4.Comp Networking - IJCNWMC - Listless - Monauwer Alam-p

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International Journal of Computer Networking, Wireless and Mobile Communications (IJCNWMC) ISSN 2250-1568 Vol.2, Issue 3 Sep 2012 36-48 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,


Department of Electronics & Communication Engg , Integral University, Lucknow, India 2

Department of Electronics Engg, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

ABSTRACT This paper present a listless implementation of fully scalable image coding based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees algorithm. Fully Scalable set partitioning in hierarchical trees(FSSPIHT) image coding algorithm is a very effective state-of-art technique for compression of wavelet transformed images and having quality to give good compression efficiency, full embeddedness and rate scalability. However, the use of four continuously growing linked lists, limit its applications to achieve high quality images in memory constrained environments. The proposed Listless highly scalable set partitioning in hierarchical trees (LHS-SPIHT) coding is an attempt to implement(FS- SPIHT) algorithm without lists, that uses state markers with only 4 bits/coefficients(on an average) to keep track of pixels, set and subsets information. Simulation results show that the proposed listless highly scalable SPIHT (FS-SPIHT) coder has nearly the same coding performance as that of SPIHT and FS-SPIHT. It requires significantly smaller memory compared to these coders and suitable for coding the image for transmission over heterogenous networks.

KEYWORDS: Image Coding Algorithm, Wavelet Decomposition, SPIHT, FS-SPIHT, Scalable Resolution

INTRODUCTION Image and Video are distinct sources of information and play significant roles in almost all multimedia applications. The tremendous growth of internet in recent years, have provided vast and very diverse sorts of multimedia applications accessible to a large number of users all around the world. A digital image is usually represented as a matrix of pixels with a dimension that could change over a wide range from tens by tens to thousands by thousands pixels depending on the application. Efficient compression of raw image is the basics requirement of all images coding system .Without having a coding algorithm with a high compression, transmission of visual information over common transmission channels and also storage of them on common existing digital storage media are very inefficient and almost useless. By exploiting the high correlations that exist among the pixels in natural


Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Coding for Transmission of Image over Heterogenous Networks

images, compression from lossless to a wide range of lossy is achievable. In lossless compression, the recovered image is exactly identical to the original image, while in lossy approaches the recovered image is approximation of the original image. Our eye is not sensitive to small distortion in visual information which is caused by lossy coding. Due to tremendous growth of internet and network technology, now a days a large number of users having different communication devices (mobile, note book and other PDAs) can exchange the data easily to any type of communication networks. In the heterogenous networks, If the quality of the devices is good, then the resolution of the image would be high otherwise the quality of image would be low. Providing efficient compression itself is not sufficient for transmission of image on such a heterogeneous network. The main challenge is how an embedded bit stream can be provided to optimally to each user according to the demand of individual bandwidth and computational complexities .To over come these issues some sort of scalability functionalities need to be provided by the coders. From a scalable image coded bit stream, the decoder can usefully decodes from only parts of the bitstream in order to maintain the quality and spatial resolution. Due to the multiresolution signal representation, offered by wavelet transform [1], wavelet based coding schemes have support both PSNR and spatial scalability. Among the wavelet based coding, embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients EZW [2]and SPIHT[3] are well known for good compression efficiency, full rate embedded wavelet image coding and low complexity. SPIHT is a benchmark for embedded wavelet image coding. The superior success of the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm in compression efficiency and simplicity makes it well known among EZW framework and further improvements to SPIHT have been reported in [4 -7].The SPIHT algorithm is fully SNR scalable, it does not support spatial scalability and does not generate a bitstream that can be easily reorder according to the resolution and rate desired by a decoder. A multiresolution encoding and decoding scheme based on SPIHT algorithm was reported in [8 -10].The major drawback of these multiresolution encoding is that all the bits spent on finding out the significant coefficients during sorting pass of the SPIHT are put in the lowest resolution layer, and the algorithm has no system to separating them according to the sub-bands. This consumes a large numbers of bits to the lowest resolution layer and which are not required for decoding that resolution. The fully scalable set partitioning in hierarchical trees (FS-SPIHT) algorithm [11] provide both spatial as well SNR scalability. This coder completely separates the information according to the resolution layer. In this paper, we have proposed a novel coder, called listless highly scalable set partitioning in hierarchical trees (LHS-SPIHT) .This coder uses the set partitioning rules of FS-SPIHT, without using any list. This algorithm uses, on an average of only 4 bit/coefficient markers. The markers are distributed as follows: four markers are used for each coefficient to identify insignificant/significant and newly significant coefficients; and five markers to mark the state of sets (Type A and Type B) as well to

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indicate spatial resolution level of the sets. Since this coder required only nine states to decode the entire image, so on an average only 4 bit/coefficient markers use, in place of four variable lists of FS-SPIHT The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents overview of SPIHT and FS-SPIHT algorithms. The proposed algorithm is described in Section 3. Simulation results and discussions are given in Section 4 and finally the paper is concluded in Section 5.

OVERVIEW OF SPIHT AND FS-SPIHT The SPIHT [3] algorithm groups the pixels into spatial orientation trees and performs the magnitude test on each tree. A tree is said to be insignificant (zerotree) if all of its coefficients are insignificant (less than a threshold). If a tree is found significant (i.e. at least one of its coefficients is significant), then it is further partitioned into subsets and the significant test is then applied to each new subsets. This set division process continues until the magnitude test is done to all significant coefficients. SPIHT assigns bits to indicate significance or insignificance of coefficients/sets by using three separate lists: the list of insignificance pixel (LIP), the list of significant pixel (LSP) and the list of insignificant sets (LIS). The coding process starts with the most significant bitplane and proceeds towards the lowest bitplane. For each bitplane there are two passes; sorting and refinement. In the sorting pass, the encoder goes through the lists LIP followed by LIS for locating and coding the significant coefficients. For each entry in LIP, one bit is generated to describe pixels significance. If the coefficient is not significant, it remains in LIP, otherwise, its sign bit is coded and the address will be moved to LSP. Similarly, each set in LIS requires one bit for significance information. Insignificant sets remain in LIS while significant sets will be partitioned into subsets to locate and code the significant coefficients. The significant coefficients so found will be moved to LSP. In the refinement pass, each pixel in LSP, except those just added at the current bitplane, is refined with one bit to increase it’s precision. Such a progressive refinement generates fully embedded bitstream. The algorithm then repeats the above procedure for the next bitplane until the bit budget is exhausted. Due to the use of three lists, the SPIHT [3] algorithm requires data dependent variable memory as well as suitable memory management, since the entries in the lists changes frequently during encoding and decoding process. The HS-SPIHT coder used one more list for listing the resolution dependent sorting pass .This list is calledList of delayed insignificant set (LDIS) which stored the list of sets that does not belonged to present spatial resolution. During the sorting pass of sets in LIS, if the descendent (Type A) and grand descendent (Type B) do not belong to the subbands that are required for reconstructing the current spatial resolution, then the set will not process and removed from LIS to LDIS.The HS-SPIHT coder first encodes all the bitplanes for a given resolution and then moves and start the coding for all the bitplanes of next higher resolution level. After finishing the encoding process for all bitplanes of a spatial resolution level ,the encoder know the entries of sets in the LDIS belong to which bitplanes.As the encoder moves to the next resolution level, in each bitplane the set moves from the LDIS that belong to that bitplane to the LIS and the sorting process repeated from LIS.The total number of bits generated from both the coders are same but their order are not identical.


Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Coding for Transmission of Image over Heterogenous Networks

LISTLESS HS-SPIHT (LHS-SPIHT) The proposed algorithm is a listless implementation of FS- SPIHT algorithm, listless implementation of HS-SPIHT is performed by arranging the wavelet coefficients in recursive Z ordering as shown in the “Figure 1”, where the coefficients are arranged using single linear index [12].The linear indexing simplifies the tracking of sets partitioning.

Figure:1. Recursive Z Order for 2 Levels Sub-Band of Size 8× ×8 Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in hierarchical trees (LHS-SPIHT) uses the set structure and partitioning rules similar to that of FS-SPIHT and produces almost identical bit stream. The functionalities of four lists LIP, LIS, LSP and LDIS of SPIHT, are performed by fixed size state markers requiring an average memory of 4 bits per coefficient. FS-SPIHT coder similar to SPIHT uses LIP and LSP to store the index of significant and insignificant coefficients respectively. In the proposed algorithm, these functions are performed by a state table marker .While testing the significance of a coefficient, there are four possible states; a coefficient not yet considered for its significance test (Mark=0), coefficient to be tested for significance (Mark=1), newly found significant coefficient (Mark=2) and coefficient already found significant and are to be refined (Mark=3). Therefore, a pixel may be assigned one of the four possible markers denoted by ‘Mark’, depending upon its current status. So, based on ‘Mark’ value of a coefficient, its state may be interpreted as follows; Mark= ‘0’

The coefficient is not under consideration for significant test;

Mark= ‘1’

The coefficient will be tested for its significance;

Mark = ‘2’

A newly found significant coefficient;

Mark= ‘3’

A coefficient already found significant in previous resolution dependent bit planes and will be refined in the current bitplane.

Monauwer Alam & Ekram Khan


Initially, all coefficients of LL-sub-band are set with Mark=’1’ and the rest coefficients of subbands are marked by Mark=’0’. During sorting pass of pixels, if the coefficients are found significant, then these pixels would be marked by ‘2’, otherwise markers will remain at ‘1.’The significant coefficients are coded by sign and magnitude bits. During refinement pass, the coefficients which are marked by Mark=’3’ are refined by outputting nth significant bit, and if a coefficient with Mark=’2’ is encountered (i.e. the coefficient is found significant in the current pass), no refinement will be performed in the present pass and it will be marked by Mark= ‘3’. Refinement pass ignores any coefficient which having marked by Mark=’0’ or Mark=’1’. SPIHT coder uses LIS for keeping the track of insignificant set portioning ,but to give more spatial scalability,FS-SPIHT uses two lists ,one is LIS and second one is LDIS.The proposed algorithm used five markers for significant/insignificant sets or trees partitioning and their coding. These markers perform the function similar to that performed by LIS and LDIS in FS-SPIHT algorithm. The nodes (having descendents) of trees may assigned their value as follows. Mark = ‘4’

The node is not under consideration for significant test.

Mark = ‘5’

Type A node, that is a node whose children and grand descendents are to be tested for significance.

Mark = ‘6’

Type B node, that is a node whose only grand descendents are to be tested for significance.

Mark = ‘7’

Type A node, but not tested for significance in this spatial resolution level.

Mark= ‘8’

Type B node, but not tested for significance in this spatial resolution level.

Utilizing the fact that the three-fourth of total coefficients lying in three lowest sub-bands of the wavelet pyramid have no descendents (leaf nodes of trees), and therefore need not to be marked by marker value. That is only one-fourth of nodes in trees would be assigned marker value. During the significance test of set, a node may be in any of the five above mentioned possible states. In the proposed coder, each tree node that lies in the LL-sub-band is initialized with Mark= ‘5’ and remaining tree nodes are set Mark= ‘0’. During scanning of trees, if a tree lies in the present spatial resolution level, for significant test, if a Type A tree is found significant, output is coded by a one significant bit and the set is partitioned into four children and a grand descendent set. First four immediate descendants (offspring) are checked for their significance, outputs are coded by sign and magnitude bits and their pixels states (Mark values) are updated accordingly. Then grand descendents are checked for their significant. If found significant, then four new Type A with offspring as root node will be formed (assigned Mark=’5’), and original root node is reassigned Mark =‘4’, otherwise the tree will be marked as Type B tree (Mark=’6’). If the Type A nodes are not lies in the present spatial resolution level, than ,these nodes will be checked for significance in the next spatial resolution level and the nodes would be marked by mark=’7’.Similarly , Type B nodes would be marked by Mark=’8’,if not lies in present spatial resolution level. The marker of the nodes would be changed from Mark =’7’to Mark


Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Coding for Transmission of Image over Heterogenous Networks

=’5’and Mark =’8’ to Mark =’6’in next spatial resolution level and again checked for significance as a Type A and Type B node respectively. .In the proposed coder, all the nodes is checked sequentially for their significance. Since, in the proposed algorithm if Type B set is significant, four new type A generated from its parent node and parent node assigned Mark=’4’, but if Type B set is insignificant, then the encoder moved and start to scan the next grandparent node for significance, so, the proposed LHS-SPIHT coder does not uses any skip markers for the descendents and grand descendent of Type A or Type B sets, thereby saving the memory. Further it should be noted that the SPIHT and FS-SPIHT

uses lists and

whose size increases or decreases, depending upon the significance of pixels and sets as well as on the bit rate. So both the coder required dynamic memories (or quality), whereas LHS-SPIHT algorithm use static memory of fixed size, that does not depend on bit-rate. For full resolution image of size 512×512(gray image),the maximum memory[6] requirement for storing the index of list of SPIHT and FS-SPIHT would be same and equal to 712 kilobytes, where as for the same size LHS-SPIHT coder required only 128KB of memory. The pseudo code of the proposed Listless HS-SPIHT (LHS-SPIHT) algorithm is given in the next section. The decoder follows the same overall procedure as the encoder. Pseudo Code ℑ(i)=Wavelet transformed coefficient at coordinates (i), which are arranged in linear array. npixels=length of the image Smax = Maximum level of spatial scalability and the range of Smax from 1 to N+1, where N is the number of wavelet decomposition levels. DS=Spatial sub-band set of level S

RS: a set of sub-bands in the decomposition image which belong to spatial resolution level S of the image. RS= {DN+1,DN,……,DS+1,DS} Initialization n=|log2(max{i}){|c(i)|}| S=Smax Initialize LL band coefficients with Mark=1 and for rest of coefficients, Mark is set to ‘0’; Initialize tree nodes of LL band with SMT= ‘1’ and for remaining nodes, it is set to ‘0’; While n≥0 and S>1

Monauwer Alam & Ekram Khan

Insignificant Pixel Pass for i =1: npixels if state Mark (i) = 1 output (d=ℑ(i)AND2n) if d output sign bit of ℑ(i) state Mark (i)=2

(Newly Significant Pixel)

Insignificant Set Pass for j=1: npixels/4

(Type A node)

if state Mark (j)=5 and

j∉ Rs

set Mark (j)=7 else output(d=dmax(j)AND2n) (dmax(j)=maximum magnitude of descendent set rooted at node(j)) if d

(Significant Set)

for m= {4j-3,4j-2,4j-1,4j} output (d=ℑ(m)AND2n) if d output sign bit of ℑ(m) state Mark (m) = 2

(Newly Significant Pixel)

else state Mark (m)= 1 (Insignificant Pixel) output(d=gmax(j)AND2n) (gmax(j)= maximum magnitude of granddescendent set rooted at node(j)) if d

(Four new Type A sets)

state Mark(4j-3) = state Mark(4j-2) =5 state Mark(4j-1) = state Mark(4j)=5 state Mark(j) = 4



Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Coding for Transmission of Image over Heterogenous Networks

else state Mark(j) = 6 elseif Mark (j) = 6


j∉ Rs

(Type B node)

set Mark (j)=8 else output( d=gmax(j)AND 2n) (gmax(j)= maximum magnitude of granddescendent set rooted at node(j)) if d

(Four new Type A sets)

state Mark(4j-3) = state Mark(4j-2) =5 state Mark(4j-1) = state Mark(4j)=5 state Mark(j) = 4 elseif Mark(j) = 7


j∈ Rs


j∈ Rs

set Mark(j)=5 elseif Mark(j) = 8 set Mark(j)=6 Refinement Pass for k =1: npixels if state Mark (k) = 2 Mark (k) = 3 elseif Mark (k) = 3 output nth bit of ℑ(k) end end if n>0 n =n-1 if S = Smax

(Go to insignificant pixel Pass)

else if S>1 S=S-1 else end of coding

(Decrement S by one, go to insignificant pixel Pass)


Monauwer Alam & Ekram Khan

SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed and other algorithms are implemented using software and all simulations have been performed on a PC equipped with intel CPU T2080 processor, and 512 MB RAM. The performance has been tested for four standard eight bit grey test images ‘Lena’ , ‘Barbara’ ,’Baboon’ and ‘Goldhill’ each of size 512×512. Each image is transformed with 5 level wavelet decomposition using daub-4.4 biorthogonal filter [13, 14]. The transform coefficients are rounded to the nearest integers. The proposed algorithm LHS-SPIHT and FS-SPIHT are set to encode the entire wavelet coefficients of images from maximum bitplane to minimum bitplane with maximum number of spatial scalability levels, i.e equal to 6 for 5 level decomposition. The output bitstreams generated by HS-SPIHT and LHS-SPIHT encoder are fed into their proper parsers to produce progressive bitstreams for different spatial resolutions. The decoder decode the bitstreams at different rate and quality is measured by peak signal to noise ratio defined as PSNR=10log10


Where, MSE is mean square error between the original and reconstructed image. PEAK is the maximum possible magnitude for a pixel inside the image. The PEAK value is 2552 for an 8 bpp gray image of level 1 and (255×2S-1)2 for resolution level S.The resolution level S is obtained by applying S-1 level wavelet decomposition. The PSNR values for different spatial resolution of test images are given in Table 1 for coder LHS-SPIHT and in Table 2 for coder HS-SPIHT. As shown in the tables, at any bit-rate the quality of the image increase as the spatial resolution level decreases. So, for image transmission over heterogeneous networks, due to this feature the decoder can decode the lower resolution of original image at higher quality. Image transmission in a band and time limited environment, instead of transmitting full resolution image, we can send lower resolution image to save the bandwidth and time. The PSNR values of our proposed coder (Table 1) are slightly lower than the FS-SPIHT (Table 2). The reason for this slightly lower PSNR is that in our algorithm, if a set (Type A set) is found significant, its four children are coded by sign and magnitude bits followed by significance check of grand descendants (Type B set). If Type B set is found significant, four new Type A sets will be generated immediately.


Listless Highly Scalable Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Coding for Transmission of Image over Heterogenous Networks

Table 1 PSNR Results Obtained by the LHS-SPIHT Decoder for Reconstructing the Test Images at Different Spatial Resolutions and Bit Rates Bit-rate (bpp-full)

Resolution 1/8

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

44.5983 67.5109 79.1924 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

41.9251 65.9435 81.3440 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

37.2103 60.1232 75.5437 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

43.8534 67.8038 78.6839 -

LHS-SPIHT PSNR(dB) Resolution ¼ Resolution ½ LENA 31.8623 27.9814 39.5327 31.8467 40.3018 37.2134 70.5134 43.5278 53.1791 BARBARA 29.8971 25.4859 35.8341 27.9375 46.1239 32.4204 70.8976 38.9728 50.0237 BABOON 25.2135 21.2824 31.3124 23.4512 40.8211 28.5932 59.9743 31.2107 39.2321 GOLDHILL 30.8615 27.3615 36.1214 29.7812 46.8743 32.9756 70.7165 38.5129 49.7316

Resolution Full 26.8522 29.9312 33.1987 36.4979 39.5898 22.5973 23.6521 26.7515 30.4813 35.1987 20.3875 21.2512 22.6631 24.6025 28.3001 26.2601 27.5011 29.3987 32.1012 35.5427

Table 2 PSNR Results Obtained by the HS-SPIHT Decoder for Reconstructing the Test Images at Different Spatial Resolutions and Bit Rates Bit-rate (bpp-full)

Resolution 1/8

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

45.2931 68.1094 80.1924 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

42.8925 66.4135 81.5349 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

37.3203 60.2312 75.7413 -

0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1.0

44.5342 68.1028 78.8357 -

FS-SPIHT PSNR(dB) Resolution ¼ Resolution ½ LENA 32.3862 28.7825 40.0327 32.3467 50.7301 37.4434 70.5248 43.8278 53.2578 BARBARA 30.8371 25.9414 36.5543 28.4137 47.3429 32.6496 71.1675 39.1996 50.1297 BABOON 25.4014 21.4724 31.4924 23.6505 40.9812 28.7932 60.0524 31.4105 39.4232 GOLDHILL 31.4817 27.7985 37.1393 30.8127 47.9694 33.8654 70.9153 38.8129 49.9731

Resolution Full 27.5229 30.3129 33.3387 36.5772 39.9398 22.9732 24.1295 26.6875 30.5313 35.2898 20.1985 21.4511 22.8635 24.1928 28.5021 26.2759 28.0291 30.1983 32.4012 35.6727


Monauwer Alam & Ekram Khan

Table 3 provides the total number of bytes used in to code the image ‘Lena’ at different spatial resolution as well as at different bit rate for encoder LHS-SPIHT, HS-SPIHT and SPIHT. From the table3, it is clear that SPIHT encoder is not efficient for lower resolution level compare to LHSSPIHT and HS-SPIHT. This is because, both the coders LHS-SPIHT and HS-SPIHT ,during the multiresolution coding ,if the set do not lies in the lower resolution level, then the sorting information will be shifted to next resolution level. Table 3 Number of Bytes Consume in Coding the Image of ‘Lena’ (512× ×512) by Scalable Encoder at Different Bitrates Encoder


Spatial Resolution



1/16 1472


1/8 3261

1/4 3270


Full 3276


0.5 1 0.1

1472 1472 1492

4665 4665 3276

14667 14667 3276

16354 32760 3276

16384 32768 3276


0.5 1 0.1

1492 1492 2625

4669 4669 2865

14686 14686 3136

16384 32768 3275

16384 32768 3276







CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have proposed a novel approach for implementation of listless highly scalable SPIHT algorithm, which supports both spatial scalability and SNR, embedded property at the desired resolution level, The proposed coder uses much reduced memory and requires static memory (similar to No List SPIHT) to keep track of tree partitioning information, thereby replacing the use of dynamically increasing link lists of FS-SPIHT .The proposed multiresolution coder is useful for multimedia applications such as image storage ,image transmission, image retrieval and progressive web browsing in internet.


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