3.Viscous Fluid .full

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN 2249-6890 Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 21-32 ©TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.

VISCOUS FLUID FLOWS BETWEEN TWO CO-AXIAL CYLINDER AND ESTIMATE VOLUME FLOW RATE IN SINGLE PHASE AND TWO PHASE APPROACH SUGATO GHOSH Department of Mechanical ‘Budge Budge Institute of Technology’, Under West Bengal University of Technology, West Bengal, India

ABSTRACT I explore theoretically the fundamental projective performance of a turbulence flow using in Navier Stokes equation in cylindrical polar coordinate system. I although derived the viscous flow in an annular space between two coaxial cylinder under two distinct condition such as a) variable viscosity ,b) variable density with respect to boundary barriers parameter . Characteristics graphs are to be plotted with its performance phenomena in single phase parameter in experimental set up. I also derived the characteristics graphs of flow rate in Navier Stokes foundation under turbulency in this paper. A generative experimental set up proposed such as two phase viscometer in this paper and their characteristics compression with single phase viscometer. Analytical all demonstrated result agree qualitatively with all experimental works.

KEYWORDS: Volume Flow Rate, Turbulent Flow, Navier Stokes Equation, Flow Rate, Two Phase, Shift Phase Viscometer

Notation (Non-regular used) ′

=navatic two node two phase flow with orbitic rotation

γ = regular yield flow ξ = navatic two node two phase flow with orbitic rotation.

INTRODUCTION Lubricant in lubrication analysis and in many elastohydrodynamic lubricant analysis is assumed to behaves as Newtonian fluid .Newtonian; assume also that laminar flow exist Navier [1] et all derived the equation of fluid motion for these condition from molecular consideration and by introducing Newton’s postulate for a viscous fluid Stokes [3] et all also derived, the governing equation of motion for a viscous fluid. Abramovich S.S. and Akselrod et all [4] sabnutatic (PRC) cell circuit on grid off let to the pace mark cell in dimensional phase with on effective SA node instability conduction disturbance with on a one let read response. Based on these Navier Stokes equation theory in turbulent S.Ghosh et all [5] the more generalised functional interpretation of flow rate. Considering all parameter of the fluid dynamic I derived point shift sugato yield flow. It is analytically derived in Navier Stokes equation with its turbulency of its shift phase with regular used maximum possibilities phase change 0 to Π and Π to 2Π with two regulative substantial compressible fluid flow .These posses proposed two phase shift viscometer in this research paper.


Sugato Ghosh

ANALYSIS In hydrodynamic lubrication analyses and many elestrohydrodynamics lubrication analyses assumed to behave as Newtonian fluids. Postulates guided us shear rate is linearly relation with shear stress. It is guided us that he Newtonian assumption derived the equations of fluid motion and for a case of viscous fluid it shows a different direction as it is known as “ Navier Stokes equation of motion.” Surface Force

Figure 1: The Stress on the Surface of Fluid Element Figure 1 shows the stresses on the surface of a fluid element in a viscous fluid .In the plane of one surface acted three mutual surface forces; yielding total nine stress components of the three stress acting on a given surface. The five relations ought to be considered as •

The stress must be symmetric.

The hydrostatic pressure p in the fluid is considered to be the average of the three normal stress components.



= −3

The magnitude of the shear stress depends on the rate at which the fluid is being distorted. =ɳ


The magnitude of normal stress can

be written as









From equation (3) we take mutual co-ordinate =-





and determine (5)

Under equilibrium = Hence, =-p– (2ηϚ )/3+2η


Viscous Fluid Flows between Two Co-Axial Cylinder and Estimate Volume Flow Rate in Single Phase and Two Phase Approach


The normal and shear stresses tends to move the element in the x, y, z directions. The surface forces resulting from these stresses can be expressed as (δxδyδz) ,




Body Force By an external aid the fluid particle being accelerate perhaps gravity, associated with the whole body of the

elements. The active component of force with respect to unit mass are too ! , " , and # and thus the acted force ! $dxdydz; " $dxdydz; # $dxdydz


Inertia Force The acted force components of the fluid acceleration are the total derivatives %

% %

, ,

%& %& %&

The velocity in the acted component U=f(x,y,z,t)


With respect to time dt Du=


dt +

dx +

dy + dz


Limiting condition approach to zero &

=u ; =v ; &



Taking derivatives for the u component can be written as %


=' (+u' (+ v' (+w (12) &

Similarly for v and w components %


=' (+ u' ( +v' ( +w






( + u'

( + v'

( +w

(13) (14)

These are differential form. Equilibrium Mathematically the equality to the all force such as surface, body and inertia forces acting on and write expression. %








ρ' (=ρ! + %&

ρ' (=ρ" + %&








Sugato Ghosh %

ρ' (=ρ# +








Cylindrical Polar Co-Ordinate In cylindrical polar co-ordinate with r, ſ, z such that x= r cos ſ, y= r sin ſ and z=z, the Navier- Strokes equation for constant Density can be expressed as ./

$, -

+ 01












− 3Ɵ /56=$, !7 -- 6 +9, '∇ 01 − 1



− 2/5



( (18)


=> -



$Ɵ -

+ 01


∇ =-

+ BC





?C 1

BƟ ?@Ɵ C ?Ɵ

+ ' (+







+ BD




1; Ɵ


?BƟ ?D +


?E F

− BƟ BC /C6==> BC -- 6 +G> 'H I BƟ − ?Ɵ C


−6=$Ɵ J1 -- 6+9, K∇ 0 L

1; Ɵ



− I/CI

?BC ?Ɵ


(19) (20)


The assumption as in follows Viscosity and density can be considered constant. •

The inertia effect is small.

Body force terms can be neglected.

Viscosity and density can be considered constant.

- 6=- 6=0

The film thickness is much smaller than other dimension.





Viscous Fluid Flow 31 =3Ɵ =0 and 3 = f(r) Based on these assumptions of the Navier-Stokes equation in the cylindrical polar co-ordinates as expressed in equation (18)-(20) reduced to the following equation. 8

0= 1


+ 9, -


- 6= -5 1


1; +



+ ' 1





Integration twice the above equation 3 ='



8 QQQlog(r)+RQ ( ' (+P

(21) (21) (22)

The boundary condition r=(SQM − SQ L r=0 It apply in equation (22)

(23a) (23b)

Viscous Fluid Flows between Two Co-Axial Cylinder and Estimate Volume Flow Rate in Single Phase and Two Phase Approach


P̅=0 RQ = -


X UV ; 'MW ; ( XV


' (


Thus, M

3= -


' ( ZSQM '1 − 8


( −5 \


The volume flow rates between these coaxial cylinders are at rest and there is an axial pressure gradient U WU;

q=2]^, V

3 5_5


Substitute the boundary values. q= -

`UV a bNO







' ( Z− ' ;( + 4 ' ;( + 2 ' ;( − 4 ' ;( + 3\ UV






We assume' ;( = stands as boundary barriers. UV

Figure: 2 Two Phase Two Distinct Phase Position Velocity Component in Polarity Form In cylindrical polar coordinate system we obeys the Navier Stokes Equation $̅ Z f

d/ . &

+ 3e1 K

d/ . 1

d .

L + ' /( ' 1

d/ . f

( + 3e K

d/ .


QQQQQQQQQ ′ QQQQQQQQQQQQ e ′ 1 5l3e ′ f 6\ - i$̅ ZK3ef JL#̿ ′ \j Z$̅ -k3

$̅ Z

dg . &

+ 3e1 K

dg . 1

QQQQQQQQQ ′ i$̅ ZK3ef JL#̿ ′ \j d/ &

+ 3e1 K

d+ . 1

d .

L + ' g( ' 1


( + 3e K



\=$̅ !7 -




1 1

eee ./


' (+9, ' 1




-$̅ '3e1 5( 3e1 6′


QQQ′ ′ i$̅ ZK3e1 5L3e1 \j(27)

dg .


d/ . dg . 1

6=$̅ "7 -K




L ;- ;O ' 1


d/ .


(+ O; -$̅ '3e1 ( 3e1 6N



QQQQQQQQQQQ e ′ 1 5l3e1 6\Z$̅ -k3 (28)

d .

L + ' /( '

QQQQQQQQ ′ i$̅ ZK3e JL#̿ ′ \j

dg .

dg .


dm .

(+n d K



dm . 1


\=$̅ #7̿ -


-+9, ' ̿



-$̅ '3e1 5( 3e 6′


QQQQQQQQQQQQ e ′ 1 5l3e ′ f 6\Z$̅ -k3 (29)

In case of laminar flow the velocity pattern is steady and very predictable, where as in case of turbulent flow the velocity pattern to changes where eddies and vortex are present and the flow is irregular. Thus flow properties such as velocity and pressure show random variation with respect to time and position. In cylindrical coordinate we added velocity vactorial components.


Sugato Ghosh

P= ̅+∆


3ef =3Qf + ∆3Q1 5


3e1 =3Q1 + ∆3Q1 5


3e =3Q + ∆3Q 5


In sugato model the Navier stokes equation becomes turbulent as the following equation. We neglected inertia terms and body force terms and retains only dominant turbulent stress, the above equations becomes 8̿




1 1 8̿

0=− '





eee ./


' (+9, '

M 1;

+9, '


+ ̿


NO 1;




QQQQQQQQQ ′ (- i$̅ ZK3ef JL#̿ ′ \j

d/ .




QQQQQQQQQ ′ i$̅ ZK3ef JL#̿ ′ \j (34)

QQQQQQQQ ′ i$̅ ZK3e JL#̿ ′ \j (35)

In the above equations (27)-(29) posses in turbulent flow under the pressure distribution across the film. It is no longer hydrostatic as it was lamina tic flow in nature. Comprising polar equitation (33)-(35) d/ .




qr p



Integration the above equation (36) twice p r 3Q1 =- - O 6 #1̿ /2 +zPM̿ +ReM NO


The boundary conditions being posses the fluid film generation at the inlet and exist of the surface 3e1 =0 , where z=0 d/ . =0 se/


, where z=h


Assume negligible air resistance, the shear stress at the free surface must be zero. Put on the boundary condition in equation (37) p r PM̿ =-- O 6h,ReM = 0



Put on in (37) p r p r 3Q1 = - - O 6 #1̿ /2 +z- - O 6 h NO



The volume flow rate per unit width can be expressed as ′


=^, 31 dz =

pO ruv M NO


The immeasurable liquid of viscosity ɳM &ɳ flow together down and vertical plan a distinct layer of thickness h

Viscous Fluid Flows between Two Co-Axial Cylinder and Estimate Volume Flow Rate in Single Phase and Two Phase Approach

wK9, L=

rpO xv



M y′

With two Varitic viscosity zK9, L= ′



{; KN; L pO ruv



q N

}~ - V6



The functional node in commutative partial derivatives ∆f(x)=∆•K€LzK€L + •K€L∆zK€L ′

It’s put on

with compressible fluid $M & $ two distinct densities.

v p ′ ru = ^p ; ‚$ NO V





The miserable liquid of viscosity ɳ flows down a vertical plane a distinct layer of thickness h.


′ K€L

Figure 3: Geometry the Varitic Fluid Density +

•kz ′ l∆zkz ′ l (47) The flow rate under cumulative rule Kƒkƒ′ l.K €

zK9, L=

LL" =


{; KN; L

pO ruv M NO




=1 ,

(48) (49)


The shift phase position of distinct vertical plan geometry with a zM position to next the mirror opposite phase position of distinct phase of geometry. ′


pO ruv M NO

ƒ; ′ K †L


‚$ (50)

Though ′

(x) >


Sugato Ghosh

The actual shift phase difference ,





The gradient position vector of phase shift in on a vertical plane with maximum and minimum ‰Š ⋮ Kz ′ K€L = 2]LKŒ ‰z&

kz ′ K€L =

•5 Ž•Œ~_L,

0lK}•n•5 Ž•Œ~_L (52) So, the regularity yield flow γ=i


K€L ′ K€L ′


K€L j ′ K€L

(53) So, these are Stress being active with it flotic stress in two dimensional phase shift with two phase directional shift phase vector change with miserable fluid functional terms with n number of Set in Navier Stokes flow ratio. So κ=KŠM •Š •Š •ŠY • … . . Š’ L


The gradient phase shift of Navier Stokes Equation “”V















In a single phase volume flow rate —M =KŠM •Š L


In a single volume flow rate is vertical flow rate of vertical plan in a distinct layer. It has to be shift phase of

distinct flow rate with z

Phase with positive response of its incompressible fluid flow , and sustainable compressible fluid flow under Regulatic yield flow rate with distinct combined altogether phase shift of volume flow rate without loss of generalities of fluid properties. “”V






It has to be proposed mathematical derivation of two phase shift viscometer.

RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS I focussed on viscous fluid flow of fluid film lubrication. Navier stokes equation were derived in general form and gave the dynamic equilibrium of a fluid element. It has to be derived as Navier –Stokes equation and continuity equations were expressed in Cartesian coordinate. Volume Flow Rate Figure 4 A viscous fluid flows parallel to the axis in the annular space between two coaxial cylinders of smaller U

radius SM = 1 ˜˜ with single phase Π with boundary barriers of (λ= V L, = 2.639: 0.1: 4 the volume flow rate between U;

these coaxial arrangement is to start at λ=2.639 and it will be maximum flow rate for λ=3.32 and then suddenly fall on although increment of boundaries barriers ratio at constant density of the fluid with varying viscosity..

Viscous Fluid Flows between Two Co-Axial Cylinder and Estimate Volume Flow Rate in Single Phase and Two Phase Approach


Figure 4: Volume Flow Rate with Boundaries Barriers at Constant ρ and Varying Viscosity Figure 5 A viscous fluid flow parallel to the annual space between two coaxial cylinder of small radius SM =1mm with single phase Π with boundary barriers λ=2.98 start and gradually incremented and suddenly rapidly fall of its flow rate although boundary barriers incremented with constant viscosity but variable density.

Figure 5: Volume Flow Rate with Boundaries Barriers at Constant ɳ and Varying Density Figure 6 Under turbulent flow the Navier Stoke equation which gives to flow rate with constant fluid film lubrication thickness h=.1 mm it becomes abruptly a incremented function with constant density but varying viscosity with a coordinate parameter.

Figure 6: Flow Rate under Turbulent Condition with Varying Viscosity Figure 7 under turbulent flow the Navier stokes Equation posses a flow with constant acceleration g=9.81meter/sec2 and constant fluid film lubrication thickness h=0.1 mm, it becomes abruptly an incrementing function although with a varying density.


Sugato Ghosh

Figure 7: Flow Rate under Turbulent Condition with Varying Density Phase Shift Flow Rate Figure 8 To demonstrate the phase shift under laminar or turbulent flow the analytical construction of the desired graphs. Shows the calculative viscosity with two distinct phases with a same viscosity or varying viscosity and same density or varying density in the physical configuration. It rotating phase change are show with more incremental flow rate compare with single phase experimental demonstrated result.

Figure 8: Two phase Two Node off Let off Titled with Phase 1(Dash) To Phase 2(Firm) The variation of non dimensional viscous flow in fluid pressure

̅ with cylindrical polar coordinate œ for

boundary barriers λ Value for turbulent flow figure 9. It observed with incremental value λ film pressure increased.

Figure 9: Pressure Distribution Curve of Volume Flow Rate with Radius R1 & R2

Viscous Fluid Flows between Two Co-Axial Cylinder and Estimate Volume Flow Rate in Single Phase and Two Phase Approach


CONCLUSIONS On the basis of Navier stokes equation foundation this paper predicts the Navier stokes equation under turbulent condition of its performance in viscous flow. It is although find that viscous flow in an annular space between two coaxial cylinders under two distinct conditions a) variable viscosity b) variable density with respect to boundary barriers parameter. It has to distinguished that in a single phase experimental set up deriver that flow with it is a abruptly incremented function with tolls of Navier Stokes cylindrical polar coordinate. This paper poses with most favourable phase shift viscous flow with the schematic figure set-up. I considered two set phase shift condition (two phases) with a larger incriminated function graphs compare to the previous phase viscosity position. It is Memel to switch shift phase of n number of phase vaticted two phase with visualistic viscosity modulation. Analytical thesis posses to demonstrated shift phase measurable viscometer.


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