portfolio mai 2010 Models

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Sartori Valerio Models

Contact Mail sartori.valerio@hotmail.com

Telephone number +41/ 767.43.53.94 (Ch) +32/ 474.39.69.31 (Be)

Address 17, rte de la pisciculture, 1700 Fribourg (Ch)

Portfolio May 2010

I conceive this portfolio in a way as to mirror the architectural productions I had the opportunity to be involved with, and – in parallel – to illustrate my attachment to the means with which projects can be presented. Considering myself as an architect, in the forefront, the exploration of models as media to present architecture takes an increasing importance in my work, hence I believe this facet of my work merits to be shown autonomously. Consequently, the portfolio is composed of two distinct booklets, each of them rendering one particular aspect of my work.

Valerio Sartori

«Six maquettes pour six villas de Giuseppe Terragni» Master thesis, I.S.A.C.F La Cambre, June 2009

Urban Study Venlo (Nl) Three models for the competition, Xaveer de Geyter Architects, July-September 2009

Competition «Rue de la Loi- Wetstraat» (Be) Model for the exhibition, Xaveer de Geyter Architects, February-March 2010

Exhibition Juliaan Lampens, Gent (Be) Models for the exhibition, Witte zaal, february 2009

Other Works

Six maquettes pour six villas , Giuseppe Terragni

Master thesis, I.S.A.C.F La Cambre, june 2009


Villa sul lago (1936)

Front Facade, ÂŤ Villa sul lago Âť

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa sul lago (1936)

45° photo,  Villa sul lago

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa sul lago (1936)

45° photo, « Villa Lempicka »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa Lempicka (1933)

45° photo, « Villa Lempicka »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa Lempicka (1933)

45° photo, « Villa Lempicka »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore , first project (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa per un floricoltore », First project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore, First project (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa per un floricoltore », First project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore, Second project (1936/1937)

Front facade, ÂŤ Villa per un floricoltore Âť, Second project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore, Second project (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa per un floricoltore », Second project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore , Build project (1936/1937)

Front facade, ÂŤ Villa per un floricoltore Âť, Build project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa per un floricoltore, Build project (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa per un floricoltore », Build project

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa Bianca (1936/1937)

Front facade, « Villa Bianca »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa Bianca (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa Bianca »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Villa Bianca (1936/1937)

45° photo, « Villa Bianca »

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Photo Credit: Ma誰lys Eberlin, Vincent Brunetta

Model for the exhibition: Scale 1/50 Socles de présentation: Structure en bois 15mm, peinture noire / Socles maquettes: Planches MDF 3 mm pour les courbes de niveau et 5mm pour les finitions / Bâtiments: Foam blanc coupé à 2 mm, 3 mm et 6 mm, plexiglas transparent, plexiglas transparent avec grille blanche surimprimée, plaques PVC 0.5 mm, tiges PVC blanc 1 mm pour les gardes-corps et 5 mm pour les colonnes, tiges PVC blanc 0.4 mm de largeur.

Urban study

, Venlo (Nl)

Models for the competition, X.D.G.A , July-September 2009


First proposition, De Lijnstad

First proprosition, De Lijnstad

Second proprosition, De Magneet

Second proprosition, De Magneet

Third proprosition, Het Fort

Third proprosition, Het Fort

Models for the competition: Scale 1/1000 Socles maquette: Plaques MDF 18mm comme base, bords peint en blanc, courbes de niveau et trottoirs en PVC blanc 0.5mm, Plaque de polycarbonate texturée pour l’eau / Bâtiments: Foam blanc pour les bâtiments du contexte / Bâtiments du projet : batiments en résine et techniques d’illumination réalisés par made by mistake. http://www.madebymistake.nl/

Competition «Rue de la Loi- Wetstraat» ,Brussels (Be)

Model for the exhibition, Xaveer de Geyter Architects, February-March 2010


Photo credit: Wouter Van Daele

Photo credit: Wouter Van Daele

Photo credit: Wouter Van Daele

Model for the exhibition: Scale 1/500 Socle maquette: Planches MDF 18mm, bords de la maquette, courbes de niveau et trottoirs en PVC blanc 0.5mm, peinture blanche, couleur gris pour deux routes, feuille dorÊe 0.1 mm pour place publique / Bâtiments: Foam blanc.

Exhibition Juliaan Lampens , Gent (Be)

Models for the exhibition, Witte zaal, february 2009

Curator: Angelique Campens Exhibition architecture : Sara Noel Costa de Araujo Photography: Jan Kempenaers Models: Valerio Sartori et Paul Sosson.


Photo credit: Franรงois Toussaint

O.L.V. Van Kerselare in Edelare (1966)

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Woning Vanwassenhove in Sint-Martens-Latem (1967)

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Woning Vandenhaute-Kiebooms in Huise (1967)

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Eigen woning in Eke (1960)

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Photo credit: Jan Kempenaers

Models for the exhibition: Scale 1/20 Socles: Foam vert clair/ B창timents: Foam vert clair

Other Works...

Gesamtcollage, Sara Noel Costa De Araujo Models for the exhibition


Blue story, Lieven De Boeck Model for the exhibition


Competition ÂŤcontrat de quartier Saint-DenisÂť, Label Architecture Model for the competition







December 10th 1985




7, Rte de la pisciculture

1700 Fribourg (Ch)


+41/ 767.43.53.94 (Ch)

+32/ 474.39.69.31 (Be)





Master in Architecture, grande distinction

I.S.A.C.F La Cambre, Brussels (Be)

Master Thesis: «Six maquettes pour six villas de G.Terragni», la plus grande distinction Option: «Histoire Théorie et Critique» Laboratory: «Nouvelles conditions uirbaine», grande distinction


«Prix de la brique» from l’I.S.A.C.F la Cambre, end of studies project

2006 - 2007

Erasmus Student Exchange program, distinction

«Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara» (It)

2003 - 2005

Bachelor in Architecture, distinction


Secondary School Degree, distinction

I.S.A.C.F La Cambre, Brussels (Be)

Lycée Mater Dei, Brussels(Be)



Mother tongue


Mother tongue


Fluent - Good level in reading, writing and speaking


Basic level

TRAINING AND WORK EXPERIENCE Xaveer De Geyter Architects 12, Square Saincteclette, Brussels (Be)

April 2010- March 2010

Model for a competition -Urban plan- (phase two), Venlo (Nl)

February 2010-March 2010

Model for the competition «Rue de la Loi - Wetstraat» - New urban form for the European

Comission - , Brussels (Be)

August 2009-September 2009

Three models for a competition -Urban plan- (phase one), Venlo (Nl)

Label Architecture 19, Rue de Lisbonne, Brussels (Be)

April 2009

Model for the competition «Rivabella» -School-, Brussels (Be), First price

November 2008

Design for the competition «B.P.S 22» - Centre for contemporary arts-, Charleroi (Be)

April 2008

Design and Models for two competitions - Social housing -, Forest (Be)

September 2006

Biennale of Venice, installation of the project (It)

Sara Noel Costa De Araujo 12, Square Saincteclette, Brussels (Be) .

March 2010

Models and research for the exhibition «Gesamtcollage», Etablissement d’en face (Be)

February 2009

Models for the exhibition «Juliaan Lampens», Witte zaal (Be)

Marco Corda Architecte Epure Architecture, 1, place St. Etienne, 1510 Moudon (Ch)

October 2009 - February 2010

Collaborator at « Marco Corda Architecte » office

Other Works

Year 2008-2009

Graduate teaching assistant at I.S.A.C.F La Cambre - Architecture laboratory for the first

year Bachelors-, Brussels (Be)

May 2008

Personal project - family house - , Skyros (Gr)


Manual skills:

Modeling, Sketching

Computer skills:

Microsoft Office: Word, Excell, PowerPoint

Suite Adobe: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Illustrator, In design, Adobe première

Cad Design: Archicad, Sketchup, 3Ds Max, Cinéma 4D, Allplan, Autocad

Basic skills for all those programs

I.S.A.C.F La cambre, Brussels(Be)

Contacts Xaveer De Geyter Architects b.v.b.a. Sainctelette Square 12, 1000 Brussels tel: 0032-2-218.88.86 fax: 0032-2-218.88.87 web: www.xdga.be e-mail: info@xdga.be

Lieven De Boeck studio: Artesiëstraat 52 Rue d’Artois, 1000 Bruxelles US mobile 347 605 61 62 BE mobile (+32) 479 27 99 67 www.studiolievendb.com

Label Architecture Jean-Didier Bergilez Michel Lefèvre Thibaut Rome 1 rue d’andenne1060 bruxelles t/f +32 (0)2 502 89 95 label@labelarchitecture.be www.labelarchitecture.be

Vincent Brunetta Chef d’atelier H.T.C I.S.A.C.F La Cambre, Bruxelles vincent.brunetta@lacambre-archi.be

Sara Noel Costa De Araujo Xaveer de geyter architects 12 sainctelettesquare 1000 bruxelles T+ F+

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