Spring 2014

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Harvesting the original intent of “The Parable of The Soils”

Dr. Julio Alvarado

ISSN 2164-148X (Print) ISSN 2164-1501 (Online)

April - June 2014


Kingdom Koinonia lll in Alabama on May 2-4, 2014

Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide

Table of Contents Publisher’s Letter..................................3. Kingdom Messengers Pakistan...........................................4 Italy..................................................5 Germany..........................................6 Gospel of the Kingdom .........................7 The Message .........................................8 A Deeper Look .....................................9 Holistic Health...............................10-11 Kingdom Koinonia III ...................12-19.

Thy Kingdom Carriers

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV) Publisher Nancy B. Schwartz Enterprises thykingdomcarriers@ yahoo.com www.nancybschwartz.com Editor and Executive Editor Nancy B. Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Articles Editor Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Editorial Board Nancy B. Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Creative Design Julie Rezendes (Florida) julie@jlrezcommunications.com Chief Marketing Ambassador Timothy Ellington (Virginia) advancingkingdombusiness@gmail.com Contributing Writers Nancy Bocalan Schwartz (Florida/Philippines) Patricia Banks Moore (South Carolina) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Leonard Robinson (Pennsylvania) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Derrick Wood (Virginia) Lavada Humphrey (Illinois) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Dr. Helen Copeland (Florida) Julio Alvarado (Wisconsin) Mike Hill (Georgia) Dr. Dana Davis (North Carolina) Devin Rajah (Mauritius) Eric Supen (Germany) Glenn Bleakney (Canada) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Pastor Reggie Jones (South Carolina) Pastor Rodney Ballenger (South Carolina) Pastor Tim Copeland (South Carolina) Apostle DC Terry Sr. (South Carolina)

Thy Kingdom Carriers | thykingdomcarriers@yahoo.com | www.thykingdomcarriers.com

©Thy Kingdom Carriers is published quarterly by Nancy B. Schwartz Enterprises. All contents copyright 2013 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.

Publisher’s Letter in the name of the Lord! He has been faithful to us all because of Greetings who He is. Seasons come and go for our benefit; but God never changes

because He knows we need Him at any given time. Spring is a refreshing season for new beginnings and hopes. It promises beauty around us and a harvest of the things that we have hoped for after planting the things of God in our lives. There is peace, joy and hope behind the times of cultivation that are manifested in harvest time. God’s mercy and nurturing love never ends, this brings the promise in our lives with plenty of fruit in the Holy Spirit. The bountiful spiritual blessings that we reap from sowing His Kingdom into others is a far greater reward than the things we receive from this world. The Kingdom of God is a never ending spring of joy, peace and righteousness that is given unto us, that we may replenish the world and bring fruitfulness in the lives of many. Let us continue sowing and cultivating for the joy of spring and harvest is expected in due season. Let us come together, as we bring into the Kingdom, the fruits of our labor for His GLORY! I declare His Kingdom blessings to abound within you and among the others you have sown and invested into this year!

Nancy B. Bocalan



Celebrating Three Years. Glory be to God!! View the digital magazine online by visiting www.thykingdomcarriers.com and you can download the file so you can print it for your copy.

April - June ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Kingdom Messengers

Pakis ta


ABOUNDANCE IN FAMINE God brought Abraham into the promise land while he was in a

great famine. He fled to Egypt to avoid the famine and a few years later, “Abraham was very rich in livestock, in sliver and in gold” (Genesis 13.:2). Isaac faced the next great famine recorded in the Bible and God promised him “all these countries” and that his children would be “as the stars of heaven.” When the famine hit, he naturally thought he should wait it out in Egypt just as his father had done. However, God said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land; and I will be with you and bless you” (Genesis 26:2-3.). “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great numbers of servants. So the Philistines envied him” (Genesis 26: 12-14). Jacob prospered tremendously even though his father-in-law, Laban, created a condition of famine for him. Like Abraham and Isaac, Jacob prospered supernaturally. Joseph was next in the lineage and throughout the famine in his days, he fed his family, all of Egypt, and the surrounding nations by the divine wisdom given by the Lord to face famine and experience abundance during the famine. “And Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold to the Egyptians…so all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain” (Genesis 41:56-57). Prosperity in famine is not only in the Old Testament, we see it in New Testament Church planting, beginning with the church at Antioch – in a famine. “And in these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout the entire world, which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar. Then the disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea. This they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul,” (Acts 11: 27-3.0). These disciples knew that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and Jacob was now giving them their opportunity to sow. So they did – they decided to sow into the church in Judea. I suppose they could just as well have sown anywhere, because this famine was throughout the entire world, but the point is that they sowed in famine. This famine was their opportunity to supernaturally gain influence and launch their ministry. Famine is our opportunity to sow for a supernatural harvest. This is where we take our position to become the head rather than the tail



✻ 2014

and the lender, instead of a borrower. Think about what the famine did for Isaac; not only did he have a hundredfold harvest, but he had it during a time when nobody else had anything – now that is a monopoly. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and the disciples of Jesus gained great abundance because they were all bold enough to obey and sow during their famine. Famines can be seen in different ways in people. It may be a marriage relationship famine, a financial or health famine, employment famine, or one of sickness and disease. Whatever forms a famine may take, how you react and what you do in your famine will determine your prosperity and success. The problem with many of us is that we do not stand on the truth of God’s Word during the time of famine. At the crucial time of famine, you need to tell yourself truth, not from your experience, but from the Word of God. This will even change our experiences. God made a covenant with us which guarantees, and delivers to us, everything we need for an abundant life. The covenant makes his promises both guaranteed and mandatory. For us the Biblical pattern is that abundance will be established in our lives when we sow during famine. If things are not according to your expectations and you are facing famine, don’t miss this – it is your opportunity to sow and reap! ✽

About Author: Shahzad Ansar is Founder and Senior Pastor at THE VISION church minisTries, a non-profit; faith based church planting apostolic organization. he has planted five churches and college of leadership & missions in pakistan. he is also teaching the urdu language and literature at forman christian college university, lahore. in addition, he hosts a nationwide weekly fm radio show and is an anchor of the Tv talk show, “The Journey of faith.”

Shahzad Ansar The Vision Church Ministries Lahore, Pakistan

Kingdom Messengers

Go and Bear Fruit! Jesus says “I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who stay united with me, and I with them, are the ones who bear much fruit; because apart from me you can’t do a thing … If you remain united with me, and my words with you, then ask whatever you want, and it will happen to you. This is how my Father is glorified – in your bearing much fruit; this is how you will prove to be my disciples … the world will hate you because of this, but the Spirit of Truth will come, as I will send Him to you from the Father, and you will testify on my behalf” (John 15, 1-8, from “Jewish New Testament”, translation by D.H. Stern) -which is ‘you will bear fruit’. The goal of the ones, who keep being united with the King, after they have been chosen by Him, is to go and bear fruit that will last. The Holy Spirit will make it possible.

According to the teaching of Jesus, the key for being united with Him and thus to bear fruit is to keep staying in His love. We remain in His love when we obey Him and keep in loving each other, just as He has loved us. When speaking about this to His disciples, Jesus called them ‘friends’ and referred to Himself as the vine and they as the branches. He promised that if they would remain united to him, He would remain faithful to His words for the purpose of bearing fruit together with them. The promise was that they would be able to testify (bear fruit) because the Spirit of Truth would have been sent and would have come (John 15, 26-27). In the eyes of God, “staying and going are consistent with each other. The messianic lifestyle is, on one hand, passive and receptive, and on the other, active, transmissive and productive” (D.H. Stern, Jewish New Testament Commentary). A fruit is what naturally comes out of a plant or a situation. Fruit does not come from efforts, like legalistic rule-following, but grows naturally, out of trust. To go and to bear fruit is the result of the action of the Holy Spirit in us, causing us to be set apart for King Jesus, to learn from Him and to love one another.

“....The spiriT of TruTh would have been senT and would have come.” Both staying with the King and going into the world are means to the end of bearing fruit. If we do not stay united with Him, our ‘going’ remains fruitless, or, at the most, we bear fruit that doesn’t last. We can become frustrated, while people remain in the darkness, as we fail to fulfill our commitment, the very reason for which we have been chosen by the King Jesus. It is only when we are filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) that we become His witnesses and thus enabled to fulfill our purpose of bearing fruit. ✽

What is the fruit that Jesus is speaking about? According to John 15: 8; 26-27, it refers to: 1. The evidence of being His disciples; 2. The developing the character qualities given by the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5: 22-23.); 3.. Other people who come to trust Yeshua as a result of our sowing the Kingdom message into their hearts (Matt. 13.:1-23. ); and 4. The righteous management according to the purpose, will and intent of the King of all that (like relationships, things and situations) He has entrusted in our hands (Matt. 25:14-3.0; Luke. 19:11-27) until His return for the harvest.

author maurizio Tiezzie of siena, italy has released his first book in his country and language. stay tuned for the english version that is coming to the united States soon!

Maurizio Tiezzi Italy maurizio@cantonuovo.org

April - June ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Kingdom Messengers

“THE POWER OF SOWING AND REAPING” The word “to harvest,” is both a natural

and a Kingdom terminology that impacts people in personal and corporate ways. When it comes to personal life, the Bible declares, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows……….whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life (Gal. 6:7, 8, emphasis mine, NIV Bible). In other words, people are responsible for the outcome of their lives as a result of how they are sowing. This reality neutralizes some lies people hold onto by blaming God for the outcome of their lives. “GOD IS SO GOOD and as we continue to sow to please the Spirit, the outcome of our lives will be FULL OF THE GOODNESS OF GOD.” Eph. 2: 10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (emphasis mine, NIV Bible).” Each kingdom citizen and the body of Christ are created to do good works. We are created for influence and opportunities will present themselves for us to do good. Galatians 6: 9 and 10 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (emphasis mine, NIV Bible). Doing good, honoring and helping people, preaching the Good News, praying for healing or setting people free from the power of Satan is our calling. Acts 10: 3.8 says, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him (emphasis mine, NIV Bible). Jesus made one of the most profound statements as to how we should treat people and strangers. “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you,

whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me (emphasis mine, see Matt. 25:3.1-46).” Our calling is to impact strangers, family members, friends and especially the family of believers. Jesus said to His disciples and says to the Church globally, “the harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few (see Matt. 9:3.5-3.8) we are God’s laborers. No matter what your domain of influence is, you are planted by God for heavenly influence; you are the answer and have the solution for somebody’s challenge. We are destined to bear much fruit as ambassadors of Christ. Jesus said in John 15: 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing (emphasis mine).” May this truth empower you to continue bearing abundant fruit in every area of your life in Jesus’ name. Eric N. Supen, Author Against All Hope – In Hope Believe and Kingdom Lifestyle Email: esupen@googlemail.com “Kingdom Lifestyle” is written to empower, equip, train and coach the reader to experience abundant life in quantity and quality. Woven throughout this book are short write-ups of life impacting themes, Biblical truths and quotations to be applied in meditation and declarations. Some themes include:  Breakthrough, Discipleship, Do Not be Afraid

it as a lifestyle is another thing. This book is a great and powerful tool that will help you on how to become a living witness as a child of The King in influencing others with heavenly lifestyle. Practically and powerfully presented by my brother, Eric, who truly has the passion for others to be empowered and equipped in advancing His Reign on earth!” - Nancy Bocalan Schwartz Founder and President ofThy Kingdom Carriers and Publisher of its quarterly, magazine, Florida, USA (www.thykingdomcarriers.com) Eric Supen is the author of “Against All Hope – In Hope Believe and an ordained Minister of the Gospel with Rural Shepherds network, Somers, Montana, USA. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Architecture from the University of Jos, Nigeria. Eric has ministered in parts of Europe, USA, Asia and Africa. He resides with his family in Germany. Eric and works with YWAM. Eric is passionate about God’s kingdom and equips the body of Christ with a Kingdom mentality locally and internationally. ✽ Where to buy the book: Print and Kindle (ebook)

 Kingdom Priority, Kingdom Governance  The Holy Spirit, The Power of Forgiveness  The Power of the Truth, The Victorious Mindset “Knowing and understanding the principles of the Kingdom Of God is one thing but applying

Kingdom Lifestyle: Experiencing Kingdom Life through the Power of applying Truth, Meditation and Declaration by Eric N. Supen http://amazon.com/author/ericsupen http://amazon.com, http://amazon.de, http:// amazon.co.uk, http://amazon.fr

Eric N. Supen, Germany esupen@googlemail.com



✻ 2014

Gospel of the Kingdom The Culture of Christian Religion


The Culture of the Kingdom If you are preaching to stir people’s emotions you are not preaching, you are performing. If your only message is about

emotionally stirring the crowd to think they either got something, or are going to get something from God.

people coming into their season, their time of breakthrough and divine destiny, you are most likely a parrot than an oracle of God. If your messages are about getting stuff, but not about each person’s responsibility to be used of God as ambassadors or as soul winners, you may have been seduced by the culture of religion and tradition. This has us still looking for reparations (spiritually) from the Devil who we think stole something from us. If your idea of a good meeting was that the people responded emotionally to your message with a long prayer line and many people crying out to God, you just may be a victim of a religious culture gone mad, and theologically off the rails.

God is calling the king and queen mother in ministry to sit down. He sobs and weeps bitterly because His flock has been taken captive by men and women who through pride have lorded themselves over the flock of God. Such men and women in this hour are being required of God to now take a lowly seat; their beautiful crowns have fallen, even while they yet wear them. (Jeremiah 13.:18). We continually give honor to men and women for moving us, but have not properly discerned what a true move of God is really like. The same people in the prayer line last night, were in the prayer line last week when the other guest speaker was in town.

If you are honoring men and women whose only reference to the Kingdom are clichés interlaced with their preaching, then you haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg, let alone having been truly connected to the root. If you place more stock in how you “felt” after a service, than how you were challenged to study the Kingdom yourself, preach it and become a soul winners in the ministry of reconciliation, you probably have itching ears, that’s about all. If you think that the disciples of old identified with one another in a way that was outward emotional displays, laying hands on one another and being slain in the Spirit and think that is the price and display of the anointing, you don’t know what it means to be sober minded.

How are you viewing ministry and have you adopted the culture or the traditions of men? Do you think you are touching the heart of God on His terms or are you merely touching the many misrepresentations that have become the norm? Humble yourself and sit down says the Lord. Study the Kingdom until you become consumed in the reality of your Kingdom citizenship. Allow God to strip off every pretentious religious reality that has become so much a part of your personality. Study the King and His Kingdom until you are living out of the reality of your Kingdom citizenship. We have been seduced to believe the anointing is a whoop or an emotional hyperventilating preached message designed to encourage us. All the while we ignore that God wants us preaching and teaching like Jesus and what He preached and taught.

Worst still, you pass the tradition of emotionalism on to the next generation that is looking for an emotional high! The preachers that preach these meetings were trained in the tradition of preaching and have picked up the culture no differently than fundamentalists who have no life in their meetings. They too have picked up the culture of religion and tradition and have no perspective on the Kingdom of God and Christ at the level the Father wants to be known for His infinite wisdom. Many a ministry today is a mere testimony to the ingenuity of its founders, but may not be a testimony to the hand of God on it. Anything you use to artificially stimulate the people, a whoop, hyperventilation, the controlled cadence in your speech, these become borderline witchcraft. The intended result is

In this hour you do not need a cheerleader preacher; we have got to break the cycle of religious Christianity that keeps us bound to such false realities about the true purpose of the Church. If you have the courage to admit it, you need deliverance from you and the seduction of Christianity. Return completely and fully to the King and His Kingdom. ✽

MATTHEW 6:33 buT seek ye firsT The kingdom of god and his righTeousness.......

Dr. Leonard Robinson Pennsylvania Senior Pastor Kingdom Vision Ministries International

April - June ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


The Message


ECONOMIC ROOTS “Then He (Jesus) told them many things in parables, saying, (Behold), a farmer went out to sow his seed; As he was scattering the seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up: Some fell upon rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns; which grew up and choked the plants: Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop, a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:3-8 (NIV)

Jesus went on to explain that the good ground represents someone who hears and desires to continue cultivating the understanding of the seed of God’s Word. The stronger and deeper the root system, the greater the economic ecology will produce. Why does “economy” have anything to do with agriculture? For the answer, we have to

understand that economy doesn’t start with “money.” It is defined as a process of governing, managing resources, and stewardship (or the order) of development to produce a tangible result. Literally, economy has ecology. Ecology is the science of relational process between organisms and their environments and includes the study of people in cultivating their social environments and interconnected development of resources. In the parable of the seed, Jesus reveals this ecology first in the underground development of a seed as it cultivates into a complex root system. We cannot think in terms of a couple of roots set in the ground, because if you turned a tree upside down you would see the complexity of root branches that look like the upright tree (only without the leaves). In John 15:5 it is recorded that Jesus said; “I am the vine (source), and you are my branches (resources).” The vine is not just the stem of the plant, and while the vine involves the whole plant, it specifically is the multifaceted coiling root system that produces the ecology of the stem and developing branches. According to how submitted the branch is to the vine, determines the amount of fruit (or economic resource) it will produce. Jesus approached a fig tree (Mark 11:13, 14) expecting to eat of its’ fruit, but the time of figs was “not yet,” so there was nothing. Jesus actually spoke to that tree and dried it up by the roots. The disciples wondered why Jesus would expect something from a tree that was not in its’ season to produce, but what they needed to understand was, that Jesus is the declaration of a season and approaching the tree made it time to produce fruit. In a manner, the fig tree said to Jesus, “not yet, because it is not my season.” So Jesus (who is the vine) spoke to the tree to say, “You will no longer produce, because of stubbornness that refused to see I am your season.” The lesson of the fig tree could be a description of the “rocky ground” that allows circumstances to dictate lack of production. The ecology of Kingdom economy is not determined by world conditions or situations surrounding you, but it is dependent only on the process of the seed produced through the Vine. The King of kings is walking up to you today and providing everything you need to process innovative unlimited fruit. ✽

Dr. Rick Kendall www.globalembassrynetwork.com www.rickkendall.org



✻ 2014

A Deeper Look

Harvesting the original intent of

“The Parable of The Soils”

We discern the spiritual depth of godly things more through the influence of the Holy Spirit than from the teachings of others. Parables that have a spiritual meaning or application require more than just knowledge from a perspective of human intellect; they require spiritual intelligence that can only come from the Holy Spirit of Truth. The primary purpose of the “Parable of the Soils” is to reveal the mysteries or secrets of the Kingdom of God. This disqualifies any human from being the revealer of these secrets, since mysteries originate in God. His Holy Spirit of Truth is the only one authorized to reveal such information regarding your personal life. Understanding this key parable unlocks the understanding to all other parables, including the “parable” of life!

One of the primary functions of parables – a reason unknown to many – is that they help us unlearn one thing in order to learn something else. In a sense, the parables that Jesus taught are purposed to mend or untangle something that is out of order within us in order to restore us to our original condition or state of being. The reason why Jesus taught in parables was because they challenge us to seek beyond traditional thinking in order to harvest or grasp the depth of their spiritual meanings. The foundational parable that brings this reality to life is The Parable of the Soils. The Parable of the Soils is also known as “The Seed and the Sower” and “The Parable of The Four Soils.” It can be found in Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4: 1-20 and Luke 8:4-15. It is the most important parable that Jesus taught. According to Jesus’ statement, understanding all of the other parables hinged on understanding The Parable of The Soils:

“And He said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?” (Mk. 4:13) Traditionally, we are taught that this parable applies when someone is being taught the Word of God such as in a church service, Bible study, discipleship course, or class setting. An in-depth study of The Parable of The Soils reveals that this parable is actually purposed to reveal an environment where God Himself is doing the speaking or teaching. Parables are comparison lessons. They are designed to engage not just our human intellect, but also our spiritual intelligence because they require the spirit of man to interact with the Spirit of God. Parables are mysteries that reveal the secrets of life and synchronize you with the mind of God. Similar to a blue tooth device that pairs with a phone, making them one; when you pair yourself with God, you become Pair-able with God. The Kingdom of Heaven, where God resides, and the Kingdom of God that is within you, now become one in communication capabilities! The Hebrew word for “parable” is mâshal, which is traditionally defined as, “a byword or comparison of things.” A deeper look into mâshal from an ancient Hebrew perspective reveals a much deeper meaning. Key words that define and describe the purpose for mâshal (parable) from an ancient and original perspective are “governor, dominion, power, reign and rule.” From this perspective, this parable introduces you to the ability to hear the “governor” for your life – a reference to the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the seed – a metaphor for the spoken word of God in this parable – is to show you where you are to have dominion in your life and who is meant to rule your life’s purpose (God). At its core, the seed – the spoken word of God – gives you the details as to why you were created; it reveals to you how you are meant to become an answer to a problem that God has predestined for you to partner with Him to solve. Understanding parables also enables you to

Julio Alvarado Waukesha, Wisconsin alvaradoj@wi.rr.com www.Julioalvaradojr.com

know the dominion that you are to have in life. Jesus exemplified the soil of “good ground.” This was the life He lived while on earth. We see the result of the seed of God’s Word falling on good ground in Jesus’ own life through the following statement that He made: “I can do nothing of My own self. As I hear, I judge, and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of the Father who has sent Me. If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. There is another who bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesses of Me is true” (Jn. 5:30-32). Discovering what is hidden within the parable of The Soils can become the catalyst to the greatest strength for your life. The opposite is also true; failure to discover what is hidden may lead to a life of unnecessary experimentation, frustration and hopelessness. Jesus’ disciples questioned Him as to what this parable of The Soils meant and why He taught in parables. The disciples, like many people today, would have preferred simple, plain and practical answers. They were confused as to why Jesus would use this style to teach. His answer to them came in a statement that unlocks the mystery of true spiritual growth, development, and awareness: “And when he was alone, they that were about him with the twelve asked of him the parable. And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them” (Mk. 4:10-12 KJV). Jesus’ statement was not intended to mean that only the disciples were entitled to such exclusive information. The disciples were being trained by Jesus on how to use their inner ears and their inner eyes, which are the senses of the spirit. Jesus validated this key principle when He said, “That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand.” True spiritual perception and understanding can only be attained as we use our inner senses of hearing and seeing. These allow us to harvest all that God the Father has inherently planted within the soil of the Father, which is the Ground of the Kingdom of God that He has inherently placed within you and me.. ✽

April - June ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Holistic Health

God’s Original

Heath Plan

Rev. 22:2... herbs are for the healing of the nation Herbal Remedies for Common Conditions If you’re looking for an alternative to over-the-counter or prescription drugs for some common conditions that eventually affect everyone, try these herbal remedies to ease symptoms and maintain a healthier you:

Symptom or Condition

Herbal Remedy

Allergies (hay fever)

Nettle herb, eyebright, cayenne, garlic, horseradish

Arthritis pain

Meadowsweet, ginger, cayenne, black cohosh, yucca, devil's claw

Bladder infections (cystitis)

Cranberry juice, marshmallow root, pipsissewa, uva-ursi, echinacea, usnea

Burns, scrapes, rashes, bites

Calendula cream, chamomile cream, St. John's wort oil


Cayenne, garlic, ginger, osha, sage, yerba mansa, elder flowers and berries

Congestion, sinus

Cayenne, horseradish, eyebright, eucalyptus, ma huang


Sage leaf, loquat leaf, licorice root, wild cherry bark, marshmallow root


American ginseng, red ginseng, rosemary, rehmannia, licorice, gentian

Gas, intestinal

Peppermint, chamomile, cumin seed, caraway seed, fennel seed


Feverfew, wood betony, willow bark, meadowsweet

Infections of the skin

Echinacea, tea tree oil


Valerian, California poppy, chamomile, linden flower, kava

Memory (poor)

Ginkgo, rosemary, gotu kola

Nervous tension

Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng), valerian, California poppy, passion flower, hops

Sore throat

Sage leaf, echinacea, licorice, marshmallow


Ginger, peppermint, chamomile, gentian, centaury


Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng), California poppy, ligustrum, ashwaganda, schisandra

Dosage Guide for Herbal Remedies The following table gives you information on dosage recommendations for herbal remedies. This chart is to help you make informed choices and is not a substitute for expert medical advice or treatment, since each individual is unique.




1 cup, 3 to 4 times throughout the day

Powdered herbs

2 to 4 capsules, 2 to 3 times daily


2 to 5 droppersful, 2 to 3 times daily

Standardized extracts

1 tablet, 2 to 3 times daily



✻ 2014

Holistic Health Substitutes for Rare and Endangered Herbs Interest in herbal medicine has dramatically increased, and along with the destruction of habitat, encroaching development, and commercial overharvesting, some healing herbs have become endangered.You can help these rare plants survive by making some simple substitutions:


How You Can Help

American ginseng

Buy cultivated or woods-grown roots or products instead of wild American ginseng.

Black cohosh

Substitute red clover products if you're using black cohosh for its estrogenic effects. Substitute kava or cramp bark if using this herb for muscle spasms. Substitute meadowsweet for arthritis.

Blue cohosh

Substitute yarrow.


Buy products containing Echinacea purpurea, which are cultivated organically, instead of wildharvested E. angustifolia. Both are equally effective. E. angustifoliais increasingly available as a cultivated herb.


Buy cultivated goldenseal or substitute Oregon grape root, barberry, or the Chinese herb coptis, all of which contain the same active ingredient, called berberine.


Use uva ursi and marshmallow root together to soothe and help reduce bacteria for urinary tract infections.

Slippery elm

Substitute marshmallow root, which has similar soothing properties to slippery elm and is a cultivated herb.

Wild yam

Wild yam doesn't have progesterone-like effects, according to studies and historical use. Use wild yam only for bowel cramps, spasms, colic, and nausea, or substitute chamomile flowers.

Herbal Substitutes for Common Medications If you’re looking for an herbal remedy as an alternative for some common medications, take a look at this chart to see what can be substituted. See your doctor or herbalist about persistent, serious conditions.


Herbal Alternative

Pain reliever

White willow, meadowsweet

Daytime cold medication

Echinacea, goldenseal

Nighttime cold medication

Loquat syrup

Stomachache/gas reliever

Black walnut, chamomile

Sleep aid

Kava, valerian

Anxiety reliever

California poppy, kava


St. John's wort


Usnea, goldenseal w/Ginger & Garlic

Dr. Timothy Ellington Certified Herbalist Herbal Right to Health! http:www.kingdomherbologyacademy.com

April - June âœť 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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The Speakers Dr. Roderick Wynn Howell Roderick and his wife Synthia reside in Athens, AL and have two children, Caelethia & Kristopher. Synthia is a graduate of Alabama A&M and has been teaching in the city schools for over 30 years. She earned her Master in Early Childhood Education from Alabama A&M University and her Doctor in Theology from Freedom Bible College & Seminary North Alabama and a Doctor in Kingdom Theology from KME University. Since November 2000, Rod has been the President of Freedom Bible College & Seminary, North Alabama Branch. He is also a graduate of FBCS Rogers, Arkansas with a Doctorate of Divinity, a Masters of Ministry, and a Bachelors of Christian Education. In addition he holds Bachelors in Social Science from Ashford University; Marketing & Business Building from Farmers Insurance University; Associate of Music Education from Calhoun College, and several Insurance Industry Certifications and Sales Awards. As an Entrepreneur, Roderick currently owns an American National Insurance Agency and is a Certified College Funding Representative. Roderick is also an accomplished Pianist, Singer, Songwriter, Pastor, and Teacher. Born December 25, 1957 in Paducah, Kentucky he began learning to teach at the early age of 12, while attending Sunday school in the 10th Street Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1988 Mr. Howell began preaching in the Presbyterian Church and from 1990 to 1998 he pastored in the United Methodist and Cumberland Presbyterian Churches. Afterward, Rev. Howell founded Kingdom Way Christian Center on the first Sunday in January 1998. In the following years Roderick began seeking the Kingdom facing great challenges and opposition in his ministry, inspiring him to form a kingdom coalition called Kingdom Ministries Association, later named Kingdom Ministries Embassy. In 2007 Dr. Howell was appointed Ambassador to Lagos, Nigeria by FBCS, where he spent 10 days ministering, healing, and establishing a Kingdom Way Christian Center Church. A year later, Rod discovered Dr. Myles Munroe’s book “Rediscovering the Kingdom” and while reading, he received confirmation from the Holy Spirit, his kingdom purpose, mission, and ministry. A couple of years later Rod placed himself under Myles Munroe’s Mentorship Program while attending Myles’ Kingdom Training in Nassau Bahamas. Since then, Dr. Howell has been taking the Kingdom by force uprooting fallow ground while planting, cultivating, harvesting, and multiplying the Kingdom of God in earth through structured teaching systems he has written for KMEU. Rod is currently the Savant Bishop of KME Inc. and Chancellor of KME University and wishes to connect with other Kingdom minded Ambassadors on the mission of colonizing The Kingdom.

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The Speakers Apostle D.C. Terry, Sr. Apostle D.C. Terry, Sr. is an authentic catalyst for innovative change in ministry and in the marketplace. As an agent of change to and in the marketplace, he’s been serving in the financial industry as a Mortgage Broker for the last 12 years. He is a firm believer in raising his generation and the next (the millennials), to be Kingdom Agents, who properly impact and conquer, in the Marketplace and government arenas. Apostle Terry was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1972, and partially raised in Hampton, SC. He graduated from Wade Hampton High School in 1990. At the young age of 17, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. There he developed some of the leadership skills, which he still uses today in recognizing, training, motivating and establishing other leaders & entrepreneurs. Apostle Terry gave his life to Christ in 1994, at the Biblical House of God, in Cayce, SC. It was there that he became the Praise & Worship leader, and thereafter would also answer his call to ministry. Later he accepted the role of Manager of an International Christian urban/contemporary recording group, and traveled the US, parts of Europe, and Canada for several years in fulltime youth ministry. In 2000, Apostle Terry accepted and embraced his divinely created purpose as a Prophetic Apostle. Later he founded The Kingdom Learning Center located in Columbia, SC, where he is still the Sr. Pastor. Apostle Terry and his wife Prophetess Tara N. Terry are proud parents of six children that were born to their union, Damon, Taylor, Tyla, Tyra, Tealyn and Tristan. Quote: “When the necessity for change becomes evident, one’s heart must seize it.”



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The Speakers Dr. JOHN AND JACKIE IRVING Dr. John Irving is a Retiree from the State of Alabama Highway Department, and currently the Pastor of Mt. Pisgah M.B. Church in Athens AL where he has served faithfully since April 2001. Pastor Irving began attended Freedom Bible College & Seminary North Alabama, in 2001 and has earned an Associate of Liberal Christian Studies, Bachelor of Christian Education, and Master of Theology degrees. In addition, John earned his Doctor of Kingdom Theology Degree in May of 2013 from KME University. He is married to Jackie Irving whom also attends Mt. Pisgah M.B. Church, where she is an associate minister. Jackie and Pastor Irving has been married 9 wonderful, glorious, years, she also attended Freedom Bible College and Seminary, and has earned her Associate of Liberal Christian Studies in 2009. In December 2013 Jackie completed all requirement for her Bachelor Degree in Christian Education from KME University and will participate in the 2014 Graduation Ceremony.

Pastor Rodney Ballenger Speak Life Ministries! 864-285 7129 Was call into the Ministry Sept 20, 1994 10 years Pastoring 9 years ministering. 19 total years in the Gospel Has served as pastor at 3 different churches from Assistant Pastor to Executive to Senior Pastor He loves to assist others in winning souls for the Kingdom! Pastor Ballenger is Married to Lady Norys A Ballenger(51) they have been Married for 25 years and have 3 children from their Marriage: Desire Ballenger 24, Roderick Ballenger 22, Chasity Ballenger 20 Pastor Ballenger is Passionate about others and dedicates His life in teaching them who they are and give them the Keys to the Kingdom of God to be free from Bondage! Pastor Ballenger Believes His Purpose is to strip people of false identities and give them their true identity by the transformation of the mind We were created in the Image of God! Pastor Ballenger has over come addictions from crack cocaine. He has overcome being sexually abused, risen above low self-esteem. Overcome homelessness Pastor Ballenger has overcome many trials but believes that he has suffered so that others can overcome! Pastor Ballenger Believe in surrounding himself around other Great men! His Father in the Ministry is Bishop Gettis L Jackson and He has personal relations with Many mentors Dr, Pepe Ramnath, Dr, Myles Munroe, Dr, Clyde Rivers and many other Kingdom Ambassadors Pastor Ballenger and His Wife have Birth a New Ministry that’s 4 Years old “Speak Life Ministries” of Greer, SC.

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The Speakers Dr. George M. Williams Education KME University – Athens, AL. - Doctor of Theology Freedom Bible College & Seminary – Athens, AL. - Masters Degree in Theology Birmingham Theological Seminary, B’ham, AL. - Further Studies in Theology (Masters Level) Birmingham Baptist Bible College, B’ham, AL. - B.A. Degree in Theology Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL. - B.S. Degree in Building Construction (C.E. Technology) Experience New Birth Missionary Baptist Church – Pastor & Founder - February 1997 to Present Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church – Pastor - September 1992 to February 1997 Fairview Baptist Church – Pastor - September 1987 to August 1992 Alabama Power Company – Senior Designer (Engineering) - August 1970 to May 2001 (Retired) Activities & Recognitions Kenya Project -- Executive Committee (Treasurer) Alabama A & M University Athletic Hall of Fame Who’s Who in American Colleges & Universities Recognition by Alabama House of Representatives Publication of Technical Article in National Magazine Board Member on the NRSCD Federal Credit Union

Dr. Bobby Redus Greetings Kingdom Family, My name is Dr. Bobby Redus of Athens, AL. The Royal family of the Redus household consist of myself,“King” Bobby, my lovely wife “Queen” Diane, our son “Prince” LaKeem and daughter “Princess” Lashelle. We are proud owners of Keep It Clean Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning and Janitorial Services Business in Athens, Alabama. I’m a Kingdom Ambassador who represents my heavenly government and only speak what my Heavenly Father speaks. I believe the greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose. My biggest desire is to help people rediscover the Kingdom of God and their original purpose for existence. Each day I be about the mission give to me, of colonizing and influencing earth with the Kingdom of Heaven, while panting the Kingdom of God in the hearts of believers so they may encounter the King’s power and manifest His presence in order to bring healing, restoration and rulership to individuals, families, communities and cities. I received my Associate Degree in Bibical Studies, Bachelor Degree in Christian Education, Master Degree in Theology, from Freedom Bible College North Alabama (now KMEU) and Doctorate in Kingdom Theology from KME University. It gives me great joy to work in Kingdom Ministries Embassy as Vice Roy. In addition, I’m honored to serve as Local President of the KME University Branch in Athens, Alabama.



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The Speakers Dr. Timothy Ellington, DHbK Dr. Timothy Ellington, DHbK is a certified herbalist who is a professor, at K.M.E. University and writer of Thy Kingdom Carriers Magazine on Health & Wellness. Dr. Timothy Ellington health practice and private membership offers holistic and herbal medicine therapies. The health effects of a person’s mental and physical experience are considered together and as equally important. Dr. Timothy Ellington and staff provide health consultations that include herbal medicine therapies such as taking the correct herbal foods, teas and tinctures in order to support the health of the entire body. Dr. Timothy Ellington will provide you the right information on how to reach optimal health with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Diabetes, Candida Yeast, Arthritis, Weight Management, Toxicity and Pain Management. We notice that most of these health challenges are most effective with a nutritional plan that we provide. Certified Western Herbalist – Western Herbalism has its roots in Native American and Western European plants. This knowledge and history of plant medicine is thousands of years old. Western Herbalism primarily utilizes herbs native to North America and Europe and has woven other plant medicines from China, India, South America, Russia, Hawaii and other various traditional healing systems. Instructor: Dr. Marijah McCain’s, ND Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. Certified Dr. Chi’s Tongue and Finger Nail Analysis By using Dr. Chi’s diagnostic method, doctors I’m able to discern the patients’ problems with 80 percent accuracy before any blood tests, hair analyses, or urinalysis results come back from labs. The results from the Chi’s diagnostic method can direct the attention to one of the five major systems in the body, and the physician can further pinpoint the exact problem after that. Thus, doctors can get a clearer picture of their patients’ without searching blindly by using exploratory techniques, and perhaps doctors can start treatment early enough to stave off future complication. For patients, this can be quite advantageous in terms of saving money in unnecessary laboratory fees. (Quote from David A. Williams, MD) Instructor: Dr. Tsu-Tsair Chi, NMD, PHD, Provided through Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. Doctorate Herbal Theology Dr. Timothy Ellington is a professor at KME University where he achieved his doctorate in Herbal Theology. Dr. Timothy Ellington teaches how we can reach optimal health through nutrition and herbal foods with God given principles that are easy to follow. His desires are that one day over 60 percent of the population will begin to take measures in their own hands to cure and prevent themselves of any sickness and disease by using God’s Original Health Plan. Instructor: Dr. Roderick Howell, DD at KME University Certified Pranic Healing Practitioner Dr. Timothy Ellington has been blessed to learn Pranic Healing. Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. Prana is a Sanskrit word that means life-force. This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as Chi. It is also called Ruach or the Breath of Life in Hebrew. “Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances that God so readily provided for us all. This practice is being used all over the world in private sector hospitals and public hospitals. Everything God created was good and it was made for our benefit to live in optimal health. Instructors: Sastry & Charu Chundury, CPHI, CAPH at Pranic Healing Institute, Inc. April - June ✻ 2014 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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The Speakers Apostle, Dr. Dana Davis Apostle, Dr. Dana Davis is a 21st Century Ministry Gift who’s on the cutting-edge of Ministry. He has been charged and has accepted the call to change and develop “Kingdom Mindsets” in the people of God in order to help usher them into the fullness of life that God has promised in this lifetime as well as the next. Dr. Davis is the Founding Pastor of The Kingdom Centre and uses this vision from God as a vehicle to transport the Kingdom message from God all across the globe. Living on purpose… is a phrase that seems to best describe this anointed young man. A native of Hampton, South Carolina, Dr. Dana Davis was born to SMSgt. H. J. Behlin and the late Ms. Annie L. Davis. Immediately upon graduating high school, he relocated to Sumter, SC where he attended Morris College, majoring in Business Administration, minoring in Computer Science. An Avid worshipper, Apostle has lead Praise and Worship at every ministry that he has been involved with and believes in the “free flowing” spirit of worship. He is the very embodiment of the spirit of praise and worship. After 9 years of practicing Islam, Dr. Davis accepted Christ into his life as Lord and Savior in March 1996. Later he became a licensed and ordained minister in April 1998 with Holy City Keys to Life Ministries in Sumter, SC. In August 2001, he was ordained Elder with Miracle Deliverance Ministries COSC and later went in to Pastor Miracle Deliverance Ministries II. In July 2003, God began to prepare Dr. Davis to move from Sumter, SC to Charlotte, NC to launch Ministry. Dr. Davis moved to Charlotte NC in July 2004 and launched New Life World Outreach Ministries International in August 2004. The Lord changed the ministry’s name in April 2005. July 13, 2008, Dr. Davis was affirmed and consecrated publicly to the office of an Apostle. On September 25, 2009, Dr. Davis received his honorary Doctoral Doctor of Philosophy from Anointed by God Ministries, accredited by World Wide Accreditation Commonwealth of Virginia & Apostolic Council on Education Accountability. Dr. Davis is an award winning author of the book “The Kingdom, Basic Concepts for Understanding the Kingdom”; foreworded by the renowned Dr. Myles Munroe. He is also a contributing writer for the international publication; “Thy Kingdom Carriers”. Dr. Davis is the founder of the International Ministerial Alliance and Fellowships where he mentors pastors and leaders worldwide. And he is the Chancellor of the Kingdom Institute International which is a school dedicated to the education of people from around the world. Presently residing in Charlotte, NC, Dr. Davis is an Executive Director, Author, Singer/ Songwriter, Life Coach, Ministry Development/Enhancement Consultant and Image Consultant. He is joyfully married to Mrs. Tiffany M. Davis who shares in the vision and the ministry as his anointed helpmate. “I don’t want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me”, is Apostle’s favorite statement and takes this approach to the world in hopes to fulfill his purpose in the body of Christ. Dr. Dana Davis, a quintessential “man of the millennium”, adding a new and refreshing dimension to Kingdom awareness and Kingdom consciousness.



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The Speakers pasTor Tim and lady Talisa copeland Pastor Tim and Lady Talisa Copeland currently reside in Spartanburg, SC. They were married in 2004 and co-parent 5 children. Together they feel a deep passion for people to experience the Kingdom of God. Pastor Tim received salvation in 1995, and in 2005 accepted the call to preach. He was licensed and ordained under Global Ministries International, and served as minister/asst. to pastor. In 2007 he was also ordained under Redemption Ministerial Fellowship International(RMFI). Lady Talisa gave her life to Christ in 2004, and has developed a desire to see women who are commonly “overlooked”, brought up to the frontline. Her womens ministry(Elegance) helps women become relational with each other, and encourages them to get “lined up” with what God has for them. Since coming together, various trials and obstacles have tried to abort the assignment on their lives, but have utterly failed. With a newfound passion and renewed purpose to complete the assignment on their lives, in the fall of 2010 they founded HIS Worship Ministries. In 2011, they joined Kingdom Assembly Fellowship for Pastors(KAFP). Their vision is to help people discover AND walk out their Godpurpose on their lives. Their motto, “we don’t worship for practice….we Worship with a Purpose is geared towards the mentality that every believer is called to live a Kingdom lifestyle daily, and not just a religion practice on Wednsdays and Sundays.

pasTors reggie & Teresa Jones We are a nondenominational, multicultural ministry that teaches practical Kingdom principles on how to live up to your full potential and discover your vision and purpose in life. Kingdom Building Outreach Ministries is committed to returning believers back to their original purpose and culture in Christ. We place emphasis on the importance of seeing and understanding the Bible in the context of how it was written (the concept of a King, His government and His children). The vision of Kingdom Building Outreach Ministries is to impact families and communities through the understanding of Kingdom principles, your divine purpose and the potential that is within you. Kingdom Building Outreach Ministries 1675 JA Brooke Drive - Greer, South Carolina 29651 www.kingdombuildinginc.org - kingdom1179@gmail.com - (864) 3.63.-5873. or (864) 275-3.73.0

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The Kingdom Advantage The Kingdom’s View of


The Book of Acts within the first eight chapters speaks of the persecution of the early church amongst other things. Persecution like any irritant or unfavorable circumstance, generally finds the persecuted wanting to separate from the environment of discomfort. This was not the case in the initial persecutions. In chapter 4, the first persecution which was instigated by the established religious leaders was non-physical. It was verbal and threatening (vs. 21) as they could not decide how to punish them because of the people. The result was the Apostles gave their report of what occurred and they celebrated their persecution and prayed for more boldness. The Lord answered and the end result was they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God more boldly (4:29-30). In chapter 5 the second persecution comes around as a result of the continued healing, preaching and responses of the people. We are told that the high priests and the associates (Sadducees) were filled with jealousy and arrested the apostles and placed them in a public jail (vs. 17). The jealousy stemmed from the response of the people to a movement over which they had no influence or recognition. The persecution was a result of the definition of leadership. If there was to be acknowledgement of a religious movement amongst the people over whom they were the spiritual protectors and conduits, it should originate with them. Further the message they felt indicted them for the death of Jesus (vs. 28). The Apostles were released from jail by an angel and continued speaking the Word of God. The captain went to get the apostles, but was careful not to use force, as they feared the people (vs. 26). Peter and the others responded so unfavorably to the leadership’s desires that they wanted to put them to death (vs. 33). Gamaliel provided sound wisdom which they heeded and flogged them instead, again ordering them not to speak in Jesus’ name (vs. 40). The end result was the apostles rejoiced to be worthy of suffering disgrace for the name of Jesus and never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ (vs. 41-42). The second persecution had now escalated to being physical with visions of execution. The third persecution in chapter 6-8 erupted over one of the seven deacons – Stephen. After he addressed the Sanhedrin with a history lesson placed in the context of the Holy Spirit’s present work; they were so enraged they neglected to warn him, flog him or listen to reason from their members and made Stephen the first martyr – they stoned him. Chapter 8 of Acts verse 1, says, “on that date a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem and all except the apostles were scattered.” Verse 3, “but Saul began to destroy the church going from house to house….” Verse 4 says, “Those who had been scattered

preached the word wherever they went.” Consider the three persecutions up to the point: 1. The first two included verbal warnings. 2. The second became physical with the initial threat of death. 3. The third did not come with verbal warnings and included death and scattering. 4. The first two, the apostles returned to their locale and continued preaching; the third involved scattering and the preaching wherever they were scattered. 5. In the first two persecutions the apostles were affected, the third involved the adherents. 6. In the first two persecutions, there was concern for the people’s response, whereas in the third it was not considered. 7. All persecution was followed by continued preaching and demonstration of the power of the Kingdom. During this time of year we recall the persecution of Jesus, who was flogged and crucified. Following which, he was resurrected, thus displaying the Kingdom’s power and He continued teaching his disciples for forty days until he was ascended. Persecution, it is not comfortable, nor it is always welcomed. However, the example we are given in the early church is that persecution is not an impetus to the continued proclamation and demonstration of the Kingdom. In fact, they rejoiced to be considered worthy of being persecuted for the name of Christ (5:41-42). In addition, they prayed for more boldness to continue in their preaching and demonstration. All persecution is not physical; the initial persecution was verbal before becoming physical. Today, one’s persecution may be emotional for the cause; it may be verbal, political, financial or even mortal. Around the world, persecution comes in different forms, but one thing is constant. There is grace to weather persecution and we can take the words of Jesus to heart which are, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matt. 5:11-12). Recall also a portion of the prayer of the apostles in the face of persecution, “…Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly,” (Acts 4:29-31). ✽

Dr. Kevin Storr Associate Professor of Physics Cypress Texas www.kevinstorr.com storr@kevinstorr.com



✻ 2014

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