Thy Kingdom Carriers

Page 14

Prophetic Intercession

The Recovery of the Nations

Those who have a clear vision in these unprecedented times have

an understanding of the significance of the days of turmoil. They will agree, the enemy is trying to weave the antichrist’s agenda into every area of our society.The aim is to make the mandate of God seem irrelevant and even attempt to neutralize its power over nations. As we know, Christ’s plan is to make his church the light of the world. So the church should never hide its light under a bowl, instead, the light should be placed on a lampstand to give light to everyone, Matt. 5:14. Recently, I had a dream I was driving a minivan to a new destination. Further down the road, I picked up strange hitchhikers who insisted they needed a ride. While traveling, they ate bags of fast food and made a mess in the minivan, leaving all kinds of disposable wrappers on the seats and on the floor. Even their voices caused confusion, as they tried to navigate the route and timing of the journey. At one point the front of the van faced oncoming traffic and I had to back up quickly to avoid an accident. In doing this, my minivan slammed into the car behind me. I hopped out of the van and quickly checked the other car for any damage. I was thankful to see there were no blemishes on either vehicle. I felt the Lord was saying to be careful of the many voices in these desperate times. Not all are speaking truth. We must learn how to ask for the gift of discernment and then cultivate it with persistence. Doing so will help us correctly determine who is prophesying from the heart

of God and who is speaking guile from the false doctrine of the enemy. The messenger’s appearance may be an angel of light, but they may be hirelings in disguise. Soon after having the dream, The Lord showed me a vision of a baby in his mother’s womb. His position had recently changed, and his head was now in the birth canal, soon to be birthed in right alignment with the purposes of God. Many believers are pregnant and are about to give birth to a “New Beginning.” This will be a blessing not only for themselves but also for the region where they hold influential positions . The contractions have begun, there will be birth pains, but fear not. The earth is groaning with the signs of the birthing process. We have seen the manifestations of this through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires and floods in numerous places. We are not to be distracted by the groaning. Pursue the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. No human flesh or human wisdom will touch this new thing that the Lord is doing. Do not miss your time of fulfillment. Position yourself and take this opportunity for a double portion of the anointing. The baby will be a sign of new beginnings for the nations. After the short, but painful process, there will be a great outpouring and the outcome will be an end time revival. It will cause an awakening. And the nations will see recovery. ✽

Ann Marie Hemmings Eagle Worldwide Ministries Canada



✻ 2022

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