4 minute read
Kingdom Messengers
In teaching His disciples to pray, Jesus
taught them to pray, “‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus was teaching His disciples and showing the church how to usher in the government of heaven to intervene on the earth through the power of prayer. He was also teaching them the importance of knowing how to corporate with heaven in working out God´s will on the earth as it is in heaven through prayer but also prophetic and apostolic guidance and actions.
The Lord is calling His children to discern the times or the coming age because He wants us to know how to agree with His will and usher in His government so His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
The Book of Ephesians 5:17 says, “Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.” Paul in His letter to the Ephesians was admonishing, and calling the church to wake up from slumber and live as a wise church because of the reality of evil. As God seeks to express His will in all of life through the church, the dominion of darkness is also seeking ways to express the will of its master.
One of the spiritual gifts (special abilities given by the grace and extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit operating in believers), is the ability to discern spiritual realities trying to subvert the purposes of God (either through demonic activities or man-made religions, cults, or worldviews not completely aligned in theology to the Biblical Christian worldview). God has given the church the ability to walk in the gift
Eric N. Supen
Author and speaker, Nigeria and Germany esupen@googlemail.com http://esupen.wix.com/kingdom-lifestlye of discernment in other to recognize or identify or to find out or to come to know or to see or understand the difference between what is meant to give us life or what is seeking to steal, kill or destroy.
If the church does not keep discerning the times we live in or the age to come, we will not be able to influence lives or nations effectively. We may even miss opportunities of resisting the dominion of darkness in trying to usher in its rule or government in influencing lives in destructive ways.
God´s desire is for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. And He has put in place systems through which we can partner with Him in seeing these realities happen. The Bible tells us, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). God wants to reveal His plans to His children and also make those plans find natural expression in everyday life through the office of the Prophet or the Spirit of Prophecy. There are prophetic destinies of people, families, communities, and nations documented in the scrolls of heaven, and it will take a prophetic company of kingdom citizens who know how to access the will of God, to release such from the kingdom realm into the earth realm.
Prayer is one of the powerful kingdom systems, God has set in place for His children to discern the times or the things of the coming age. The Lord is awakening His prayer warriors and intercessors to arise and take their governmental places as gatekeepers. He wants to show us what to pray for and how to pray as He speaks, and reveals His purposes.
For us to keep discerning the times, we must be intentional in taking our spiritual positions of governing in the Spirit, to keep watch, to see and hear what the Father is saying, so we can release it on the earth through prayer and Holy Spirit inspired actions. God is good in His very essence as Father, and He wants people and the nations to keep enjoying His goodness. The will of God is for us to keep experiencing and enjoying His abundant life and as such He is calling us to stand at our guard post and keep watch, to see and hear how we can continue to partner with Him in releasing His kingdom will in a world desperately in need of help that comes from His Kingdom realm. ✽
❝ Prophet Habakkuk says, “I will stand at my guard post
And station myself on the watchtower; And I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, And how I may reply when I am reprimanded”
(Habakkuk 2:1, NASB). ❞