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International Journal of Computer Networking, Wireless and Mobile Communications (IJCNWMC) ISSN 2250-1568 Vol. 2 Issue 4 Dec - 2012 37-46 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,

RELIABLE MULTIPATH ROUTING MODAL WITH JAMMING ALERT USING PROBE SCHEME A.KIRUTHIKA1, K.KHUMARVEL2& A.MARIMUTHU3 M.Phil Scholar,Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu Ph.D Scholar,Government Arts and science college ,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu Associate Professor, Government Arts and science college ,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu

ABSTRACT To distribute the total traffic among available paths the source node performs traffic allocation based on empirical jamming statistics at individual network nodes. If any path to be disturbed/jammed a routing path is requested an existing routing path is not be updated, the responding nodes along the path will disconnect the routing path. This is happening in the existing system. To overcome some QOS based issues the proposed system which is R_ODMRP with jamming aware traffic allocation in multipath routing. In order to characterize the effect of jamming on throughput, each source must collect information on the impact of the jamming attack in various parts of the network this will done in the proposed protocol. The R-ODMRP with jamming aware traffic allocation proposed for preferable throughput and especially suited for high-speed MANET, which includes packet acknowledgement, lost packet recovery, secure authentication and QoS based packet delivery. With the exploration of active network, R-ODMRP constructs the multicast routing based on the cluster, establishes a distributed mechanism of the acknowledgment and recovery of packet delivery. By using distributed algorithms ,the centralized optimization problems can be solved based on network utility ,the techniques which are proposed for the individual nodes which estimate the impact of jamming.

KEYWORDS: RODMRP, MANET MULTIPATH, QOS, RELIABLITY INTRODUCTION It addresses the problem of multipath routing in wireless mesh networks. It also concentrates on the reliability of the path by its traffic and efficiency. Given that these networks are usually multi-hop, in order to forward data to other nodes each node has to make routing decisions. Intuitively, routing algorithms designed for a WMN aim at choosing the path with the best links from each router to the gateways. All the traffic coming from mesh routers and mesh clients must be forwarded to mesh gateways. Consequently, certain nodes or links can be heavily loaded while some nodes/links can be seldom used. This may lead to an undesirable situation, in which the best paths eventually degrade due to excessive load and traffic, consequently resulting in suboptimal performance. This scenario may be avoided if multipath routing is used to balance traffic among multiple paths that may exist to reach the gateways. Multipath routing can also be used as a fault tolerance mechanism or to provide error resilience and it can develop the QOS. The goal of our research is to analyze the existing solutions for multipath routing in Wireless Mesh Networks and explore new techniques to discover and maintain multiple non-interfering paths with a favorable trade-o between the latency in the path setup and the signaling cost required to establish those paths.


A.Kiruthika, K.Khumarvel& A.Marimuthu

Multipath routing has long been recognized as an important feature in networks to adapt to load and increase reliability. We review the premise that a routing protocol should prefer disjoint path construction and argue that using disjoint paths limits route reliability in mobile ad hoc networks compared to using multiple loop-free paths that need not be disjoint. In a mobile ad hoc network, link lifetimes may be relatively short compared to traffic flows. The characteristics of a MANET are significantly different than the networks considered by several existing systems in the original delay analysis of alternate path routing. In particular, on-demand routing protocols may suffer a significant delay during path discovery. Problem Definition: The problem of allocating traffic across multiple routing paths in the presence of jamming as a lossy network flow optimization problem. Jamming: The techniques for the network nodes to estimate and characterize the impact of jamming and for a source node to incorporate these estimates into its traffic allocation. In order for a source node to incorporate the jamming impact in the traffic allocation problem, the effect of jamming on transmissions over each link must be estimated. However, to capture the jammer mobility and the dynamic effects of the jamming attack, the local estimates need to be continually updated. Jamming aware traffic allocation: In this section, we present an optimization framework for jamming-aware traffic allocation to multiple routing paths in Ps for each source node s ! S. denote the traffic rate allocated to path ps! by the source node s, the problem of interest is thus for each source s to determine the optimal Ls×1 rate allocation vector "s subject to network flow capacity constraints using the available statistics !s and !s of the end-to-end packet success rates under jamming. Expected performance of each investment at the time of the initial allocation is expressed in terms of return and risk. The return on the asset corresponds to the value of the asset and measures the growth of the investment. The risk of the asset corresponds to the variance in the value of the asset and measures the degree of variation or uncertainty in the investment’s growth. About protocol Reliable On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (R-ODMRP). R-ODMRP applies on-demand routing techniques to avoid channel overhead and improve scalability. The Presented is a reliable multicast routing protocol R-ODMRP based on ODMRP in MANET. We set up multilevel clusters so that the multicast packets can be buffered reasonably in cluster head and acknowledged distributed to procure the congestion avoidance. It is also convenient to resume the lost packets. In order to communicate safely, a reliable authentication mechanism based on local information is proposed. With the definition of QoS descriptive vector DV, QoS multicast can be implemented by local QoS link selection and packet scheduling based on priority. Jamming aware multipath allocation using this reliability protocol enables the router to send data’s effectively. The advantages of R-ODMRP are: •

Low channel and storage overhead

Reliable Multipath Routing Modal with Jamming Alert Using Probe Scheme

Usage of up-to-date and shortest routes

Robustness to host mobility

Maintenance and exploitation of multiple redundant paths

Scalability to a large number of nodes


PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Existing System The traffic allocation is performed from the source node based on empirical jamming statistics at individual network node to prove that total traffic. If jamming occurs in a traverse path which are requested to the existing routing path, the corresponding nodes will be disconnected. In order to capture the non-deterministic and dynamic effects of the jamming attack, the model the packet error rate at each network node as a random process. At a given time, the randomness in the packet error rate is due to the uncertainty in the jamming parameters, while the time-variability in the packet error rate is due to the jamming dynamics and mobility. Since the effect of jamming at each node is probabilistic, the end-to-end throughput achieved by each sourcedestination pair will also be non-deterministic and, hence, must be studied using a stochastic framework. Since the use of centralized protocols for source routing may be undesirable due to excessive communication overhead in large-scale wireless networks in the existing system.

PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed techniques provides a solution against the problem of traffic allocation in multiple-path routing algorithms in the presence of jammers whose effect can only be characterized statistically. It presented methods for each network node to probabilistically characterize the local impact of a dynamic jamming attack and for data sources to incorporate this information into the routing algorithm using a different protocol which is R-ODMRP (reliable-On Demand multipath Routing Protocol). Each time a new routing path is requested or an existing routing path is updated, the responding nodes along the path will relay the necessary parameters to the source node as part of the reply message for the routing path. It formulates the centralized traffic allocation problem for multiple source nodes as a convex optimization problem. The proposed system overcomes the propagation delay. •

It finds the traffic ratio and its impact in packet loss by applying the probe concept.

It shows that the multi-source multiple-path optimal traffic allocation can be computed at the source nodes using a distributed algorithm based on decomposition in network utility maximization (NUM)


A.Kiruthika, K.Khumarvel& A.Marimuthu

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Data Flow and Structure Diagram Jamming Aware Channel Assessment

SYSTEM METHODOLOGIES Routing Algorithm Assume that the packets is to be delivered at a node Ni. For each packets delivers the randomization process is to be used for minimize the probability of a particular packet.In this process, the previous nexthop hs (defined in HNi t of Table 1b) for the source node s is identified in the first step of the process (line 1). Each time a node is randomly selected to the neighboring node in CNi t excluding hs as the nexthop for the current packet transmission. To avoid transmitting two consecutive packets in the same link, we are using randomized process to prevents attackers by the selection of next hop. Procedure 1 RANDOMIZEDSELECTOR rs; t; pktĂž 1: Let hs be the used nexthop for the previous packet delivery for the source nodes. 2: if hs 2 CNi t then 3: if jCNi t j > 1 then 4: Randomly choose a node x from fCNi t _ hsg as a nexthop, and send the packet pkt to the node x. 5: hs x, and update the routing table of Ni. 6: else 7: Send the packet pkt to hs. 8: end if 9: else 10: Randomly choose a node y from CNi t as a nexthop, and send the packet pkt to the node y.

Reliable Multipath Routing Modal with Jamming Alert Using Probe Scheme


11: hs y, and update the routing table of Ni. 12: end if The number of entries in the history record for packet deliveries to destination nodes is j Nj in the worst case. In order to efficiently look up the history record for a destination node, it maintains the history record for each node in a hash table. Before the current packet is sent to its destination node, it must randomly pick up a neighboring node excluding the used node for the previous packet. Once a neighboring node is selected, by the hash table, it needs Or1Ăž to determine whether the selected neighboring node for the current packet is the same as the one used by the previous packet. Therefore, the time complexity of searching a proper neighboring node is Or1Ăž. Implementation of Probes: Here probes are defines as intermediates which estimates the packet loss ratios in every transaction. It denotes the packet success rate and failure rate over link at time and the path loss behavior of the wireless medium. In reality, however, the locations of jamming are often unknown, and, hence, the use of such an analytical model is not applicable. Due to the uncertainty in the jamming impact, it models the packet success rate and failure rate to identify and allow the network nodes to collect empirical data in order to characterize the process. It proposes the use of the packet delivery ratio (PDR) to compute the estimate .This PDR can be used to update the estimate at the end of the update period. In order to prevent significant variation in the estimate In order to capture the non-deterministic and dynamic effects of the jamming attack, we model the packet error rate at each network node as a random process. At a given time, the randomness in the packet error rate is due to the uncertainty in the jamming parameters, while the time-variability in the packet error rate is due to the jamming dynamics and mobility. Estimating packet success and failure rate helps to identify the jamming activities in the path. Jamming aware data transmission has included the main process of effective traffic monitoring. The traffic and jamming will be identified using the probes. The proposed system provides two kinds of packet loss and success estimations. The first one is estimating the packet rates in local and the second one is the calculation of end-to-end measurement.


A.Kiruthika, K.Khumarvel& A.Marimuthu


Reliable Multipath Routing Modal with Jamming Alert Using Probe Scheme

QoS METRICES The goal of QoS is to provide guarantees on the ability of a network to deliver predictable results. Elements of network performance within the scope of QoS often include availability (uptime), bandwidth (throughput), latency (delay), and error rate. Delay Delay refers to amount

of time is

required to move

a packet from source to destination through the

internetwork. Delay depends fully on the bandwidth of network links, the port queues at each router along the way, network congestion distance to be traveled. Throughput Throughput refers to how many bits are actually transferred between two computers. It defines the actual measured bits per second that one computer can send to another at a particular time. The throughput rate may change over the time based on the current condition in the network. Bandwidth Bandwidth refers to the number of bits per second that can be sent by a device. Simply, it refers to the speed of the link .Bandwidth is a rating of the maximum attainable throughput on a link. For example, if a particular link is busier, the time required to send a packet from source to the destination could be greater. End- To-End Latency For each message, the time at which it was sent from source and the time at which this message arrived in destination were recorded.Average end-to-end latency is the average value of over all the messages received at the destination. Message Loss Rate The ratio of the number of messages that were not received at the destination to the number of messages that were sent from the source was the message loss rate.

RESULTS Introduces the experiments performed on the overall implementation in order to measure its performance. Two sets of experiments are used: determination of the performance strategy based on the jamming ratio, and the propagation delay. The experimental results were averaged over 12 intermediate nodes along with source and destination, and computed at a 100 packet ps. In order to ensure consistency in the experiment results, these were run at different node to ensure that the hosts used were free from jamming other than those generated by the jammers. The default values used in the experiments are given in the following table


A.Kiruthika, K.Khumarvel& A.Marimuthu

Table 1: Parameter for the implementation Parameters


Number of intermediate Nodes


The experimental values are given in the above table. The usage of the servers in implementation process, the jamming monitoring and allocation, expected packet delivery time for each transmission and the performance measurement time were given in the above table. The following figure shows the performance of the existing protocol. The measurement based on the number of packets and the performance has been measured by the percentage. The effective and the performance were high when the number of packets was low. When the jamming probability level increases the performance was reduced slightly. This is the main drawback of those protocols and methods. To overcome those issues the proposed system has been implemented. The parameter was same for the comparison. The implementation of the R-ODMRP was tested with some limited number of packets the figure implies that.

Fig.1: Evaluation of Existing ODMRP protocol

Fig.2: Evaluation of Propose jamming aware routing with R-ODMRP

CONCLUSIONS The proposed jamming aware routing has successfully implemented using R-ODMRP. In the system the probe concepts has been implemented to identify the reliability and efficiency of the path. There are several existing protocol

Reliable Multipath Routing Modal with Jamming Alert Using Probe Scheme


tried to overcome the jamming problem using the portfolio theory the existing system has implemented the theoretical based approach rather than the implementation. Due to optimality and inefficiency problem the proposed system has been implemented. The current system works well in the wireless environment which facilitates the effective jamming aware traffic allocation with the high reliability protocol. The problem of traffic allocation in multiple-path routing algorithms in the presence of jammer whose effect can only be characterized statistically. The thesis has presented methods for each network node to probabilistically characterize the local impact of a dynamic jamming attack and for data sources to incorporate this information into the routing algorithm. Priority based packet scheduling can further to abate the control overhead and network congestion. Propagation delay has calculated to identify the real traffic and jamming environment. The difference between the transaction and the propagation delay has considered in the thesis. Active network technique is introduced for Cluster-mesh-forward to distributed perform active packet acknowledgment and lost packet recovery. Future Enhancement In future it will be enhanced by applying effective algorithms and better protocol. The Qos metrics will be considered more in future. The concentration on selective jamming attacks by applying effective traffic and node monitoring techniques. The priority based traffic allocation with effective technique will be considered more in future.


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