools. “The study of music helps students in many ways, math, for example.” Her introduction to the university, however, was in the early ’60s when she took a course in the visual arts to qualify for a California teaching credential. Doug and Ann were early leaders in the Performing Arts Center campaign and have consistently supported music through the Music Associates, MAMM Alliance and the Visiting Artists program. They also support the “art” of nature displayed every day at the arboretum. “Doug and I like to get people involved in order that they may better enjoy what is offered here,” said Ann. “Time and talent are necessary forms of contribution,” said Doug, “but financial support is also needed to make a difference.”
For information about giving to the College of the Arts, please contact Milly Heaton at 657-278-7695, or for the Fullerton Arboretum, contact Gregory Dyment at 657-278-3250.
Linda Moore Michael O. Moore l Nancy F. Moore l Jorge Mora Jr. l Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Morales Sheri Law Morales l Annette S. Moran l Mr. William Mr. Moreno John H. Morgan l Henry J. Morgen l Susan and Paul Morino l Mary and Mike Morris Michael E. Morris l Timothy F. Morris l Frank P. Morrow l Donna J. Mortensen l Kris K. Morton Darek Mose l Judith Moses Munir Motiwalla l Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mouery Abdul Kareem Muhammad Patty A. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mulligan Lynne and Frank Mundi l Hector Muniz Ignacio A. Muniz Karen D. Munoz l Mary Ellen Murchison and Jerry Kiltz Ray Murillo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Murphy Diana and Bryan Murray s Mary and Edward Murray l Paula L. Murray l Janet McNeill and David Musante Richard D. Mushegain l Jeffrey V. Mutschler l Carolyn L. Muzyka l Jean and Maurice Myers l Lucila H. Myers Todd D. Nakamoto l William N. Nakashima l Howard E. Nathanson l Debra A. Navarro l Erica B. Navarro l Geraldine Negro Clarice and Frederick Nelson Matthew D. Nelson l Richard L. Nelson l Patricia and Harold Nerhus Kenneth B. Nero l Diane M. Neuner Catherine (deceased) and Robert Newcomb l Janice M. Newman l Joseph S. Ng l Tam T. Nguyen l Cam and Thomas Nguyen l Carolyn L. Niblick l Joann J. Nichols s Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols
Daroll Nicholson s Donna J. Nicol ln Conrad S. Nicoll l Lance E. Niederhaus l Diane J. Nielen l Mayra Nieto Caron Mellblom-Nishioka and Dr. David Nishioka l Larry Nitta Ronald O. Nordstrom l Kimberly A. L. Norris Chrystal Norton Sylvia G. Novakoff l Ricky T. Nozaki l Patricia Nyborg Gina and Tom Nyman Bethany O’Connor l Patricia O’Donnell Peggy and Patrick O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oglevie Mary O’Grady l Ronald P. Oines l Valerie H. Oishi l Mary J. Oka l Harold Moore and Sharon Okeefe Spencer C. Olin Pamella H. Oliver n Patricia H. Olmsted Shirlianne H. Olsen Judith S. O’Neill l Joyce Ono and Richard McCaman n Imelda Oregel l Karen and Mike Orloff Jean and Dick Ornelas l Gilbert R. Ortiz l Eugene Osaw l Dr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Duaine C. Osborne Robert G. Osborne Jacqueline Otis n Alaire and Donald Outlaw l Keith A. Pacholl l John P. Pagano l Camille Williams-Page and Gerald Page l Dr. Norman R. Page n William C. Pagett Carol L. Painter l Sonia and Johnny Palacio John T. Palazzo l Dr. Gail Palkalns Naruo n Cecilia and Walter Palmer l Kerry L. Pangburn l John R. Pantle l Evelyn Paradis George A. Pardon l Ruth Parker Nancy and A.J. Parleto Steven V. Paschall Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Pastor ns Roderick S. Paterson l Craig S. Patrick l Irene S. Patrick n Robert M. Patterson l Kate and Bob Paul
Bradley A. Pease l Cora L. Peck l William D. Pederson Rick R. Pedigo l Alice Pelayo Andrea Pelayo William A. Pemberton l Forrest D. Pendleton l David F. Pendrys Michael A. Penn Christina R. Penna l Betty J. Pennington l Mr. and Mrs. William G. Peplow Dr. Philippe R. Perebinossoff n Alyssa M. Perez Michele and Hector Rae Perez l Silvia Perez Dr. Tedrow L. and Mrs. Susan Perkins l Jacqueline Petersen Donna R. Peterson l Judith and Gail Peterson l Valarie and James Peterson l Robert M. Peterson l Sue E. Lowrie Linda A. Petit l Shirley and Alvin Pfeiffer Stephen W. Phillips l Young T. Phu l Amrick S. Phull Elizabeth J. Piburn l Michael S. Pickford l Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pill Jami Pillasch Louis Piltz l Kenneth F. Pimental l Edward M. Pinchot l Amy M. Pineda l Dr. Gary M. Piroutek l Rev. W. B. Pittman l Terrance J. Plasman l Richard D. Pocrass s Kay and William Pollock l Daphne A. Poltorak l Elaine and Frank Pompilio Jeff Ponce Cynthia J. Popp l Kenneth A. Porter l Sonja Potter Donald J. Potts l Michele and James Powell ns Kathleen L. Preston l Ernest P. Price l Dr. Phyllis R. Pringle l Brett A. Proctor l Therese and Louis Purpura Maryann and Glenn Puzon Dr. Maijian Qian n Brian Quinn Alison C. Quirion l Audrey M. Rach Philip A. Rahn l Roxanne Ralston l l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Julie Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. D. Kevin Randall Kristine and Todd Ratfield James G. Rath l Teresa and Michael Rath Colleen Rau-Fearnley l Verna Raun n Helen E. Rawhouser l Genevieve M. Ray l Tony D. Reagins l Randy Rector l Jeanne M. Reddel l William M. Redding l Lori A. Redfearn l K.L. Redfern Adam and Catherine Reeves l Adrienne and Al Reeves Richard Reiff s Alva J. Reilly Dr. John C. Reinard ln Carol A. Reinberger l Lowell C. Renold l Carol L. Renzi David B. Reule l Ashley A. Reveles Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Reynolds Jacquelyn Reynolds n Mr. and Mrs. Myron Rheaume l Darlene S. Rice l Bruce E. Richardson l Gary E. Richardson Leslie Richardson Raquel Richardson ln Catherine E. Richert ln Judy and Sheldon Richman Patricia A. Riehl l Velma and Richard Riggs Dr. Roberta E. Rikli n Arlene J. Ring ln Merrill Ring and Jenifer Onstott n Monica M. Rivera l Ruby Rivera Dr. Teeanna L. Rizkallah n Judith O. Robert l Blaine L. Roberts l Mr. and Mrs. George N. Roberts Sharon and Dana Robie William D. Robinson Jr. Ernie Robledo l Dr. Gloria D. Rock n Kristen L. Rodriguez l Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roethe Ben E. Rogers ln Ronald E. Roluffs l Sharon and Dan Romo Jose L. Romo Celia R. Root l Darlene Rose Doby A. Rose l Jacqueline A. Rose l Gary S. Rosenberg l Harvey L. Rosenthal l
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Joyce R. Rosenthal l Carol Ross Regina and Patrick Rossall John W. Roth l Kristin H. Rowe l Stephen B. Rowe l Alfred J. Roy Richard I. Rubin l Joan Rubio n Suzanne M. Rudoll Amy Rueda l Kathy and Joe Ruffino Michael K. Rusling l Andrew B. Russell Dr. J. Michael Russell ns Dr. Gary L. Ruud n Karen and Charles Sabo l Rachelle and Joseph Saddler Stacy B. Sage l Dana Y. Salas Diane Saldamando Nicole M. Samuels ls Mary Lou and Jerry Samuelson n Norma and Gabriel Sanchez Mary Lou Sanchez l Yvette Sanchez-Owens Dr. William R. Sanders l Eleanor A. Sandford Jose Sandoval l Carolyn R. Sandy l Clara T. Sanematsu l Rafael Santiago l Karla Santillan l Dr. James A. Santucci n Atousa K. Sarcon l Dr. Lynn M. Sargeant n Daniel Sarmiento Danita R. Sars l Stan Saunders Mark W. Savage l Nancy A. Savage l Dulcea A. Sawhill l Joann Schaefer-Haines and Phil Haines l Dean C. Schaeffer l Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Scheid l Ruth Schermitzler v Kurt A. Schiessel Curtis Schlaufman l Eugene C. Schluter l Nancy Schmidt s Paul D. Schmidtbauer l Karin S. Schnell l Marilyn R. Schroeder Melody and Harold Schultz l Jean and John Schulz Barbara R. Schumaker Gary Schwalbe Andrea L. Schwartz l JoAnn and Doug Schwartz Pamela M. Schweitzer l Donald L. Scott l Randy J. Scott ln Lee S. Seaton l Claudette N. Sederburg l Mary R. Seels l
Dr. Glenn Nagel helped establish the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department during his 24 years with the university.
Chemistry was more than a science for this professor he late Glenn Nagel, professor emeritus of chemistry and biochemistry, had a deep interest in his field and a talent for spreading his enthusiasm. During his 24-year tenure with Cal State Fullerton, he helped establish the university’s Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. He served as department chair before becoming associate dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In 1987, he was honored with Cal State Fullerton’s Outstanding Professor Award. His contributions to teaching, science and student research were evidenced by the major National Science Foundation grants he garnered, his collaborative work with colleagues and his efforts to involve undergraduate students in research. Nagel believed that science was part of a larger life experience. According to his wife Greta, “Glenn said that wine and beer-making were great chemistry,” and was known to enjoy wine-tasting and Mozart. Nagel also gave to the university, supporting his department through regular donations. In 1996, he retired from Cal State Fullerton, but not from higher education, becoming dean of Cal State Long Beach’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. When Nagel passed away in 2003, the Glenn Nagel Fullerton Undergraduate Research Fund was established in his honor. Through donations from his family, his colleagues and many others, the fund provides support for undergraduate research activities. Said Greta, “Glenn wanted to ensure that the knowledge base of his field was kept alive. He wanted to share his profession and his passion with his students.”
For information about giving to the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, please contact Pamela C. Hillman at 657-278-5287.
Laurie Segal Janis and Steven Semmelmayer Suzanne and Martin Serbin l Hyekyeung Seung n Kathy Sexton Mary E. Shackelford Emel T. Shaikh Robert H. Shannon l William P. Shannon l Ellen B. Shaw ln James G. Shaw III l Jan and Bill Shearman David W. Sheddon Raymond L. Sheeks Jr. l Dr. Joseph S. Sherif n John R. Shetron l Toyomi and Nozomu Shigaki Susan Y. Shigenaka l Jean K. Shikata Lloyd Shima and Tanya Ito-Shima Hye J. Shin l Stephan M. Shin Cynthia L. Shinsato l Daniel R. Shiosaka l Hawley Shoepe Alvina C. Shonborn l Dennis A. Shook l Linda Shopes Eric A. Shuey l Claire and Alan Siddons Sharon and James Sides l Dennis J. Siebenaler n Dr. Ruth M. Siegrist ln Joshua L. Sigar l David D. Sikula l Angela and Carlos Siliezar Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Silverman Elizabeth Simas Steven A. Simester l Marjorie Simmons Kathleen A. Simon l Colette and Bob Simpson Karena Mills and Steven Sisco l Dennis L. Sitar l Thomas J. Sitton l Denise K. Skovseth l Stephen H. Slagle l Mr. and Mrs. James Slatic Sheila M. Small ln Clinton A. Smith l Gary E. Smith l Gaylyn M. Smith l James L. Smith l Jon C. Smith l Matt W. Smith Maureen Smith Melissa J. Smith Michael C. Smith ns Michael and Patricia Smith Jeffery M. Smyth l Joel I. Sneider s
Gregg M. Snider l Judith A. Snyder l Gilbert Solis Pamela and Harrison Sommer Jeffrey S. Sommers Marybeth Roehm l Debra J. Sorensen l Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sorenson Annette L. Southwell l Nancy Sue Souza l William Souza l Dr. Anthony M. Soza l Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Spalding l Nicole K. Spencer l Terry E. Spencer l Dr. Linda J. Spilker l Richard Spix l Marcelo Sroka l Joseph R. Stack l Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stager Michael W. Standley l Nancy Stanko Sink l Margaret Starks Dr. Shari N. Starrett lns Janet L. Stavenhagen l Dr. W. Preston and Mrs. Lucille Stedman n Craig M. Steele l Ann M. Steichen ln Jerry L. Stenger l Craig A. Stephens l Shirley Stephenson ln Daniel T. Stetson l Paul T. Stevens l Maria and Edward Stevenson Nancy and Ronald Stewart l Beth T. Stiel n Pamela and Donald Stillion Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Stoddard Dr. Julie E. Stokes n Kristeen C. Stolo l Marina L. Stone l Tamara L. Stone l Tim Stone l Wes Stoner Gordon Stong Carol and Roger Stout l Kenneth Stout Michael W. Stover s Katherine A. Strachan Irene and Philip Strauss Pamelia D. Strayer l Erin N. Stricklen l Patricia S. Strohlein l Lee D. Strom l Timothy S. Stroud l Jim Stuart Veronica and James Stull l Peter A. Stull Sandra and Jan Sturla l Luis Suarez l LeAnn and Paul Sullivan Mary and Anthony Sully Natalie Sutlovich Dr. Imre Sutton n Kathleen and Warren Suzuki John Sweeney
Lisa and John Swenerton l Kenneth S. Swift l Mina Swingle l Zack A. Swire l Shannen Ta l Helen A. Tackett l Michael F. Tague l Joni M. Talley l Gerald B. Tanberg l Megan T. Tancredi l Brian N. Tankersley l Dr. Fu-Ming Tao ns Daria and Edward Tarnowski Barbara A. Taw l Mr. and Mrs. Burt Taylor Gail and Glenn Taylor l Mari E. Tedone Lisa Boutilier-Telles and Mark Telles l Keith K. Teraoka l Frances Teves and Hendrik Guevara ln Virginia L. Textor Jane E. Thatcher l Charles D. Thomas l Eula M. Thomas l Jeanne Thomas l Sunil Thomas Michael J. Thompson l M. Jeanne Thornburg Terry W. Tilson l Iris Timmons Elena C. Tinder l Ju-Chun L. Ting l Karl Tipre l Charles R. Titus l Daryl H. To l Alan R. Todd l Bernadette and Robert Tomkinson III l June D. Ton l Marianne and Rick Topping Alfredo Torres l Marcy and William Torres l Beverly and Ernest Toy n Hanh K. Tran l Kay Phalanusondhi and Henry Tran l Thuan Tran l Mr. and Mrs. James Traut Pamelia Trimble l Deborah T. Tront l Paul F. Truair II l Michael V. Trueblood ns Mr. and Mrs. William Trussler Joan S. Tucker l John E. Tupy l Harold S. Turley l Laura G. Turner l Dr. Esiquio R. Uballe n Ashley Umann Barbara and Mark Umann Stacy and Mike Umann Robin and David Underwood l Leslie D. Unger l Mary K. Unland ls l = Donor is an alumnus/alumna
Catherine D. Upton l Michael P. Uraine ln Mr. and Mrs. William Urone l Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Uyesugi l Georgia Valley Carole W. Vallianos l Larry R. Vance Jeffrey T. Vanderslice l Robert G. Vanderstraeten l Daniel L. Vanderwall l William B. Vanhorn l Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vannoy Susie R. Van Riper l John M. Van Wey l Steve Vargem Andrew Vasquez l Arturo Vasquez l Mervin M. Vater l Rodger D. Vaughan n Joyce A. Venegas l Juliann Venegas l Jo-An Hawley Verstraete Mario G. Villanueva l Barbara L. Virus l Rochelle Vitcov Mary K. Vitullo l Marianne Vivirito l Lam Q. Vu l Catherine A. Wadman l James L. Wagner l Jack Wahlig s Susan E. Wakefield l Judith J. Walker l Cheryl and Patrick Walker l Suzanne Walter l Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Walter l Jimmy Walton l Dr. and Mrs. Larry Ward n Ramona M. Ware l Susanne C. Warren l Mary K. Waterbury l Barbara S. Watson l Mildred L. Watson l Oggie and Candice Watson Thelma Watson l Charles E. Watterson l Jeffrey L. Watts l Marilyn and Dean Wearda l Ann Marie and Craig Weaver Michael R. Webb l Francis J. Weidler l Nancy M. Weinrich l Ardell H. Weinstein l Jeffrey Weiss l Ann and Larry Welborn n Karen J. Weller ls Richard Wells l Chia-Han Wen l Inge L. Werner Margaret and Stephen Wessel l Michael Westrum l Debra A. Wheeler l
n = Donor is a member of the university’s faculty, staff or emeriti
s = A portion or all of this gift was designated to an endowment
v = Honorary Alumni
Jared and Cynthia Wheeler Dr. Sue Ann Wheeler-Ayres l Charlotte and Harold White l Linda D. White l Rebecca and Thomas Whitfield ln Richard G. Whittier l Dr. Linda Anne Wicks l Carolyn and Daniel Wieder l Brian Wiencek l Gilbert L. Wiggam l David Wilde l Donna M. Wiley l Craig M. Wilke l Charles L. Wilkins l David M. Wilkinson l Robert J. Wilkinson ls Connie H. Williams l Dennis Williams l Perry Wilson Jeanne and Cris Windoffer l Lynn Wingert Mark S. Winter l Ellen J. Wisnom David E. Witt l Helen M. Witte Alison Wittwer n Paul Wolf Betty M. Wolfe l Kimberly Wolfe-Powell l Christine Wong l Dr. David C. Wong n Donna A. Wong l Stanley Wood l Lisa and Wayne Wooding l Gregory O. Worrel l David N. Wright l Dr. Toya A. Wyatt n Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wynsen l Shirley V. Yablonski l Dr. Kinji K. Yada n Wayne Yamabe C. Yamamoto Kazuko and John Yamasaki l Debbie Yee Larry Yee Jordan L. Yerian l Steven Yoda Donal A. Yonts l Dr. Hallie Yopp Slowik lns Dr. Ruth Yopp-Edwards and Thomas Edwards lns Gary T. Yoshiba l Gregory M. Young l Jeff Zahedi l Holly C. Zebari Marion and Allen Zeltzer ln Barry M. Zepel Frederick E. Zerlaut l Dr. Mary M. Zeyen n Joan and James Ziegler l Susan and James Zimmerman l Tracey Zuno n
The Karcher Foundation serves a helping of food history arl N. Karcher (1917-2008) and his wife Margaret (1915-2006), founders of CKE Restaurants and its flagship Carl’s Jr. restaurant chain, began their legendary business with a hot dog cart in 1941. Located on the corner of Florence and Central in Los Angeles, the business took in $14.75 on its first day. In fiscal year 2007, CKE Restaurants brought in more than $1.5 billion – making it the quintessential American success story. As Orange County grew and transformed, so did Carl’s Jr., becoming a symbol of the changing culture of Southern California. In an effort to preserve the history of the food industry in Orange County, the Karcher Foundation has provided $50,000 to establish the Karcher Family/Southern California Food Visionaries and Culture Project, which will explore the lives, politics and economics of Orange County’s most notable food families. In addition, the project will help explain a period of transformation: Between the The late Carl and Margaret Karcher, shown here on their 65th 1940s and today, Orange Counwedding anniversary, began their legendary business with a ty evolved from a rural area to a hot dog cart in 1941. complex and culturally rich region. Initially, the university’s Center for Oral and Public History will conduct a series of oral histories with members of the Karcher family, business associates and employees of early Carl’s Jr. restaurants and Carl Karcher Enterprises. “The quick-service restaurant business started in Southern California,” says Barbara Karcher Wall ’96 (B.A. human services) daughter of Carl and Margaret. “We want to explore why the food visionaries were here in the early days, and we also want to preserve the history of the food industry in Orange County – the people, the politics, and the culture that grew with it.”
For information about giving to the Center for Oral and Public History, please contact Joan Rubio at 657-278-5773.
Corporations, Foundations & Organizations $500,000 or more The Kresge Foundation
$250,000-$499,999 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Associated Group
Haskell & White LLP
Automatic Data Processing Inc.
Disneyland Resort
Ayres Group Operating
Foundation of the National Student
Iscina-Sunflower LLC
Beckman Coulter
Doris Libbea Foundation
Bomel Construction
The Jack and Isabelle Lindquist
C.W. Driver
Nurses’ Association Leo Freedman Foundation
Fullerton Rotary South
Archstone Foundation
The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation
The Boeing Company
Mercury General Corporation National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
California Age Group Wrestling Association California Career School
Edison International
Hill-Rom Company
Friends of the Fullerton Arboretum
National Endowment of the Arts
Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Granite Investment Group
The Robert Mayer Corporation
Nielsen Business Media
Citizens Business Bank
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Orange County Business Council
Orange County Chapter of RIMS
Coast Soccer League
Kaiser Permanente
Omaha Community Foundation
P2S Engineering
Commercial Bank of California
Giles O’Malley Foundation
Orange County Community Foundation
Paradigm Ventures LLC
The Ronald Davis Family Foundation
Orange County Great Park Corporation
The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc.
Parsons Corporation
Fluor Enterprises
UniHealth Foundation
Robinson Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Foundation for Agency Management
Southern California Edison
Raytheon Company
States Logistics Services Inc.
Risk Insurance Management Society, Los
Automobile Club of Southern California
White Nelson & Co.
Emulex Hill Brothers Chemical Company
Anaheim Arena Management LLC
Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation Inc.
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
The Carl N. and Margaret M. Karcher Foundation
Benefit Concepts Inc.
MAMM Alliance for the Performing Arts Moss Adams LLP Northrop Grumman Corporation Orangewood Children’s Foundation Pacific Life Principal Technical Services Inc. SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union Tangram Interiors LLC Zenith Insurance Company
Brown & Brown of California Cal Pac Paintings & Coatings Cofiroute USA Deloitte. The Diamond Group
Patrons of The Library
The Boras Corporation Burnham Benefits
Music Associates
Family Fund
Donahue Schriber Ernst & Young Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo First American Corporation FKC LLC Freedom Communications Inc. Friends of Jazz Inc.
Angeles Chapter
Cascade Pump Company
Excellence GBS Linens Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
RSM McGladrey Pullen
William Gillespie Foundation
Schriber Family Fund
Google Inc.
Sporting Supplies International Inc.
Grant Thornton
Summerfield Foundation
Kenneth W. Guchereau CPA
Superior Wall Systems Inc.
Hoag Hospital / Toshiba Classic
U.S. Bancorp
Hyatt Regency Irvine
Union Bank of California
In-N-Out Burger
United Way of Orange County
J & L Management LLC
Jeanette and Jim Woods Foundation
Kroger Macy’s Foundation
Martin & Ziemniak
A & S Trust
Mathematical Association of America
ADC Foundation
mUrgent Corporation
Allergan Inc.
NBC Universal
American Honda Motor Co. Inc.
Nestle USA
A. Gary Anderson Family Foundation
Nguoi Viet News Inc.
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Orange County Business Journal
Arvato Digital Services
Orange County Erectors Inc.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation supports tomorrow’s nursing leaders today obert Wood Johnson devoted his life to public service and to building the small, but innovative family firm of Johnson & Johnson into the world’s finest health and medical care products company. Johnson left his fortune to the foundation that bears his name. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s efforts focus on improving both the health of everyone in America and their health care – how it’s delivered, how it’s paid for, and how well it does for patients and their families. In line with their mission, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing launched a national initiative, the RWJF New Careers in Nursing. “New Careers in Nursing aims to safeguard the health of the nation by helping to ease the nurse and nurse faculty shortage,” said RWJF Senior Adviser for Nursing Susan B. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides scholarships Hassmiller, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. to nursing students from both underrepresented and finan“This important initiative will also cially disadvantaged groups. advance the foundation’s strategic goal of promoting a health professional workforce that reflects the diversity of the American public.” Cal State Fullerton’s Department of Nursing received a generous $200,000 grant from the foundation to establish its own New Careers in Nursing scholarship program titled “Supporting Tomorrow’s Nursing Leaders.” This gift will provide 20 scholarships of $10,000 each to nursing students from groups underrepresented in nursing or from disadvantaged backgrounds. Said Dr. Mary Wickman, director of CSUF’s pre-licensure RN Program: “We are delighted to be awarded the grant. The scholarship funds will allow students, many of whom have families and financial obligations, to concentrate on their studies during these challenging times.”
Pacific Section AAPG Lyle Parks Jr. Inc. PCL Construction Wilson Phelps Foundation Physician Sales and Services Praetorian Advisors LLP Premier Procter & Gamble Ralphs Food 4 Less Foundation Reel Lumber Service L.A. Robinson DDS Rohl LLC Singer Lewak Greenbaum SLGG Charitable Foundation Steinberg Architects Stevens Leinweber Construction Inc. Ed Taylor Construction South Inc. Tutton Insurance Services US Trust Vesuki Inc. Morris Weiser Family Foundation Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
$2,500-$4,999 Advanced Systems Research Inc. Alcoa Foundation Anaheim Ducks Ben’s Asphalt Inc. California Retired Teachers Association Child Welfare League of America Inc. Classic Party Rentals Coast Community College District Foundation ColonyWest Financial Insurance Services Community Foundation of Jewish Federation of Orange County Conrey Insurance Agency
For information about corporate and foundation giving, please contact Jerry Yu at 657-278-7677.
Core Care III, Morningside of Fullerton Cottrell & Deems CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON
Deft Inc.
Phillips Steel Company
Electronics Distributors Corp.
Make a Gift – Make a Difference
Emeriti of CSU Fullerton
Prudential Financial
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
Public Relations Society of America
Fairmont Private School
R.D. Olson Construction
Farhang Foundation
Reading Educators Guild
Liberty Mutual
The REMM Group
Edward Mittelman Memorial Foundation
RSAC Management Corp.
Nature’s Best
San Clemente Sportfishing Inc.
North Orange County Community College
OK International
Scherzer International
Orange County Pioneer Council
The Shamrock Companies
Orco Block Co
Shelton’s Premium Poultry
Pageantry Props
Shernoff Bidart & Darras Echeverria LLP
Philatron International
Smart Technologies
Primal Elements Inc. Qualcomm Inc. Rancho Santiago Community College Rod Fraser Enterprises Inc. Rose Society of Saddleback Mountain Saw Service of America Inc. Selman Chevrolet Company
If you are interested in giving opportunities at Cal State Fullerton, please visit www.fullerton.edu/foundation. You will learn about how you can make a difference through your gift to support a college, fund a program, build a legacy or provide ongoing support. You may read testimonials from donors who are supporting Cal State Fullerton. And you will discover why a public university such as Cal State Fullerton needs your support, now and always.
Southern Counties Lubricants LLC Stars Gymnastics - Houston State Compensation Insurance Fund State Farm Companies Surety Underwriter’s Association of Southern California Teresa’s Jewelers
Sempra Energy
Titus Properties LLC
T. Christy Enterprises
Tony Valentine Construction
Travelers Property Casualty Unified Grocers US Bentonite Processing Inc. Werner Corp Western Exterminator Company Western Overseas Corp
$1,000-$2,499 Abernathy MacGregor Group Affinity Medical Technologies LLC AIG Inc. Alirow Allstate Insurance Company American Institute For Foreign Study Anaheim Tennis Center Art Alliance AT&T Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo Atlantis Eyecare R. C. Baker Foundation Linda S. Bauermeister Law Office Beall Family Foundation
Universal Building Products Inc. The Bean Coffee Company
Fullerton Patrons of Tennis
Bemus Landscape Inc.
GeoVision Geophysical Services
Benefit Solutions Company
Grand Central Art Forum
Big B’s Barbecue
The Hafif Family Foundation
Brandon & Yarc LLP
Interconnect Solutions
Bridgford Family Fund
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Brown & Charbonneau LLP
Donald Krotee Partnership Inc.
California Community Foundation
Kushner, Smith, Joanou & Gregson
California Financial Service
Lockheed Martin Scholarship Foundation
California Middle School Physical
Los Ayudantes de Naranja
Education Workshop
AK Constructors Inc.
Professional Turf Specialties Inc.
Majestic Realty Co.
California Turf Support
Matz Properties Inc.
Campbell Lodging Inc.
MBK Real Estate LLC
Cars 4 Causes
Menagerie Creative Inc.
Citibank Delaware
Merrill Lynch
Coach’s Oats
Moore, Stephens, Wurth, Frazer & Torbet
Cobra USA
Morris Basdakis Wealth Management
Crisp Enterprise
Weaver Moschetti Family Foundation
Dart International
Netserve Systems Inc.
Delta Zeta Sorority
New York Life Insurance Company
The Eckley Foundation
Newmark of Southern California Inc.
Emrose Corp
Newport Alliance Trading Inc.
Exceptional Restaurant Company Inc.
Old Republic Surety Company
Farmers & Merchants Trust Company
One Source Distributors
Frogmore Creek Wine
Orange County Tax Executive Institute
Fullerton Families & Friends
Orange Empire Chapter CPCU Society
Vector Marketing Corporation Wal-Mart Foundation Westport Properties Wildfire Gymnastics Williams Co. Insurance Brokers Inc. Women in Film Yamaha Corporation of America
“We hope our bequest will inspire others to consider supporting CSUF. We believe that CSU is essential for California’s future and that CSUF, a leading campus, will continue to lead the way.” —Michael Parker, CSUF professor emeritus, and Barbara Parker, CSUF alumna
The Ontiveros Society consists of supporters of California State University, Fullerton who have included the university in their estate plans for any form of planned gift. Their foresight will sustain and advance the university’s mission for many years to come. Please join us in honoring these members:
Richard Baillif Beth and Steven Bangert Dan O. Black and Kathy Chao Black Geraldine Brillhart Lee A. Broadbent Giles T. Brown LeNelle Cittadin Jewel Plummer Cobb T. Allan Comp Betty Everett Judith L. Grant Melinda M. Guinaldo Ruth and Merideth “Matt” Helm Emma E. and Robert T. Holmes Nancy H. Jones Gary E. Kimbrough Pamela and Lonnie Laster Jordan A. Law Robert H. Lee Alan A. Mannason Kathryn T. McCarty
William J. McGarvey Steven G. Mihaylo Edward B. Mitchell Eileen and John A. Olmsted III Barbara N. Paige Sherry and J. Gordon Paine Michael and Barbara Parker George and P. June Pollak Joan and Jack A. Pontney Genevieve M. Ray Rollin T. Sandberg Philip R. Schimmel Howard J. Seller Dixie Shaw Laurie Stiel Virginia and Jack W. St. John Sandra Sutphen and Roger Albers Richard J. Taylor Geni Ugolini Marvin F. Vigue Jeffrey L. Wright
Dottie and James D. Young CALIFORNIA STATE FULLERTON For more information about planned gifts, bequests and theUNIVERSITY, Ontiveros Society,TITAN M A G. C O M
visit www.fullerton.edu/plannedgiving or contact Steve Tanenbaum at 657-278-3947.
University Advancement 2600 Nutwood Ave., Suite 850 Fullerton, CA 92831
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For additional activities and events, please visit www.fullerton.edu/calendar.
Titan Tribute: Athletics Hall of Fame
Homecoming 2010
CSUF’s annual Alumni Homecoming event attracts alumni, students, family and friends to rally with fellow Titans during a fun, festive pre-game tailgate at Titan Gym. After filling up on food and Titan Pride, fans will head to the basketball game to cheer on the Titans as they take on the rival UC Irvine Anteaters. For tickets or more information, please contact the Alumni Association at 657-CSU-ALUM or visit www.CSUFalumni.com . FEBRUARY 20
Front & Center 8 P.M. HONDA CENTER
Save the date for the 15th annual winter gala. Please call 657-278-3480 for more information, or visit www.frontandcenterevent.com .
Join Titan Athletics in honoring outstanding former student-athletes, Athletics Department faculty and staff members, and key architects and supporters of Cal State Fullerton athletics programs. This spirited evening also celebrates the university’s rich athletics history, including 12 national championships. 2009 inductees include: Football great Damon Allen, baseball player Dan Boone; basketball legend Bruce Bowen; Titan softball player Connie Clark; Titans football coach Gene Murphy and women’s gymnast Barbara Myslak-Roetert. For more information, call 657-278-3480 or visit www.fullerton.edu/titantribute .