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International Journal of Computer Networking, Wireless and Mobile Communications (IJCNWMC) ISSN 2250-1568 Vol. 2 Issue 4 Dec - 2012 7-16 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,



Assistant Professor, CE Department, B. S. Patel Polytechnic, Kherva, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a new communication paradigm in the field of intelligent transport system that enables the communication between vehicles on the road network which falls in two categories: 1) Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and 2) Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I). Various approaches of data dissemination in vehicular Network are used to inform vehicles about dynamic road traffic condition for achieving safe and efficient transportation system. Types of VANET applications and inherent characteristics such as unpredictable node density, high speed and constrained mobility of vehicles make data dissemination quite challenging and general purpose ad hoc network routing protocols cannot work efficiently with it. In this paper, we propose a routing protocol AODVLSR (AODV Limited Source Routing) that ensures giving timely and accurate information to drivers in V2V communication compare to AODV protocols in city scenarios of vehicular ad hoc networks. Proposed AODVLSR is defined as limited source routing up to two hops for network nodes. The performance of the proposed AODVLSR protocol is compared with basic AODV protocol in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Avg. End-to-End Delay, Dropped TCP Packets and Normalized Routing Load. Simulation results show that AODVLSR performs better than AODV protocol in given city scenarios of VANETs.

KEYWORDS: AODV, City Scenarios, Routing Protocols, Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) INTRODUCTION Numerous local incidents occur on road networks daily, many of which may lead to congestion and safety hazards. If vehicles can be provided with information about such incidents or traffic conditions in advance, the quality of driving and transportation can be improved significantly with respect to safety, time, distance and fuel consumption. VANET applications include traffic engineering, traffic management, environmental protection, information services like dissemination of emergency information to avoid hazardous situations and other user applications. Various approaches of data dissemination in vehicular Network are to inform vehicles about dynamic road traffic condition for achieving safe and efficient transportation. VANETs are self organizing networks established among vehicles equipped with communication facilities like wireless transceivers and computerized control modules. The equipped vehicles are network nodes so that each node can act as the source of data, destination for data and a network router. VANET is a special application of MANETs and have some similar characteristics such as short range of transmission low bandwidth, high mobility, omni-directional broadcast and low storage capacity. Fast changing network topology and varying communication conditions pose a great challenge for routing protocols being used in VANETs. For using routing protocols in VANET they should be robust, reliable, minimize latency and network load. Various ad hoc network routing protocols have been proposed in recent years, whereas two main classes of protocols can be distinguished as: location-based (position-based) and topology-based protocols. These protocols enable the exchange of data between distinct pairs of nodes, using intermediate network participants for forwarding packets on


Dharmendra Sutariya, Ronak Solanki & Pratik Mewada

their way to the destination. Topology-based routing protocols can be further classified as proactive, reactive and hybrid approaches. AODV routing protocol is preferable for Packet Delivery Ratio and Normalized Routing Load but higher Avg. End-to-End delay and Dropped packets compare to other topology based routing protocols, While DSR has lower End-toEnd delay and AOMDV has lower number of dropped packets [1]. To make AODV a better choice for effective data dissemination in VANET scenarios it is required to improve Avg. End-to-End delay and Dropped packets without effecting packet delivery ratio and normalized routing load. AODVLSR is proposed for the same by integrating routing mechanism of DSR protocol with AODV.The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes working of AODV routing protocols and related work on it to improve performance in ad hoc networks. Section III describes proposed AODVLSR with algorithm and packet structure. Section IV describes city mobility model. Section V contains details about network simulation model, section VI discussed result evaluation and section VII concludes the paper.

AODV AND RELATED WORK AODV Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a reactive protocol consists of two main phases: Route Discovery and Route Maintenance. AODV uses traditional routing tables, one entry per destination and sequence numbers to verify freshness of routing information in route tables and prevents routing loops. AODV has the advantage of minimizing routing table size and broadcast process as routes are created on demand. AODV specifies three types of control packets for discovering and maintaining routes: Route Request (RREQ), Route Reply (RREP), Route Error (RERR) packets [2]. The Route discovery process starts when a source node desires to send a message to a destination node and does not have a valid route. The source node broadcasts a route request packet (RREQ) to its neighbor nodes, which then forward the request to their neighbor nodes, and so on. The process continues until either the destination node, or an intermediate node with an updated (fresh enough) route to the destination, is reached by this request. Then, the node responds with a route reply packet (RREP) back to the neighbor from which it first received the RREQ. The reply packets are routed back along the reverse path established by the request packets. The reply packets that travel along the intermediate nodes setup forwarding entries in the routing tables. These table entries point to the node from which the RREP was received. There is a timer associated with each route entry. The entries expire if not used by data packets. Destination sequence numbers are used by AODV to ensure loop-free routes and up to date routing information. Due to nature of mobile node in ad hoc network, links in the network can go down and a route repair procedure may be necessary. If a node moves out of the radio range of its neighbor, the upstream neighbor propagates a link failure notification (routing error packet - RERR) to each of its upstream neighbors to inform the failure of part of the route. The failure notification is propagated until the source node is reached. When the source node is reached by the routing error packet it initiates a new route discovery process. Connectivity information can be obtained using hello messages. Hello messages are routing reply packets which are periodically broadcasted by a node to inform its existence to its neighbors. Related Work on AODV Baozhu Li. et al. [3] ,in 2010 proposed a routing protocol AODV_BD for vehicular Adhoc networks that improves the AODV routing protocol by making it reduce the packet delay. AODV_BD establishes a routing to the destination node by broadcasting data packets when local repair is going on. Means data packets broadcasted is not only the request packets, but also the data packets.

AODVLSR: AODV Limited Source Routing Protocol for Vanets in City Scenarios


This will not only setup the routing but also reduce the delay. Baozhu Li. et al. [4], in 2010 proposed a routing protocol AODV_OBD that induces the packet delay to a certain extent compare to AODV. Mechanism was based on reference [3] with limited hop count for RREQ, so when the RREQ cannot find the destination node, it can only go through very small count. Also new method is used by replying a reply packet which can tell the node that the next node is active and decided whether the node gets a RREP or not. Yongjun Hu. et al. [5], in 2010 proposed an improvement of the route discovery process in AODV (IMAODV) to decrease the delay and routing overload. IMAODV combines the route discovery process of AODV and DSR with append second node's address on RREQ. Noor Azlam Ahmad et al. [6], in 2008 proposed lifetime ratio (LR) to reduce unnecessary packets in the rebroadcast of AODV. The formula for LR is lifetime of an intermediate node divided by the time to live of the route. Fei Jiang and JianJun Hao [7], in 2010 proposed an improved routing protocol based on AODV for adhoc network, which optimize Hello mechanism, Local repair mechanism and provide multi-backup pathway for the source node. Abdulsalam Alammari et al. [8], in 2009 utilized multiple paths in Intermediate nodes in AODV protocol (MIAODV) and multiple paths at source and destination nodes in AODV (NMIAODV). The performance was evaluated in terms of routing packet overhead, Avg. endto-end delay and packet delivery fraction.

THE PROPOSED AODVLSR PROTOCOL Proposed AODVLSR is defined as "Limited Source Routing up to two hops for network nodes". AODVLSR protocol combines routing mechanism of DSR protocol in to basic AODV protocol. AODVLSR is inspired from methodology proposed by Yongjun Hu. et al. [5] which is given for the Ad hoc network with random mobility model. The proposed AODVLSR (AODV Limited Source Routing) protocol can ensures giving timely and accurate information to driver in V2V data dissemination compare to AODV protocol in city scenario. In proposed method route discovery mechanism of AODV protocol is modified for limited source routing up to two hops. Route Request Procedure AODV can gather only a limited amount of routing information, route learning is limited only to source node. This usually causes AODV to rely on a route discovery flood more often, which may carry significant network overhead [5]. Combination of route discovery process of AODV and DSR routing protocol has lower delay and lower routing load than original AODV. However, it has set up too many reverse routes, this would bring in DSR's disadvantage and results in limited performance so only append second node's address on RREQ. Design a new packet structure of RREQ packet by addition of two field as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1: RREQ Packet Structure


Dharmendra Sutariya, Ronak Solanki & Pratik Mewada

Modification in Route Request Procedure of AODV protocol is as shown Algorithm 7.1. Algorithm 1. Modification in Route Request Procedure 1.

Node i receives a RREQ packet


If node i is the destination node then


Reply RREP Packet




If node i is second node then


Building a reverse link in routing table for


Append its node ID and sequence number and




If exists a route in table then



rebroadcast the Packets

10. If check for better route then 11. Update existing route in table 12. End If 13. Discard Packet 14. Else 15. Build a reverse link in routing table for source node 16. Build a reverse link in routing table for second node 17. Rebroadcast the Packets 18. End If 19. End If 20. End If

CITY MOBILITY MODEL A realistic vehicular mobility scenario for a City is generated using MOVE. MOVE is built on top of an open source microtraffic simulator SUMO [9]. A vehicular mobility pattern defines vehicle motions within the road segment during a simulation time, which reflects, as close as possible, the real behavior of vehicular traffic such as traffic jams and stop at intersections. As shown in Fig. 2 City Scene consists of eight vertically and horizontally oriented streets as well as 12 crossings. Fig. 3 defines view of crossing in road network. Each modeled street has a total length of 1500 m, where as parallel streets are separated by a distance of 500 m with bidirection two lanes in each side. Vehicles can move with maximum speed of 40 km/h and vehicle flow is determined from upper left corner to bottom right corner and upper right to bottom left of the city map. Traffic lights to be placed at each crossing and vehicles randomly make a turn at each crossing. To make comparative study of selected routing behavior in their respective scenes, an approach of density formulation among traffic

AODVLSR: AODV Limited Source Routing Protocol for Vanets in City Scenarios


flow is reused. The city model is further sub-classified on the basis of their participating vehicles, maximum speed of vehicles and number of TCP connection used for established path.

Fig. 2: Manhattan Like City Roadways

Fig. 3: Intersection Structure

SIMULATION In This Study, Network Simulation Tool, Ns2.34 [10] Has Been Used As A Simulation Platform. Ns2 Is Open Source, Object-Oriented, Discrete Event-Driven Network Simulation Software Which Was Developed In Both Languages Including The Otcl And C++. It Is Excellent Simulation Software Which Can Study Network Topology And Analyze Network Transmission. Network Performance Indicators Following performance metrics are used to analyze the simulation results. 1.

Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): This metric gives the ratio of the total data packets successfully received at the destination and total number of data packets generated at source.


Average End-to-End Delay (E2E Delay): It is the calculation of typical time taken by packet (in average packets) to cover its journey from the source end to the destination end. In other words, it covers all of the potential delays such as route discovery, buffering processes, various in-between queuing stays, etc. during the entire trip of transmission of the packet.


Dharmendra Sutariya, Ronak Solanki & Pratik Mewada


Dropped TCP packets: It defines a total number of TCP packets dropped during transmission of packet from source end to destination end.


Normalized Routing Load (NRL): Normalized Routing load is the numbers of routing packets transmitted per data packet send to the destination. This metric is also highly correlated with the number of route changes occurred in the simulation. Routing protocol is more privileged for lower value of E2E Delay, Dropped TCP Packets and NRL metrics while

higher value of PDR metric. Network and Simulation Parameters The experiments were carried out using the network simulator (ns-2). For all scenarios mobility of vehicle is generated with MOVE which work on SUMO, which is open source software. Traffic patterns are based on TCP connections which are generated with the help of cbrgen.tcl script of NS-2. Fifteen different traffic files are generated with use of cbrgen.tcl with varying number of traffic connection and then integrate with TCL script for scenarios. The randomly chosen source-destination pairs are spread in the network. We had integrated AODV protocol as new name AODVLSR in NS-2.34 and implementing proposed improvement on it. Simulation parameters for test cases are carried out on the NS-2 for varying Vehicle Density and traffic concentration in the network. Table 1 shows simulation parameters used in the city scene for varying Vehicle Density with network parameters. Table 1: Simulation Parameters Parameter Simulator Simulation Time Antenna Model Radio Propagation Model Transmission Range MAC Type Interface Queue Type Routing Protocols Simulation Area No. of vehicles No. of TCP Connections Mobility of Vehicles

Simulated Value NS – 2.34 400 Second Omni directional antenna Two Ray Ground 250 m IEEE 802.11 Priority Queue (50 Packets) AODV, AODVLSR 1500 m X 1500 m 24, 48, 120, 280 10, 20 40 m/h

ANALYSIS OF SIMULATION RESULTS The performance of the proposed AODVLSR is compared with basic AODV protocol in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End-to-End delay, Dropped TCP Packets and Normalized Routing Load. All experiment results presented in this section are average of fifteen simulation runs for all the cases. The performance metrics measurements are with respect to Vehicle Density with varying No. of Active Connections. Performance Metrics with 10 TCP Connections Fig. 4 shows the simulation results for varying vehicle density with 10 TCP communication pair with maximum speed of 40 km/h.

AODVLSR: AODV Limited Source Routing Protocol for Vanets in City Scenarios

(a) Packet Delivery Ratio

(b) Avg. End-To-End Delay

(c) Dropped TCP Packets



Dharmendra Sutariya, Ronak Solanki & Pratik Mewada

(d) Normalized Routing Load Fig. 4: Performance Metrics with 10 TCP Connection By analyzing results of city scene for 10 TCP connections with varying vehicle density as shown in Fig. 4 performance improvement in Avg. End-to-End delay is 5.81% and Dropped TCP Packet is 7.84% without affecting Normalized Routing Load or decreasing Packet Delivery Ratio. As number of vehicle increases beyond 120 NRL is increases for AODVLSR. Performance Metrics with 20 TCP Connections Fig. 5 shows the simulation results for varying vehicle density with 20 TCP communication pair with maximum speed of 40 km/h.

(a) Packet Delivery Ratio

(b) Avg. End-to-End Delay

AODVLSR: AODV Limited Source Routing Protocol for Vanets in City Scenarios


(c) Dropped TCP Packets

(d) Normalized Routing Load Fig. 5: Performance Metrics with 20 TCP Connection By analyzing results of city scene for 20 TCP connections with varying vehicle density as shown in Fig. 5 performance improvement in Avg. End-to-End delay is 6.27% and Dropped TCP Packet is 7.62% without affecting Normalized Routing Load or decreasing Packet Delivery Ratio.

CONCLUSIONS Limited Source Routing up two hop approach reduces Average End-to-End delay and Dropped TCP Packet without degrading the network performance in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio and Normalized Routing Load compared to the existing data dissemination approach of AODV protocol. AODVLSR reduces Avg. End-to-End delay by around 6% and Dropped TCP Packet around 8% with respect to Vehicle Density with 10 and 20 TCP communication pair. Proposed AODVLSR protocol provides timely and accurate information in V2V data dissemination to achieve safe and efficient transportation compare to AODV protocol in manhattan city scene. Future task is to verify AODVLSR improvement for other type of road topologies because in real world road topology is different for different areas of city and highways. The DSRC standard is adopted by ASTM and IEEE to provide a secure, reliable, and timely wireless communication component as an integral part for the intelligent transportation system (ITS) by supporting multichannel communication. The next improvement possible is at the MAC layer assumptions. We have considered 802.11 for communication requirements which can be replaced with 802.11p (DSRC) communication standard.


Dharmendra Sutariya, Ronak Solanki & Pratik Mewada


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10. The ns-2 Network Simulator, http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/.

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