4-Automobile - IJAuERD - EMISSION - Rajneesh KUmar

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International Journal of Automobile Engineering Research and Development (IJAuERD ) ISSN 2277-4785 Vol.2, Issue 2 Sep 2012 34-47 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,



M. Tech Student, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University,Ludhiana, India

Research Engineer, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India 3

Senior Research Engineer, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India 4


Associate Professor, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

Associate Professor, School of Energy Studies for Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

ABSTRACT A technique to produce biodiesel from crude Jatropha curcas seed oil having high free fatty acids (7% FFA) has been developed. The two step process was carried out to produce biodiesel from crude Jatropha curcas oil. The pretreatment process was carried out to reduce the free fatty acid content by (≤2%) acid catalyzed esterification. The optimum reaction conditions for esterification were reported to be 5% H2SO4, 20% ethanol and 1 hr reaction time at temperature of 65OC. The pretreatment process reduced the free fatty acid of oil from 7% to 1.85%. In second process, alkali catalysed transesterification of pretreated oil was carried and the effects of the varying concentrations of KOH and ethanol: oil ratios on percent ester recovery were investigated. The optimum reaction conditions for transesterification were reported to be 3% KOH (w/v of oil) and 30% (v/v) ethanol: oil ratio and reaction time 2 hrs at 65OC. The maximum percent recovery of ethyl ester was reported to be 60.33%. After that the experimental work has been carried out to analyze the emission and performance characteristics of a single cylinder 3.73 kW, compression ignition engine fuelled with Jatropha ethyl ester blends with diesel fuel at an compression ratio of 16.5:1. The fuel samples were prepared by blending jatropha ethyl ester with diesel in the composition of 0:100, 10:90, 20:80, 30:70 and 40:60%. The performance parameters evaluated were break thermal efficiency, break specific energy consumption (BSEC), exhaust gas temperature and the emissions measured were carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The results of experimental investigation with biodiesel blends were compared with that of baseline diesel. The results indicate that the Brake thermal efficiency increased with increase in load on the engine for all blends and also increased with increase in proportion of biodiesel in diesel fuel. Brake specific fuel consumption decreased with increase in load on the engine for all fuel blends. Brake


Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

specific fuel consumption increased with increase in concentration of blends in diesel fuel. NOx emissions increased with increase in percentage of ester in blend as compared to diesel fuel and also increased with increase in load.CO emissions were lower for all the blends at all loads. CI engine could be operated without affecting the performance of the engine with 40 % blending of jatropha ethyl ester biodiesel with diesel.

KEYWORDS Diesel Engine, Engine Performance, Exhausts Emissions, Free Fatty Acid, Jatroph Curcas Oil, Jatropha Ethyl Ester, Tranesterification, KOH.

INTRODUCTION The ever increasing number of automobiles has lead to increase in demand of fossil fuels (petroleum). The increasing cost of petroleum is another concern for developing countries as it will increase their import bill. The world is also presently confronted with the twin crisis of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation. Fossil fuels have limited life and the ever increasing cost of these fuels has led to the search of alternative renewable fuels for ensuring energy security and environmental protection. For developing countries fuels of bio-origin can provide a feasible solution to this crisis. Certain edible oils such as cottonseed, palm, sunflower, rapeseed, safflower can be used in diesel engines. For longer life of the engines these oils cannot be used straightway. The viscosity (more than 10 times that of diesel fuel) volatility of these vegetable oils is higher that leads to poor fuel atomization and inefficient mixing with air, which contribute to incomplete combustion .Goering et al. (1982), Bagby, (1987) and these can be brought down by a process known as “transesterification”. Chemically transforming the plant oils to bio-diesel by alcoholysis (trans-esterification) was considered as the most suitable modification because technical properties of esters are nearly similar to diesel. Ma and Hanna (1999), Meher et al. (2006). Through, trans-esterification, plant oils are converted to the alkyl esters of the fatty acids present in the oil. Lang et al. (2001), Ramadhas et al. (2005). Biodiesel has a higher cetane number than petroleum diesel, no aromatics and contains upto 10% oxygen by weight. The characteristics of biodiesel reduce the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and particulate matter (PM) in the exhaust gas as compared with petroleum diesel. Agarwal, (1998) , Agarwal and Das (2001). These vegetable or plant oil based ester fuels can be derived from a number of edible, non-edible grade oil sources as described below:

EDIBLE GRADE OILS Such oils are used to produce biodiesel through transesterification and supercritical fluid (SCF) methods in various countries of the European Union, USA, Canada, Australia etc. However, in many countries of Asia, it won’t be appropriate to use these for fuel as these are in short supply and highly in demand for food as well as cooking applications. These are: Peanut, Safflower, Palm, Soybean, Sesame, Rapeseed/Canola, Mustard, Sunflower, Linseed, Coconut, etc. (Antolin et al. (2002), Barsic and Humke (1981), Biswas et al (2006), Einfalt

Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh


and Goering (1985), Goodrum and Geller (2005), Kaufman and Ziejewski (1984), Mazed et al. (1985), Peterson et al. (1987), Srivastava and Prasad (2000), Tiwari (2003).

NON EDIBLE GRADE OIL A number of tree-borne vegetable oilseeds such as Jatropha curcas, Karanjia (Pongamia glabra), Pongamia pinnata, Mahua, Neem, Pine seeds, Tung seeds, Nagchampa, Kusum, Ark (Calotropis gigantia), Castor, Rubber, etc are ideally suited for production of biodiesel fuel for application in compression ignition engines. These are considered less energy intensive and more economical for biodiesel applications. Akintayo (2004), Ishii and Takeuchi (1987), Kumar et al. (2006), Samson et al (1985).But, usage of edible oil seeds may create shortage of oil for daily food due to lack of self-sufficiency of edible oil production in India. So, edible oils may not be the right option for substitution in diesel engines. Hence attention has been diverted to evaluate the suitability of non-edible oils for diesel engine. Bhatt (1987). Most research has been done using methanol as compared than with ethanol. But, methanol is toxic in nature, poisonous and is not derived from renewable sources. Whereas, ethanol is non toxic and can be derived from renewable sources. The use of ethanol in biodiesel production has not been studied as extensively as has methanol. Ethyl ester derived from plant oils by using ethanol has greater engine compatibility, lower nitrous oxide levels, less particulate emissions, better biodegradability and lower toxicity than either diesel or methyl ester fuels. Kurki et al. (2006), Khan et al. (2007). Jatropha carcus oil often known as “Ratanjot Tel” in north India is also known as wild castor oil. The jatropha oil has various advantages and the plant can be grown in wasteland. In India it is found in semi wild conditions and grown in fields. The jatropha plant has few insects or fungal pests and is not a host to many diseases that attack agricultural plants. Its viscosity is more than most of vegetable oils. Considering the advantages of jatropha oil as an alternative fuel and advantages of ethyl esters this study was carried out to evaluate the performance of a 3.73 kW diesel engine using different blends of jatropha ethyl ester oil with diesel as fuel.

METHODS PRODUCTION OF JATROPHA ETHYL ESTER The most common method to produce ester is using ‘tranesterification’ which refers to a catalyzed chemical reaction involving Crude oil and an alcohol to yield fatty acid alkyl esters and glycerol i.e. crude glycerine. But, the free fatty acid content was reported to be high (7%). This was not suitable for alkali catalyzed trans-esterification. Thus the pretreatment of crude oil was carried out.

ACID PRETREATMENT In this step, the crude oil was pre heated up to 65 OC and the mixture of sulphuric acid and ethanol was added to pre heated Jatropha oil and thereafter, stirred continuously maintaining a steady temperature of 65 OC


Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

for 1 hour. After 1 hr, the stirring was stopped and reaction product was poured into a separating funnel and left for 4 hr to separate into two phases: a top phase (the oily phase, consisting of oil) and a bottom phase (the waste phase or black phase, consisting of water, un-reacted ethanol, sulfuric acid and gummy material). The top phase was recovered to produce biodiesel by transesterification. The effect of the catalyst sulfuric acid (5 (v/v) of oil) and varying amount of ethanol (20 and 30% (v/v) of oil) were used to identify the optimal reaction conditions required for lowering the acid value of treated oil.

BASE CATALYZED TRANSESTERIFICATION In this step, the pretreated oil was further subjected to transesterification using ethanol and KOH as catalyst. The pretreated oil was heated at 65 OC and the solution of KOH and ethanol was added to the heated oil. The reaction mixture was stirred continuously at 65 OC and 290 rpm for 2 h. The mixture was allowed to settle for 72 hr and separated the glycerol layer to get the ethyl ester layer of fatty acids on the top. The produced ethyl ester layer was washed with warm water to remove the presence of excess of the catalyst, ethanol and soap. The biodiesel was further dried to remove any moisture present in it. The effect of the varying concentration of KOH i.e. (1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% w/v of oil) and ethanol ratio i.e. (25%, 30%, 35% and 40% 30% v/v of oil) was used to identify the optimal reaction conditions having higher percent ethyl ester recovery from oil.

EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP A computerized variable compression ratio multi fuel engine test bed was used to study the engine performance with jatropha ethyl ester oil blended with diesel and diesel alone as fuel. This test bed had a vertical single cylinder, water cooled engine in which there is a provision to change its compression ratio by raising or lowering bore head of the engine (Figure 1). There is a provision to set the operation type as Spark Ignition or Compression Ignition. Various sensors are mounted on the engine to measure different parameters. The test bed is also equipped with all the control electrical, electronic computer and data acquisition system. For running the engine, the compression ratio of the engine was changed to the desired ratio. Loading and unloading was done through computer. All the measurements and calculations were done by the software loaded in the computer and the data was exported as CSV files, which could be opened using MS Excel for further analysis. Brief specifications of the VCR engine are given in Table 1.

Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh


Figure 1. Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine used for the study A constant level of engine cooling water flow was maintained at > 60 ml/sec. The standard fuel injection timing for the test engine was 23O BTDC. Engine performance test was done using software ‘Engine Test Express’ (Figure 2). This software is highly integrated ‘C’ language based software. “Nucon” Multi Gas Analyzer was used to measure the concentration of carbon-monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NOx) in the exhaust gases.


Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

Table 1: Brief specifications of variable compression ratio (VCR) engine



Engine power, kW


Engine speed

1350 to 1600 rpm variable governed speed

Number of cylinders


Compression ratio

5:1 to 20:1

Bore, mm


Stroke, mm


Type of ignition

Spark ignition or Compression ignition

Method of loading

Eddy Current Dynamometer

Method of starting

Manual crank start

Figure 2. A screen view of the software ‘Engine Test Express’

A nominal flow rate of 500 to 1000 ml/min was maintained throughout the experiment as


Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh

recommended by the manufacturer for an acceptable response time consistent with low consumption of sample gas. The digital meters were present on the instrument to directly display the reading. The range of carbon monoxide meter was 0 to 2 percent (least 0.001percent) and for nitric oxide meter was 0 to 2000 ppm (least count 1 ppm).

PREPARATION OF FUEL BLENDS Non edible jatropha oil was obtained from market. Trans-esterification process was used to produce ethyl ester. Different blends of diesel and jatropha ethyl ester were premixed on a volume basis and stored in separate auxiliary tanks. Pure diesel and four jatropha ethyl ester blends were used: 100 % diesel (B0), 90 % diesel with 10 % jatropha ethyl ester (B10), 80 % diesel with 20 % jatropha ethyl ester (B20), 70 % diesel with 30 % jatropha ethyl ester (B30) and 60 % diesel with 40 % jatropha ethyl ester (B40). The substitution of jatropha ethyl ester with diesel beyond 40 % was not done because it was observed during trial run that at 50 % blending of jatropha ethyl ester the engine performance was not smooth and engine sound was abnormal. The fuel properties of diesel, jatropha ethyl ester and jatropha ethyl ester blends used in the study are given in Table 1. Table 1. Fuel characteristics of different blends/fuel

Fuel properties




Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends


Jatropha oil

Ethyl Ester





Viscosity at 37°C, cS








Density at 37°C, g/cm3








Calorific value , MJ/kg








Cloud Point, °C








Pour Point, °C








Flash Point, °C









Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

EVALUATION PROCEDURE The engine was evaluated for performance using different fuel blends at loads of 0 (no load), 25, 50 and 75 % of rated load at a compression ratio of 16.5:1. The various performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and emission characteristics i.e. carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NOx) concentration in exhaust gas were measured and recorded.

RESULTS The content of free fatty acid in the oil was determined by standard titrimetry method and the total concentration of free fatty acid was reported to be 7%. The processing of crude oil that had high free fatty acid content to ethyl esters using an alkaline catalyst results in the formation of fatty acid salts i.e. soap. The soap could further prevent the separation of the ethyl ester layer from the glycerol fraction. Therefore, the two step process i.e. acid-catalyzed esterification followed by base-catalyzed transesterification process was selected for converting crude Jatropha oil to ethyl esters.

ACID PRETREATMENT Acid catalyzed esterification was carried out to reduce the free fatty acid content of oil. The different reaction variables i.e. ethanol to oil ratio and catalyst concentration affecting the acid value of treated oil were studied. The esterification reaction using varying ethanol to oil ratio (20 and 30% v/v of oil) and catalyst concentration (5 % v/v of oil) reduced the level of free fatty acids from (7%) to 1.85%. The results revealed that the optimum reaction conditions for acid catalyzed esterification were 5% H2SO4 and 20% v/v ethanol to oil ratio. Singh and Padhi (2009) catalyzed the esterification of crude Jatropha oil using 5% H2SO4 and 20% methanol.

BASE CATALYZED TRANSESTERIFICATION The base catalyzed transesterification of pretreated Jatropha oil was carried out using varying ethanol:

oil ratio (25, 30, 35, and 40%) and KOH catalyst concentration (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3%).

EFFECT OF CATALYST CONCENTRATION The experiment was conducted with five different catalyst concentrations (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0% w/v of oil) at 30% ethanol: oil ratio. The percent recovery of ethyl ester increased as the catalyst concentration was increased. The maximum percent recovery of ethyl ester (60.33%) was reported at 3% KOH catalyst concentration. Similarly Bhattacharya (2008) reported maximum recovery of ethyl ester at 3% KOH catalyst concentration.

Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh


EFFECT OF OIL: ETHANOL RATIO The experiment was conducted with different ethanol to oil ratio (25%, 30%, 35% and 40% v/v) at 3% catalyst concentrations. It was found that the percent recovery of ester was low when ethanol to oil ratio of 25% was used. The maximum recovery of 60.33 percent of ester was reported at 30% v/v ethanol: oil ratio.

ENGINE PERFORMANCE EFFECT OF LOAD ON BRAKE THERMAL EFFICIENCY FOR VARIOUS FUEL BLENDS The variation of brake thermal efficiency with load of the engine for different fuel blends is shown in Figure. 3. Brake thermal efficiency increased with increase in load on the engine. This may be due to reduction in heat loss and increase in power with increase in load. Maximum brake thermal efficiency of 33.814 % was obtained for B40 at 75 % of the rated load. Brake thermal efficiency increases with increase in percentage of jatropha ethyl ester in the fuel. Brake thermal efficiency for B30, B20 and B10 was 32.083, 31.460 and 31.265 % respectively at 75 % of the rated load whereas for B0 it was 30.65 % at same load. Increased efficiency with increase in percentage of jatropha ethyl ester in the fuel might be due to increased fuel temperature as blends contain more oxygen. So, higher fuel temperature reduced its viscosity and might have reduced the ignition lag also, resulting in better combustion and hence increased efficiency.

Figure 3. Variation of brake thermal efficiency with load of engine for different fuel blends


Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

EFFECT OF LOAD ON BRAKE SPECIFIC FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR VARIOUS FUEL BLENDS The variation of brake specific fuel consumption with load of the engine for different fuel blends is shown in Figure. 4. Brake specific fuel consumption decreased with increase in load on the engine for all fuel blends. This reduction could be due to higher percentage of increase in brake power with load as compared to fuel consumption. Brake specific fuel consumption for B10, B20, B30 and B40 blends varied from 0.486 to 0.271, 0.495 to 0.278, 0.503 to 0.274 and 0.516 to 0.281 kg/kWh and was higher than that of diesel fuel (0.467 to 0.267 kg/kWh) as the load was increased from no load to 75 % of rated load. The increase in brake specific fuel consumption with increase in concentration of blends in diesel fuel is attributed to lower heat values.

Figure 4. Variation of brake specific fuel consumption with load of engine for different fuel blends

EFFECT OF LOAD ON EXHAUST TEMPERATURE FOR VARIOUS FUEL BLENDS The variation of exhaust gas temperature with load of the engine for different fuel blends is shown in Figure. 5. Exhaust gas temperature increased with increase in load on the engine. This may be attributed to increase in quantity of fuel injected with the increase in load. The increased quantity of fuel generated greater heat in combustion chamber. Maximum exhaust gas temperature of 290.10 OC was obtained for B40 at 75 % of the rated load. Exhaust gas temperature increased with increase in percentage of jatropha ethyl ester in the fuel. Exhaust gas temperature for B10, B20 and B30 was 262.86, 268.18 and 271.03 OC respectively at 75 % of the rated load as compared to 244.18 OC for B0 at same load. Exhaust gas temperature increased for all fuel types because of pressure rise in combustion chamber and an increase in fuel injection rate with increase in brake load. Secondly, this may be due to better utilization of heat released during combustion of fuels and increase in brake thermal efficiency on blended fuels.


Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh

Figure.5. Variation of exhaust gas temperature with load of engine for different fuel blends

EFFECT OF LOAD ON NITRIC OXIDE (NOX) EMISSION FOR VARIOUS FUEL BLENDS The variation of Nitric oxide (NOx) emission with load of the engine for different fuel blends is shown in Figure. 6. Nitric oxide (NOx) emission increased with increase in load on the engine. NOx concentration was 234, 238, 263 and 286 ppm at 75 % of the rated load for B10, B20, B30 and B40 fuels respectively whereas for B0 i.e. diesel, it was 229.33 ppm at same load. It was also observed that there was gradual increase in the emission of nitric oxide (NOx) with increase in percentage of esters in the fuel. NOx formation was higher in ethyl ester blended fuels due to higher temperatures during combustion phase and better access to oxygen. Another factor causing the increase in NOx could be the possibility of higher combustion temperatures arising from improved combustion because larger part of the combustion is completed before TDC for ester blends compared to diesel due to their lower ignition delay. So it is highly possible that higher peak cycle temperatures are reached for ester blends compared to diesel.

Figure 6.



Emission and Performance Characteristics of Jatropha Ethyl Ester Blends with Diesel Fuel in a C.I. Engine

of Nitric oxide (NOx) emission with load of engine for different fuel blends

EFFECT OF LOAD ON CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) EMISSION FOR VARIOUS FUEL BLENDS The variation of Carbon monoxide (CO) emission with load of the engine for different fuel blends is shown in Figure. 7. Carbon monoxide (CO) emission increased with increase in load on the engine. This may be due to the fact that as the load is increased, the fuel consumption is also proportionately increased and due to insufficient air in the combustion chamber there may be incomplete combustion of fuel and hence increased CO. It was also observed that carbon monoxide emission decreased with increase in percentage of esters in the fuel. This reduced emission of carbon monoxide may have resulted due to increased combustion efficiency which is reflected in terms of higher brake thermal efficiency because of presence of the oxygen molecules in the blended fuels. CO concentration in exhaust gas was 0.066, 0.057, 0.054 and 0.049 % at 75 % of rated load for B10, B20, B30 and B40 fuels respectively whereas for diesel, it was 0.081 % at 75 percent of rated load.

Figure 7. Variation of carbon monoxide (CO) emission with load of engine for different fuel blends

CONCLUSIONS Based on the study, it was concluded that the optimum reaction condition for alkali catalyzed transesterification were 30% (v/v) ethanol to oil ratio, 3% KOH (w/v) of oil, reaction temperature 65OC, reaction time 2hr and settling time 72 hr. The maximum 60.33% recovery of ethyl esters were reported in the present study. The fuel characteristics of prepared biodiesel and their blends were compared with diesel fuel to find its potential use in compression ignition engine. The blends of Jatropha ethyl ester and diesel could be successfully used in diesel engines without any

Rajneesh Kumar, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Gursahib Singh Manes, Rohinish Khurana & Shashi Kumar Singh


modification, with acceptable performance and better emissions. Based on the engine performance and also from emission point of view, the blend B40 was comparable and better in some aspects than that of diesel fuel. Hence it is concluded that the CI engine could be operated without affecting the performance of the engine with 40 % blending of jatropha ethyl ester biodiesel with diesel.


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