International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR) ISSN 2249-6831 Vol.2, Issue 4, Dec 2012 87-92 Š TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,
ABSTRACT Combining the two techniques or models has always attracted scientist or researchers to develop the hybrid systems to take the advantage of both the techniques. The paper here presents the literature review of hybrid system developed in different domains where Artificial Neural Network is one of the components. The analysis of literature review suggests that combining the two models/techniques helps you in achieving the more optimize performance which stand-alone component cannot achieve. In the second part of the paper, we explored the concept of hybrid neural expert system. In neural expert system, one component is ANN and second component is rule base expert system. The main objective behind the exploring the concept is that we are interested in developing the system for evaluating motivational strategies on human resources. At the end, the findings are given, which guided us to the first step in conceptualise system for evaluating motivational strategies on human resources. The finding also reveals that MATLAB is the ideal tool for implementing the hybrid system.
KEYWORDS: Hybrid System, Neural Expert System, Artificial Neural Network, Rule Base Expert System INTRODUCTION The hybrid systems and technologies have always attracted scientist and researchers to pursue their inventions and research. More than 10000 research papers on hybrid technologies are available in search results in digital search libraries. In this paper, we are focusing on the hybrid system where one of the components is ANN. The paper has two phases. In the first phased we are presenting a literature review of hybrid systems based on ANN. In the second phase, we are discussing the concept of hybrid neural expert system. At the end, we are exploring the possibilities for development of hybrid neural expert system for evaluating motivational strategies on human resources.
LITERATURE REVIEW 1) Expert system for feature for speaker identification using lip feature with PCA (mehta A, 2010) The above paper presents comparative analysis for speaker identification by using lip features, Principal component analysis(PCA) and neural network classifiers. The input are the height of the outer corners of the mouth, width of the outer corners of mouth, height of the inner corners of the mouth, width of the inner corners of the mouth, height of the upper lip and height of the lower lip.
Back propagation network is used for learning.
Maximum of 91.07% accuracy has been obtained.
2) Case base reasoning with feature weights derived by BP Network (Yan Peng, 2007)
Viral Nagori
Case based reasoning is the method used for decision making in the continuous changing environment. The system is hybrid combination of case base reasoning along with back propagation algorithm. This system is used for fault detection and diagnosis. Higher performance is obtained with hybrid system compared to normal convention case base reasoning methods. 3) Intelligent system for diagnosis of Epilepsy (Shukla A, 2009) Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder. The paper presents intelligent diagnosis system for Epilepsy. The system is developed using ANN and Neuro Fuzzy technique. The system use feed forward neural network and trained using back propagation algorithm.
The system also have adaptive inference engine.
The system
normalized the value of every attribute of input lies between zero and one. Total 265 instances have been collected. Out of which 200 were used for training the system and 65 have been used for testing the system. The MATLAB has been used for developing simulation. The results have been compared for accuracy, training time, number of neurons and number of epochs. The system has shown improved performance over the other system. 4) An Intelligent system for false alarm reduction in infrared forest fire detection (Begoùa C. Arrue, 2000) The system combines neural network and expert fuzzy rules to detect forest fires in open areas. The back propagation algorithm is used for training the system. Fuzzy expert rule base is used to express knowledge in rules. The study presented indicates the dramatic decrease in the false alarm rate maintaining the detection capabilities. 5) Application of Artificial Neural Network in Sales forecasting (W.W.H. Yip, 1997) The system forecast the sales volume for the future. The choice of network topologies were Silva’s adaptive back propagation algorithm and the network architecture were selected by genetics algorithm. The network can forecast in advance up to six months of sales. The test result of this system is compared with time series method of forecasting. The result shows that ANN system is better. 6) Rule generation from neural network for student assessment (McAlister M.J., 1999) The above system has been implemented with the use of back propagation algorithm. The system is considered as hybrid system, because it extracts rules from the weight stored in neurons. After extracting the rules the same system can be developed as a rule base expert system. 7) Fault diagnosis in power system-substation level-through hybrid artificial neural network and expert system (ElFergany A.A, 2011) This system is developed using combination of ANN and expert system for offline fault diagnosis in power system. The system use information of the operated relays and tripped circuit breakers. With the hybrid system, multiple faults
are also identified.
The system also identify the most probable faulted section based on
performance indices. The proposed ANN identify the faulted section even if the fault is in the inured zone.
communication problems in the relay signals either missing or noisy can also be detected. Expert system module used the rule base technique. The comparison between ANN, ES and the hybrid intelligent system for fault diagnosis is presented as well. The neural network is tested using Stuttgart Neural Network simulator on Linux platform and the code generated in C/C++ can is portable and can be complied on any windows based system. Expert system has been developed using prolog.
Analysis of Hybrid System with Ann Component and Conceptualization of Feasibility for Neural Expert System for Evaluating Motivational Strategies
8) Design of an expert system to estimate cost in an automated job shop manufacturing system (Fazlollahtabar H, 2010) The proposed cost estimation model is based on fuzzy rule back propagation network. The main objective is to estimate the cost under uncertainty. A multiple linear regression analysis is applied to identify rules. Numeric example showed the effectiveness of proposed model for cost estimation under uncertainty. 9) Comprehensive evaluation of logistics systems efficiency based on the integrated DEA/BPN model (Weihual Xia, 2009) The proposed system combines management science with AI. The system evaluates the operational efficiency of its every subsystem for logistics system management. The result of the system shows that the average testing error of the integrated DEA/BPN Model is reduced to 89% in comparison with that of traditional BPN model. Analysis of Literature Review The literature review presented above is summarised in the following table for the analysis purpose. The analysis has been done based on the following factors. Domain, Objective of the system, hybrid techniques, Comparison criteria, and performance. Table 1: Analysis of Hybrid Systems Based on Parameters Sr. No 1
Social Science
Diagnosis of epilepsy
ANN + Neuro Fuzzy
ANN + Fuzzy Expert rules
Human resources
Reduce false alarm in fire detection in open areas of forests Forecast sales volume for future Derive rules for student assessment
Identify the speaker using lip features Detect faults and diagnosis
Offline fault diagnosis for power system Estimate the cost under uncertainty Evaluate operational efficiency of logistic system
Hybrid techniques ANN + PCA
Comparison Criteria Actual answer
ANN + Case based reasoning
Conventional case base reasoning system Accuracy, Training time, Number of neurons and number of epochs Historical actual results
ANN + Genetic algorithm ANN + Rule base expert system ANN + Expert system ANN + Fuzzy rule base ANN + DEA
Time series method of forecasting Manual criteria
Historical actual results Numerical example Error in model
Performance 91.07% of accuracy Higher performance Improved performance
Reduction in false alarm cases Improved forecasting Accuracy improved Improved performance Accuracy achieved Error reduction to 89%
Findings 1.
The above analysis reveals that hybrid systems with ANN has one of its components are developed in different domains like social science, mechanical, HR, Sales, medical and manufacturing.
When ANN is combined with the other technique, the system has shown the better performance.
Another factor which can be noticed is that MATLAB is also very preferred tool to develop hybrid system based on ANN.
Viral Nagori
The use of MATLAB is also justified in the following research paper. Research on IDSS by MATLAB integration: Theory and method (Gao, 2011) The paper presents the integration MATLAB and Intelligent DSS. The paper here concludes that MATLAB will improve efficiency and provide practical way for developing ANN Based Solution. MATLAB will also reduce the number of lines of code.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE We are into the process of developing expert system for evaluation of motivational strategies on human resources. The expert systems are those, which mimic human expert level in a very narrow and domain which requires specialized knowledge. The most popular type of expert system is rule based expert system. But the applicability of rule base system is questionable when it is very hard to derive complete set of rules. Another popular type of expert system is fuzzy expert system. But every variable cannot be assigned value in fuzzy boundaries. Each type of expert system has its own strengths and weaknesses. If we combine the two approaches then we can get the advantages of both and might be able to eliminate the disadvantages up to certain extent. The combinations of the two technologies are called hybrid system. Problem 1.
Deriving rules for development of rule base expert system to evaluate motivational strategies on human resources is not possible, as human’s preference and perception for motivation keep changing.
Solution 1.
From the analysis of literature review, we concluded that ANN proves to the best technique when traditional technique is not able to solve the problem.
Hence we decide to explore the option where we can combine ANN with rule base expert system, and it leads us to explore the concept of hybrid neural expert system further. In the second phase of the paper, we are exploring the concept of hybrid neural expert system for evaluating
motivational strategies on human resources.
NEURAL EXPERT SYSTEM If we combine the two approaches then we can get the advantages of both and might be able to eliminate the disadvantages up to certain extent. The combinations of the two technologies are called hybrid system. Hybrid Technology Expert system and neural network both are intelligent technologies which imitate human brains. Neural network works on the concept of neurons and expert system works on the human expertise. Neural network offer faster and efficient learning and adapt to the rapidly changing environment. On another side, expert systems provide rule base and explanation facilities to the user. IF we combine the neural network with expert system, the resulting combination will be known as Neural Expert System. An expert system do not have capacity to learn on its own , but it provides solution to the problems with requires human expertise. Contrary neural network has a learning capacity, but it doesn’t provide explanation facility. Neural network works as a black box. (Negnevitsky, 2008) The combination of neural network and expert system will allow us to
Analysis of Hybrid System with Ann Component and Conceptualization of Feasibility for Neural Expert System for Evaluating Motivational Strategies
create more powerful expert system based on neural network. This expert system is called neural expert system or connectionist expert system. Difference between Neural Network and Expert System Expert system relies on Modelling human reasoning while neural network focus on modelling human brain. Knowledge in expert system is presented by if-then- else rules. Knowledge in expert system is stored in synaptic weights between neurons. In expert system, once rules are created, it cannot be modified by the expert system itself. To modify the rules, human intervention is very much required. In neural network, error is generated and propagated backwards to change the synaptic weights. Hence no human intervention is required to learn in neural network. In expert system, knowledge is divided into rules, which can be coded. In neural network, Knowledge is embedded in entire network. It cannot be divided into rules. Expert system cannot deal with noisy dataset while neural network allow approximate reasoning, so noisy data set can also be included in training data set. The striking feature of the neural expert system is that it can extract ‘If-then-else’ rule from neural network with the help of neural inference engine. To train Neural expert system, we can use training algorithm such as back propagation and then extract the rule base from it. Neural expert system works best when rule base is based on Boolean logic. Mapping Concept of Neural Expert System into Our Research Objective As we have seen that Neural Expert system has two parts. ANN and expert system. From the sample data of human resources’ preferences and perception on motivational strategies, we can devise ANN model, which can learn to evaluate motivational strategies. At the same time, from the weights stored in neurons, we can devise rules for evaluating motivational strategies on human resources. The learned model can also be used to test the new data of human resources to evaluate motivational strategies.
CONCLUSIONS The paper throws light on three main aspects. Exploring the concept of Neural expert system, mapping of concept for our research objective and analysis of literature review on hybrid systems and its findings. The above study helped us to establish a milestone in development of expert system. It helped us to finalised model, technique, method and tool for development of our expert system to evaluate motivational strategies on human resources.
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Viral Nagori
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