Titoma Design Company Brochure

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The Time to Market Company Titoma helps get your products to market faster and more cost effectively by leveraging Asian engineering and manufacturing resources.

14F, 161 Song Teh Road Taipei 11085 Taiwan

+886 227272089




Electronic Product Development in Taiwan and China To be competitive in today’s electronic market place, it is unavoidable to look to Asia, where everything is cheaper: from the components, to the labor for assembly and packaging, to the molds needed for the housing. Titoma enables our clients to reap the full benefits of these manufacturing advantages. But we do a lot more than just implement a client’s BOM and CAD data package. In almost every case our engineers will work with you in order to further optimize your design to take full advantage of low cost China manufacturing. We call this philosophy DFAM, or Design For Asian Manufacturing©.

To accelerate Time To Market (hence TiToMa), product design should be done as close as possible to the manufacturing. We make it possible to entrust your development project to professional Western management, on‐site in Taiwan or China. We know what you expect, and deliver exactly that at low cost.

DFAM holds that any mass‐produced electronic product can only reach its full profit potential when the development fully takes into account the cost‐down particularities of China manufacturing, right from the start. Thus, instead of moving a product to China after three‐ quarters of the product development has been done in the West, you can expect savings of up to 60% on the total project cost when Titoma not only manufactures your product in Asia but also develops it there.

Industrial Design Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering Software/Firmware Integration & Testing Tooling Prototyping Certifications Taiwan





in thousands of US$

Since design is done in Asia, the transition into manufacturing is seamless, and so you save not just money, but time as well. Beat the competition by getting the edge on them first, before they get the edge on you. Titoma offers you that edge.

What We Do

We save you time by using existing solutions and platforms, reducing the need for development and testing. We work in close cooperation with factories and suppliers in Asia, so that once the development is finished we have instant implementation and greatly reduced lead times.

Titoma has provided its clients with end‐to‐end managing electronic product design and manufacturing in Asia for 10 years. We have developed a wide range of electronic products, such as: •Biometric Scanning Security Systems • Wireless Communication Portals • Customized Digital Photo Frames • Dynamic Digital Signage • PC Tablets • Mobile Internet Devices • Portable Media Players • Tablet Based Solutions • GPS Solutions • Customized Computer Peripherals

Our Capabilities • Industrial Design • Electronic Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Software and Firmware Programming • Prototyping • Mold Making • Testing & Certifications • Mass Manufacturing & Quality Assurance • Logistics

RF Design: Wifi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth, GMS, GPS Titoma has close ties with Taiwan's RF manufacturers, which means that for many applications we will be able to find you an existing solution which can quickly be adapted to your needs.

Wireless data transmission has evolved from being a popular technology to be almost a requirement for most portable devices. Standards such as Wifi 802.11b/g/n are commonly available in different form factors with standard connectors such as USB, I2C, MiniPCIe, allowing them to be easily integrated in practically any kind of device. Industrial and commercial applications such as RF security systems, RF meter readers, RF inventory control systems, wireless handheld POS terminals, are simple applications that can be engineered in a few months, having a custom made solution with specific requirements for your needs. GPS linked to software applications can be implemented in a wide range of scenarios, from location, tracking, and control to security systems using custom made receivers—from a small USB stick sized device with a small LCD, to a portable media player—and transmitters that can be easily included on existing structures. We have experience developing application‐ specific networks with short range solutions such as Bluetooth or ZigBee, ideal for short range requirements that can be scaled up using cells to have maximum coverage. Titoma has close ties with Taiwan's RF manufacturers, which means that for many applications we will be able to find you an existing design that can quickly be adapted to your needs.

Over the years we have designed and manufactured a wide range of portable media players, mobile Internet devices, digital signage systems and information portals with high performance wireless communication requirements.

Modular and custom designed RF solutions We offer small RF Modules for low prices in quantity, which means that a whole range of new low‐cost electronics becomes possible. Smaller form factors also allow greater flexibility for industrial designs, achieving devices that were not possible before; the key is finding a good balance between portability, battery life, and coverage. Once the base solution is set up in hardware at low cost, the software platform will give these devices the added value required to be a top selling product. Tri Band GSM/GPRS tracking solutions We also have Triband GSM/GPRS modules, which can be used in combination with GPS to implement tracking solutions. High performance/small footprint WiFi systems. Over the years we have designed and manufactured a wide range of portable media players, mobile Internet devices, digital signage systems and information portals with high performance wireless communication requirements. We have access to a wide database of 802.11b/g/n chipsets vendors, as well as WiFi modules in different form factors and Patch and Dipole antennas , allowing us to optimize the radio frequency patterns, power output and location for EMC, minimizing EMI and improving system data transmission reliability.

Embedded System Solutions

We can design, develop, and manufacture embedded devices for a variety of industries: • Computers/Peripherals • Media Players • Gaming • Secure Transactions • Medical Devices • Security/Identification • Mobile Handsets • Video/Imaging

Titoma can fully develop and customize embedded solutions that meet your performance and cost requirements. We will work with you to select the most appropriate embedded solution. When is an embedded solution appropriate? There are several scenarios when an embedded solution is a better solution. Titoma has extensive experience in analyzing each important factor on a new product’s development to offer you the best solution in terms of cost, size, performance, quality, adaptability, and scalability specific to your needs. The following are scenarios wherein an embedded solution may be more feasible instead of a PC architecture. • Reducing products unit cost • Optimizing the resources of a device • Reducing power consumption • Customizing peripherals and ports • Reducing size and weight Intellectual property protection Often our client's main concern is the integration of their existing software development to our hardware/firmware platforms. By using proprietary connection standards, original ports, and by altering the basic hardware, we can ensure that the information stored cannot be accessed by third parties or final users that might try to reverse engineer our client’s ideas.

Which OS (operating system) is right for you? Titoma has been providing turnkey solutions since 2001, so we have the experience and technical capabilities to make your device do what it needs to do, and translate this into code.

Over the years we have designed and manufactured a wide range of portable media players, mobile Internet devices, digital signage systems and information portals with high performance wireless communication requirements.

As with MCUs, choices of operating systems abound. Knowing all the pros and cons of each and deciding which operating system will best meet your requirements and budget. • Android • QNX • VxWorks • pSOS • Windows CE • eCos • Linux • ATI Nucleus

• Embedded Linux • LynxOS • FPGA • ThreadX (GHS) • Embedded NY • Symbian EPOC • DSP/BIOS • Enea OSE

We will work with you to select the most appropriate MCU’s and Micro Processors available in the market: • ARM (ARM9, ARM11, ARM CorteX) • MicroChip • Texas Instruments • PowerPC ISE • 8051 (SDCC) • Rabbit 2000 • Atmel AVR • Toshiba • FreeScale

• Zilog • Intel x86 • PSoC (Programmable System‐on‐Chip) • Hitachi • ZigBee • NEC • OTP (one time programmable)

Computers & Peripherals Music/Media Players Gaming Secure Transactions Medical Security/Identification Mobile Handsets

How we fit into the picture Titoma takes responsibility for your entire project from— • Consultancy on an appropriate set of requirements • Construction of solid application specific specifications document • Chipset, components, and peripherals selection • Board mechanical and schematics design, and development • Firmware (Bootloaders), Kernel and FileSystem development • Board Manufacturing, System Integration, and Testing • Certifications process • Application level GUI design • Housing design • Prototyping and testing • Retail packaging design • Production • Quality control

Video/Imaging All the way to delivering your finished and packaged product in a timely manner. In a nutshell: Titoma takes case of the complete design and manufacturing, leaving you the time needed to focus on your customers.

Mold making and Plastic Injection

Titoma offers its Western clients a significant cost reduction (often more than 50%) on injection molds.

Injection mold making in China can be a lot cheaper than in the West, and even more so once you understand how to adapt plastic parts designs to the particularities of Chinese injection molders. Through the low labor rates in China there is a very different balance between fixed cost and variable costs. To lower assembly cost Western engineers sometimes come up with extremely complex part designs, which require very expensive molds. In China we often save our clients money by splitting such complex parts up in 2 simple ones, which are then assembled for next to nothing. Similarly, adding a rubber grip to a drill handle will quadruple your mold cost if you go for a co‐ injection mold in the West. In China we mold the ABS handle in one mold, and then place that same handle into a second mold, where the still warm handle is overmolded with TPR rubber. Most everybody knows that plastic molds from China are cheap, but there are also many horror stories around. If mold making in China goes wrong, it tends to go wrong in quite a big way. Our engineers assure full conformity to Western quality standards and on‐time delivery of parts. Our Western management team is permanently located in Taiwan and China and has accumulated many years of experience working in the region.

IP Protection in China and Taiwan

We like to design in one critical, hard‐to‐copy component without which the product won't work, and deliver that component to the factory on a strictly as needed basis.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in China is a big concern for many of our clients, and understandably so. Stories abound of products being copied, and even of factories using the molds that you paid for to make and sell your product behind your back. That's why at Titoma we go to great lengths to protect the confidentiality of our clients' ideas and inventions. This is actually one of the main reasons people prefer to work with us rather than just handing their idea to an unknown factory somewhere in China. Even though most of our mass production is done in China, we still prefer to keep development in Taiwan. Our usual strategy is to do pilot production in Taiwan, and only after the product is stable and available in the market do we move mass production to China. This is generally a very easy transfer because work methods are so similar. We always pay a realistic fee for tooling and development, this way there is no doubt as to who owns what. Many IP problems we have seen arose when development or tooling were offered free or far below cost, and the client's sales numbers did not meet rosy forecasts. Since the client was not able to sell, the manufacturer feels morally justified in making back his investment by doing the selling himself.

Some of Our Projects "First off, I would like to say that it is a pleasure to work you. You are prime examples of what it takes to make a company a world class end to end manufacturing organization that meets or exceeds needs of its customers. Hats off to you and your owners!“ ‐ Russell Huffman, New Tech Alarms, USA "We decided to work with Titoma because of their reputation and competitive price. We saved up to 50% on NRE [Non Recurring Expenses] and on parts. They delivered full turnkey development with impressive professionalism and quality.” ‐Michael Jones, Nigami Enterprises, New Zealand ‐"I am honored to testify as a satisfied customer. I'm very happy with the work you did during the manufacturing phase, and especially grateful for the attention you gave me during the whole process.“ ‐ Edgar Orozco, AVICORVI SA, Colombia

Some of Our Clients "I recommend Titoma as an excellent partner for die‐casted and injection molded parts. During the whole process we had very fast communication, and Titoma offered many useful suggestions on how to improve our mechanical design to avoid problems. The resulting parts were beautiful with a nice finish, and they managed to achieve the tight tolerances we required." ‐ Jacek Rydzewski, Grupa Techniczna, Poland "We used to buy our custom made keyboards directly from a factory in Taiwan. Unfortunately, working with them turned out to be a major headache‐‐endless shipping delays, which cost us a lot of customers. Two years ago, we asked Titoma to select and manage a new factory. Having a team on the ground that really understands quality and is able to make decisions on the spot saved us a lot of time and hassle.“ ‐ Henk Smit, BNC Distribution, Holland

Where We Are

General Information sales@titoma.net +886 2 2727 2089

United States of America Thomas Craft tom.craft@titoma.net +1 949 874 0635 Germany Frank Hoschar frank.hoschar@titoma.com +49 152 2255 0039 France Alain Traverso alain.traverso@titoma.com +886 2 2727 2089 Switzerland and Austria Ronald Hartman switzerland@titoma.net +41 21 801 63 70 Italy Daniele Fuligno italy@titoma.net +39 335 307 196 Sweden Markus Olsson sweden@titoma.net +46 763 969605 Netherlands Case Engelen engelen@titoma.net +31 6 2939 8629 South Africa Craig Geswindt craig.geswindt@titoma.com +27 83 222 5585

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