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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ISSN 2250-155X Vol. 2 Issue 4 Dec - 2012 25-32 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,


ABSTRACT The motivation of this study results from increased change in energy needs from conventional to renewable energy resources. Depletion of conventional resources forces countries to develop effective strategies on energy mix. This requires a novel normative approach in planning for and supporting research on different energy resources. Combining Solar Photovoltaic systems with batteries can guarantee high supply reliability, but in Cloudy weather (weak irradiation) this strategy requires large storage capacity and is expensive. It is cheaper to supply peaks of demand and the demand during this period, with either an additional wind generator. Under this objective different types of (photovoltaic/wind) hybrid systems for supplying electricity have been demonstrated in a large number of pilot and demonstrated projects. In this context, the design of hybrid systems is a relevant issue. An ideal system has to supply, at any given time in the year, an instantaneous energy that equals the consumed energy by all system loads. A sub-sized system obviously doesn’t satisfy the demand on electric power and on the other hand, an over-sized system can be completely prohibitive due to economical and financial indicators. In this paper we represent application of GAME theory in hybrid energy system. Game theory Attempts to mathematically capture behavior in games where an individual’s success in making Choices depends on the choices of others.

KEY WORDS: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Game Theory INTRODUCTION One of the most recognized terms in today’s electricity market is deregulation. To realize the potential of distribution generation, generation and load must be taken as a subsystem. This system may use any combination of generation, load and storage technologies and can operate in grid connected mode or autonomous mode. Some examples of micro power system or micro grid are solar-battery serving a remote load, wind-diesel system serving an isolated village, a grid connected natural gas micro turbine providing heat to a factory. [1] Micro power system consists of electric and thermal load and any combination of photovoltaic modules (PV), wind turbine, small hydro, biomass Power generation, micro turbines, fuel cells, reciprocating engine generators, batteries and hydrogen storage. The analysis and design of micro power system is challenging due to large number of design options and uncertainty in key parameters such as load size and future fuel price. Renewable energy sources add further complexity because the output may be intermittent, seasonal and nondispatchable and the availability is uncertain.[2] This work is a feasibility study of a hybrid generating system, composed of solar- wind based on GAME theory. it is the study of strategic decision making. More formally, it is "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers."An alternative term suggested "as a more descriptive name for the discipline" is interactive decision theory Game theory is mainly used in economics, political science, and psychology, as well as logic and biology. The subject first addressed zero-sum games, such that one person's gains exactly equal net losses of the other participant(s).[7] Today, however, game theory applies to a wide range of class relations, and has developed into an umbrella term for the logical side of science, to include both human and non-humans, like computers. Classic uses include a sense of balance in


Vikas Khare, Savita Nema & Prashant Baredar

numerous games, where each person has found or developed a tactic that cannot successfully better his results, given the other approach.

GAME THEORY STRATEGIES Game theory is the study of "games". Games, in the mathematical sense, are defined as strategic situations in which there are multiple participants. Furthermore, the outcome of the decision any individual makes is dependent on the decision that individual's decision and the decisions made by all of the other participants. Games of strategy are defined by a set of 1.

Two or more players, and


Each player is assigned a set of possible strategies (or actions or moves or choices)


Each possible combination of strategies, one for


each player, produces an outcome.


Each player has preferences (or interests, values, utilities, etc.), which may be more or less Conflicting, over the possible outcomes. Under what circumstances does it make a difference whether players can make binding agreements?among themselves before making their choices?


Under what circumstances might players “gang up�on each others, i.e., form coalitions?


Under what circumstance does it make a difference whether or not the players engage in repeated play of the same game?


What general characteristics of games determine the answers to these questions, by determining their inherent logic?

GAME THEORY LOGIC Let n = {1, 2, 3‌n} denote set of all players in a game, n being equivalent to |n| coalition s of players is a subset of n, s n that coordinate Together collection of coalitions in n denoted by 2n. Set of coalitions 2n are mutually exclusive & excluding in nature game assigns a worth to each coalition characteristic value c(s) gives maximum benefit incurred by coalition s due to cooperation between its members benefit game theory suggests an optimal or a fair allocation of benefit among different players benefit allocation represented in terms of a pay-off vector such that for grand coalition.

Imputation: any pay-off vector satisfying individual & global rationality conditions i=1. Core: any imputation that satisfies group rationality also lie in core of game, core reflects stability of the system. for allocation to be optimal & fair, following rationalities need to be satisfied.[8]

Application of Game Theory in PV-Wind Hybrid System


Individual rationality: no player pays more than cost it would have to pay if system designed for his individual use. Group rationality: cost paid by any group limited to cost for group acting alone Global rationality: sum of cost to all players equal to that for grand coalition.


Fig.1: PV- Wind Hybrid Energy System During day time, DC power generated by the solar PV array is stored in the battery bank through a hybrid controller, which maximises charging current and prevents excessive discharge/overcharge. Wind turbine generator started generating power when wind speed exceeds cut-in speed of the mini wind turbine (above 2.7m/s). Out from the wind battery charger is also stored in the battery bank through hybrid controller.[4] The wind turbine is self-regulated type with protection for Over speed. Energy stored in the battery is draw by electrical loads through the inverter, which convert DC into AC power. The inverter has in-built protection for shortcircuit, reverse polarity, low battery voltage and over load. The batter bank is sizing to feed loads up to two days, during non sun/wind days. According to GAME theory concept of fairness is applicable in hybrid system in following way. *Parity: equal treatment of equals That means equal contribution of solar and wind energy system in generation of electricity. *Proportionality: there are several proportionality condition are applied in hybrid system. Such as: 1.

Solar system output is directly proportional to the amount of solar radiation.


Wind power is directly proportional to the cube of the wind velocity.[5]


Vikas Khare, Savita Nema & Prashant Baredar

Let n = {1, 2, 3…n} denote individual energy system in hybrid system, n being equivalent to |n| coalition s of individual energy system is a subset of n, s n that coordinate together collection of coalitions in n denoted by 2n. set of coalitions 2n mutually worked together in hybrid system. Characteristic value c(s) gives maximum output incurred by coalition s due to cooperation between solar and wind energy system.[9] This method consists in determining the optimal number of the batteries and the photovoltaic Modules according to the optimization principle Knowing: the reliability, which is based on the concept of the probability of loss of energy (Loss of Power Supply Probability _ `LPSP’) [2], and on the cost of the system. ` LPSP' is defined as being the fraction of the deficiency energy and that required by the load. It explains the rate of not satisfaction of the load, in term of state of batteries charging. ` LPSP' is defined by: LPSP = P {E (t) E min for T T} r B B ≤ ≤


i.e. the probability that the load statement, at anymoment T, is lower or equal to the minimal edge of the supplied energy in battery E Bmin. EB (t) is the energy

MIXED STRATEGY NASH EQUILIBRIUM A mixed strategy is one in which a player plays his available pure strategies with certain probabilities. Mixed strategies are best understood in the context of repeated games, where each player’s aim is to keep the other player(s) guessing. If each player in an n-player game has a finite number of pure strategies, then there exists at least one equilibrium in (possibly) mixed strategies. If there is no pure strategy equilibrium, there must be unique mixed strategy equilibrium. Let P be the probability that sufficient amount of solar radiation and solar system worked properly. So that 1-P is the probability when amount of solar radiation is less and condition of wind velocity is better. Let Q be the probability that condition of wind velocity is better and wind energy system worked properly. So that 1-Q is the probability when wind velocity is not perfect and condition of solar radiation is better. To find mixed strategies we add the P- mix and Q-mix strategies to the payoff matrix. Table 1: Mix Strategies of Payoff Matrix Wind Energy System Solar Wind radiation velocity Solar Energy System

Solar radiation



50Q+80(1-Q) 50Q+20(1-Q)





velocity P-mix

10Q+80(1-Q) 50P+90(1-P)




Algebraically 50P+10(1-P) = 20P+80(1-P)




Application of Game Theory in PV-Wind Hybrid System

50P+10-10P = 20P+80-80P


40P+10 = 80-60P


100P = 70, SO


P = 70/100 = .70.


If solar radiation is perfect then probability of success of solar energy system is 70% and success rate of wind energy system is 30%. 50Q+80(1-Q) = 90Q+20(1-Q)


50Q+80-80Q = 90Q+20-20Q


80-30Q = 70Q+20


60 = 100Q, SO


Q = 60/100 = .60.


If Wind velocity is perfect then probability of success of wind energy system is 60% and success rate of solar energy system is 40%. A strictly mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in a 2 player, 2 choices (2x2) game is a p > 0 and a q > 0 such that p is a best response by the row player to column player’s choices, and q is a best response by the column player to the row player’s choices. 1.2 1 0.8


0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 P



Figure 1: Best Response Function of Solar Energy System 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Q

Figure 2: Best Response Function of wind Energy System


Vikas Khare, Savita Nema & Prashant Baredar

1.2 1 0.8 Q 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P

Figure 3: Combined Best Response Function, Nesh Equilibrium are Mutual Best Response

FORMULATION We have two players, S and W denoting an solar system and wind system simultaneously S and W choose K [0,

] and L [0,

],which yields an output level of hybrid energy system. To formalize the notion that there is a

synergy between solar and wind system.we assume that f is ‘super modular’ given any K,K’,L,L’ with K>K’ and L>L’.we have f(K,L) – f(K’,L) > f(K,L’) – f(K’,L’)


in particular ,we will assume a functional form f(K,L) = KaLb(a,b,a + b



which satisfy the above condition .we will assume that the energy system share the output equally and the cost of their input are linear so that the payoff of S and W are : US = 0.5 * KaLb – K


UW = 0.5 * KaLb – L


We will assume that all these are common condition ,so that the both strategy spaces [0,


And the payoff function are US and UW.

TYPES OF GAME THEORY IN HYBRID SYSTEM Normal form: The normal (or strategic form) game is usually represented by a matrix which shows the players, strategies, and pay-offs . More generally it can be represented by any function that associates a payoff for each player with every possible combination of actions. In the accompanying hybrid system there are two individual system; one chooses the row and the other chooses the column. Each system has two strategies, which are specified by the number of rows and the number of columns. The payoffs are provided in the interior. The first number is the payoff received by the solar system; the second is the payoff for the wind system. Suppose that solar system consider Up and that system 2 plays Left 3 Then system 1 gets a payoff of 4, and system 2 gets 3.


Application of Game Theory in PV-Wind Hybrid System

Table 2: Solar Wind Matrix System

Solar system(up) Solar system(down)

Wind system (left) 4,3 0,0

Wind system(right) -1,-1 3,4

When a game is presented in normal form, it is presumed in this method the size of the PV and Wind generators is being calculated in the most unfavorable month. Generally the month most unfavorable in wind is favorable in irradiation. So we are obliged to dimension the system in two most unfavorable months (unfavorable irradiation month and unfavorable wind month). When the system functioned in this month it’s automatically functioned in the other month.[3] Cooperative or non-cooperative: game is cooperative if the players are able to form binding commitments. For instance the legal system requires them to adhere to their promises. In non cooperative games this is not possible. Often


is assumed that communication among players is allowed in cooperative games, but not in non cooperative ones. This concept is also applicable in hybrid energy system because in this system we consider cooperation between two or more than two energy system which is better for increase the efficiency of overall system performance.[10] Non-cooperative:

Efficiency = 25/100 = 25%


Efficiency = 34/100 = 34%


Total efficiency = 25+35/200 = 30%



Efficiency = 55/100 = 55%


Then from equation (11) and (12) we consider cooperative game theory also applicable in hybrid energy system. Simultaneous and sequential: Simultaneous games are games where both players move simultaneously. In solar wind hybrid energy system solar and wind system worked simultaneously for desired performances.

LIMITATON OF GAME THEORY IN HYBRID SYSTEM Zero-sum games are a special case of constant-sum games, in which choices by players can neither increase nor decrease the available resources. In zero-sum games the total benefit to all players in the game, for every combination of strategies, always adds to zero (more informally, a player benefits only at the equal expense of others).this condition is not applicable in hybrid energy system because in this system available resources can decrease or increase according to the


Vikas Khare, Savita Nema & Prashant Baredar

condition and the outcome has net results greater or less than zero. Such as solar output is depend on the amount of solar radiation and there are large variations in solar radiation during 9a.m. to 5 p.m... In also wind energy system output is also depend on the wind velocity and wind velocity is varied according to the seasonal condition.[11]

CONCLUSIONS In this work, a game approach is employed to analyze solar wind hybrid system some methods are studied and compared and such as GAME theory logic, nash equilibirium,cooperative and non cooperative GAME theory. : Game Theory is one of the most fascinating branches of mathematics with tons of applications to fields ranging from the social sciences to the biological sciences. Concept of hybrid energy system is easily understood by game theory. So that large scope of game theory in the field of hybrid energy system.


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