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Consultant Spotlight Fall 2006 / Consulting

Praxis interviews Tom Rooney, teacher of academic writing, doctoral student in English Renaissance literature, and writing consultant at the Center for Academic Writing of Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.

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Tom Rooney Name: Tom Rooney Age: 46 Writing center: Center for Academic Writing, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) Center for Academic Writing at Central European University Size of school: 950 post-graduate students, many from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 60% are pursuing Master’s degrees; 40% doctoral degrees. Number of years working in writing centers: 10 Job title:Teacher of Academic Writing Describe the work you do in the writing center: This semester I am teaching two academic writing courses: one group in Political Science and the other in Sociology & Social Anthropology. Students in both departments must complete their Master’s thesis in 10 months time.

During the second semester I will conduct some thesis-writing workshops for both groups, and teach a writing course for 1st year students in Economics. (They will research and write a thesis in 2008.) Many of the students I consult with during the year come from the groups I teach, but I also consult with MA and Ph.D. students from other disciplines throughout the year on all aspects of their writing. For most consultations I will read a draft e-mailed in advance of our 30-minute meeting. Describe the training you’ve participated in: My approach to writing was greatly influenced early on in my time at CEU by a series of workshops conducted by Joan Retallack (Bard College). These were focussed on the process of writing, rather than consultations, but the well of insights from that week has yet to run dry. Over the years the writing center staff have held several workshops, and taken an occasional day-out, to discuss a variety of topics; ‘the consultation’ is a topic we never tire of. I am in the doctoral program in English Renaissance Literature at Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) in Budapest, so for the past two years I have also had the opportunity to sit on the other side of the desk in consultations with my supervisor, Prof. Péter Dávidházi. I have adapted some of his techniques in my own teaching and consulting. How do you normally start a consultation? I encourage students to write something about the draft in the e-mail they send me, so I have a framework within which to respond. I am always interested in knowing what they are happy with in the draft, as well as any particular concerns they have. If a student does not include any comments in the e-mail, I will ask him/her a question at the start of our meeting. I also try to write a few comments, and/or points to cover, at the top of the paper to use as a guide. Describe your consulting style: Socratic. My favorite kind of consultation is one where the student is active. My greatest strength as a consultant is often being able to give students what they want, as well as what they need. My greatest weakness is I sometimes try to give too much advice in one consultation. What I like about working in a writing center is the variety of people I meet, and the breadth of topics I get to read about. What I don’t like is that some administrators in the university see our work as punching a time-clock. My most challenging consultation days are when I have to read papers on vastly different topics and then discuss them (as intelligently as I can!) with the writers. For one afternoon of consultations earlier this year, for example, I had to read a 25-page research proposal on EU policy issues by a Ph.D. student in International Relations, a term paper on adapting the German banking model in transition countries by a 1st year student in Economics, a thesis chapter on ethnic conflict and the media by a Political Science student, and a literature review from a thesis on migration by a student in the Nationalism Studies Program.

What advice would you give to beginning consultants? There is no ‘right’ way of conducting a consultation. Try to remain flexible, and be prepared to change your process(es). What kind of writing do you do? In addition to writing papers for my courses and chapters for my dissertation at ELTE, I am also publishing articles and reviews in journals such as Shakespeare Survey. How has working in a writing center affected the way you write? I think it has made me fearless. Most of the writers who consult with me are writing in a second, or sometimes third, language. To watch them do it, and do it well (often without my help) is inspiring. What else do you want to tell us about yourself? I always consult several times with my wife Györgyi when writing a paper for a class or publication. She is my most perceptive critic. ‹ CFR: Currents in Electronic Literacy (ejournal 1/15)


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