Transitional Territories Studio 2018-2019 North Sea: Landscapes of Coexistence Altered Natures and the Architecture of Extremes
Students: Aleksandra Gwardiak Ana da Fonseca Anna Cruijsen Boaz Peters Chang Liu Cristian Esteban Rodriguez Salcedo Danny Arakji Fi Thompson Jan Gerk de Boer Haozhuo Li Jimmy Lei Junrui Liu Laura Lijdsman Marcel van der Maas Mark Slierings Martin Kolev Michaela Mallia Nadine Tietje Philipp Wenzl Ranee Leung Ruby Sleigh Sara Boraei Sarantis Georgiou Sebastian Schulte Siyuan Liu Zoe Panayi
Book of Islands / Book of Tides October 2018 Produced by Transitional Territories Studio Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TUDelft
Studio Leader: dr.arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin Guest Professor: Dirk Sijmons Researchers: ir. Geert van der Meulen ir. Filippo laFleur Mentors: dr.arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin arch. Stefano Milani dr.arch. Nicola Marzot dr. Fransje Hooimeijer dr. Diego Carmona Sepulveda dr.arch. Luisa Calabrese dr. Daniele Cannatella
I. Picture a vacuum An endless and unmoving blackness Peace Or the absence, at least of terror Now, in amongst all this space, see that speck of light in the furthers corner, gold as a pharaoh’s deathbox Follow that light with your tired eyes. It’s been a long day, I know, but look watch as it flickers then roars into fullness Fills the whole frame. Blazing a fire you can’t bear the majesty of Here is our Sun! And look - see how the planets are dangled around it and held in that intricate dance? There is our Earth. Our Earth.
Kate Tempest There is our Earth
“There is no world, there are only islands”, the French philosopher Jacques Derrida once declared. What he meant was that, despite the assumption that all beings inhabit a common world, no two share the same experience of it. For him the unity of the world is a construction, and therefore, we all inhabit incommensurably separate islands in a “world archipelago”. (In the near presence of the 2019 Brexit), symptomatic of the growing political fissures within globalization, the image of Derrida’s world archipelago seems to defy one the of tacit yet most widely established catchphrases of our time: “Everything is connected to everything else”. Borrowing from proto-ecologists Alexander von Humboldt’s observation, Alles is Wechselwirkung (everything is interconnection), biologist Barry Commoner proposed this universal aphorism as the first of his informal laws of ecology. Following Commoner’s principle, today economists discuss globalization and the seemingly endless reach of the neoliberal market system; technologists talk about the ever-expanding technosphere that girds the globe with undersea data cables and envelopes the ionosphere with swarms and satellites, and environmentalist speak of “Gaia” and its biopheric metabolism encompassing every living being and process. Resembling Commoner’s law is another powerful image of our time: the rhizome. In their introduction to a A Thousand Plateaus (1980), Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari describe the rhizome as an image of thought where “any point… can be connected to any other, and must be.” Rhizomes can be entered anywhere, have neither a beginning nor an end, are always in the middle, and remain forever open as an endless series of “ands”. During the last two decades, the rhizomatic image of ecology has exerted great influence on design thinking, promoting a notion of territory characterized as an open, fluid, in determinate, and interconnected field that privileges process over the legibility of form and objects. If the age of Enlightenment gave us the modern separation between the natural and man-made worlds, our present time of rhizomes, networks, hybrids, and assemblages might as well be named, as some have suggested, the Age of Entanglement. In it, all boundaries seem to melt; order and disorder are no longer conceived as opposites; human activity turns into a force of nature; cities become inexorably linked to their planetary hinterlands; pristine nature becomes an illusion; landscapes become infrastructure; and the demarcation of boundaries becomes more relevant than ever. And yet, as the global political climate becomes increasingly skeptical of the neoliberal narrative of the market system’s limitless expansion and the liquid metaphors that enable it, a revision of the figure of the island seems as pertinent as ever. After all, as Michel Serres remind us, when systems extend and grow in complexity, they always have a tendency to produce heterogeneity and to form into subsets. Islands have a long tradition in science, art, and the humanities. One need only think of Charles Darwin and the Galapagos, J. G. Ballard’s Concrete Island (1984), or Plato’s allegory of Atlantis to realize the extend to which the figure of the island has been used as a master metaphor to derive insights and extrapolate them across fields. The prevalence of islands lies in their epistemological
power as cognitive tools and their imaginative allure as vehicles for speculation. Epistemologically, islandness addresses questions of identity and difference by sharply marking the edge between the territory of pure understanding and the “stormy ocean” of the unknowable. On islands and imagination, Deleuze notes that, despite the generalized casual distinction that geographers make between islands – “continental islands” as detached fragments of larger landmasses, and “oceanic islands” emerging from the ocean’s depths – the commonality that explains their speculative captivation is the possibility of disengaging from humanity and beginning anew. Islands, then, possess a great capacity to frame and simplify the seemingly unbounded and complex, and to kindle different imaginaries that serve as settings for all kinds of real life and thought experiments. In his 2008 paper “The Challenge of Nissology” hydrologist and geomorphologist Christian Depraetere argued that in the world archipelago, islands “are the rule and not the exception”, claiming that islands ought to be studied “on their own terms” and not as epiphenomena of larger continental trends. If we expand our scope of research from the consideration of the spatial attributes of islandness itself to include the aspects that allow islands to be regarded as places and not just as mere spaces, islands would emerge as even more attractive from the point of view of designing. These places, in fact, perfectly embody the notion of territorialization, a concept that “frames the whole manifestations of the interaction between human communities and nature – including those that usually are not considered as culturally relevant – into comprehensive, culture-rooted, discourse”. Islands are physical entities in which the relations between space and the human communities that inhabit it are stronger, more noticeable, and easily detectable. Islands are an excellent example of what has been termed as a “cultural landscape”, one that is “illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/ or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces, both external and internal. One might suggest that the island’s spatiality and its specific features are able to elicit affection and identification that lead to the production of place.
Excerptions from New Geographies 08. Island. Edited by Daniel Daou and Pablo Pérez-Ramos. Harvard University Press, 2016. pp. 07 / pp. 52
O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous makind is! O brave new word, That has such people in’t William Shakespeare The Tempest
In linguistics, a lexicon is a language’s inventory of lexemes. The word “lexicon” derives from the Greek (lexicon), neuter of lexikos meaning “of or for words.” Linguistic theories generally regard human languages as consisting of two parts: a lexicon, essentially a catalogue of a language’s words; and a grammar, a system of rules which allow for the combination of those words into meaningful sentences. The lexicon is also thought to include bound morphemes, which cannot stand alone as words (such as most affixes). In some analyses, compound words and certain classes of idiomatic expressions and other collocations are also considered to be part of the lexicon. Dictionaries represent attempts at listing the lexicon of a given language. The term “lexicon” is generally used in the context of single language. Therefore, multi-lingual speakers are generally thought to have multiple lexicons.
island, n. noun 1. a piece of land surrounded by water. 2. a thing regarded as resembling an island, especially in being isolated, detached, or surrounded in some way. anatomy a detached portion of tissue or group of cells.
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autochthonous, adj. adjective 1. (of an inhabitant of a place) indigenous rather than descended from migrants or colonists. 1.1 geology (of a deposit or formation) formed in its present position. Often contrasted with allochthonous 2. in its Greek origin the term refers to people from Athens as opposed to other places. Nowadays, the term is connected to people or things originating from the land, which specifically refers to the physical place in contrast to the sea.
land grab, n. noun 1. an act of seizing land in an opportunistic or unlawful manner 2. in scholarship often referring to large-scale land acquisitions, most often with contentious undertones. The term is used as a critique of these acquisitions and criticism is based on marxist theories as well as postcolonial theory.
enclave, n. noun 1. a portion of territory surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct.
exclave, n. noun 1. a portion of territory of one state completely surrounded by territory of another or others, as viewed by the home territory.
geopolitics, pl. n. noun (treated as singular or plural) Politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors.
enclosure, n. noun 1. area that is surrounded by a barrier. 2. (historical) The process or policy of fencing in wasteland or common land so as to make it private property, as pursued in much of Britain in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Following the historical definition of enclosure the term is used in reference to the capitalist process of integrating previously external areas of life or nature into market capitalism, mostly by establishing ownership principles or values.
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solitude, n. noun 1. (mass noun) the state or situation of being alone. 2. a lonely or uninhabited place.
horizon, n. noun 1. the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet. 2. (often horizons) the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest. 3. (geology) a layer of soil or rock, or a set of strata, with particular characteristics.
smooth space, n. noun 1. vectorial space, which is mostly ccupied by action. seas. deserts. smooth space is referring to a nomadic realm.
striated space, n. noun 1. (antonym to smooth space) taking reference to geological striations it refers to spaces that are static and marked by boundaries, borders and differentiations. Its the space of occupation and possession.
isolate, v. verb 1. cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others. 2. identify (something) and examine or deal with it separately.
isolationism, n. noun 1. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
exile, n. noun 1. The state of being barred from one’s native country, typically for political or punitive reasons. 1.1 A person who lives away from their native country, either from choice or compulsion.
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idiosyncratic, adj. adjective 1. relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual. 2. a space set apart by its special characteristics, this island is distinct in relation to its surroundings.
autonomous, adj. adjective 1. having the freedom to act independently or control one’s own affairs. 2. an isolated space with limited accessibility, implying sovereignty and self-determination.
circular, adj. adjective 1. starting and finishing at the same place. 2. a closed circuit which contains all the elements, each belonging to a co-dependent group.
encirclement, v. verb 1. a military term for the situation when a force or target is isolated and surrounded by enemy forces. 2. a fenced in area, separated physically by barriers.
black market, n. noun 1. an illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled or scarce commodities. 2. a parallel world made up of highly receptive node consistent of flows separate.
oasis, n. noun 1. a fertile area in arid surroundings where water is found. 2. a precious garden, dreamed of.
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distribution-area, n. noun 1. the reach of infrastructure which shares something out among a number of recipients. 2. infrastructural boundaries provide a social border between haves and have-nots.
expulsion, v. verb 1. the act of forcing someone or something to leave an organisation, place or body. 2. exclusionary practices, which create social, ecological or physical dislocation, exemplified by land grabs or ecological dead zones, or landfills.
tumour, n. noun 1. a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue. 2. a foreign-object situated in a wider body, can be malignant or benign.
fortress, n. noun 1. any place of exceptional security; stronghold. 2. a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance.
ideology, n. noun 1. the body of doctrine, myth or belief that guides an individual, social movement or institution. 2. a shared belief system which forms the basis for the establishment of new ground.
occupation, n. noun 1. the act of controlling a territory by foreign military force. 2. the state or condition of living or working in a given place.
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implosion, n. noun 1. the focus of something collapsing violently inwards, self-destructive. 2. a sudden failure causing collapse of an organisation or system.
isolate, n. and v. noun a person, thing or group that is set apart, for purposes of study or by lack of association with a group. verb 1. to set apart; detach or separate so as to be alone. 2. (medicine/medical) to quarantine, to keep an infected person from contact with non-infected persons.
territory, n. noun 1. the area that an animal defends against intruders, especially of the same species. 2. the land and waters belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a state, sovereign etc.
contrasting, adj. and v. adjective 1. something which is strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association. verb 2. (linguistics) to differ in a way that serves to clarify meanings.
manifestation, n. noun 1. a public demonstration of power and purpose. 2. the outward, physical materialisation of an idea or concept.
oasis, n. noun 1. a small, fertile region within a desert landscape, usually having a spring or well. 2. an area serving as a refuge, relief or pleasant change from what is usual, challenging or disruptive.
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othering, n. and v. noun 1. the process of perceiving or portraying someone or something as fundamentally different or alien. verb 2. the act of relegating or dividing those different from ourselves into one, inferior, category.
exclusivity, n. 1. the quality of being limited to only one person or group of people. 2. the island allows exclusitivity, as it is protected by the body of water surrounding it.
restraint, n. 1. something that limits the freedom of someone or something, or that prevents something from growing or increasing. 2. the island’s restraint is the body of water, which is limiting its land mass.
territory, n. the environment of a group or a person as a social environment, personal living space, habits, patterns of interaction. the environment is not to be understood as a location, but a behavioural patterns, which create certain stability and location.
de-territorialisation, n. the severance of social, political, or cultural practices from their native places and populations. a. absolute ~ : impossibiblity of re-territorialisation; hence, change produces immanence. b. relative ~: possibility of re-territorialisation; change is reversible.
re-territorialisation, n. the action of returning from de-territorialisation.
In linguistics, morphology is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language. It analyses the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Morphology also looks at parts of speech, intonation and stress, and the ways context can change a word’s pronunciation and meaning. Morphology differs from morphological typology, which is the classification of languages based on their use of words, and lexicology, which is the study of words. Given the notion of a lexeme, it is possible to distinguish two kinds of morphological rules. Some morphological rules relate to different forms of the same lexeme; while other rules relate to different lexemes. Rules of the first kind are inflectional rules, while those of the second kind are rules of word formation. In the 19th century, philologists devised a now classic classification of languages according to their morphology. Some languages are isolating, and have little to no morphology; others are agglutinative whose words tend to have easily separable morphemes; others yet are inflectional or fusional since their inflectional morphemes are combined. That leads to one bound morpheme conveying multiple pieces of information. Depending on the preferred way of expressing non-inflectional notions, languages may be classified as synthetic (using word formation) or analytic (using syntactic phrases).
Mapping the islandscape through a language model introduces three objectives. First, to select relevant notions in order to compose an image—and the collective imaginary—of the islandscape. Second, to describe natural and manmade elements and their manifestation and agency on land and water surfaces. Third, to delineate and narrate spatio-temporal relations between constituent parts of the islands and their wider context. The use of a language model aims, therefore, to identify and measure the structure, limits, and potentialities of islands’ geographic space.
22 The Spratly Islands consist of more than 100 small islands or reefs surrounded by rich fishing grounds - and potentially by gas and oil deposits. Its terrain consists of small, flat islands, islets, cays, and reefs, with its highest point at around 6m above sea level. They are claimed in their entirety by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, while portions are claimed by Malaysia and the Philippines. About 45 islands are occupied by relatively small numbers of military forces from China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Since 1985 Brunei has claimed a continental shelf that overlaps a southern reef but has not made any formal claim to the reef. Fiery Cross Reef continues to be the most advanced of China’s bases. AMTI identified eight hardened shelters with retractable roofs at each of the Big Three (Fiery Cross, Mischief and Subi), which is said to also house missile launchers. China has now built four additional shelters at Fiery Cross—a development not yet seen at Subi or Mischief. In addition, a large radome was recently installed on a building at the southern end of Fiery Cross, indicating a sizeable communications or radar system.
Spratly Islands Oceanic Islands 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Fiery Cross Reef Chinese Military Islands Other Islands Philippines Malaysia Missile Ranges Radar Ranges
02 01
06 05
0 mi
100 mi 9° 32’ 45” N, 112° 53’ 15” E.
In 1987, following a UNESCO/IOC meeting, it was agreed that the PRC would build weather stations in the South China sea as part of the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) survey. In April that same year, the PRC chose Fiery Cross Reef as the site to build a weather station (01), as the reef was large enough for the purpose, and it was isolated from other disputed islands and reefs. However, this caused further problems with Vietnam when, in January 1988, some Vietnamese ships with construction materials tried to approach the reef in a bid to establish structures there. In 2014 reclamation began at Fiery Cross Reef. It is now one of the 3 biggest chinese occupied islands in the South China sea together with Mischief Reef and Subi Reef. The island originally consisted of reefs (02) with sandy atolls (03). It is one of the few reefs that allow for submarine passage close to shore because of the steep fall in bathymetry to 2000m relatively close to the mainland (04).
Original Fiery Cross Reef Atoll Continental Island 01 02 03 04
Original Building Reefs Original Atoll 2000m line
0 km
1000 km 9° 32’ 45” N, 112° 53’ 15” E.
In 2018 677 acres of land were reclaimed for the militarised expansion of the Reef. The island is still undergoing construction, and some patches are still left empty. The Construction of all the hangars at Fiery Cross Reef are enough to accommodate 24 combat aircraft and four larger planes (such as ISR, transport, refueling, or bomber aircraft). Radomes were also installed atop three previously unidentified large towers on the northeast arm of the reef as well as a tower at the north end of the airstrip. A large collection of radomes installed to the north of the airstrip represents a significant radar/sensor array. As said previously its section is ideal for a submarine base as the bathymetry has a steep drop of 2000m relatively close to the shoreline. The island itself is barely 5m above sealevel and is relatively flat in nature.
Fiery Cross Reef Plan and Section Oceanic Island 01 02 03 04 05
Helipad Runway Missile Shelter Radar Station Harbour
0 km
1000 km 9° 32’ 45” N, 112° 53’ 15” E.
Fiery Cross Reef Axonometric Oceanic Island 01 02 03
Island Land Mass Infrastructure Buildings
Fiery Cross Reef Military Elements Oceanic Island 01 02 03 04 05 06
Radar Station Missile Launchers Runway Hangars Main Building Shipping Harbour
32 Hong Kong International Airport (Chek Lap Kok Airport or HKIA) is the main airport in Hong Kong. The airport has been in operation since 1998, built entirely on reclaimed land, it acts as an important regional trans-shipment centre, passenger hub and gateway for destinations in Mainland China and the rest of Asia. It sites at the estruary of the Pearl River Delta, where much of the land that can be observed today is also reclaimed (as hatched in stripe in the image to the left). Moreover, it also serves as a gateway for Southern Chinese citizens to travel abroad with many airlines having already established regular routes to and from Hong Kong during the occupation of Kai Tak Airport, which HKIA has since replaced. In addition to its geographic convenience and the administrative territory’s rooted connection to the rest of the world as a result of British colonial rule, HKIA is utilised for the mobilisation of the new mainland Chinese middle-class by means of upstream ferry terminals. These ferry terminals simultaneously operate as border checkpoints and ferry passage. Furthermore, mainland Chinese citizens who enter into HKIA this way have a segregated route into the airport freezone such that they do not have to officially enter into Hong Kong. As such, bypassing the need for mandatory documentation, which would otherwise been a long and arduous process. Located throughout the Pearl River Delta, these mechanisms facilitate for the flow of mainland Chinese citizens to global destinations, by reducing the barrier of entry.
Chek Lap Kok International Airport - An International and Regional Node Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Chek Lap Kok International Airport Hong Kong Hong Kong Island Lantau Island Shenzhen Zhuhai Macau Longxue Island
113°36’E 113°36’E
113°48’E 113°48’E
114°00’E 114°00’E
114°12’E 114°12’E
22°48’N 22°48’N
08 22°36’N 22°36’N
CC PA PA 27 27 22- -AAM MSS
CA CA4 4220 0- C - CK KGG
22°24’N 22°24’N
- SIN IN 659 - S CPPAA659 C
CP CPA89 A8 2 92 - S - SFFO O
XP 4 - M XP - JNB 7488 - JNBCPA22334 - M CPA CPA CPA74
KE KE12 12 - N - NBO BO
SIN S- IN 2 28787 SIA SIA
AXX - LLA 677 K006 CRRK C
CA5821 - TPE CA5821 - TPE
22°12’N 22°12’N
J KO J 1 - KO K67 1 CRRK67 C
A3A3 1919 - N- N ILIL
BRU 83- -BRU 83 CPA3 CPA3
I KBIK - B99 2323 M XM AXA
22°00’N 22°00’N 22°48’N 22°48’N
0 0
1km 1km
22.3084 22.3084 N, N, 113.9239 113.9239 E E
34 Whilst its Terminal 1 is the third largest airport passenger terminal building in the world, measuring at 570,000 sqm, much like many other airports that serve equivalent global cities, the airport has seen numerous expansions and indeed it continues to further expansions. At its most radical, more land (some 650 hectares) has been proposed to be reclaimed by 2030 for the construction of a third runway as well as more third terminal buildings, airfields, and apron facilities. More recently, the midfield development, a 20 gate passenger concourse, has began operation, with 11 gates serving passengers and a further 9 to be completed in 2020; it is expected that demand will continue to increase and the midfield development is aimed to adapt and tackle this surge when they arise. In addition to the expansion of the areas avian capacities, the existing ferry terminal, named Skypier, began operation in 2009, serving as a cross-boundary ferry pier. Its integration within HKIA is one of the contributing elements to the upstream ferry terminal mechanism previously described. Moreover, with the introduction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, an artificial islet to the east of the airport has been constructed to play the role of border control - this has also been designed to be integrated into the existing and expanding Skypier system as well as the HKIA network.
Chek Lap Kok International Airport - Expansion and Expansion Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Runway Cargo Ferry Pier Hong Kong Boundary Cross Facility Proposed Transfer Terminal Midfield Concourse Midfield Expansion Private Aviation Fuel AsiaWorld Expo and Trade Centre Midfield Expansion Proposed Third Runway and Terminal Reclaimation Section Cut
113°53’E 113°53’E 113°53’E
113°54’E 113°54’E 113°54’E
113°55’E 113°55’E 113°55’E
113°56’E 113°56’E 113°56’E
113°57’E 113°57’E 113°57’E
22°22’N 22°22’N 22°22’N 22°21’N 22°21’N 22°21’N 22°20’N 22°20’N 22°20’N
12 05 15 22°19’N 22°19’N 22°19’N
08 13 09 03
22°18’N 22°18’N 22°18’N
04 11
22°17’N 22°17’N 22°17’N 22°16’N 22°16’N 22°16’N
0 00
1km 1km 1km
22.3084 22.3084 N, N, 113.9239 113.9239 E 22.3084 N, 113.9239 EE
36 With more than 100 airlines operating flights from the airport to over 180 cities across the globe, Hong Kong airspace is particularly congested, notwithstanding the proximity of two other international airports in Macau and in Shenzhen. HKIA ranks as the eighth busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic, and ranks first by cargo traffic, without a doubt then, HKIA not only serves the region and the globe as a connecting node, but it also serves to be a significant contributor to the economy of Hong Kong - employing some 65,000 people. With its two runways, the airport has a capacity of 60 aircraft movements per hour, and each day the airport handle around 900 scheduled passenger and cargo flight a day, consequently it is not uncommon for air traffic queues to form, resulting in the occupation of farther territories. Aviation congestion is not helped by the Chinese authorities, who restrict the single air route between Hong Kong and mainland Chinese to be flown at an altitude of at least 15,000 feet (4,572m). This has since caused HKIA Authority to co-operate with neighbouring airports to relieve air traffic, where Shenzhen acts more as a regional airport while HKIA serves international flights.
Chek Lap Kok International Airport - A Congested Airspace Architecture scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06
Ferry Pier Ferry Terminal Short Golf Course (to be demolished) Airport Terminal 2 Airport Express Station (from/to Hong Kong) Airport Terminal 1
EVA807 -
80 CPA0
09 A6 TH KT -H
- OK
AMU862 -
- SV
18 - IC
22.3084 N, 113.9239 E
38 On top of its maritime and aviation connections, Hong Kong and HKIA are becoming more and more connected to mainland China by means of ground transport. Two recent projects are particularly noteworthy, the first is the aforementioned Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB), and the second is the new rail station in West Kowloon. HZMB is a bridge-tunnel infrastructure that spans the mouth of the Pearl River Delta, it consists of a 22.9km cable-stay bridge, from an artificial islet off the coast of Zhuhai and Macau, a 6.7km tunnel, various shorter bridges and viaducts, and two new reclaimed pieces of land for border control facilities. With the border control on the Hong Kong side of the bridge located adjacent to the airport, it is expected that once the bridge is fully operational, passenger and cargo traffic via the airport will see a sharp increase. HKIA is connected to West Kowloon some 30 minutes away - via the metro system, which the airport express is a part of. With the inception of the West Kowloon Station project, which connects Hong Kong with Shenzhen and Guangzhou by a high-speed rail system, commuting times are reduced to 23 and 48 minutes respectively. Indeed, with such an increase in tertiary connection systems, it is without a doubt that current plan to reclaim more land and to increase the airport’s capacity is well reasoned. However considerations will have to be made with regards to the cost, which is estimated to be the same price as the original airport and land reclamation, as well as ecological consequences.
Chek Lap Kok International Airport Architecture scale. Continental Island
06 06
04 04
02 02
01 01
03 03
07 07
08 08 GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion
10km 45°53'43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31'38.4 E
42 This map shows the five Borromean Islands. A short description of each of them: Isola dei Pescatori, also known as Isola Superiore, is the only island in the lake that has been permanently inhabited from the beginning of the 14th century until today. The elongated island stretches to a length of around 350 meters from northwest to southeast and is approximately 100 meters across its widest point. Isola Madre is the largest of the BorromeanIslands, 220 meters wide and 330 metersl ong. In ancient times, before becoming part of the possessions of the Borromeo family, it had been called Isola di San Vittore and then Isola Maggiore. In the middle of the ninth century there were a church and a cemetery on the island, and probably a small military armoury. The English garden on Isola Madre is an outstanding example of garden design in Italy. Scoglio della Malghera, also known as La Malghera, is the smallest of the Borromean Islands. It lies approximately halfway between the substantially larger neighbouring islands Isola Bella (190 meters to the southeast) and Isola dei Pescatori (200 meters to the northwest). In the past, Lo Scoglio was known as the “Island of Love” (“scoglio degli innamorati”) because couples would visit it for intimacy. The Isolino di San Giovanni is located in the Borromean Gulf, in front of Pallanza, a few meters away from the shore. On the island, which is accessed through two protected anchorages, grow the gardens belonging to the Palazzo Borromeo. Isola Bella is located in the Borromeo Gulf about 400 meters offshore from Stresa. Measuring 320 meters long and 180 wide, its surface is entirely occupied by the Italian garden in the shape of a pyramid with 10 terraces and the Borromeo palace that occupies the north-western coast of the island.
Gulf of Verbania Scale ca. 1:40.000 01 02 03 04 05
Isola Madre Isola dei Pescatori Isola Bella Isola San Giovanni Scoglio della Maghera
04 04
01 01
02 02
05 05
03 03
GSEducationalVersion GSEducationalVersion
1km 45°53'43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31'38.4 E
44 From the first decades of the seventeenth century the Borromeo family, owner of the Isola Madre from 1501, focused their interests on the island, giving rise to the grand project that will lead to the creation of the palace and the garden. This intent was continued, expanded and refined by Vitaliano VI, considered the founder of Bella. The Borromeo Family bought the Isola Inferiore or “Isola di Sotto”, A rocky crag occupied by a small fishing village, and in 40 years they turned it into an enchanted garden, designed with great imagination. Between 1632 and 1650 they proceeded with the work commissioned by Julius Caesar III and Charles III, purchasing land and working for the definition of the garden, thinking of creating two separate buildings: One for residential purposes with the character of a fortress gathered around a courtyard, surrounded by crenulated walls; the other defined in the documents as a “casino”, designed as a factory primarily of delights hidden in nature and closely linked to the garden, had to rise in order to conclude the rooftop terrace formed at the top of the cliff. The construction of the palace was begun by Charles III and dedicated to his wife, Isabella D’Adda; the task was entrusted to the Milanese designer Angelo Crivelli, to whom we also owe the basic framework of the gardens.
Isola Bella Scale 1:3000 01 02
Palazzo Borromeo Garden with Pyramide
01 01
02 02
100m 45°53’43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31’38.4 8°31'38.4 EE 45°53'43.0 N,
46 From the elevation and section we gather an understanding of the most important feature of Isola Bella: the garden pyramide. In a huge effort the land mass was brought from the shore to the island to create this landmark. The grandiose Baroque garden is organised in 10 terraces that are culminating in a pyramide of obelisques and plants. The top is marked by a unicorn, facing the shore of Stresa in the South, forming an axis with Isola dei Pescatori. We can also gather that the island is composed of three main parts. The garden, the palace and the village. While garden and palace are dominated by order and formal architecture the village is a more informal organisation of houses, which used to house workers and today are used for restaurants, hotels and shops. This is also where the ship pier is positioned. On the opposite side of the island the terracing of the garden is relatively shallow and opens up for views of the alpine panorama.
Elevation and Section Scale 1:2000 01 02 03 04 05
Garden Pyramide Terraced Garden Village Tourism Pavilions Ferry and private Piers
05 05
04 04
03 03
02 02
01 01
01 01
02 02
03 03
50m 45°53'43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31'38.4 E
48 The structure of the island in its long axis is revealed by the long section visible on this spread. During the forty years of development and construction, the Borromeos engaged the era’s most noted architects and botanists for their magnum opus, creating on Isola Bella what was intended to replicate the form of an imaginary galleon — the dock represented the vessel’s prow, the palazzo was the bow, and the garden’s colossal raised terraces were the ship’s bridge The island is an island of reprsentation, which is made clear through this analysis. While the shore facing side is dominated by a pyramid, a symbol of great civilisations and ability the approach by boat and the side facing the sea is dominated by the splendid Palace. Overall, the Borromeans successfully demonstrated they dominance over nature as well as their cultural awareness, to the extent that even Napolean visited the island and stayed in the palace.
Long Section Scale 1:3000 01 02 03
Garden Pyramide Terraced Garden Palace Building
01 01
02 02
03 03
50m 45°53'43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31'38.4 E
50 The four-story palazzo was designed in what can be described as the Lombard Baroque style. Radiating around a domed Great Hall with crystal chandeliers and view balconies, the first floor rooms include the usual array of palace showrooms, among them, a neoclassical ballroom, music room, and a tapestry hall, all decorated with paintings, furniture, and artful plasterwork. The most inventive part of the palace, however, can be found underground: six natural grottos decorated with dark-and light-colored pebbles and shells in designs reflecting nautical themes. The elevation on this spread illustrates the formal overruling of natural boundaries and borders and their replacement with an architectural artefact. The Borromeo Palace directly touches the waterline in some instances and describes the edge of the island itsself. In other parts the island is closed with arched walls that were visible on the elevation. Interestingly, the palace combines Baroque architectural orders with the necessities of the island by utilising the rustique as a water barrier. At the same time the perception of wonder and mysticism is achieved by a building that rises directly out of the water.
Facade Borromeo Palace Scale 1:200
5m 45°53'43.0 45°53'43.0 N, 8°31'38.4 E
52 In 1870, Sacca Sessola, the youngest island of Venetian Lagoon was man created. A Hospital for cholera and tuberculosis patients was opened with a large orchard and woodland garden took shape, complete with fountains, palm trees, cedars and magnolias in 1919. The map shows the geographical relation between main land Venice and Sacca Sessola. The distance between the two is about 2km with an area of 0.16km squared. From the bathymetry we’re able to notice the shallow depth of the lagoon with heavy dredging in strategic locations for the ever growing tourist boats that reach Venice and the oil cargo ships that reach the Venetian port. Main land Venice is accessed by a main infrastructural. While Sacca Sessola is accessed by boat. The geometry of the island is leaning more to a right trapezoidal figure.
Sacca Sessola and Venice Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02
Sacca Sessola Main Land Venice
0 45.4055 N, 12.3206E
54 Sacca Sessola translated as “Scoop Bag” but also commonly called “Isola delle Rose” or “Island of Roses” by the luxury hotel which is located in on the island. It’s renovation into a new program was designed as an escape from the ordinary and retreat to the luxury hotel resort and spa on a private island. The program on the island ranges from hotel and its services like private spa and private chalets. It also has fine dining restaurant independently on the island. An ancient chapel on site is used for wedding celebrations. The program of the island clearly relates to mainland Venice whether from it’s prehistoric function as a quarantine hospital for the sick people of Venice or to house it’s tourists who wish a calmer stay. The island is accessed from it’s northern edge by small boats.
Sacca Sessola Program Island Profile * + ^
Hotel & Services Chapel Restaurant
* *
* * *
* +
45.4055 N, 12.3206 E
56 The landscape design of Sacca Sessola, follows the receptive use conversion of the former hospital complex. It was made in collaboration with the Town Council Administration, the Superintendence of Architectural Heritage and Landscape in Venice and the Environmental offices. The project aims to create a new park integrated with the historical one, for a 0-km-agriculture production to offer fresh products to the guests of the hotel. The vegetable garden is organized with annual cultivations of open fields and permanent cultivation of fruit trees and aromatic plants. It was also recovered an old olives formal garden, which is still productive. The restoration of the formal park and its relation with the gardens is simply based on the replacement of the grey gravel paving with the white one and the elimination of superfluous additions made over time. To reduce the provision of top soil and their costs, it was realized in-situ the regeneration of the existing soils, using leguminous plants seeding, mapping on site the existing vegetation. The public access to the island is ensured by a new channel and a dock that lead to the new square, access to the park and the hotel. The opening of this channel comes from the original morphology, derived from the filing of the excavation of the port of Venice, with which it has made Sacca Sessola island in the 19th century.
Sacca Sessola Gardens Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04
Public Garden Hotel Garden Restaurant Vegetable Garden Soil Regeneration Garden
45.4055 N, 12.3206 E
e Island Composition Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05
Constructed Island Outline Constructed Island Defence Border Gravel Walkway Vegetation Hotel & Services + Restaurant & Chapel
60 Rokko island is an artificial island in Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Japan located in the south-east region at Port of Kobe. The island was constructed from reclaimed land between 1973 and 1992. It has a 3.4 km by 2 km rectangular shape, and covers 5.80 km². The island is in the Osaka bay with many other artificial island and with an explicit boundary between land and sea.
Growth Geographic scale. Continental Island 01
Rokko island, Japan
62 The island is connected with the mainland through a railway bridge and highway bridge. and between the island and mainland, there are also transitional island between them(the island closer to mainland). On the island, there are rectangular roads grid planned.
Connections Island Scale
64 The island has a specific functional division geographically. The residential area are surrounded by industry area, and around the island there are ports for ships with different scales and functions.
Functions Island Scale
66 In the centre of the island, the residential area is defined by a rectangular greenbelt. It is like another “island” which are surrounded by the “industrial sea”.
“Island in Island” Architecture Scale
68 In these four diagrams, four aspects of the Rokko island are shown. The island islocated in the Osaka bay and surrounded with several man-made islands. The island is connected with the main land by railway bridge and highway bridge with a “blur land� between the island and the land. The city is located in the central of the island, divided by the greenbelt with the industry areas, the city is like another island inside the Rokko island. The building inside the city is built according to the road grid and greenbelt with different functions.
Island groups, Ways, Green boundary and Buildings
01 02 03 04
Island groups Ways Green boundary Buildings
70 Kansai International airport is located on an ocenic Island in the Osaka Bay in Japan. It is 4km long and 2.5km wide.
Kansai International Airport Plan-Geographic Scale Oceanic Island 01 02
Kansai International Airport Osaka Bay
Kansai International Airport Plan-Island Scale Island Scale 01 02 03
Terminal Airport Runway Green Land
01 01
Kansai International Airport Plan-Architecture Scale Island Profile 01 02 03 04
Bus Station Terminal 1 Runway Parking Apron
Island Section 1:25000 Island Profile 01 02 03 04 05
Terminal 1 Bus Station Island 1 Sea Bed Island 2
02 03
78 Basically, the island consists of 2 rectangular islands. Its direction is affected by the shape of the continent.
01 02
Kansai International Airport Continent
Connection and Fragmentation
80 The diagram shows the layout of roads, buildings, runways, green lands and parking aprons on the islands.
01 02
Parking Apron Buildings
81 Green Land
Road System
Architecture and Parking agron
01 02
Reasons of Construction
The Kansai Region wanted to build connection with Tokyo
There was a protest because the newly built airport on the main land caused a lot of noise.
Government chose to build a new island far away from the continent.
01 83
Kansai Region
Osaka Bay
84 Peberholm (Pepper Island) is a 1.3 km2 artificial island and one of the largest infrastructure projects in Europe. It was created using material dredged from the surrounding sea bed as part of the Øresund Link which connects Denmark with Sweden. The land is the transition point between the tunnel and the bridge. The tunnel was designed because a bridge spanning the entire link between Malmö and Copenhagen would have interfered with obstacle-free zones around Kastrup Airport and to allow for large ships to pass the Öresund unimpeded.
Connection and Access Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03
Copenhagen Airport, Denmark Malmö, Sweden Saltholm, Øresund
86 Peberholm’s neighbour is the naturally occurring Saltholm which was the final factor in necessitating an artifical island. The original designs for a bridge across the Ă˜resund required extensive use of Saltholm as a stepping-stone for the bridge but they were changed in order to protect the island’s ecology. The artificial Peberholm allows the island to remain undisturbed, and now itself functions as a second habitat for a growing number of species.
Arrangement and Contagion Island Profile
88 As the island is part of Natura 2000 area 142, comprising Saltholm and its surrounding waters, only biologists are allowed one annual visit to the areas of the island outside of the railroad and highway. These areas are also not landscaped, and all the vegetation is naturally occurring and developing. Scientists predicted that nature would colonize it and make the island flourish on its own, without any human interaction. This has been very successful. Since 2008, both the amount and number of bird species has seen an increase, and now between 20–30 species breed on Peberholm regularly, and it is home to many rare species of spiders and butterflies.
Threshold and Boundary Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05
Drogden tunnel Entrance to tunnel Road and rail connections Inaccessible zone Protective gabions
90 In these four diagrams, four aspects of the Peberholm island are shown. 01 The shape and location of the island is design to ensure the freest flow of water through Øresund. The Øresund is a key inflow to the Baltic Sea from the North Sea, bringing higher levels of oxygen and salt. 02 As a protected landscape the Peberholm has become a breeding ground for birds as well as providing a habitat for the rare green toad. The island is also home to rare spiders and insects. Other animals found on the island include geese, ducks, cormorants, eagles, waders, mice, and hares in addition to more than 500 different species of plant. These animals cross the small gap between the Peberholm and the Saltholm when ice connects them during the winter, giving them a close cyclical relationship. 03 + 04 The view from either shore was widely debated upon the completion of the bridge as both countries hoped to benefit more from their connection. Those in Copenhagen see only the island in the distance, while the journey from Malmö brings you to the bridge, giving a very different impression of the link from either city. The bridge serves as a strong political and economic connector between the cities, making it possible to see the two as a wider international city region.
Peberholm, Øresund Island Scale, Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04
Flow of currents Settlement by animals View from Copenhagen View from Malmö
Lake Maggiore Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Isola Madre Baveno (IT) Stresa (IT) Verbania (IT) Locarno (CH) Lugano (CH) Varese (IT)
10km 45.5439 N, 8.3215 E
94 Isola Madre is the biggest of the Verbano islands. It raises from the water with a dramatic silhouette, traced in the luxurious vegetation that covers the greatest part of it, as long as the squared palazzo in the southern part, which is also the highest. It was also the first to be inhabited. The first projects concerning the transformation of the island into a place of delights and a private residence started with Earl Lancillotto Borromeo, who choose to settle there for the mild weather. Today the island is a little green Eden renowned all over the world for the refined botanical collections. The history of Isola Madre is bound to the Borromeo family since 1502. The first transformation works to create a place of delights and a private residence began by the will of Lancillotto Borromeo. In 1542, the island had started to look like a garden. Forty years later Renato the First Borromeo started the works on the palazzo leaving the direction to Pellegrino Tibaldi, a very notorious figure in the Lombard culture and a trusted architect of Saint Carlo. At the end of 1700 the island appeared just like today, a place of peace and rest thanks to a mild weather and a luxurious nature. In 1826 several greenhouses were built, along with the family chapel (from 1858) located on the eastern side of the great plaza and named after the chapel itself. The name Madre, still in use, comes from the historical supremacy of the island in the Verbano and also, it is said, from the benevolent mood of the mother of Earl Renato, Margherita Trivulzio.
Verbano Islands Continental Islands 01 02 03 04
Isola Madre Isola Superriore Isola Bella Isola San Giovanni
4 4
1 1
2 2
3 3
0 0
1km 1km 45.5439 N, 8.3215 E 45.5439 N, 8.3215 E
96 The Palazzo Borromeo was built in the sixteenth century on the remains of the early church, cemetery and castle of San Vittore (named after the martyr Victor Maurus). The palace is surrounded by impressive gardens: the Giardini Botanici dell’Isola Madre, covering an area of eight hectares whose construction all’Inglese (in the English style) began in the late eighteenth century on the site of a citrus orchard. Particularly prized is the scala dei morti, or staircase of the dead, which in recent decades has been embellished with an important collection of Wisterias. The family chapel of 1858 is also noteworthy; by contrast to that of Isola Bella, it contains no tombs or funerary monuments.
Isola Madre Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Borromeo Palace Main Square Palace Della Capella Harbor for guests/Approdo meridionale Harbour for tourists Family harbour Palace della Darsena Botanical gardens area Palace del Pappagalia Square della Carnelle
8 9
5 10
1 3
100km 45.5439 N, 8.3215 E
98 The island is visibly divided into a manmade part and an area of nature and gardens. The southern part has been strictly regulated by the designers and set into a system of terraces, stairs and outstanding palaces. On the other hand, the northern part has been designed as a place for nature, botanical gardens and orchards. The division is visible by the sections, where the man-made part has regular four-metre elevations, whilst the organic part is shaped by nature.
Two faces of the Isola Madre Island Scale
100 The history of the island still reigns over the current purpose of the land. Its accessibility did not change over time and it still differs by the function and proximity. Harbors have been divided into official ones for the guests and separate harbors for palace owners (northern/ southern) and servants entrances. The official ones are connected with each other via the main axis passing the island. The power of the past is also evident in the two axes passing through English style gardens. Their flowing paths are meant to confuse the visitor and turn the premonition of the place into a natural and wild field. Nevertheless, the original roman axis arranges the garden. The clash between strictly roman rules and the flexibility of the English gardens give an uncommon character to the place.
Morphology Island Scale 01 02 03 04
Accesibility Cultural landscapes - Italian Axis vs English Garden Patterns of ocupation Proximity
102 Amager Strand is a constructed island located in the south east of Copenhagen. It is the city’s largest beach towards the Øresund, the strait forming the boarder between Denmark and Sweden. Øresund is a shallow, sandy strait with maximum depths of 40 metres. Amager, being an island itself and the largest and most densly populated one in the Øresund, is partly occupied by the city of Copenhagen, as well as Copenhagen Airport. It has a history of being a landfill and in despair until in the recent decades various developments, including Amager Strand, increasingly upgraded the area.
Amager Strand Geographic scale 01 02 03 04
Copenhagen Centre Amager Strand Peberholm Sandholm
0 0
5km 5km 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E
104 Amager Strand was constructed in 2004 opposite of the existing Amager Strandpark which was, in turn, artificially created in 1934. Resulting out of a significant growth of the Amager area in the early 2000s, it is yet one of the largest recreational developments close to the Copenhagen’s city centre. In a joint effort, various stakeholders endeavored to improve the existing coastline and thereby create a new landscape for human activity and daily leisure for both, Copenhagen’s inhabitants and tourists. Amager Strand is known as the ‘city beach’ due to its close proximity to the centre. It is well connected, both via car and public transport. The island itself is connected to the mainland by three bridges. These access points likewise form the island’s hotspots featuring different amenities including bars, restaurants, shops, sport clubs and a museum.
Amager Strand Island scale 01 02 03 04
Shops and restaurants Surf Club Nature Centre Bath Metro station
04 03
500m 1km 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E
Amager Strand Island scale 01 02 03 04
Developments (A)1934 and (B) 2005 Access points Lagoon Hard surface
108 Amager Strand is characterised by two distinct sections. The northern part of the island is dominated by a natural landscape formed by low, sandy dunes and grass patches, and soft edges towards both, Ă˜resund and the lagoon dividing the island from the mainland. A meandering path connects patches of hard surface and structures accommodating the island’s amenities. The southern part of the island features a promenade dividing the so-called city-beach towards the strait and grassy park areas facing the lagoon and the mainland.
Amager Strand Object scale 01 02 03 04
Surf Club Car parking Beach access Sand dunes
0 0
50m 50m 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E 55.6619 N, 12.6400 E
Infrastructural Expansion | Accessibility Geographic scale. Continental Island. 01 02 03
Ospedale di Venezia, creation of new land Connection to mainland, terminal New accessibility, navigation routes carved
01 01
02 02
03 03
00 45.4468 45.4468N, N,12.3186 12.3186EE
1km 1km
112 Ospedale di Venezia is a proposal by Le Corbusier for a hospital to house the terminally ill. In contrast to much of Corbusier’s other work, the design picks up on the urban structure and grain of Venice, proposing a system of corridors, routes and ‘blocks’ of accommodation. Though situated on the main island of Venice, the proposal also forms an island of its own, raised on pilotis and projecting out into the sea, creating a new and separate urban expansion. It isolates patients from the rest of the island, both in plan and in section. Facing its back on the old city, functions are divided in section, with patients occupying the uppermost floor, isolated furthest from the ground of Venice. This creation of an architectural island reflects the underlying systems of power, which lead to the isolation and confinement of sickness or ‘madness’ (Foucault, 1982).
Systems of Power | Isolation Island Profile
45.4468 N, 12.3186 E
114 The plan of the hospital is fragmented into further islands at the small scale, designed using repetitive units, arranged in a grid to form a mat network. Within the island as a whole, smaller scale islands are created. Beds are arranged in semi private enclosures, aligned along three corridors within each square ‘care-unit’, each care-unit functioning as a fixed and protected space. These care units are clustered into larger islands around small central squares at the intersections of the circulation. This unit can therefore be repeated and reorientated throughout the grid to create the overall island, designed to accommodate infinite growth and expansion.
Repetition & Growth | Fragmentation Island Scale
45.4468 N, 12.3186 E
116 Le Corbusier’s proposal for Ospedale di Venezia brings an interesting tension between the recognition of the overall context of Venice and the desire to raise from the ground, border and isolate. The characteristic narrow streets and canal networks are translated into the corridor network of the hospital, as well as the urban block structure, allowing future expansion. However, the isolated nature of each block creates a stark separation from the streets of Venice. Even down to the design of the individual room, the walls form a strictly bounded space, with daylight entering via skylights, leaving no windows to access views out.
Bounded Space | Fractality & Proximity
01 02 03 04
Urban Grain Hard Boundaries Expansion Availability Corridors and Routes
Large scale Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06
Sacca Fisola Venice Mestre Mediterranean Sea Venice Lagoon Giudecca
1 : 100 000 119
6 5
Sacca Fisola
1 km
120 Sacca Fisola is located to the south of the major part of Venice and to the West of Giudecca. It consist of 4 artificial [man-made] islands, and has therefore little to no topographic changes. The islands are surrounded by several canals of which Canale della Giudecca is the deepest one [12m].
Sacca Fisola
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ferry Terminal Bridge to Giudecca [old part] Bridge to San Biagio Canale della Giudecca Canale Sacca Fisola Ramo Primo Ramo Secondo Canale Sacca San Biagio Rio dei Lavraneri Canale dietro la Giudecca
8 2 5
7 3
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
122 The islands geometric shape can be described as simple, reminiscant of a rectangle. This can be traced back to the man-made origin of this island.
Geometric shape of the island
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
124 The complexity of the shape of the island is not very high. Straight lines, with hard edges to the water characterize all of the coastlines, where abnormalities in the straight lines is mostly influenced by the presence of docks stations for smaller boats.
Shape complexity
Docks for smaller boats
1 1 1 1
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
126 Smalll canales cut through the island of Sacca Fisola, creating four pieces, three of which have distinct different land use.
Fragmentation of the island
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
128 The combined area of the four pieces of Sacca Fisola is 150.474 square metre. The biggest of the four pieces is mainly used for residential, while the others have different program.
Area of the island in m2
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
130 The is only accessible by boat and pedestrian bridges from the Giudecca island, there are no cars on Sacca Fisola [and Giudecca]. Two ferry terminals are located on the North side of the island, where along great parts of the coastline are places for boats to dock. The island on the South West has a bridge, but there is a gate blocking entrance for the public.
01 02 03 04 05 06
Thicker lines indicate docking places for boats Pedestrian bridge is restricted by a gate Pedestrian bridge Pedestrian bridge connecting to Giudecca Ferry terminal Place for lowering boat into water
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
132 The island of Sacca Fisola is closest to Giudecca, with a mere 65 metres of space. The canal della Giudecca is dividing the biggest piece of Sacca Fisola with the largest groups of islands in Venice. To the West the proximity to the man-made island of San Biagio is 85 meters. To the south, the closest land is the island named Sacca Sessola [1500 m2] , with a distance of 2.100 metres.
Proximity to land
01 02 03 04
San Biagio Venice Giudecca 2.100 metres to Sacca Sessola
2 252 m 252 m
85 m
65 m
85 m
65 m
3 1
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
134 The main influence on the shape and creation of these islands were most likely the continuation of the Canal della Giudecca to the North, which has to be able to transport big cruise ships and tankers. The Northern shoreline of Sacca Fisola can be seen as an offset of the shoreline of Venice. To the East, the coastline of the eastern island of Giudecca seems to be the guiding shape for the creation of the island of Sacca Fisola. The limits to the south and east have a most likely influenced by the canals surrounding the island.
01 02
Land form and canal The island of Giudecca
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
136 Each piece of this island has a distinct land use; recreational, industrial and residential.
Land use
01 02 03 04
Mainly residential Waste management Recreation [tennis & swimming] Recreation [row school]
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
138 The island has three major distinct land covers. Besides the buildings, there are a lot of grass patches without specified use [except for one sports-field in the residential area]. The areas without the grass patches are covered with a hard surface material, forming squares and foot paths.
Land cover
Shape of island Patches of grass Sport fields Foot paths Buildings
45.2541 N 12.1852 E
140 The early history of this man-made island lies in the dredging of the canals. The ‘waste material’ of this dredging was piled on top at the end of the Giudecca islands, creating a shallow area in the western part of the Giudecca.
Creation of the island 1
01 02
Punto di San Biaggio Islands of Giudecca
N 12.1852 E 45.2541 N 12.185245.2541 E
142 In between 1930 and 1950 the island of Sacca Fisola was constructed. Early maps however, show that the Southern part of contemporary Sacca Fisola was called San Biaggio.
Creation of the island 2
01 02 03
Sacca Fisola Former San Biaggio Future San Biaggio
1 3
N 12.1852 E 45.2541 N 12.185245.2541 E
144 Once the most Western island was constructed, the collection of the four islands was renamed to Sacca Fisola, while the most Western Island got the name of San Biaggio. The main reason for constructing these islands was to house the working class of the main part of Venice, which was getting progressively gentrified and occupied, mostly due to increase in tourism. The middle island in the South contains the local swimming pool, an attraction which seems to be of significance for the greater area.
Creation of the island 3
01 02 03
Sacca Fisola Sacca Fisola San Biaggio
1 3
45.2541 45.2541 N 12.1852 E N 12.1852 E
146 Isola di San Michele is the cemetery-island of the Venetian Lagoon. It is located just north of Venice, between Murano and the Main Island. At first, the island consisted of two parts, San Michele and San Cristoforo respectively. However, as the cemetery had to be moved outside of the city in 1808 due to sanitary reasons, the islands were connected to fit the burial grounds. In the course of its history, Isola di San Michele was enlarged several times. Most recently, David Chipperfield Architects won a competition in 1998 for the last to steps of extensions. The first one was completed in 2012 and was an addition to the existing island in the north-eastern part. The second part, soon to be built, is going to form a second island, separated by a 15 meter wide channel and connected by two bridges. It is not only increasing the area of the burial ground, but is also going to function as a recreational space for Venice. Contrary to the existing island, which is surrounded by a perimeter wall, the new part presents itself as a more open and accessible space.
Venetian Lagoon - Isola di San Michele Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05
Isola di San Michele Venice Murano Giudecca Lido
Isola di San Michele
1 km 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
Isola di San Michele Island Profile
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
Isola di San Michele Island Geometry 01 02
Main Island Extension
1 165 000 m2
2 50 000 m2
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
152 The Extension of the Isola di San Michele will be accessible through the main island. The path will lead from the Vaporetto staion through the cemetery via 2 bridges onto the new part.
Isola di San Michele Accessibility of the extension 01 02 03
Vaporetto station Route 1 Route 2
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
154 Contrary to the exisitng part of the island, where the edge condition is only partially permeable, the new part will be made accessible all around. Hence, the extension will present itself as more open to passing ships and also to the main island of Venice.
Isola di San Michele Edge Permeability Perimeter Wall Semi-transparent Open
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
156 An interesting aspect of the added part is that the land cover of built-up area and green area seems to be reversed, when comparing the existing part with the planned extension.
Isola di San Michele Land Use 01 02 03
Built Area Green Area Island Area
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
158 Here, the different steps of extensions over the course of the last 200 years is made visible. It shows the development from two separate island to a single one and its different stages of growth through time.
Isola di San Michele Extension History 01 02 03 04 05
- 1800 1830 - 1908 1908 - 2012 2012 - 2020 2020 -
2 4 1
Isola di San Michele
100 m 45°26'47.6"N 12°20'49.6"E
160 The Flevopolder, with 2,214.30 km2 the largest artificial island on earth, is part of a long tradition focused on dike building and land reclamation in the Netherlands. By the scale of the project and its central management by the national government, the draining and laying down of four polders in the former Zuiderzee, which reclaimed about 160,000 hectares of land between I930 and I970, mark a unique period in the history of land allocation. The most important objective of the land reclamation was the creation of new agricultural land on good, fertile soil.
The reclamation of the Flevopolder Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05
Afsluitdijk Reclamation of Noordoostpolder Reclamation of East Flevoland Reclamation of South Flevoland Houtribdijk
02 03
162 Flevoland is surrounded by a dikering to protect the reclaimed land for the higher waters around. The Knardijk is the dike that runs through the middle of the island. The dike separates the eastern and southers polder areas. This dike doesn’t protect against the water anymore, but was used in the process of land reclaimation. The houtribdijk separates the waterbodies of lake IJssel and lake Marker north of the Flevopolder. It was initially used to reclaim the Markermeer, but these plans were canceled in 2003.
Dikesystem of the Flevopolder Island Profile 01 02 03 04
IJsselmeer Markermeer Knardijk Houtribdijk
11 12 13 14 15
IJsselmeer Dike Polder Veluwemeer Mainland
01 04
12 14
164 Agriculture had primacy in the layout of the new polders. This means that the development of the farm can be read quite accurately from the layout of subsequent polders (02). The island is connected to the main Dutch land with eight bridges and tunnels (03). There are two bigger cities as a number of villages on Flevoland, with a total amount of 400,000 people (04).
Layers of Occupation
01 02 03 04
Shape Agriculture Infrastructure and connections Urbanization
166 Standardisation and increase in scale is part of the modernisation of agriculture set in motion by the Dutch government after WW2. The landscape in East Flevoland is shaped by a grid of powerful lines. These are shaped by trees along the main roads and parcels with standardised shapes. Both East and South Flevoland have farms in clusters with parcel dimensions of 300x1000m in East and 500x1700m in South.
The Designed Landscape of the Flevopolder Urban plan and Agriculture 01 02 03
Urban plan of Lelystad Parcels in Flevoland East Parcels in Flevoland South
Flevoland East Parcel dimensions 300x1000m Farms in clusters Farm roads not planted
Flevoland South Parcel dimensions 500x1700m Farms in clusters Farm roads not planted
Island . confined, enclosed, concrete, defined Imagine an island, the possibility to possess land. To map a territory. To conquer land on sea. Imagine the wonders of a landscape yet to be defined in its meaning and physical form. The infinite possibilities, the unfolding of life within a limited space.
Recent decades have witnessed the colossal social, economic, and environmental impacts of an ever-expanding human need to manage, commodify, and harness the latent energies of a wide variety of resources. Grouped under the label of extractivism, the practices arising from this need have been tied to both global climate change and massive migrations. Current shifts in both the political sphere, with Brexit as an example, as well as in the climate, with the recent IPCC report showing a likely devestating new reality, the world is in a state of chaos. What will this new reality look like? As echoes of past conflicts start to fade, The dissipating fog lays bare what’s planned; treaties ready to be made. Climate change creates new paths through its destruction, the melting ice reveals an artic frontier awaiting discovery. The Territory of the sea expands with the ever melting ice, increasing flows to the north with its progressing border. The nature of future exploration is still undefined, whether or not extrativist conventions can be put aside in pursuit of an ecological balance. Will this future be one of co-operation or isolation ? As the frontiers shift so do the desires, and with it a new horizon. Is there light at the end of this horizon, or are we slowly fading into darkness?
The New Frontier
In an era of population boom, limited resources and sea level rise, the promise of new land has been re-ignited, but this land is only to be found in the no man’s land of the sea. Wind turbines are the new energy provider for North Sea countries and have become ubiquitous across the sea. Their pervasiveness creates stepping stones between countries, linking nations via their energy resources. Migrants fleeing from persecution or climate related disaster find new hope in the navigable infrastructural grid that wind energy provides and form a parasitical relationship with the grid below. Ports, airports and cities eventually augment this new land, but at its outset, land is created by those who have no other place to go.
Flee to the Sea: Emergent Maritime Urbanism
The North Sea sits between some of the world’s biggest and longest standing state powers, leaving it the most urbanised body of water on the planet. The coming period of energy transition proposes further colonisation of the North Sea, as large portions of it are laid out for the construction of off-shore wind farms. This transition towards a new spatial order for the North Sea brings a great opportunity for the establishment of new, defined spaces and structures for ecological oases and islands. The bases of wind turbines create 3D structures, forming ‘islands’ ideal for appropriation by marine plant and animal life. These islands become interconnected zones, laced with new economic activity, but also providing ecological regeneration. The new territorial order restricts the operation of invasive fishing techniques, which pose a threat to the cabling and electrical transfer from the turbines. The creation of energy islands marks a manifestation of power, with large areas of the sea claimed for energy production. Multiuse productive islands are created, utilising space not only for energy production, but also for food production. Borders are established based on economic interest, creating bounded zones of refuge for ecological recovery. The spatial transformation of the air and sea space above establishes a new spatial order and transformation of the biotopes below.
Establishing Ecological Islands
The metaphor for the island and of “island thinking” lies often in its capacity to simplify the complex and frame what is unbound. This island though contradicts to this thought, being a result of globalization, with increased openness and high connectivity, as well as ecologies that cross boundaries and political and economic flows that occur over forms. This symbolic island, first it reflects the expected and needed collaboration between the North Sea countries, regarding the territory of the North Sea. Not only ecologically speaking, but also looking at the inevitable energy transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy production. Brexit will put the United Kingdom in a difficult spot with this collaboration. In turn, Norway’s geographical location is opening a whole new world of possibilities for this country, especially in the light of expected future developments of Brexit, new shipping routes and resource extraction. The new land of the North Sea harbour has great economic potential for infrastructure, and offers space for industrial activities to happen, with less nuisance for the dense urban mainland. With greater collaboration between the European North Sea countries, the increased amount of green energy produced by offshore wind farms, can be stored on the island and more efficiently be distributed according to the specific countries energy demands. As a centralized air- and water transport hub, the island is a distribution center for intercontinental processing and shipping of goods. Importance of a healthy ecological system in the North Sea is increasing, and the general notion of working with nature is gaining momentum. This is why this Island is floating, not trying to combat changes, but adapt to them. This can extend to new architecture developing along coastal regions.
North Sea Harbor Infrastructural Distribution Center for the Countries of the North Sea
Transitional Territories Studio 2018-2019 North Sea: Landscapes of Coexistence Altered Natures and the Architecture of Extremes
Students: Aleksandra Gwardiak Ana da Fonseca Anna Cruijsen Boaz Peters Chang Liu Cristian Esteban Rodriguez Salcedo Danny Arakji Francisco Monsalve Fi Thompson Jan Gerk de Boer Haozhuo Li Jimmy Lei Junrui Liu Laura Lijdsman Marcel van der Maas Mark Slierings Martin Kolev Michaela Mallia Nadine Tietje Philipp Wenzl Ranee Leung Ruby Sleigh Sara Boraei Sarantis Georgiou Sebastian Schulte Siyuan Liu Zoe Panayi
Book of Tides / Book of Islands October 2018 Produced by Transitional Territories Studio Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TUDelft
Studio Leader: dr.arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin Guest Professor: Dirk Sijmons Researchers: ir. Geert van der Meulen ir. Filippo laFleur Mentors: dr.arch. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin arch. Stefano Milani dr.arch. Nicola Marzot dr. Fransje Hooimeijer dr. Diego Carmona Sepulveda dr.arch. Luisa Calabrese dr. Daniele Cannatella
II. Its blueness soothes the sharp burn in your eyes, its contours remind you of love. That soft roundness The confort of ocean and landmass. Picture the world. Older than she ever thought that she’d get. She looks at herself as she spins. Arms loaded with the trophies of her most successful child. The pylons and mines, the power-plants shimmer in her still, cool breath. It that a smile playing acroos her lips? Or is it s tremor of dread? The sadness of mothers as they watch the fate of their children unfold.
In now. In fast. Visions. The colours like drugs in your belly, churning. Your skin pulled loose as a pup’s, shaken then tightened. Now everything’s flashing. The waves are magnified as they roll up towards you And you’re tiny as sand, just a speck. As you approach the surface all of that peace that you felt is replaced with this furious neverknown passion. You’re feeling.
Kate Tempest There is our Earth
Tideletics, a neologism suggested by Barbadian poet and historian Kamau Brathwaite, used to evoke the cyclical movement of the sea. It formulates an oceanic worldview, a different way of engaging with the oceans and the word we inhabit. Dissolving territorial modes of thinking and living, it attempts to coalesce steady land with the rhythmic fluidity of water and the incessant swelling and receding of the tides. It describes “the movement of the water backwards and forwards as a kind of cyclic… motion, rather than linear.” In this way the sea and land are seen in continuous relation - as shifting points of contact, arrival, departure, and transformation. It calls for an ‘anter/native’ historiography to linear models of colonial progress. In contradistinction to Western models of passive and empty space, such as terra (and acqua) nullius, which were used to justify territorial and active participatory engagement with the island seascape. In current political, cultural, and geologic circumstances that unsettle what was previously (ostensibly) fixed, uncertainty and change overflow tales of teleology, stability, and linear history. These demand new tools to make sense of the world, which may in turn change our very epistemologies. The oceans are an ample metaphor for such generative processes that store, dissolve, and merge old and new questions. Diving into their watery depths, we may ding ways to perpetually reconfigure multifaceted understanding of our countless worlds. History, geography, anthropology, and innumerable other disciplines have engaged with the oceans for centuries, not to mention millennia of transoceanic navigation and livelihoods depending on the seas. In his writings, Brathwaite crystallizes our terrestrial “obsession for fixity, assuredness, and appropriation”. If dialectics describes how “Western philosophy has assumed people’s lives should be”, then tidalectics delves into deeper layers of meaning, involving a variety of different readings and interpretations – for water is a transitory element and “being dedicated to water is a being in flux”. From death-calm seas to angry tsunamis, the tide never returns to the same spot twice, and its movement is affected by several forces that themselves continually change: currents rising from the deep sea, the moon, the wind, and ecological conditions that complicate any plain dialectic view. Tidalectis thus assumes the shape of an unresolved cycle rather than a forward-directed argument or progression. (...) It allows us to think of hybridity, cross-cultural syncretism, incompleteness, and fragmentation. It holds a flexible approach to geography that accounts for land forming in volcanic eruptions and islands disappearing over time due to climate change and other processes that remain forever unresolved. Turning our attention toward navigataion, Paul D’Arcy charts how local histories of relations with and across the sea live on beyond the repercussions of colonial rule in chants, artefacts, and other cultural practices. D’Arcy describes how oceanic space and time are conceived as interrelated, leading to inventions of lifestyles that emphasize fluid loyalties and calls for futures that take into account the vulnerabilities caused by progress and civilization.
According to Fred D’Aguiar “the sea was the beginning and end of everything”. The dynamism of island space has long provided a geologic for engaging land and sea. Édouard Glissant has declared that “the dialectic between inside and outside is reflected in the relationship of land and sea.”
Excerptions from Tidaletics. Imagining an oceanic wordview through art and science. Edited by Stefanie Hessler. The MIT Press, 2018. pp. 31 / pp. 55
Not a soul But felt a fever of the mad and played Some tricks of desperation. All but mariners Plunged in the foaming brine and quit the vessel, Then all afire with me. The king’s son, Ferdinand, With hair up-staring—then, like reeds, not hair— Was the first man that leaped, cried, “Hell is empty And all the devils are here.” William Shakespeare The Tempest
In linguistics, a lexicon is a language’s inventory of lexemes. The word “lexicon” derives from the Greek (lexicon), neuter of lexikos meaning “of or for words.” Linguistic theories generally regard human languages as consisting of two parts: a lexicon, essentially a catalogue of a language’s words; and a grammar, a system of rules which allow for the combination of those words into meaningful sentences. The lexicon is also thought to include bound morphemes, which cannot stand alone as words (such as most affixes). In some analyses, compound words and certain classes of idiomatic expressions and other collocations are also considered to be part of the lexicon. Dictionaries represent attempts at listing the lexicon of a given language. The term “lexicon” is generally used in the context of single language. Therefore, multi-lingual speakers are generally thought to have multiple lexicons.
tide, n. noun 1. the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun. 2. a powerful surge of feeling or trend of events. verb 1. tide; 3rd person present: tides; past tense: tided; past participle: tided; gerund or present participle: tiding. archaic drift with or as if with the tide. (of a ship) work in or out of harbour with the help of the tide.
12 1
exodus, n. noun 1. a mass departure of people from a place at the same time. 2. the act or an instance of going out.
coup d’etat, n. noun 1. a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force.
autonomy, n. noun 1. independence or freedom, as of the will or one’s actions. 2. the condition of being autonomous; self-government or the right of self-government. 3. the ability to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else.
revolution, n. noun 1. a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often using violence or war. 2. a sudden, complete or marked change in something. 3. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence.
flux, n. noun 1. continuous change, paddage, or movement. 2. the action or procees of flowing or flowing out. 3. the flowing in of the tide.
edge, n. noun 1. a line or border at which a surface terminates. 2. a brink or verge. 3. the outer or furhest point of something.
13 7
corridor, n. noun 1. a gallery or passage connecting parts of a building; hallway. 2. a long piece of one country’s land that goes through another country (polish corridor).
extractive, adj. adjective 1. the people, companies, and activities involved in removing oil, metals, coal, stone etc. from the ground. 2. tending or serving to extract, or based upon extraction.
neap (be neaped), adj. and v. verb be kept aground or in harbour by a neap tide. adjective designating tides midway between spring tides that attain the least height.
rip (ripped, ripping), v. verb 1. tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone. 2. move forcefully and rapidly.
abandoned, adj. adjective 1. forsaken or deserted. 2. having been deserted or left. 3. unrestrained; uninhibited.
convergence, n. noun 1. the fact that two or more things, ideas etc. become similar or come together. 2. the degree or point at which lines, objects, etc., converge.
14 13
fluctuation, n. noun 1. an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation 2. an irregular shifting back and forth or up and down in the level, strength, or value of something _referring to the changes in patterns of occurrence
disturbance, n. noun 1. a variation from the average or normal conditions 2. the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition 3. an interference 4. a state in which normal functioning is disrupted _referring to the emergence of an unpredicted and/or undesired event
propagation, n. noun 1. the (wide) spreading of something (ie a phenomenon or a set of effects) 2. the transmission of something (ie a phenomenon or a set of effects) in a particular direction or through a medium _referring to the field of the territory of an event or phenomenon
reorganization, n. noun the action or process of changing the (internal) structure, pattern and/or texture of something (ie a system) -referring to the degree and pattern of connectedness between components and variables within a system
synchronicity, n. noun the coincidental and simultaneous occurrence of events which may appear significantly related but may or may not have a discernible causal connection _referring to the programming of events
15 17
idiorrhythmic, n. noun 1. allowing freedom to the individual 2. self-regulating _reffering to the individual pace of being as a medium for the programming of synchronous events
choreography, n. noun the sequencing of steps and movements in the forming of a composition and/or arrangement _referring to the evolutionary and sequential programming of events
performance, n. noun 1. the execution of an action 2. the act of presenting 3. the ability and/or manner of execution or presentation 4. the manner of reaction _referring to the evaluation of the manner and/or degree of exhibiting the required results
fluidity, n. noun the state of being unsettled or unstable; changeability _referring to the condition that allows change and/or adaptation
complexity, n. noun 1. is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way. 2. the state or quality of being intricate or complex.
16 22
extractivism, n. noun 1. Extractivism is the process of extracting natural resources from the Earth to sell on the world market. 2. the process of removing something, especially by force. 3. the process of removing a substance from the ground or from another substance.
interdependence, n. noun 1. the state of being dependent upon one another : mutual dependence. uncertainty, n. noun 1. a state of doubt about the future or about what is the right thing to do.
temporal, adj. adjective 1. Lasting for a relatively short time. 2. Connected with or limited by time.
migration, n. noun 1. Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another. Migration is a movement always with the specific intention of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location. Migration can be a forced escape, but it could also be a catalyst for a new civilization.
instability, n. noun 1. The state of being unstable; lack of stability. ‘political and economic instability’ _The tide is a water body unpredictable when other variables act on it. For example; wind, current, shipping activity.
17 27
abandonment, n. noun 1. The act of abandoning something or someone. The act of abandoning property or a right. 2. The state of being abandoned. For example; wind, current, shipping activity. Middle English abandounen, borrowed from Anglo-French abanduner, derivative of abandun “surrender, abandonment,” from the phrase a bandun “in one’s power, at one’s disposal,” from a “at, to” (going back to Latin ad “to”) + bandun “jurisdiction,” going back to a Gallo-Romance derivative of Old Low Franconian *bann- “summons, command” (with -d- probably from outcomes of Germanic *bandwō “sign”)
deterritorialization, n. noun The severance of social, political, or cultural practices from their native places and populations. It is always accompanied by reterritorialization and generates a relativization and a transformation of local cultural experiences, whether it is from the local event itself or by the projection of symbolical shapes from the local event.
instability, n. noun 1. The state of being unstable; lack of stability. _The tide is a water body unpredictable when other variables act on it. For example; wind, current, shipping activity.
chaos, n. noun 1. Complete disorder and confusion. _The process of being abandoned is always accompanied by a lot of chaos, or tide itself is chaos.
remnant, n. and adj. noun 1. A part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed. 2. A building may be abandoned and even demolished, but its presence does not dissappear completely, ruins, waste, images and sotries become a remant of the past.
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remnant, n. and adj. noun 1. A part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed. 2. A building may be abandoned and even demolished, but its presence does not dissappear completely, ruins, waste, images and sotries become a remant of the past.
seasons, n. noun 1. Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun. _The tide can be the seasons that always changing, but some kind of rules that can be pursued can be found.
reincarnation, n. noun 1. Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. _Although the tide are abandoned, the spirit of the place can be retained or reborn in other forms.
renovation, n. noun 1. Renovation can refer to making something new, or bringing something back to life and can apply in social contexts. For example, a community can be renovated if it is strengthened and revived. _It shows the potential behind the abandonment of the tide.
mitigation, n. noun 1. the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something 2. alleviation; reduction.
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flood, v. verb 1. cover or submerge an area with water in a flood. past tense: flooded; past participle: flooded.
vulnerable, adj. adjective 1. Exposed to the posibility of beign attacked or harmed; either physically or emotionally. 2. (of a person) in need of special care, support or protection because of age, disability or risk of abuse or neglect.
In linguistics, morphology is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language. It analyses the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Morphology also looks at parts of speech, intonation and stress, and the ways context can change a word’s pronunciation and meaning. Morphology differs from morphological typology, which is the classification of languages based on their use of words, and lexicology, which is the study of words. Given the notion of a lexeme, it is possible to distinguish two kinds of morphological rules. Some morphological rules relate to different forms of the same lexeme; while other rules relate to different lexemes. Rules of the first kind are inflectional rules, while those of the second kind are rules of word formation. In the 19th century, philologists devised a now classic classification of languages according to their morphology. Some languages are isolating, and have little to no morphology; others are agglutinative whose words tend to have easily separable morphemes; others yet are inflectional or fusional since their inflectional morphemes are combined. That leads to one bound morpheme conveying multiple pieces of information. Depending on the preferred way of expressing non-inflectional notions, languages may be classified as synthetic (using word formation) or analytic (using syntactic phrases).
Mapping the islandscape through a language model introduces three objectives. First, to select relevant notions in order to compose an image—and the collective imaginary—of the islandscape. Second, to describe natural and manmade elements and their manifestation and agency on land and water surfaces. Third, to delineate and narrate spatio-temporal relations between constituent parts of the islands and their wider context. The use of a language model aims, therefore, to identify and measure the structure, limits, and potentialities of islands’ geographic space.
24 Sealand, AKA the Principality of Sealand, AKA Roughs Tower, is a fort of World War II located near the Thames estuary. Its part of the Maunsell Sea Forts and it had a specific purpose to guard the ports of Hawich, Essex and the Thames estuary. Sealand is situated on a sandbar named Rough Sands. After its use as naval fort, the fort was abandoned and later inhabited by pirate radio operator Paddy Roy Bates. Under Bates command, the fort became a micronation.
Morphology Maunsell Forts 1:1000.000. Articial Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Roughs Tower (Sealand) Sunk Head Tower Tongue Sands Knock John Tower Nore Red Sands Shivering Islands
10km 51째53'23.99" N 1째28'34.19"10km E 0 51째53'23.99" N 1째28'34.19" E
Axonometry Sealand Artificial Continental Island
5m 51°53'23.99" N 1°28'34.19" E
28 The fort is built up in 3 different zones. First the ponton on which the fort has been tugged to its place. Than the large cylinder formed poles and finally the upper deck with a small building on it. The ponton area was fully flooded. The poles on the other hand hold multiple functions of which sleeping, store, generator and ammunition rooms. The upper deck was filled with different cannon, had a radar lookout and had living spaces and a kitchen in the building on the top deck.
Plans and Section of Sealand Artificial Continental Island 01 02 03
Ponton Poles Upper deck
10m 10m 51째53'23.99"NN1째28'34.19" 1째28'34.19"EE 51째53'23.99"
30 Sealand or Roughs Tower has had many different tides in its existence. It is a highly political subject in all the tides it has been. In its first state, the state of the naval fort, it was actually illegally placed beyond the borders of the English part of the North Sea. The fort was tugged by to its strategic location close to the Thames estuary on a sandbar(1). With a flooding valve on one of the ends of the ponton the fort was able to sink in its place on the shallow and sandy location (2&3). The British government used the fort for different purposes until 1956, when all the personal were finally removed (4). From that time the fort was abandoned. In 1966 radio Essex operator, Paddy Roy Bates started to seize the tower in order to form a broadcast from the fort (5). Later, in 1975, Bates attempted to establish Sealand as nation state by writing a national constitutions and other symbols (6). Sealand however, is never officially recognized by any established sovereign state. Bates himself moved away to the mainland and passed away in 2012. Nowadays his son Michael has taken over the leadership of Sealand.
Tides In Section Artificial Continental Islands 01 02 03 04 05 06
1942 1942 1942 - 1956 1956 - 1967 1967 - 1975 1975 - now
51°53'23.99" N 1°28'34.19" E
32 The 60s has been an interesting period for the Thames Estuary area. After the abandonment of many of the forts in the mid 50s, the forts were revived in the mid 60s. Different forts were taken over by pirate radio operators. Radio operators that could not get a license on the mainland. Especially since the rise of pop and rock music in the same era, lots of people wanted to listen to the newest hits. The BBC didn’t play it and the government thought the music was too loud and rough. Different people started to find new ways to broadcast the pop music. They started to look offshore for new places where they could broadcast the newest pop and rock hits. First primarily on ships like Radio Caroline, but after a while they would also find the abondoned Maunsell forts. So would Screaming Lord Sutch start Radio Sutch on one of the towers of Shivering Sands. In the nearby Red Sands, Radio Invicta took its seat whilst some amatuers started Radio Tower in Sunk Head, but that one wouldn’t last very long. Bates started his broadcast of Radio Essex on Knock John. At the later years in the 60s the British government was trying to get rid of all the pirate stations, and ordered all the different stations to remove themselves. At this moment Bates was moving to the further located Roughs Tower. He moved there because the British Government wouldn’t have any jurisdiction over the fort since it was outside of the 3 nautical mile zone in which there was jurisdiction by the UK. At the same time Radio Caroline was also trying to create a base in Roughs tower. It eventually led to a conflict between Bates and Radio Caroline and later also the British Royal Marines went on to make Bates Surrender. Bates was eventually arrested. However, the court threw out the case as it did not have jurisdiction over the Roughs Tower since it did not lay in the territorial waters of the UK.
Tides of Rebellion 1/1000000 Artificial Continental Island 01 02 03 04t 05 06 07 08
Roughs Tower (Sealand) Sunk Head Tower Tongue Sands Knock John Tower Nore Red Sands Shivering Islands Radio Caroline
01 01
03 07 06 05
34 Hashima island was started inhabit during 1898 until 1974 when coal was first discovered in the island. The island was later bought by Mitsubishi, and at the same time the size of the island started increasing. The extraction of coal was immediately started and at the same period a wall was built around the island to protect inhabitants from typhoons. The coal mine was growing deeper and longer, stretching out under the seabed to harvest more and more coal. In 1916 first reinforce building were built in order to protect inhabitants from typhoon destructions. Even though the island was safe from typhoons it was very unsafe when a fire broke out since there was no place to go and many people died because of this sudden event. During the Second World War Chinese and Korean prisoners were transferred in the island to work. More than 1300 prisoners died due to the accidents and the danger that faced during coal extraction. After oil was getting popular in Japan and coal was started decreasing the island began to shut down and loose its inhabitants. Officially in 1974 the island was completely abandoned and left to return back to nature. Today, the island is a UNESCO world heritage site and it is used as a site visit for tourists.
2 Km
100 Km
Plan view Island Profile 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Residential buildings Public buildings Industrial buildings Entrance Hard edges/wall Main routes Port for coal extraction
04 06
02 05 01
100 m
200 m
Section through time Island Profile 01 02 03 04 05
Before 1893 1897 1899 1900-1907 1931
05 03
04 01
B C’
B’ A
Sea level 0m Section A-A’
Sea level 0m Section B-B’
Sea level 0m Section C-C’
Section of coal extraction Extraction Profile 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Base of 4o axis 348.7 m Upper level of tunnel Base of 2o axis 606 m 4th tunnel 650m 5th tunnel 710m 6th tunnel 770m 7th tunnel 820m 8th tunnel 880m 9th tunnel 940m
10 11 12 13 14 15
10th tunnel 940m Johasshaku layer Gomagoshaku layer Banteigoshaku layer Ichijo layer Johasshaku layer
Sea level
12 03
04 13
05 06
14 07 08
09 10
44 The Marshall Islands, officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands, is an island country and a United States associated state near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, slightly west of the International Date Line. Geographically, the country is part of the larger island group of Micronesia. The country’s population of 53,158 people is spread out over 29 coral atolls, comprising 1,156 individual islands and islets. The islands share maritime boundaries with the Federated States of Micronesia to the west, Wake Island to the north, Kiribati to the southeast, and Nauru to the south. About 27,797 of the islanders live on Majuro, which contains the capital. Twenty-four of the atolls and islands are inhabited. Atolls are uninhabited due to poor living conditions, lack of rain, or nuclear contamination. The uninhabited atolls are: Ailinginae Atoll, Bikar (Bikaar) Atoll, Bikini Atoll, Bokak Atoll, Erikub Atoll, Jemo Island, Nadikdik Atoll, Rongerik Atoll, Toke Atoll and Ujelang Atoll. Over the years, 67 weapon tests were conducted, which produced significant fallout in the region.
Republic of the Marshall Islands 1:10 000 000
164°E 164°E
166°E 166°E
168°E 168°E
170°E 170°E
172°E 172°E
16°N 16°N Bokak
14°N 14°N Bikar
12°N 12°N
Rongerik Taka
Ailinginae Ailuk
Wotho Likiep
10°N 10°N
Wotje Kwajalein Ujae
Kwajalein Lae
Maloelap Lib
Lae Aur
Lae Jabat
Ailinglaplap Jabat
Jaluit Namdrik
7.1315° N, 171.1845° 0 100kmE
7.1315° N, 171.1845° E
46 This radioactive dust, usually consisting of fission products mixed with bystanding atoms that are neutron activated by exposure, is a highly dangerous kind of radioactive contamination. It consists of residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast, so called because it “falls out” of the sky after the explosion and the shock wave have passed. Three days after the detonation of Castle Bravo, radioactive dust had settled on the ground of downwind islands to depths up to half an inch. Natives from badly contaminated islands were evacuated to Kwajalein – an upwind, uncontaminated atoll that was home to a large U.S. military base – where their health status was assessed. The radioactive fallout was spread eastward onto the inhabited Rongelap and Rongerik atolls, which were evacuated 48 hours after the detonation. They were returned to the islands three years later but were removed again when their island was found to be unsafe. Ultimately, 15 islands and atolls were contaminated, and by 1963 Marshall Islands natives began to suffer from thyroid tumors etc. The islanders received compensation from the U.S. government, relative to how much contamination they received, beginning in 1956; by 1995 the Nuclear Claims Tribunal reported that it had awarded $43.2 million, nearly its entire fund, to 1,196 claimants for 1,311 illnesses.
Radiation Deposition Density C-13 | Nuclear Fallout 1:10 000 000 180 - 1,300 kBq m-2 50 - 180 kBq m-2 20 - 30 kBq m-2 3 - 8 kBq m-2 1 - 3 kBq m-2
164°E 164°E
166°E 166°E
168°E 168°E
170°E 170°E
172°E 172°E
16°N 16°N 14°N 14°N 12°N 12°N 10°N 10°N 08°N
08°N 06°N
06°N 04°N
7.1315° N, 171.1845° 0 100kmE
7.1315° N, 171.1845° E
48 The people of Bikini Atoll were moved from their homeland in 1946 to make way for the testing of 23 nuclear weapons by the United States government, beginning with the world’s fourth atomic detonation. The subsequent half-century exodus of the Bikini people included a 2-years stay on Rongerik Atoll, where near starvation resulted, and a 6-mo sojourn on Kwajalein Atoll, where they lived in tents beside a runway used by the U.S. military. In 1948, they were finally relocated to Kili, a small, isolated, 200-acre island owned by the U.S. Trust Territory government. Because of the residual radioactive contamination from the nuclear testing, the majority of the Bikinian population still resides on Kili today. One attempt was made to resettle Bikini in the late 1960’s when President Lyndon B. Johnson, on recommendations from the Atomic Energy Commission, declared Bikini Atoll safe for habitation. In 1978, however, it was discovered by the U.S. Department of Energy that in the span of only one year, some of the returned islanders were showing a 75% increase in their body burdens of 137Cs. In 1978, the people residing on Bikini were moved again, this time to a small island in Majuro Atoll. As of 2014, it may be technically possible for the former residents and their descendants to live on the atoll’s islands, but virtually none of those alive today have ever lived on the atoll and very few want to move there.
Inhabitans Resettlement 1:10 000 000 01 02 03 04 05
1946 | Bikini Atoll - Rongerik Atoll 1948 | Rongerik Atoll - Kwajalein Atoll 1949 | Kwajalein Atoll - Kili Island 1972 | 100 people | Kili Island - Bikini Atoll 1978 | Bikini Atoll - Majuro Atoll
164°E 164°E
166°E 166°E
168°E 168°E
170°E 170°E
172°E 172°E
16°N 16°N 14°N 14°N 12°N 12°N 1
10°N 10°N 5
08°N 3
06°N 04°N
7.1315° N, 171.1845° 0 100kmE
7.1315° N, 171.1845° E
50 An uninhabited site, or one that is nearly so. BIkini atoll fullfilled those parameters. It is located within 300 miles distant from the nearest city. A location within 1,000 miles of a military base and was controled by the United States. The nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll program was a series of 23 nuclear devices detonated by the United States between 1946 and 1958 at seven test sites on the reef itself, on the sea, in the air and underwater. The test weapons produced a combined fission yield of 42.2 Mt of explosive power. The second series of tests in 1954 was codenamed Operation Castle. The first detonation, Castle Bravo, was a new design utilizing a dry fuel thermonuclear hydrogen bomb. It was detonated at dawn on March 1, 1954. Scientists miscalculated and the 15 megaton (Mt) nuclear explosion far exceeded the expected yield of 4 to 8 Mt (6 Mt predicted), and was about 1,000 times more powerful than each of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
Bikini Atoll | Nuclear Test Zones 1:50 000 01
01 Baker 21 kt 1946 02 Able 21 kt 1946
10 Flathead 365 kt 1956 11 Dakota 1,000 kt 1956
17 Maple 213 kt 1958 19 Redwood 412 kt 1958
06 Union 6,900 kt 1954 07 Yankee 13,500 kt 1954 08 Cherokee 3,400 kt 1956 12 Navajo 4,500 kt 1956
13 Tewa 5,000 kt 1956
03 Bravo 15,000 kt 1954 04 Romeo 11,000 kt 1954 14 Fir 1,360 kt 1958 16 Sycamore 92 kt 1958 21 Ceder 220 kt 1958 22 Poplar 9,300 kt 1958
05 Koon 110kt 1954 09 Zuni 3,500 kt 1956 15 Nutmeg 21.5 kt 1958 18 Aspen 319 kt 1958
12°00’N 12°00’N
12°00’N 12°00’N
12°00’N 12°00’N
11°50’N 11°50’N 6
11°40’N 11°40’N
10°N 10°N
7 11°30’N 11°30’N
11°20’N 11°20’N
11.6065° N, 165.3768° 0 500m E
11.6065° N, 165.3768° E
52 Operation crossroad consited of two nuclear weapon tests, which were conducted by the USA in 1946. This was the first nuclear detonation after Nagasaki, 9. August 1945. The main goal behind the operation was to test the effects of nuclear weapons on warships. Crossroads tests were the first of many nuclear tests held in the Marshall Islands, and the first to be publicly announced beforehand and observed by an invited audience, including a large press corps. A fleet of 95 target ships was assembled in Bikini Lagoon and hit with two detonations of Fat Man plutonium implosion-type nuclear weapons of the kind dropped on Nagasaki, each with a yield of 23 kilotons of TNT (96 TJ). The first test was “Able”. Its bomb detonated 158 meters above the target fleet and caused less than the expected amount of ship damage because it missed its aim point by 649 meters. The second test, code-named “Baker,” dropped a bomb called “Helen of Bikini”, which was detonated 27 meters underwater on July 25, 1946. Radioactive sea spray caused extensive contamination. A third deepwater test named Charlie was planned for 1947 but was canceled primarily because of the United States Navy’s inability to decontaminate the target ships after the Baker test. In the 1950s, a series of large thermonuclear tests rendered Bikini unfit for subsistence farming and fishing because of radioactive contamination
Operation Crossroads | Target Array 1:5 000 01 02
“Able” target array “Baker” target array
0 50m 0 50m 11째35'24"N 165째29'46"E 11째35'24"N 165째29'46"E
54 Castle Koon was the first thermonuclear device, which was designed by the UCRL. It was lunchen on 6. April 1954 at 6:20:00. It was a fizzle - with a predicted brust 2.7m above the island’s surface. With a predicted yield of 1 megaton its actual yield was only 110 kt. Of this, 100 kt was from fission (almost entirely due to the primary), only 10 kt of energy was contributed by fusion reactions. Other devices tested in Castle contained boron-10, which may have served as neutron shield to reduce this pre-heating effect. In any case, the failure of this dry fueled design also led to the cancellation of the test for its cryogenic sister device - the Ramrod. This map depicts the Eninman Island before and after the Koon shot. The crater it created was 275 meters wide and 23 meters deep. In case Castle Koon was not a fizzle it would have obliterated most of the island. For comparison the Bravo crater in the north part of the atoll reef had a diameter of 2000 m, with a depth of 75 m.
Castle Koon | Before and After
01 02
Before After
0 50m 0 50m 11째30'09"N 165째22'26"E 11째30'09"N 165째22'26"E
56 Bikini Atoll, meaning “coconut place� is an atoll in the Marshall Islands which consists of 23 islands totalling 8.8 km2 surrounding a 594.1 km2 central lagoon. It is at the northern end of the Ralik Chain, approximately 87 kilometres northwest of Ailinginae Atoll and 850 kilometres northwest of Majuro. Within Bikini Atoll, Bikini, Eneu, Namu and Enidrik islands comprise just over 70% of the land area. Bikini and Eneu are the only islands of the atoll that hosted a permanent population. Currently the atoll has 13 inhabitants, which are there primary to take care of the islands and the tourists. Bikini Island is the northeastern most and largest islet. Because the site bears direct tangible evidence of the nuclear tests conducted there amid the paradoxical tropical location, UNESCO determined that the atoll symbolizes the dawn of the nuclear age and named it a World Heritage Site on 3 August 2010.
Bikini Atoll | Fragmentation 1:20 000
Ionchebi Ionchebi
Rochikarai Rochikarai
Eniairo Eniairo
Enyu Enyu
11.6065° N, 165.3768° E
58 The British Indian Ocean Territory is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, situated in the Indian Ocean. The territory has been part of the British Empire since the 18th century. The Islands have known a fluid history with various occupations from the past up to recent times and it resides next to a large refraction zone in the Indian Ocean.
Brittish Indian Ocean Territory Geographic Scale. Oceanic Island. 01 02 03 04 05
British Indian Ocean Territory Malidives Sri Lanka Mauritius Madagascar
60 The Archipelago territory consists of seven atolls with over 1.000 (small) islands. Each atoll is built upon the leftover of coral reef. The sea level rise will actually decrease in this area due to its geoid location. The fluctuative projection of this future imply that new land will be created, by both this phenomonon and the sedimentation within the lagoon and banks. Diego Garcia is the biggest and only habited island in the South, where a military base was constructed from the 1960s onward.
Chagos Archipelago Islands Group of Banks and Islands 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Chagos Bank Diego Garcia Egmont Islands Salomon Islands Peros Banhos Three Brothers Reef
07 01
62 A disruptive military landscape was created in the 1960s when the local inhabitants were displaced again to establish a new joint military base for the United States and the United Kingdom. This altered reality had great effects on the island of Diego Garcia. The island was extended inland to make room for an airstrip and harbor. Marine ships now anchor and waste the lagoon, which only refreshes in cyles of about 20 days. Other atolls were abandoned and left over to the fluid landscape of the sea again, where the reef is protected against human intervention. Future depletion of the water will result in more land and less water in the lagoon of Diego Garcia, which will create and reconstruct new (altered) natures. Up to this day, the native inhabitants, once brought here by the British, are unable to return to their homeland due to the disruptive territorial vision of the United Kingdom.
Diego Garcia
US Military Airbase Marine quay GPS Satellite Control Base Reef
Coast of North Carolina, US/Carrot Island Geographic scale. Continental Island 01
Carrot Island
0 344223.7N, 763810.7W
66 Carrot Island, actually a nature reserve off the coast of North Carolina, USA, is a naturally created and artificially maintained wetland landscape. Part of a large estuarine system, it stands within a constellation of wetlands and estuarine landforms. The latter, exhibit a high degree of urbanization, hosting Beaufort City, the county seat of Carteret County. The territory functions as a cultural landscape and sophisticated degree of infrastructural inter-connectedness of the various parts.
Carrot Island and its territory Island Scale 01 02
Carrot Island Island Profile
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
68 Being an estuarine territory, the area is prone to coastal and fluvial flooding. Both the vast majority of the coastal urbanized areas as well as the various wetlands exhibit a high degree of exposure and vulnerability to flooding. Evidently, Carrot Island is totally exposed to these phenomena.
Exposure Island Scale 01
Flood prone area
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
70 Contemplating on extreme scenarios, a 6ft sea level rise will result in a fundamental altering of the territory and a completely new coastline. Carrot Island is completely sumberged.
New Ground Island Scale 01
6ft sea level rise coastline
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
72 The estuarine territory is characterized by a higly complex system of water currents and sediment discharge. These, in turn, shape the various coastal or wateland landscapes.
Water currents and sediment discharge Island Scale
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
74 Due to the great fluidity characterizing the estuarine territory (water currents and sediment discharge), Carrot Island is, actually, a non-delineated landscape. Prone to shifts, the borders of the island are forever fluctuating.
Fluctuating Edges Island Scale
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
Orthophotography Island Scale
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
78 The nature of the landform gives rise to specific and distinct landscapes to emerge and thrive. Although all pertain to the general wetland/marshland category, they include different kinds of vegetation and different degrees of water salinity.
Terrestrial Material Layers Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05
Overall Wetlands Salty Marchland Freshwater Marshland Shrubby Vegetation
1 km 344223.7N, 763810.7W
80 The island Jan Mayen (NO) is situated on top of a large fracture zone. Having only surfaced for no more than half a million year, this is a relatively young island. The area is around 380 km2 and it houses one active volcano, the Beerenberg (alt: 2277m).
Jan Mayen Fracture Zone Geographic scale. Oceanic Island. 01 02 03 04 05
Jan Mayen Kolbeinsey Ridge Jan Mayen Fracture Zone Mohns Ridge Aegir Ridge (inactive)
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
82 Although there are suspicions that Irish Monks in the 7th century and later on the Vikings have set foot on this island, this has never been proofed. The first confirmed sighting was in 1614 by John Clarke, after which Dutch whalers started building whaling stations on the island giving it the name the island still bears today. An attempt at wintering on Jan Mayen during this time wasn’t succesfull, and all men died of scurvy. Much later, in 1930, the Dutch marine placed a memorial stone on the island. After the whales got scarce and there wasn’t enough profit to be made from it, the island started to get isolated from human activity again till a group of Austrians decided to reside here during the first international polar year in 1882.
First cultivation period | Whaling stations Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06
Titelbukta Guineabukta (assumed) Sjuhollendarbukta (assumed) Hoepstockbukta (assumed) Kvalrossbukta Maria Muschbukta (source:
83 9°00’N
04 03 02
70°50’N 70°40’N
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
84 Briefly at the beginning of the 20th century the island became a spot for Norwegian trappers, quickly driving the polar fox to locally die out. New technologies made the island important again for mainly the Norwegians. From 1921 onwards the island has become a place mainly for weather stations. Also during WW2 the Americans build a station on the island to track down enemy radio traffic.
Second cultivation period | Weather stations Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06
Eldste Metten (weather station: 1922-1940) Jøssingdalen (weather station and garrison: 1941-1946) Atlantic City (US Coastguard station: 1943-46, weather station: 1946-49) Gamle Metten (weather station: 1946-62) Olonkinbyen (today’s Norwegian station, active since 1958) Helenesanden (weather department of the station since 1962) (source:
85 9°00’N
04 03 02 71°00’N
70°50’N 70°40’N
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
86 Two major eruptions in the last century have caused the land to grow on the northeast side of Jan Mayen. The largest known eruption of the volcano was in 1970 when about 500.000.000 m3 of lava was produced in less than 5 weeks. Causing the land to grow for an area of 4 km2. 15 years later the volcano errupted again allowing the land to grow more on the north side.
Beerenberg Architecture Scale 01 02 03
1970 Eruption 1985 Eruption Crater (source:
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
70.9833 N, 8.5333 E
88 Ellis Island is a continental island, located in the US, in close proximity to New Jersey and New York. During the Dutch and English colonial periods, the island of 2.74 acres was known as Oyster Island, because of its rich oyster beds. The natural island was heavily exposed to the tides of the New York Bay and it barely rose above the high tide mark. In 1795 Fort Gibson was built on the island, to function as part of a series of coastal fortifcations in New York Harbor during the War of 1812. When in 1890 immigration into the United States was regulated, land reclamation processes made the island turn into a gateway for immigrants to the US. In the time period between 1890 and 1954 the island grew to 27.5 acres and dealt with over 12 million immigrants. Nowadays, roughly ninety percent of the island is determined to be part of New Jersey, while a small enclave of 3.3 acres is owned by New York. The island now turned into one of the main touristic attractions for this area, with over 4 million tourists a year.
New York Upper Bay | Layout Plan Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06
Fort Gibson | Ellis Island Fort Wood | Liberty Island Fort Jay | Governors Island Castle Williams | Governors Island Castle Clinton | Manhattan Fort Wadsworth | Staten Island
89 5
1.75 1.75 05 05
0.36 0.36 01 01
0.71 0.71 02 02
1.68 1.68
04 04
03 03
06 06
1km 1km 1km
58.0996 N, E EE 58.0996 N, 22.4146 58.0996 N,22.4146 22.4146
90 Since 1965 Ellis Island is declared as a national monument, being part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. The island, as we know it now, is open to public since 1976. Between 1984 and 1990 the island and its remaining buildings underwent a major restoration, the largest historic restauration in US history. The buildings, utilized during the immigration period, are all still present on the island. However, the southern part of the island, where the hospital is built, is abandoned since 1930.
Ellis Island | Layout Plan Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Main Building Baggage and Dormitory Building Power House Bakery Ferry Building Immigrant Building Laundry Building Hospital Administration Building Recreation Hall Contagious Disease Wards Section Line
03 04 02
06 05 01 07 08
09 08
58.0996 N, 22.4146 E 0 50m
Ellis Island | Axonometric View Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Main Building Baggage and Dormitory Building Power House Bakery Ferry Building Immigrant Building Laundry Building Hospital Administration Building Recreation Hall Contagious Disease Wards
10 08 09 08 07
94 Arriving to Ellis Island didn’t mean an assurance for a stay in the US. The first medical check, for first and second class travellers, happened on the ship, because the chance that these high class passengers became a burden for America in health care was small. They were disembarked in the harbor of New York while the lower class passengers moved on towards the island. In the early years the passengers arrived in the Main Building for a medical check and interrogation. When the amount of immigrants increased over the years, a new arrival building was needed on the island. The New Immigration Building, which was built in 1937, met this demand. Through a covered passageway the building was directly linked to the New Ferry Building, built in 1934. The older Baggage and Dormitory Building and Main Building changed from function and dealt since that time with the deportees.
Immigration Building and Arrival Area | Layout Plan Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Ferry Building Sitting Room Office Dormitory Vocational Room Pavilion Passageway
04 04 04 07
04 03
04 04
03 03
04 05
04 03
04 04
04 04
06 07
58.0996 N, 22.4146 E 0 20m
96 Between 1890 and 1934 Ellis Island was greatly expanded through land reclamation. Most sources claim this landfill came from the construction of the New York’s modern subway system. This was also the reason why in first case the whole island was New York’s property, while it was located in New Jersey’s territory. In 1990 New Jersey took New York to court claiming that all artificial parts of the island belonged to them. They won the case, which resulted in the fact that only the natural part of the island, Oyster Island and its constituted parts, belongs to New York nowadays.
Land Reclamation Process | Diagram Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Oyster Island | until 1890 Land for Main Building | 1890 - 1892 Land for Secundary Buildings | 1896 Land for Hospital | 1899 Land for Contigious Disease Wards | 1906 Land for Recreation Hall | 1920 Northern Land | 1919 - 1934 Land for New Immigration Building | 1933 - 1934 Current Land Form
98 Ellis Island was the largest immigration station in the United States in that time. In total, over 12 million immigrants entered the United States through Ellis Island. Most immigrants were searching for a better life and therefore nicknamed the island ‘The Island of Hope’. About 2 percent of the immigrants were excluded from entry, mainly because of health reasons. In general, it took about two to five hours for each individual immigrant to pass through Ellis Island. For those who had difficulties with some aspect of the immigration process, for example because of diseases or unreliable documents, the time spent could become much longer.
Immigration Patterns | Diagram Geographic scale 01 02 03 04 05 06
Over 12 million arriving immigrants About 1 million sick or disabled About 350 new born babies About 250.000 were excluded from entry About 3.500 immigrants died Most immigrants entered New York
100 Located at the edge of the Beaufort Sea off the north coast of Canada’s Yukon Territory, the abandoned Herschel island (Qikiqtaruk) holds a unique cultural history of the Pacific whaling industry. The island was created from the sediments of the Laurentide glacier from the Mackenzie Valley and moved westward along the coastal plain approx. 30,000 years ago. The total land area is 116km2 and the rolling tundra terrain ranges in height from sea level to 183m. The western Canadian Arctic region has experienced the greatest rise in annual temperatures compared to any region in the world (19-20cm in the past century). Warmer temperatures have led to the reduction of sea ice and an increase in violent late summer and fall storms. This results in the exacerbation of erosion on the island as strong tidal forces strip away the island. It is estimated that the sea level will rise another half a meter in the next century.
Herschel Island - Arctic Currents and Risking Sea Temperatures 1:600,000. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05
2-4 °C 4-6 °C 6-8 °C 8-10 °C 10-11 °C Arctic Current Waterways
05 02
01 02
0 69.3509N, 139.0435W
102 The island is separated from the mainland (5km away from shore) by a narrow and shallow strait that is roughly 1,600 years old. Herschel Island has been a key place for Inuvialuit subsistence activities for hundreds of years because it shelters the ocean to the east from moving pack ice, creating landfast ice on its eastern side that has become a habitat for ringed seals. The sea near the island also contains nutrientrich water from the deep ocean which flowed in from the Mackenzie River into the Beauford Sea. In addition, Herschel Island and its surroundings have a range of marine mammals and fish (Arctic cod, Arctic char, Pactific herring and Arctic flounder) that pass by the island during seasonal migration. Over 50 species of birds and 100 arctic species of vegetation populate the island.
Herschel Island - Bathymetry and Altimetry 1:200000. Island Profile and Section 01 02 03
Simpson Point Avadlek Split Highest Elevation - 187.1m
20m 10
02 01
0 69.3509N, 139.0435W
104 Herschel Island’s coastal infrastructure and archeological sites are threatened due to coastal erosion (thermokarst and retrogressive thaw slump), melting permafrost and flooding due to sea level rise, amplified warming of the Arctic and frequency of major storms. The northern coastal bluffs, fully exposed to the ocean, have erosion rates of up to 3 m/year.
Herschel Island’s East Coast - Changing Shorelines
01 02 03
Historic Whaling Settlement Highly Dynamic Area (Flooding) Washover Path
Shoreline Change (m/year) (-5.5) - (-3.8) (-3.7) - (-2.3) (-2.2) - (-1.4) (-1.3) - (-0.0) >0.0 Shoreline Position (year) 1952 1970 2000 2011
0 69.3509N, 139.0435W
106 Herschel Island contains numerous archaeological sites related with the Thule, Inuit and early European/American settlements (shown in timeline of 1). Several whaling-related structures remain preserved on the island but due to coastal erosion (2), many of the remaining structures were moved 10m away from coastlines (3). The island was first inhabited by the Thule (over a millenia ago) ancestors of the indigenous Inuit people. The location was highly prized for the discovery of the Bowhead whales, which were hunted for oil (baleen) in the late 19th century. It is noted that the first European/ American settlement was founded on the island and became a commercial whaling hub within the region. By 1893-1894, which was the height of the whaling period; the estimated population was 1,500 which made it the largest Yukon community at the time. However, it was discovered that it was quicker to extract baleen and oil from the bowhead whale by taking the head of the whale and disposing the rest of the body. This practice resulted in the close extinction of the bowhead whale and with offshore oil extraction becoming more popular, whale oil decreased in demand and the last commercial whale was in 1903. By 1907, the whaling market collapsed. As the community heavily relied on whale oil, petroleum eventually replaced the industry and mass-produced steel springs. Herschel Island had a winter colony at Pauline cove, having up to 15 ships and 500 people participate in whaling. However, this severely impacted the Inuit who were settled on the island and relied on bartering fur and fresh meat for modern goods. Alcohol and disease reduced the native population of the region to a few hundred by the time the whalers departed. Over the next few decades, the Inuvialuit—descendents of the Thule Inuit tribes who left Alaska to colonize the island a thousand years ago, moved to the Mackenzie Delta on the mainland, leaving only the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who had enforced the laws since 1903. Then, in 1964, the Mounties left as well. The last residents departed from the island during the 1970s when the island was used as a safe harbour for oil-drilling ships (4). Today, Herschel Island remains as an area for tourism, hunting and fishing. By 1972, the island was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada (5). Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park was created by the Government of Yukon and with the Inuvialuit, whom jointly share the responsibility for planning, managing, and protecting Herschel Island’s natural and historic resources (along with Ivvavik National Park, Vuntut National Park and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). Herschel Island - Metrics
01 02 03 04 05
Historical Timeline Sediment Active-Layer Detachment Receding Shoreline Arrival & Departure Network of Refuge
108 The Maunsell Army and Navy Forts are a network of military structures built by the British during WWII. The army forts were strategically designed as a defence network of anti-aircraft towers against Luftwaffe air raids on country’s industrial hubs. As such, a group was erected in the Thames Estuary to protect London and the Mersey Estuary to protect Liverpool’s convoy port in 1943. Their proximity to the main land is of importance. Their locations were carefully chosen spots that guaranteed to provide maximum protection by working as a strategic network within (what was then) International Waters. They also had to be far enough from the mainland and urban areas to avoid collisions. Red Sands - code name ‘Uncle 6’ - is 5 nautical miles from the nearest land mass, Wardens Point on the Isle-of-Sheppey.
Thames Estuary Maunsell Army Forts Geographic scale. Continental [Man-made] Island 01 02 03
Red Sands Fort (U6) Nore Fort (U5) Shivering Sands (U7)
5km 51.4769 N, 0.9910 E
110 Red Sands is one of the three army fort clusters built in the mouth of the Thames Estuary. One of the larger installations, it is composed of seven interconnected steel platforms. Each platform is strategically located within the fort composition, with the Control Tower at the centre. Four Gun Towers that were armed with QF 3.75 inch guns are arranged in a semicircle ahead of the control centre. A Bofors Gun Tower stands at the rear of the control centre, and carried Bofors 40mm guns. Lastly, a Searchlight Tower stands further out from the group. The towers were originally connected by metal grate walk-ways. In the late 1950s, the Maunsell sea forts were decommissioned by the Ministry of Defence. As with much of Europe’s remnant military architecture, their continued existence became shadowed by uncertainty as their programmes became redundant. One by one, they were abandoned to crumble into the sea. Many became damaged with time and tide, eroding the bedrock and steel legs supporting the structures: salt water steadily corroded the metal. However, this was not the end for all the Maunsell sea forts, including Red Sands.
Red Sands Fort (U6) Island Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Control Tower Gun Tower Gun Tower Gun Tower Gun Tower Bofors Tower Searchlight Tower
m 38
01 06
10m 51.4769 N, 0.9910 E
112 Red Sands (U6) was illegally re-occupied in the 1960s as a pirate radio broadcasting station called Invicta, which was later renamed KING Radio, then Radio 390. Ted Allbeury, an ex-spy and notable thriller writer, was the station’s managing director. The stations were illegal because they were operating without proper licenses and often played music that the British authorities disapproved of. However, the stations were outside of British jurisdiction since the forts were built in International Waters. That is, until the British Territorial waters were extended from 3 to 12 miles. The pirates quickly shut down the stations thereafter. Red Sands has remained abandoned since.
Bofors Gun Tower Deck Plan Architecture Scale
51.4769 N, 0.9910 E
114 In the summers of 2007 and 2008 Red Sands Radio (a station commemorating these radio stations) operated from the fort on 28-day Restricted Service Licences. Subsequently, the fort was declared unsafe to inhabit. There is currently an on-going effort to restore the Red Sands army forts because they are considered to be those left in the best condition. Time has shown that Red Sands has seen turbulent, short and intense bursts of life. The fort’s spatial capacity has been highly temporal and, from a historically viewpoint, ephemeral. Their internal value is in a constant state of tensile fluctuation, often shifting their significance from the interior to the exterior. This, in addition to their current abandoned state, has created a ghostly and sublime mystique about the structures. Either way, the forts external shells continue to survive - they endure. However their purpose, is in constant flux.
Bofors Gun Tower Profile Island Profile 01 02
Low tide +9.30m High tide +18.45m
116 01 The Red Sands Fort was erected to act as an anti-aircraft fort during WWII. The diagram communicates the importance of the fort’s programme, as well as the interdependence between the towers. The fort heavily depended on external aid for food, water, ammunition and crewman delivers, creating a permeable boundary between the inside and the sea. 02 Post-bellum, the forts remained vacant until they were eventually decommissioned. The diagram illustrates a sudden shift of significance from the fort’s interior to its exterior; there is a stark boundary between the sea and the towers. 03 In the 1960s, the fort was occupied by a pirate radio station. Once again, each tower had a role to play within the fort’s composition. The boundary between the fort and the external world becomes blurred, as the music it broadcasts reaches people in their homes on mainland UK. 04 From the 1970s and onwards, Red Sands become abandoned and are shadowed by uncertainty. Time and tides erode the fort’s exterior.
Bofors Gun Tower Profile Island Profile 01 02 03 04
1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s +
Temporal programme Vacancy Pirate occupation Abandonment
118 Rising in the middle between Oléron Island and Axis Island, Fort Boyard as a military building is an island itself. The life of Fort Boyard is coloful. It was a real fort of cannons before 1857, and was turned to a military prison for the Communards afterwards. In 1875 the Navy reoccupied the place and it served as an observation, command post of the torpedo line in Southern France and a weather station until 1913 when it was abandoned. Due to lack of maintenance, two scrap dealers stoled the guns and exploded them in cell, which caused serious damage to the fort. And under ocean forces, the breakwater gradually disappeared. That’s why we do not see it as on the 1857 map. In order to protect the fort, the army had it classified on the list of French Historical Monuments in 1950. The shift began. From 1988 to 1990, it underwent restoration, and from 1990, broadcasting adventrous programme in the Fort Boyard on TV became a good way to maintain it. The pattern of change of Fort Boyard is a sine wave, going back and forth between abandonment and maintenance. Certain times of abandonment happened because of its original function did not meet up the updated requirements (for example, when the fort was completed in 1857, the fields of fire of cannons went larger, thus the fort lost its original meaning in “covering the gap between fields of fire“). However, it is the stable construction that had survived several earthquakes and storms, and this particular geopolitical location that evoke people to protect it, maintain it and enrich its life.
Location of Fort Boyard and its range of fields of fire back in 18th century Geographic scale. Continental Island. 1 2 3 4 5
Fort Boyard Fort de l’île d’Aix Fort Enet Zooming-in area Pertuis d’Antioche Strait
- 25
2 1
3 4
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Changes of the island profile through time and tidal change Island Profile 1 2 3 4 5
Bank of Boyard in 1847 Bank of Boyard in 20th century Island profile in 1855 Island profile in 2018 Maritime routes across different islands that pass by Fort Boyard Island profile during low tides period
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
View of Fort Boyard from the beach of Saumonards, 21st century Island Perspective The distance between the Saumonards Point and Sainte - Catherine Point is around 5300m.
Elevation North Architecture scale 1 2
Water line of high tides Water line of low tides
1 2
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Fort Boyard Plan in 2017: The Terrace Architecture scale Due to the famous adventure game taken place in this island-architecture, plans of Fort Boyard are changed every year, with modifications in the interior. The terrace used to house coastal barbette guns, mortars and weather station. Abandoned now.
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Fort Boyard Plan in 2017: The Basement Architecture scale The basement was built on the rocky Bank of Boyard. It contained water tanks and pumping system which facilitated pumping filtered salt-water to upper floors.
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Fort Boyard Plan in 2017: Ground Floor Plan Architecture scale The original programs for ground floor are magazine stores, officers’ rooms and the garrisons’ quarters. Now it serves the entrance and reception area for tourists.
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Fort Boyard Plan in 2017: First Floor Plan Architecture scale The original programs for first floor are gun casemates and quarters, which were for military defence. Now it serves adventrous game area with each casemate dedicated to different themes.
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Fort Boyard Plan in 2017: Second Floor Plan Architecture scale The second floor also are used for thematic game rooms nowadays.
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Section A - A, the courtyard not changed Architecture scale 1 2
Water line of high tides Water line of low tides
1 2
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
Section B - B, the courtyard not changed Architecture scale 1 2
Water line of high tides Water line of low tides
1 2
45.9996 N, 1.2140 W
140 The Îles Saint-Marcouf are a pair of islands in close proximity to the main land of France. These islands are recognised as ‘continental islands’ due to the closeness 7km to the coast. Îles Saint-Marcouf are a group of two small uninhabited islands off the coast of Normandy, France. They lie in the Baie de la Seine region of the English Channel and are 6.5 km (4.0 mi) east of the coast of the Cotentin peninsula at Ravenoville and 13 km (8 mi) from the island of Tatihou and the harbour at Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue. In addition to the fortifications described below, on the larger island there is a lighthouse that dates to 1948. The larger island, île du Large, is 500 metres (1,600 ft) east of the smaller île de Terre. They have a total area of 1,400 hectares (3,500 acres) and a maximum altitude of 10 metres (33 ft).
Îles Saint-Marcouf Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03
France Îles Saint-Marcouf French Metropolitane line
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
142 Located in the Channel east of the Cotentin, the islands of Saint-Marcouf (the island of Large and the island of Earth) are attached to the municipality of SaintMarcouf-de-l’Isle since October 1987. Both Saint-Marcouf islands are state-owned. The islands derive their name from a sixth century monarch, Marcouf, who came to spend his Lent there and who performed many miracles there. These islands have played a leading role in the history of the region The islands act as a natural fortification position for the French against the English, giving warning to the mainland against potential attacks. The islands are not mountainous but surrounding by rocky terrain making it inaccessible most of the year. The offshore island has just been classified as a historic monument by the Ministry of Culture. A decision that follows a request made by the association in 2015.
île du Large et île de Terre Island Profile 01 02 03
île du Large île de Terre Rock
03 02
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
144 ĂŽle de Terre translates to mean Island of Earth. It is the smaller of the two islands, only one structure remains on the island - Guardhouse built in 1849-1858 by Napoleon for 60 men. The island has seen little activity since then, 40 years later in 1897 the island was assigned to the museum of history of Paris has laid vacant since then.
ĂŽle de Terre Exploded islands Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06
Rock interface with English Channel Inland water - moat Vegetation Man-made walls and fortification Ruins Intact structures
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
146 île du Large translates to Island of Large, this island is the larger of the two, it has also experienced a dynamic history of occupation between the two. Its original archipelago structure has was enhanced by Napoleon to become the ultimate fort Normandy’s coastline. A 12m moat was stuck into the rock structure, a cylindrical structure 54m wide dominates the landscape. With the ability to hold 46 guns and 500 soldiers over 2 floors, it was exhibited a strong military force. In 1840 a lighthouse was constructed (later destroyed in World War 2) and in 1860-67 an additional quay was constructed, a powder magazine and a semaphore station was erected. In 1991 the French government stated it as ‘off-limits’ due to health and safety. This is an island artificially created from man’s need to fortify itself against another, We have evolved from to no longer this type of protection, it has yet to reinvent itself. It now lies vacant in a state of decay, waiting for nature to destroy it.
île du Large Exploded islands Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04 05 06
Rock interface with English Channel Inland water - moat Vegetation Man-made walls and fortification Ruins Intact structures
06 05
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
148 The islands exhibit a natural defence, surrounded by a rocky terrain making it is inaccessible during the tidal flux, this is displayed in the diagrams. The rock perimeter acts as a natural defence to buffer the island against the on current direction.
Accessibility | Inaccessibility | Flows Metric to measure mapping 01 02 03
High tide Low tide Current and Flows
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
150 The diagrams shows the process of a changing occupation to abandonment over the last six hundred years for île du Large: 1424-1477 Religious order of St. Francis 1700s-1802 British occupation for trade with Normandy 1802 Fort built by order of Napoleon 500 Soldiers stationed 1871 Prison from the Paris Commune 200 Prisoners 1944 American Allied Forces land on the island 132 Soldiers occupy the island 1991 Nature Reserve declared ‘off-limits’ by French Government
Occupation to abandonment Metric mapping of events 01 02 0 03 04 05 06
1424-1477 1700s-1802 1802 100m 1871 1944 1991
151 01
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W
152 The diagrams shows the process of a decay over a 50 year period for ĂŽle du Large. The decays has been due to its vulnerability to the North Sea storms. The dotted line shows areas that have been subsequently damaged.
50 Years of vulnerability Metric mapping of events 01 02 0 03 04 05 05
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2018
1970 100m
1970 0 01
153 02
1980 1990 03
1990 2000
2000 2010
49°29’45”N 1°09’00”W 2018 2018
154 Poveglia is a small island located between Venice and Lido in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy. The island locates at one of the canals that comes from Malamocco Inlet so is an important site to enter into Venice from the south. The island first appears in the historical record in 421, was populated until the residents fled warfare in 1379. Beginning in 1776, the island was used as a quarantine station for those suffering the plague and other diseases for more than 100 years, and later as a mental hospital. Because of this, the island is frequently featured on paranormal shows. The mental hospital closed in 1968, and the island has been vacant since. Historically, the island has been repeatedly possessed and dispossessed. The main reason for this is the change of reputation due to the social events such as colonization, war, infectious disease and political conflicts. In this case, social events become the tides that bring the mysterious culture to the island.
Venetian Lagoon Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Poveglia Island Lido Santa Maria del Mare Venice Mira Porte Venetian Lagoon Adriatic Sea Malamocco Inlet Bathymetry: 5m interval
05 06
0 800m 0 800m 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E
156 421 AD First settlement arrive due to the ‘Lombard Invasion’ of the terra firma. 809AD People left and the island was abandoned because of the troops of emperor Pepin 864AD The doge sent people to colonise it to reinforce the power. 1379AD The inhabitants had to move leaving the island abandoned again due to the war of Chioggia. From 15th century Poveglia became a place to isolate infected victims of plagues. 1745 The campanile of San Vitale was renewed and complemented and the island got new stimulus. 1782 A check point for all goods and people entering the lagoon was opened. 1793 It took up again its function as quarantine station due to a severe restilential plague. 1805 Poveglia became a military basis with a deposit of arms. Belltower became a lighthouse. 1814 Poveglia retook its function as lazaretto and expurgeting check-point. 1922 A retirement home and a mental hospital were established. 1968 Poveglia was abandoned completely. 1992 The Ministero del Tesoro took Poveglia off the list of cultural heritage to prepare a public auction.
Poveglia Island Island Scale
01 02
Church San Vitale with garden ‘Teze di calafai’
03 04 05 06 07
Vineyards Church San Vitale ‘Tezon’ e ‘ Teren’ Osteria ‘Fortin’
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Offices, Housing Building for the people under contumacia Conopy for transit goods Deposit Graveyard Barracks to host the most critical contamination cases Barracks for plague victims Nurse homes Kitchen and home for the guards Dwelling for the doctors and the chaplain Sewer to desinfect excrements Green spaces Small powder magazine ‘Finance police’ barracks
22 23 24 25
Housing Prison Insane asylum Hospital
03 02
Until 1571
12 18
12 10 11
25 09 08
158 The abandonment of the island brought decay and deterioration to Poveglia. Precious buildings have perished. Not only the physical image was literally ruined but also the presence in the collective memory as being a meaningful place. At this point we can trace certain leitmotif reappearing in the history of Poveglia. Firstly there is the role of the island as symbol of ‘white hope’. That is to say that Poveglia served as last resort, a place of cure and rehabilitation in critical times. By that it assumed a significant social relevance serving the common good for the whole city. The fatal connotation of illness and death triggered its presence to be commonly suppressed. The second is the slow but constantly expanding stratification. The newer parts relate back to the existing ones by means of reinterpretation and recomposition. Powerful examples are the artificial infill of the northern extension beyond the canal and the octogon in the south which completely changed the appearance of the island.
Poveglia Island Island Scale
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
Ottagono Poveglia Corner Building Palazzo Roofed Slab - Prison Double Court - Hospital Porch Edifice Shipyard Embrace Jetty Chapel Dock Cavana Bathymetry: 1m interval
09 10 08
02 11 01
0 40m 0 40m 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E
160 Poveglia island comprises three parts, the ottagono fort, ‘Plague Field’ and burning grounds. ‘Plague Field’ is the main part of the island where the main buildings stand. ‘Burning grounds’ are the island that was given over to trees and fields. Between these two parts are the Canale Di Poveglia which is the main canal in Poveglia. A bridge connects these two parts together. The ottagono fort is on a third, separate island, next to the island with the buildings, but unconnected to it. The fort itself today consists solely of an earthen rampart faced on the outside with brick. The profile shows that the island is generally flat and occasionally undulating. Its topography is largely affected by human activities.
Poveglia Island Island Profile 01 02 03 04 05 06
Venetian Lagoon Ottagono Canale ‘Plague Field’ Canale Di Poveglia ‘Burning Grounds’
04 02 01 0m
8m 03 0m
06 05 1m
01 0m
0 40m 0 40m 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E 45.3818 N, 12.3312 E
162 The main materials of the buildings are bricks and woods. Since its abandonment in 1968, buildings started to deteriorate progressively due to missing maintenance and the vandalism of occasional visitors. The major factors for decay would have been the exposure to weathering and the high level of humidity in the lagoon. In addition, the soil has been chemically contaminated due to accumulation of waste and orphaned items. Signs of decay reach, moreover, from biological colonisation such as lichens, mosses and ferns, rust stains up to delamination and cracks in wood pieces, as well as spalling, efflorescences on both brick and concrete. The surviving buildings on the island consist of a cavana, a church, a hospital, an asylum, a bell-tower and housing and administrative buildings for the staff. The bell-tower is the most visible structure on the island, and dates back to the 12th century. It belonged to the church of San Vitale, which was demolished in 1806. The tower was re-used as a lighthouse. The existence of an asylum on Poveglia seems to be confirmed by a sign for ‘Reparto Psichiatria’ still visible among the derelict buildings, as photographed by Ransom Riggs in his May 2010 photo-essay documenting his visit to Poveglia. However, there seems to be no evidence of an alleged prison. The island contains one or more plague pits. Some estimates suggest that 100,000 people died on the island over the centuries.
Poveglia Island Architecture Scale 01 02 03 04
Intact Buildings Damaged Buildings Destoryed Buildings Land & Other elements
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia Geographic scale. Continental Island 01 02 03 04
Rummu Village Rummu Quarry Manmade hill Gulf of Finland
01 02
1.5 KM
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
166 The Rummu Quarry is a result of the extraction of limestone from the ground. The Soviet Union opened a prison in the 1930’s near the Rummu village and prisoners worked in the extraction activities. The forced labor continued until 1991 when the open prison closed. Once they stopped pumping water, the area was quickly filled by ground water and even flooded some of the remaining machinery, infrastructure and buildings from the old prison. In 2012, the rest of the prison in the area closed. After that, the area has transformed into a recreational area for swimming, diving around the prison ruins, hicking on the manmade hill of leftover material from the excavations and even participating in some summer events which take place in the Rummu Quarry. For safety reasons, keeping the area open for visitors in currently under discussion and swimming there is actually not allowed.
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia Island Profile 01 02 03 04 05 06
Rummu Quarry Manmade hill Indoor Prison Open Prison Ruins Fences Access road
+23 +12
0.25 KM
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
168 Historial Tide 1930: Prison opens. Extraction activities begin and hill starts to form with residual material 1970: Decrease in inensity of the extraction 1990: Open prison closes. Water is not pumped anymore. Hill reaches its final volume 1991:Grounwater covers former excavation areas and open prison buildings 2012: Indoor prison closes. Complete abandonment 2018: Process of reactivation centered on recreational and tousistical activities
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia Historical tides, abandonment and change +
Reduction/Abandonment Addition/ Activation
0.5 KM
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
170 In a more detail view we can see the variation of natural elements such as the sandy area of the manmade hill and where plant are concentrated. It is also possible to indicate the current condition of the buildings. While some are very deteriorated and completely under water, others still provide indoor spaces. The collection of buildings and elements from the former prison are nowadays being used as an underwater museum which is visited by boats or by scuba divers.
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia 1:500 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Water ruins Underwater ruins Inland ruins Wall ruins Trees Water plants Prison wall Open prison wall Underwater wall Main circulation path
03 09
0.05 KM
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
172 Seasonal Tide Spring: Mid-low level of activity. Diving season starts in the middle of the spring and temperatures limit swimming activities Summer: Mid-high level of activity. Beach is used for swimmers and as location for events. Fall: Mid-low activity. Diving season ends in the middle of fall. Temperatures decrease again, reducing swimming activities Winter: Low activity. The water of the quarry remails normally frozen due to low temperatures and reduced currents.
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia 1:1000 01 02 03 04 05
Swimmers + hickers Scuba divers Boats Fluid water Frozen water
0.1 KM
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
174 Physical tide From a physical perspective, the tidal presence is limited. Variation in the water level ranges from -0.1 m to +0.1 aproximately. The cycles of high and low tide ocurr every 6 hours aproximately, which means that daily the quarry shows 2 moments of high and low tides. The variation of the water level difference may be difficult to percieve during most part of the year, but when the quarry freezes in the winter, ice will crack in some areas in order to make room for the additional water
Rummu Quarry, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia Axonometric and explanatory diagram of tide variation
+0.1 m
-0.1 m
0.3 m 0.2 m 0.1 m 0m -0.1 m 0h
12 h
18 h
24 h
59°13’35”N 24°11’47”e
176 176 Island Mandrgagón. Located in the Guayaquil Gulf. This gulf represents one of the biggest estuary ecositems in the Pacific coast of South- America. In the estuary sits, Guayaquil, the biggest city in Ecuador. Guayaquil contributes to close to the 25% of the countries economy and has a population of around 3 million people. In the estuary Shrimp farms have proliferated rapidly since an increase in demand towards shrimp begining in early 80’s. In Ecuador more that 200 hectares are dedicated to shrimp farms. More than 100 of them are located in this estuary. (1)
Guayaquil Estuary - Currents into sea banches and out of Guayas river 1:400.000. Continental Island 01 02 03 04
Guayaquil city Mandragón Island Puná Island Shrimp farming
| 10 km 2.5833333S 79.8333333W
178 Ecuador Has an enormous biodiversity per square kilometer. Perhaps the most biodiverse nation per area. Originally all the islands in this deltaic region, were Mangroves. Mangroves grow only in tropical areas of the globe, and they are home of numerous species. The Shrimp industry has benefitted from the richness of the ecosystem; Most of the islands still preserve these qualities in the perimeter. However, a big impact has been caused. The Expansion of shrimp farms has mostly obeyed to capital. Shrimp farms expanded all the way to the boundary with PerĂş.
Caption or title of the image Island Profile 01 02 03
Shrimp Farms Mangrove remaining Zoom in
| 5 km 2.5833333S 79.8333333W
180 Around 200 people inhabitate the Island. The Island Is almost 20 km long and less then 10 km wide. It contains 1 school and 1 church
Caption or title of the image Island Scale 01 02
Shrimp Farm Dwellings
| 500 m 2.5833333S 79.8333333W
182 Even though the majority of green-house gas emission leading to global warming was generated by developed countries, climate change and sea level rise will present the biggest challenges in developing nations; Where around 83% (PRB, 2018) of the world’s population resides. “Rapid urbanization; lack of financial, organizational and human capital; and diminishing natural resources� (Brown, 2018) are the most latent characteristics within these countries. Inside this adverse situation, a topic requiring urgent attention is Flood Risk The Island has a flat geography. Most of it topography cilcles aroun 1 or 2 meters above sea level. This is a simulation of what would happen with the island in eventual sea level rise.
Sea level rise Scale 01 02 03 04
0 +0,60 water level rise +1,30 Water level rise +2,00 Water Level rise
Tides . open, endless, abstract, undefined Imagine the sea. How one navigates its tides. The agonies and the sense of sublime. The (unreacheable) horizon. Imagine its constant flux as a state of being. The liquid form and the void space. Emptiness, ruin. Dispossession. Can you accept life in a space ruled by the powers (and the medium) of the unlimited.
Once there was a Union. The union was the cooperation of a lot of different Companies striving to work together in order to help each other and make themselves better as a whole. They were able to trade with each other and also helped each other when there was a crisis. There was a long period of peaceful cooperation between the Companies. But then there came a time that the peaceful cooperation was disrupted. The Windsor Company, one of the wealthiest companies of them all had their own island that was split from the mainland, where the other companies were situated, by the Sea of Commons. Some of the members of the Windsor Company saw that they had to deal with a lot of problems of the other countries and were fed up with the union. They wanted to separate from the union. The group led by Johnny Borison, started a vote with the other members to become independent of the Union. They succeeded. But not everyone was happy with it. The other Companies in the Union were furious at the Windsor Company. And even members of the Windsor Company were disagreeing with the outcome of the vote. Especially the Northern people. The northern people started to protest, they now wanted independence from the Windsor Company. However, the Northern people were a minority and they would never be able to become independent in a peaceful manner. They needed to find an alternative way. Meanwhile the Union and the Windsor family were discussing what to do with the Sea of Commons. The Sea of Commons was a shared sea where the companies themselves had only partial jurisdiction over. That gave the Northern people an idea. What if they just inhabited a place within the Sea of Commons that they would be able to become independent. In no time the Northern people started to sail to some of the abandoned artificial islands and started to settle their new nation: The North. But the Windsor Company wouldn’t let this happen. Things started to happen very fast. The Windsors were trying to stop the Northern people but at the same time the Union started to stop the Windsors. A large conflict occurred. Gunshots and falling bombs were filling the Sea of Commons. Revolutionaries were coming in and refugees started to flee and abandon the area. All screaming: Where is lady Justice?
The Land of Exception
To settle means to attempt to establish an order. How difficult can this be, though, when the ground is fluid due to subterranean and terrestrial movement? The territory of the North Sea, characterized by shifts in tectonics and sea behaviour, with coasts being forever-altered, glacial landscapes moving and even potential volcano eruptions, poses this question ever so imperatively. The act of establishing thus becomes an endeavour maintaining a meaning through form. Although the terrain changes and poses new challenges, the form of living embodied in the various architectures and anthropogenic landscapes strives to keep its significance. This, however, is the ‘new normal’: the dialectic relationship between establishing and fluidity, which results in a dynamic process of continued alteration; the predicament of humankind.
Attempt on Fluidity
Over the past millennia, the North Sea’s seascape has been constantly altered. The historical shifts in its patterns, profile and ecosystems are an expression of the tide of natural and anthropogenic, extractivist processes that have stimulated these alterations. We can therefore understand that the base condition of any landscape or seascape is that of constant flux through time, because the external stresses themselves are constantly evolving. This crystallizes the notion of ‘unstoppable tides of change’. In recent centuries, extractivist processes can be seen as being the most ecologically critical stress on the North Sea territory. It is an underlying process that outdates capitalism itself, having begun in the colonization era. Since the 1970s, extractivism has evolved under global neoliberal growth into neo-extractivism, a hegemony that coalesces with neocolonial practice. As such, neo-extractivism is not only contingent on neoliberalism but acts as the foundation of materialist capitalism – that is, accumulation by dispossession. When analysed through a critical ecological lens, the degree of the human population’s right to take what is ‘needed’ from the natural sphere for developmental purposes is being fundamentally called into question. As our understanding of ecosystems as complex systems - that are heavily interdependent – develops, so does the realisation of the uncertainty of the sea’s ecological future. While new abiotic conditions stimulate new complex biotic responses, we are now a society of risk and are entering a realm of the sublime unknown that may benefit from a more fluid and adaptive civilisation. The only certainty is that seascapes will continue to change, move, fluctuate and be subject to the dynamic relationship between oceanic space and time.
Temporality and Extractivism
The book of Tides have enabled us to explore the notion of crisis, vacancy and loss. These three words highlight the relationship we (humans) have with the landscape we occupy and subsequently abandoned once its initial function becomes redundant. Building on from the ‘New Geographies’ exercise we wanted to understand what are the reasons for abandonment? The four tide projects selected - Fort Boyard (France), Fort Îles Saint-Marcouf (France), Poveglia Island (Italy) and Rummu quarry (Estonia) - are located in different geographical lcoations in the world, built for different functions and abandoned for different reason; political change, technological development or psychological reputation. But all exhibit the qualities of potential metamorphosis and re-birth - two have already started the reinvention process. The North Sea’s surrounding landforms are constantly under pressure from the nature forces - rising sea levels, wind, tidal flux - but many islands and areas in countries around the North Sea have become abandoned, previously inhabited spaces deserted not due to nature but due political, technological, social or cultural variables. With so many areas endangered from nature or growing beyond its means, why don’t we re-inhabit these ‘save’ spaces where previously built and established communities thrived? The syntax collage introduces the idea of potential habitation, all we have to is scratch beneath the surface and all the wonders and societal needs can be realised. The idea that the ‘New World’ is just the ‘Old World’ we have left behind. We are no longer held by the same connectivity, comfort and monetary (employment) restraints, advances in technology have resolved these initial draw backs. It is now our decision if we would like to live somewhere outside our ‘comfort zone’ and explore a new place to live, work and play.
Beneath The Surface