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Publisher’s Letter
It is a great privilege and honor to share and spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God and share the knowledge of His goodness and power in times of trouble and pressure. We see and experience many things which may not have been possible in our minds, yet is it happening. At times it seems like history is repeating itself. Things are changing and moving in a direction which at times is difficult to fathom, yet everything is encapsulated within eternity. We capture moments and times that are valuable, yet as time moves on, it may feel like we have not done enough to have a better and ideal peaceful world. In the light of this, His Words stands and continues through all the ages and seasons; it is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Seasons and times may change, but we know we can stand on Him who never changes. As we walk with Him, we know that He will keep and love us. We know He will be our ever present source of heavenly joy to constantly draw from. What He has deposited within us will be seen, regardless of the times and our experiences in this world. With the Holy Spirit, His truth will be our reality and we will be able to discern the signs of times in which we live. We are to live honestly by His Kingdom’s laws as true citizens and joint heirs with Christ Jesus.
10th Year!
IIn Him, Dr. Nancy Bocalan
Ambassador of Heaven Philippines/USA
Celebrating 10 Years. Glory be to God!!
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