Thy Kingdom Carriers July 2015

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Table of Contents Publisher’s Letter..................................4. Kingdom Messengers Bahamas...........................................5

Connecting and Uniting His Children Worldwide “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21 (KJV) Publisher Nancy B. Bocalan thykingdomcarriers@


Editor and Executive Editor Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines)


Articles Editor Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas)

New Guinea...................................8-9 Italy................................................10 I Change Nations.................................11 The Value Professor.............................12 Pause on Purpose................................13. A Deeper Look ..............................14-15 Kingdom Wealth.................................16 Speak Life...........................................17

Editorial Board Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Creative Design Julie Rezendes (Florida) Contributing Writers Nancy B. Bocalan (Florida/Philippines) Patricia Banks Moore (South Carolina) Maurizio Tiezzi (Italy) Dr. Leonard Robinson (Pennsylvania) Dr. Kevin Storr (Texas) Derrick Wood (Virginia) Lavada Humphrey (Illinois) Israel Ikpeka (Nigeria) Dr. Helen Copeland (Florida) Julio Alvarado (Wisconsin) Mike Hill (Georgia) Dr. Dana Davis (North Carolina) Devin Rajah (Mauritius) Eric Supen (Germany) Glenn Bleakney (Canada) Dr. Rod Howell (Alabama) Pastor Reggie Jones (South Carolina) Pastor Rodney Ballenger (South Carolina) Pastor Tim Copeland (South Carolina) Apostle DC Terry Sr. (South Carolina) G. Alfred Palmer (Washington DC)

Thy Kingdom Carriers Thy Kingdom Carriers | |

All contents copyright 2015 by TKC, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing can be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Publisher is not responsible for claims and content of advertisers.



July - September ✻ 2015

Publisher’s Letter created the earth and the heavens with His Words which were God translated by a VOICE. There is power in the words we speak; they are released through our voices. In every heart is a dormant power that needs to be heard in order to create a new thing and cause a change that is necessary for a better way of living.

You have a unique purpose and power through your voice. Our hearts are heard through what we say and speak; the bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” Matt. 12: 34. Each one of us is given an original gift and vision, however, unless it is heard, it will not be seen in the physical realm or in this world for His glory. God has spoken to us during creation, He told us to be fruitful and multiply. We must all determine from God our function is in His Kingdom to be able to live as rulers in the earth. Your voice is the key to expanding Heaven on earth, because you are a voice from heaven. Let your voice be heard and speak what God has ordained you to complete. The power in your voice is what the world is waiting on. Your voice must be heard so that we are able to bring about the realization of our God-given purpose and vision. We all are One Voice from heaven with different pitches, let’s go and make a heavenly harmony in this world, that they may know Our King!

Dr. Nancy Bocalan Editor in Chief Publisher



Celebrating Four Years. Glory be to God!! View the digital magazine online by visiting and you can download the file so you can print it for your copy.

Kingdom Messengers Bahamas

Living EPIC Life Everyone desires to be Extraordinary, Purpose-filled, Insightful and Creative (EPIC). Living an epic life inspires you to do something from within that will impact humanity at its core. At this very moment imagine yourself tangoing to music so pulsating that it vibrates the sounds of eternity; or envision yourself in Madison Square Garden totally enraptured by a melodious romantic composition played by a grand orchestra. Isn’t that extraordinary? You are extraordinary!

Extraordinary Everyone imagines themselves as being extraordinary. The one who makes a unique sound, the one whose life leaves an indelible mark, that kind of person no one will ever forget because they wholeheartedly served humanity. The ordinary person passively passes through life following the path of no resistance; while, the extraordinary person creates a new path of purpose. The extraordinary person does not forgo principles, but they change the fruitless traditions of old lifestyles; they live an E.P.I.C life! ‘People with the greatest impact in life do the extra in a world of ordinaries’

❝ ...the extraordinary person creates a new path of purpose.❞ Purpose-filled People are able to live extraordinary lives when they discover their purpose. Purpose is the reason for your existence. It is only when you discover your reason for being placed on planet earth that you will begin to live an extraordinary life of purpose.

An extraordinary life exists at the moment of conception to the day one takes their last breath. Purpose should be fulfilled in every stage (season) of one’s life. From being single, to being married, from being married to being divorced; purpose must be fulfilled to live an extraordinary life. ‘Purpose gives meaning to life’

Insightful One of man’s weaknesses is a lack of vision. Purpose not only answers your reason for existence but it also produces vision. Vison allows you to fulfill your purpose instead of simply fulfilling good deeds. There is a BIG difference between doing a good job and doing the right job. Having vision allows you to successfully lead an organization such as a law firm, a grocery store, a department store or a political campaign. Vision allows purpose to stay its course and acts like a plumb line between your current position and your uniquely fashioned future destination. Without having a vision one will always miss the mark of being extraordinary at the only thing they were created to be and do.

Creativity The awesome Creator in His infinite wisdom gave us a god-part nature called creativity. You were born a creative genius, but only become it when you are deployed into an area void of your gifting. Just as day needs the existence of night we need the existence of formlessness to become world dominators. Once you find your place of dominion (area that needs the insight you were given from your Creator), your creativity will come alive automatically. Creativity is your instinctive inner genius, the place that fulfills an intense void of innovativeness. . ✽

Shamron Musgrove

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

Everyone desires to be Extraordinary, Purpose­filled, Insightful and Creative (EPIC). Living an epic life inspires you to do something from within that will impact humanity at its core. At this


Kingdom Messengers Kenya

Our Voice as the Ambassadors First and above all, I want to thank the almighty Father for this

opportunity to share on this wonderful topic: Our Voice as ambassadors.


Jesus thought of His disciple as His brothers. In a great task, He called Himself among His disciples a fellow servant of God. Jesus issued His commission to us to go and represent Him in all nations, Matthew 28:1819. We are Ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20. An ambassador is an envoy or minister of state sent on a mission by one sovereign or State to another. An ambassador can also be a spokesperson or representative of one State with authority to speak to the authority of another State.

Main Message

As the Ambassadors of Christ, we have been authorized and clothed with divine authority and power to speak His reconciling message of love to the world. We are the representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are to stand in the court of human conscience, authoritatively representing our kingdom which is the Kingdom of God. Ambassadors serve their sovereign. Ours is a position of high and holy responsibility and our position is one of great dignity and prestige. The responsibility of the office should be assumed with the greatest humility and gratitude.

The Mission of an Ambassador

An ambassador is a representative, therefore we must guard against the peril of misrepresenting the Christ. As ambassadors, we must be diligent to represent Christ properly and adequately by being genuine Christians. An ambassador is also a messenger. God wants to speak through us to a lost and guilty world. We are the messengers of the pleading Christ and beseeching God. In the Book of Acts, Jesus describes our function as being that of a witness, Acts 1:8. By this commission, our Lord intends that each of us should be communicators of the message of redemption to everyone who lives in our world. Our message should be in relation of what God has done in Christ to save people from sin. God promised and gave us a savior who knew no sin; He placed all our sins on the sinless Savior, Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 3:18. As we saw in Acts 1:8, we are ambassadors of Christ to the whole world therefore we must represent Christ faithfully wherever He commissions

us in the world. Also, through our voice as ambassadors, we represent the voice of one crying in the wilderness, “make straight the ways of the Lord,” John 1:23. Isaiah was a former ambassador on earth said, “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every John 1:23 valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill shall be made straight and the rough place smooth,” Isaiah 40:3 - 4. Once we take an oath to assume this divine and high office, we need to ignore every other voice, but the voice of our King. Whatever He commands us, we must do it obediently. Jonah tried to defy this law while he was in this office, but he could not make it. Jonah was a good ambassador but he tried to apply his own law instead of applying and following the King’s command. He was not willing to go to Nineveh and become the voice of God’s Ambassador. When he did arrive to Ninevah, he felt angry for the people of the city, Jonah 4:4. The Lord reprimands Jonah and shows him a sign through a plant, implying that our main job as ambassadors is just to obey and follow the command of the one who sends us, i.e. our Lord and GOD.



This a wonderful office and it is beautiful and more worthy than any precious item. Therefore let us seriously take up this divine and high office and serve our God with all diligence, as we represent Him wherever He has called us. Remember, there is no higher calling than this – to be God’s Ambassador. God’s bless to you all.✽

Pastor Fidelis R. K. Kutah Christian Worship Center Nairobi Kenya



July - September ✻ 2015

Kingdom Messengers Germany

The Power of Good News

In a society where we are confronted

with news that can be very discouraging, we can be dominated by fear, hopelessness, worry, unbelief or deception (lies). Living from a defeat or victim’s mentality was never part of our inheritance as citizens of heaven. The original intent of the King of kings—Jesus Christ, is for mankind to rule in life instead by courage, hope, peace of heart and mind, truth and faith in God. Mankind is confronted with a warfare that is all about dominion; a warfare that seeks to determine the outcome of our lives. It is a warfare that is both natural and spiritual which seeks to influence and impact people’s lives irrespective of their religious profession, educational or socio-economic status, gender or nationality. However, for the believer and the Body of Christ, we have been given all we need to be victorious in our personal lives and as we represent the kingdom of heaven as ambassadors of Christ (see 2 Peter 1:3, 4, 1 John 5:4, 5).


The Gospel (good news) of Christ does not only have the power to save from eternal damnation, heal the whole person and deliver from danger and difficult circumstances, “It is the Power of God’s power working salvation to anyone who believes.” The Bible is not only a written account that teaches us to endure and be hopeful in the battles of life (see Rom. 15:4) -- It is the source of good news and life. Good news and the Gospel (good news) can empower anybody who believes to activate heaven’s intervention in any situation of distress.

healing virtue as she touched not just the hem of Jesus’ garment but the glory of heaven resident in Him. Now that is Good News! I pray the Power of Good News and the Gospel will continue to work out supernatural breakthroughs in your life and through your calling as you believe and love people into God’s kingdom.✽

In Mark 5, a woman who had a distressing ailment for 12 years and endured much suffering under the hands of many physicians, received faith, hope, encouragement and boldness to overcame shame, cultural norm and the fear of man-she received healing to her ailment as she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. The key to her breakthrough, “She heard good reports about Jesus and she kept saying and was thinking to herself, ‘If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health’” (see Mark 5:25-34, Amplified and The Message). The reports she heard about Jesus and the renewing of her mind, enabled her to tap into the realm of glory. She accessed

Eric N. Supen, Germany

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Kingdom Messengers New Guinea

Kingdom Report

from Papua New Guinea discovery I asked the Lord to confirm what he has shown me (His KINGDOM IDEA). In 2011 after visiting the Bahamas for a Leadership Conference my life took on a new dimension. Much of what I desired to confirm was settled at the conference by Dr. Myles Munroe. I have now decided to register an organization called Michael Jack International (MJI). MJI is non-profit leadership training organization with the intent to train and mentor leaders in our nation and nations around the globe to make our global village conducive to the 7 billion people on earth. It is in its initial stage; however the demand for conferences and seminars has increased to about 70 percent in our country. We have not yet set up the web page for the ministry and office for the ministry; therefore we would like to do that quickly. Many technical areas of the organizations and funding are still needed to bring the efficiency of the organization to its perfect developed stage. I believe that every person on earth deserves the right to enjoy and dominate his domain of influence and enjoy life.

Hi friends, This is Michael Jack from Papua New Guinea (PNG); one of the largest Islands in the Pacific. PNG is made up of many different tribes with over 800 different languages. Our main means of communication is Motu towards the Papuan Region, Pidgin in the New Guinea Islands and English being most recently introduced since the 1970s. Our Nation is pre dominantly a Religious nation with the masses of people claiming themselves to be Christian because of their affiliations to denominations. They believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, but fail to develop a relationship with him on a daily basis, though having a strong attachment to their denominations. This has been the practice since 2005 when the Lord showed me His purpose for creation and his reason for coming to earth to restore man to his rightful place of authority. Only then I began to reach out to people and help them



understand God’s plans which helped changed their perspective. Our Pentecostal educated elites are slowly changing their beliefs about God’s plan and purposes towards their lives as they access to Pastor Myles Munroe’s Teaching materials on video, CDs, DVDs, books, internet classes etc.. Furthermore being a son of a Pioneering Pentecostal Pastor, I desired to know more about the Bible and its truths which led me to the discovery of the Kingdom of God. After this new

July - September ✻ 2015

MJI exists for the purpose of training and mentoring upcoming leaders around the world. This year I have planned to hold two conferences, one is already held at a hotel room which caters for only 30 people, but the number exceeded so we are planning to increase the capacity come the September conference. The reason for the increase in in-take is due to the fact that many of the people in my nation are slowly beginning to understand the truth about the Kingdom. We attracted leaders from church groups, government departments, non-governmental organizations, Civic leaders and business men and women. Many of the participants are looking forward to the next conference because much of what they have learned has never being taught

Kingdom Messengers New Guinea continuted



ake is due to the fact that many of the in Bible-schools, seminaries, truth about the Kingdom. universities or colleges. Come September, we are looking

ent departments, non­governmental at hosting one of the biggest conferences with more people . Many of the participants are looking showing their interest in learning and has understanding the concepts y have learned never being taught of the Kingdom.

We also hosted three major crusades in a year around the iggest conferences withfrom more people and have a television program that country aside the conferences comes on every week called Abundant Life. We are planning to go on air on ncepts of the Kingdom. major secular and religious radio stations around the country.

MJI planned and crusades ountry asideApart fromfrom the the conferences and conferences, we also attend to invitations from other churches and institutions to declare the Kingdom of d Abundant God. Life.It isWe arebut planning to momentum as partners and friends slowly gradually gaining support us financially. nd the country. Today I have one message to give to my nation and the nations of the

it is the Kingdom e also attendworld, to invitations fromMessage. other I just want to be obedient to my King’s command as his Ambassador. I was religious all my life prior to 2005. I was very frustrated, angry, bitter, resentful, d. It is slowly but gradually gaining trying to reason and find the meaning

to life. The Bible makes a lot more sense now that I understand its overall concept, making its principles easier to apply. ✽

ations of the world, it is the ​Kingdom nd as his Ambassador. I was religious ter, resentful, trying to reason and find w that I sier to

Michael Jack President of Michael Jack International

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS


Kingdom Messengers Italy


The Model for Effective Communication We can see how through effective communication Jesus

put his own teaching into practice in the relations established with the people he met. Let us consider the three encounters he had with Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman and the adulteress whom he saved from stoning. In all three cases, Jesus put himself at their same level, He sought communication. He unselfishly offered them secure attachment because He responded to their “signs”, tuning with their inner states, providing them with a sense of balance and consistency, as well as adequate answers and questions. He sought intimacy and collaborative communication. He himself showed flexibility, objectiveness and ability to assess the importance of the existing relationship, in order to allow His counterparts to see the Truth. Besides being accurate, Jesus’ narrations were consistent with the story, purpose and needs of the person He encountered each time. It may be held that Jesus was a master of effective communication, capable of setting off processes of attunement and mental resonance with others, which are essential for the development of secure attachment. It may be claimed that, in their interaction with Jesus, all three characters mentioned benefitted from the expansion of their positive affective states and a reduction of negative ones.. The leads to the ensuing creation of secure inner models which help regulate emotions and develop positive expectations regarding subsequent interpersonal interactions and life in general. For Nicodemus, the famous night conversation he had with Jesus was not so tender. At a certain point the Lord said He was surprised that someone like him, who was holding the office of teacher in Israel, did not know the things He was talking to him about. Sometime later, Nicodemus, who was one of the rulers of the Judeans, found himself involved in a discussion between priests and Pharisees regarding the possibility of arresting Jesus as He was considered troublesome. Nicodemus spoke in His favor, exposing himself personally. And again, after Jesus died on the cross, Nicodemus went with Joseph of Arimathea to collect the Lord’s body, as Pilate had permitted. And to anoint His body he brought with him a large quantity of precious myrrh and aloe. What had changed in this man? He had simply developed trust in Him, a secure base for his behavior in the social setting. And what can we say of the Samaritan woman who had a conversation with Jesus near the well in Sychar about her murky past. She rushed back to the town and told the people she had found someone who knew everything about her, without knowing her and that maybe he was the Messiah? Following her words, many Samaritans went to Jesus and believed in Him. Indeed, the woman kept on bearing witness that He had told her everything she had done. So, many more started believing in Jesus, no longer due to the woman’s testimony, but because they had met Him in person. What had happened to this woman? Jesus had spoken to her directly about personal and embarrassing things and about the Eternal Life available to her. Jesus did not discount the person for what she had done, although He did not approve. So the person did not feel judged, but encouraged to become who she really was. His “secure” approach had triggered in her trust and hope which spread throughout the town. And, lastly, let us recall Jesus’ loving approach to the adulteress! First He saved her from her persecutors, then reassured her that she was not condemned because of her adultery, although He urged her never to do it again. Once again, Jesus disapproved of the fact, but not the person,

trusting in her abilities. This attitude generates certainty of being understood, not condemned, rather encouraged to stimulate one’s potential and appreciate one’s worth. The person’s worth lies in who he is, while the wrong things he does, to himself or others, make him only temporarily distracted from his “destiny”. People can be led back to the power which God Himself has given them, generating trust and hope, instead of reproach and condemnation. Relations of this kind create secure attachment. What is our goal in approaching others? What is our purpose in communication? Do we try to highly praise their value, although honestly disapproving some of their behaviors? Or are we only trying to defend ourselves, demanding that they behave in a given manner, so that we can avoid running risks and dangers? Motivation always speaks in the heart of man. You cannot fail to perceive it. It has its own flavor. It is unmistakable. And when our motivation is urged in communication by love for one another, it resonates with our innate inclinations that we can always perceive as real inside ourselves. They never let us down. Like motivations, inclinations are always recognizable. I am speaking about the drive to life, autonomy, awareness, creativity, happiness, interaction with others, caring, unity and to go beyond our human limits. Man always tends to satisfy them, because these drives come from the human spirit, from his identity. Effective communication helps each other to satisfy them in healthy relationships.✽

Author Maurizio Tiezzie of Siena, Italy has released his first book in his country and language. Stay tuned for the English Version that is coming to the United States soon!

Maurizio Tiezzi Italy



July - September ✻ 2015

I Change Nations GOD’S PEACE POLICY The Rule


As I sit in my hotel room on one of my many traveling

engagements, I hear the word,“conversation”. Meditating on this, I realize that everywhere I go I hear the cry for a new conversation addressing injustices, wars and infectivity in the world. The world is on a hamster wheel going around and around – same issues – same conversations – same results. Imagine a world with people (and nations) treating others the way they want to be treated. What would it look like? The thirteen major world religions have some form of the Golden Rule written in their sacred writings as a foundational principle. This suggests that God’s original policy of peace for the world is tied up in how we treat each other. How is it then, that we have so much conflict in our world? Good question.


Jesus’ primary message was to demonstrate the principles of God’s Kingdom in action as He went about doing good (Acts 10:38, KJV). He did not come to bring religion, but His Kingdom KJV). He came to show us how to became live for the I asked (Luke earlier, 12:32, what would our world look like if the Golden Rule our predominant principle?of What would the governments ofhow the world look our like ifwords the betterment our neighbor. No matter eloquent Golden Rule were implemented? Imagine politicians, country, state and local leaders are framed in our religious books, they will have little power living the Golden Rule, all guided by treating others the way they want to be treated. without the guidance and insight of the Creator of the universe. What about What would happen owners business owners and laborers? if business spoke Under ofour volition we go turn, around and around in to the to the potential theirown employees? What if in the employees encouraged livesame up to their potential added their unique contributions to the business? thinking and vocabulary that ultimately destroys relationships rather than building mutual respect. However, the King’s Peace How could this Golden Rule strategy help families and communities that cluster together supersedes human order by and logic. His policy of peace for help Policy and comfort? Just the shear recognition family or our chosen community that is designed to invoke action us based on image His principles. we are valuable a path toan our uniqueness. allows bring forth from The of God offers It potentialcalls withinout every It’s always easier seeare failing in othersAccording – what if to human mankind address why towe created. we see each other’s potential? What if we speak to the image of God in one another? to God’s Word, we are created to be kings and treated as royalty; naturally respond royal There’s a place Treatingwe others the way you want toto bethis treated is thelanguage. original Kingdom Peace Policy in andall mankind, no matter what belief system, that responds to kindness the answer to the world’s cry for help. It is called the Golden Rule! and honor. It’s the order, logic and language of God in us.

Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers


There must be a conversation that will address the catastrophes around the world. The old conversation paints a picture of depravity, greed and death. But I hear the sound of a new dialogue surrounded by goodness: it is the language of the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated” (Matthew 7:12, NIV). This is the language that forms a platform to build peace, offering justice and equality for all. It’s the conversation of heaven that’s been with us since the beginning of time and it’s wrestling to be released upon the earth in this day and hour.


I have discovered the Golden Rule is an action strategy and when implemented, the environment changes. This action strategy breathes life into all parties involved, it is infectious and selfperpetuating. The Golden Rule frees us from the endless cycling treadmill of depravity and unresolved conflict. I asked earlier, what would our world look like if the Golden Rule became our predominant principle? What would the governments of the world look like if the Golden Rule were implemented? Imagine politicians, country, state and local leaders living the Golden Rule, all guided by treating others the way they want to be treated. What about business owners and laborers? What would happen if business owners spoke to the potential of their employees? What if in turn, the employees encouraged to live up to their potential added their unique contributions to the business? How could this Golden Rule strategy help families and communities that cluster together for help and comfort? Just the shear recognition by family or our chosen community that we are valuable allows a path to bring forth our uniqueness. The image of God offers potential within every human being. It’s always easier to see failing in others – what if we see each other’s potential? What if we speak to the image of God in one another? Treating others the way you want to be treated is the original Kingdom Peace Policy and the answer to the world’s cry for help. It is called the Golden Rule!✽

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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The Value Professor

The Value of the King’s Word On July 14th at 8:52:37 EST a signal was received 3 billion miles

away from earth; this is more than 32 times the average distance between the earth and the sun. The signal came from the manmade spacecraft named New Horizon, which has been traveling since January 19 2006 (9 years and six months)! It takes 4.6 hours for a communication to be sent or received between Earth and Pluto. The spacecraft was traveling up to 31,000 miles per hour while passing Pluto. It flew within 7800 miles of Pluto, sending back snaps of the dwarf planet and one of its five moons named Charon. Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet and is instead believed to be a captured object from the Kuiper Belt. Our moon is actually larger than Pluto. Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld (Greek god Hades), not the Disney character Pluto the dog. The name was suggested by a then 11 year old English school girl named Venetia Burney (died in 2009). The spacecraft that took the photos is carrying a small amount of the cremated remains of Clyde Tombaugh who discovered the planet. It took New Horizon over nine years to intersect with Pluto. We must consider that Pluto is a moving object, therefore to intersect with Pluto after more than 9 years the spacecraft had to know where Pluto would be on July 14th 2015 back in 2006. To get the pictures, the spacecraft used a nine year old trajectory; the instruction that was provided nine years ago, was still the current for July 2015. Finally, we would know of the mission’s success or failure until 4.6 hours after it occurred. Such is God’s word, Isaiah 55: 8 – 11 (NASB) says: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. 10“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; 11So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Consider God’s words through His prophet Isaiah. He emphasizes three things: thoughts, waysand words. He says there is a difference in our thoughts and His thoughts, there is a difference between His ways and our ways. To allegorize this difference, God says if you can visualize the separation between the heavens and the earth, this will give you an appreciation of the difference

providing seed to the sower and bread to the eater similarly His Word comes from His mouth. It will not return empty, without accomplishing His desire and without succeeding in the matter that it was sent to. God’s word is like the trajectory which was set nine years prior for reaching a set destination and to accomplish a preplanned goal. Though a decade may have passed His word does not change, it is permanently settled. When New Horizon passed by Jupiter on its journey, it did not get distracted by its size, it continued with its rendezvous to Pluto even though it is smaller than the moon. Jupiter could have been the big distraction and relabeled as the prize, in fact they even saw lightening at the poles of Jupiter on February 27 2007. This was an unexpected observation and worthy of more examination, instead the spacecraft used Jupiter’s gravity to slingshot it towards Pluto, thus increasing its speed. In essence it ran away from the distraction. Then came the ultimate insult, when New Horizon was launched, Pluto was one of the nine planets, on August 2006 5 years into its journey the International Astronomical Union downgraded Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet. $700 million dollars was invested, and before the payout, a body of individuals downgraded the prize the goal at the end of the trajectory. This is did not change the word spoken, Pluto was the goal. Well, on July 14 2015, the spacecraft made it, traveling at 31,000 miles per hour and as it flew by, it captured stunning never before seen photos of Pluto. The word of NASA did not return void, it accomplished the goal and succeeded in the initial desire. God as King of the Kingdom speaks, and his words may not have immediate visible results, but it does have consequences which are forming in its favor. His spoken word may be for a realization 10 years from now, though it seems to tarry, wait for it. Even if a person dies after it is spoken, the word of the King is not dead, it will still accomplish its goal. Our King will not allow His word to be a lie and because of His integrity, he ensures its success. As Sons and citizens, it is key that we align ourselves with the King’s word, it is the path to seeing God’s Kingdom displayed richly in our lives, communities and the nations.✽

Dr. Kevin Storr is a Professor of Condensed Matter Physics and Lead of the Impact Center in Cypress Texas. He is the author of the newly released book, “The Pursuit of Kingdom Value.” For more information about Prof. Storr visit, on facebook, www.facebook. com/theprofessorofvalue or email us at

in scope, magnitude and potency of my ways and thoughts in comparison to yours. In referring to His Word, He says just like the rain and snow comes from Heaven and waters the earth and makes it bear and sprout, Kevin Storr, Ph.D. Texas



July - September ✻ 2015

Pause on Purpose Purpose, The

Most Important Thing


Purpose is the most important thing because it is the reason you were born. You are not an accident or mistake regardless of the circumstances by which you arrived. You are here with an original assignment, unlike anyone else. You are a masterpiece, an original and not a copy. There has never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be, so it’s imperative you be the best YOU that you can be. The best you, cannot be found in copying others, no matter how noble, forthright, or dynamic the individual. You will always fall short of being someone else. We need you and your unique individual purpose. Did you know that your fingerprint is an outward expression of your unique and individual purpose? Even twins do not have the same genetic code/individual purpose; it is because purpose is encoded uniquely in you! Purpose came with you, it resides in you, it motivates you, it preserves you, and it’s your reason for being!


Some are trying to find purpose in countless ways, i.e. through other people, businesses, education, and the list goes on. But, true purpose came here with you and only needs to be rediscovered. Why does purpose need to be rediscovered? Situations, circumstances, and conditions have blinded some people from their purpose. So, to rediscover purpose, is to uncover that which was always there!


There has been an age-old debate between spirituality and science. Which came first and which one is more reliable? The source is the origin of everything, and it’s through science that they come into being. Let’s define the two key elements briefly: 1. SPIRIT, SPIRITUAL, OR SPIRITUALITY The origin of the word spirit means essence, “to breathe,” or “breath, “soul, courage, vigor”; it means life or source of life. Originally, it was not a religious term. Spirituality is independent of religious dogma. Some religious people are afraid of spirituality because they may believe that it coincides with darkness. However, it doesn’t. Spirit means to be joined as one in relationship by essence or spirit. These are terms of origin, not of religion. 2. SCIENCE Some people seem to think that science is something sinister or demonic; failing to realize, there is ONLY ONE POWER - GOD! Science in Latin actually means knowledge or wisdom; therefore, everything comes from science because science is knowledge. Concepts, occurrences, and disciplines we don’t understand are only sciences we have yet to discover. Science and spirituality have more in common than in contrast. All science or knowledge has to emanate from the original source, which is the Creator. Since the Originator is spirit and knowledge emanates from spirit, they are one. As a result, there is no other power aside from the Originator.✽

G. Alfred Palmer Best Selling Author of Purposeology: The Science of Purpose

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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A Deeper Look

Living in the Economy of the Kingdom Though there are biblical accounts of

Jesus praying at different times of the day besides the morning, the following prophetic scripture about Him proves that Jesus had a consistent habit of starting His day with Morning Prayer. This is a model for those who wish to truly follow in His footsteps:


In my opinion, the most important word in these two key verses is the word “by.” The word “by” in this passage signifies consistency and priority. It would be safe to assume that Jesus would purposely go to bed early the prior evening in order to wake up physically and mentally refreshed, prepared to hear and learn from God. He sought the will of God for His life on a daily basis during His Morning Prayer sessions. Jesus’ consistent Morning Prayer sessions set His life’s priorities. They set in motion the fulfillment of what I believe was the most important mandate for His life: to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This is also the most important mandate for every one of us today. Jesus modeled this activity before His disciples and throughout His public 14


ministry for about three and a half years. This would have been approximately 1,277 consecutive days of showing His disciples how He would start His day by getting a personal education from God.

“AND IN THE MORNING, RISING UP A GREAT WHILE BEFORE DAY, HE WENT OUT, AND DEPARTED INTO A SOLITARY PLACE, AND THERE PRAYED” (Mark. 1:35). As a human being, Jesus understood the significance of starting His day in this physical and mental stillness in order to hear and learn from the Father. He even considered it as an act of rebellion to not do so (Isaiah 50:5). It was His Morning Prayer sessions that caused Him to consistently and continually gain knowledge and understanding of whom He was and the responsibility of His daily life assignments. Jesus positioned Himself in not just a called position but, more importantly, a chosen position by choosing to hear the voice of God at the beginning of every day. True spiritual maturity

July - September ✻ 2015

should eventually lead to Morning Prayer as the most important activity of your day. From an English perspective, terms such as “when you pray” (Matthew 6:6) and that Jesus “departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” (Mark 1:35) are terms that immediately bring an understanding that the one praying will be positioned to talk to God. One needs only to browse through the Bible and see that when God was talking to someone personally, He was doing the majority of the talking - sometimes all of the talking. Why is it that many of the prayer resources available today only view prayer from a “talking to God” perspective instead of “hearing to intentionally learn from God” experience – which is true prayer at its core? Many modern biblical study resources and dictionaries define the word “prayer” from Mark 1:35 as “to supplicate, petition, to ask, and to request.” This definition is traditionally viewed and applied from the

A Deeper Look perspective of us talking to God. Yet a deeper study of this key word reveals that it is God who desires to talk to you, to do the supplicating, petitioning, asking, requesting, and interceding in order to produce a certain outcome. The key to understanding what Jesus experienced when He started each day in prayer is found in the root word understanding of the word “prayed,” which is palal. From the original Hebrew perspective, someone who experienced palal was one who experienced a personal meeting with God in order to be personally indoctrinated by God Himself for his or her personal life. A prayer session like this was considered as a sacred and holy event where special information is dispersed through the revealed thoughts of God. These thoughts from God were anciently known and classified as secrets or mysteries. The word “prayed” encapsulated an entire lifestyle of Jesus choosing to empty Himself of external and internal distractions in order to receive His Father’s thoughts and

It is impossible to do the will of God daily in your life if you are not hearing from God daily. Jesus did not live His “today” off of yesterday’s instructions. Every day, Jesus’ mind was being renewed by what was already prewritten and pre-purposed for that particular day. It is impossible to “seek first the Kingdom of God,” much less His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), if we do not seek after this detailed information through hearing from God in prayer. Most people have never been accurately taught how to hear and learn from God through prayer. The majority of prayer teachings and resources that are available today teach prayer from the perspective of what to say in prayer instead of how to not just hear the voice of God in prayer. More importantly we must learn how to actually discipline the mind in order to intentionally be a daily student of God by learning from Him through His Holy Spirit of Truth in prayer.

To have an accurate understanding of Jesus’ personal prayer experiences and since He is our primary model for spiritual development, there ❝ We may erroneously assume are vital foundational teachings that we are doing the will of God, and training in the discipline yet be far from it. ❞ of mediation we should study. They were offered through three levels of the ancient will for His life, which were already written traditional Jewish and rabbinic education and predestined for Him. Any other result that must be seriously considered and would have not fulfilled the intended reintroduced that unfortunately have been purpose and impact of “prayed.” This is either unknown, or purposely ignored the same mindset and result we must seek at the hands of traditional religionists of when we position ourselves to pray at the today. beginning of each day. Anything less than this opens the door for a day that is not The entry point of this Jewish educational truly guided by the thoughts and will of system was called Bet Sefer, which means, God and puts you in danger of living your “The House of The Book.” The second life through the thoughts and will of man. level of education was called Bet Midrash, We may erroneously assume that we are which means, “The House of Learning.” doing the will of God, yet be far from it. The third level of education was called

Julio Alvarado Waukesha, Wisconsin

Bet Talmud, which means, “The House of Study/Seeking” and “The House of Interpretation.” Throughout these three levels of education, the student was taught that God created them in His likeness and image (Gen. 1:26) so that they could eventually be taught and indoctrinated by God personally (Deut. 4:36, 32:1-4). The details of these on-going life instructions and indoctrination came from a personal book that God had authored and already prewritten and prescribed for their life that could only be found within His Mind (Psalms. 40:7, 139:15-17). In other words, it was these documented thoughts of God for your life, which became your life’s curriculum that enabled you to live according to God’s true purpose, design and will! This is one of the best-kept secrets of Jesus’ prayer life. When Jesus would go to pray morning-by-morning, what He was experiencing through a meditative mindset was a daily reading, instructions and dialogue from the book on His life! Jesus had a book on His life that He was constantly being exposed to, which was His daily bread so that He could fulfill what was prewritten and prescribed for His life. This spiritually nourished Him and gave Him a consistent preciseness in every deed, thought, and action.

“THEN I SAID, ‘BEHOLD, I HAVE COME IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK THAT IS WRITTEN OF ME TO DO YOUR WILL O GOD” (Heb. 10:7) The crucial question that we must ask ourselves is: “Am I hearing and learning from God regarding the content of what He has authored about my life on a daily basis, consistently and without hindrances, just like Jesus experienced as a human being?” If not, then could it be that I don’t have all or the right information, teaching and training that I need? More detailed content regarding this article can be found in my latest book: The Mystery of Prayer Revealed. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this article or to invite me into your environment to speak and teach on these crucial concepts feel free to contact me. ✽

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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Kingdom Wealth


Kingdom is Not for Yourself, it’s for Someone Else. where they understand that part of their life’s purpose and fulfillment lies in their capacity to be able to create a better quality of lifestyle and Commonwealth for other believers. Your responsibility as a steward and manager of Kingdom Wealth is to constantly and aggressively seek prudent ways to increase them! You must understand the Kingdom Principles for Finances. You must strive to become a MILLIONAIRE


You have not truly lived until you have been able to give your life away. You have been given power to get millions for a mission, Deu. 8:18, “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”

It is imperative that you recognize that as God releases you from a previous place of bondage and carries you out to a life where you experience Financial freedom, that you never lose sight of the fact that his release was not for you to be stagnant. Moses exemplified this unwavering conviction for increase in abundance; he had a clear perspective of the purpose of provision. In Exodus 10:23, Moses tells Pharaoh that he will not accept Pharaoh’s plea for him to be able to leave with the children of Israel and depart from their four hundred years of bondage. The reason is that Pharoah says that in order to be released they must leave with him all of their cattle and livestock. Moses responds boldly that not a hoof will be left behind, because when they get to where God is taking them, they must have substance with which to worship and serve Him. Kingdom Citizens, don’t settle for just getting by – or barely having enough. Kingdom citizens live a life


You ask. “What is a Millionaire with a Mission?” To learn more on this KINGDOM CONCEPT and Deu. 8:18 to receive FREE MATERIALS on how you can bring financial success to your household, your ministry, and community through Proven Kingdom Principles, contact www. or email For resources to help your church purchase, payoff or renovate an existing building, visit us at ✽

I have had the pleasure of serving the Kingdom by assisting my Pastor, Larry A. Holley in acquiring over 600 residential homes and 60 commercial buildings. Through Kingdom business principles, these homes have translated into hundreds of thousands of dollars circulating throughout our local community under the influence of the Kingdom of God! Food distribution, clothing drives, and overseas missions have been financed. Buildings have been purchased and paid off. If you are ready to activate your Kingdom Wealth Potential, find out more at or 888-671-7729.

Bernard Drew Flint, MI



July - September ✻ 2015

Speak Life

I Speak Life into Y our Purpose My assignment on the earth is to bring understanding to everyone

who hasn’t discovered their true Purpose in Christ. Genesis 2:7 says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living Soul.” This passage of scripture really got my attention, because I wanted to know God and I wanted to know why He created me. At one point in my life I was lost as a person, I had no understanding of who I was and I began to seek after a life that I thought was for me. My Father was a Pastor who oversaw several churches and many people looked to him for guidance, so I was familiar with church life, but not with God. My dad was a very strict person and wouldn’t allow me to do anything I wanted to do, and I thought he was the meanest person on earth. I made up in my mind when I got older, I would pursue a life more to my liking. Now of course, because I was a church boy I wanted nothing to do with any religion or church at that time; I wanted to see what life was all about and I was open to anything. I enlisted in the military and served my country for 3 years and felt really good about that, but it just wasn’t what I thought I was created to accomplish. I was still searching for me; I was thirsty for something and didn’t know what I needed. I was lost again and returned home and worked a few jobs, but nothing gave me peace. Being young, I didn’t understand what I was feeling; this led to depression and to drugs. The drugs made me feel like I did not have purpose in life, and it were obvious that I was a waste of creation and I was stuck in a rut.

❝ Understand this, God did not create you

to fail, He created you to have Dominion, Gen. 1:27 – 28. ❞

I was addicted to crack cocaine for six years, I was known as a crackhead, it was all I wanted all the time as my life continued to spiral downward. During those six years, I got married, had children, but my wife couldn’t take anymore and told me she was leaving me. She did not like that I always came home broke, drunk and she was ashamed of me using drugs. I can remember a particular night that I call my resurrection night, because it was unlike any other. That night I had an encounter with God! After I came home still high on cocaine, my wife began crying and asked God why? She locked herself in the bedroom with our children and left me sitting in the dark. Even though I could

hear her crying, there was quietness in the room which caused me to sit down and captured my attention like something or someone was entering the room. Sitting there a ball of fire appeared to me and I heard a voice call my name, it was saying, watch and at that time a movie screen appeared, it was as if I were dreaming. It began with people searching for something in a field, they had dogs and flashlights. I could hear the dogs barking, the men talking and one of them began to scream,“Over here, over here.” Everyone rushed to where he was, and lying face down was a body that looked stiff and frozen, because it was really cold. I saw that the men who found the body were policemen; one of them took his foot and flipped over the body, it fell over and the person they found was me! The voice spoke again, “Is this what you want?” I saw appear before me buttons like on a tape recorder, stop, rewind, pause, forward and play. A finger, a divine finger hit the pause button and the voice spoke again. I created you for this and the finger hit the rewind button and everything went backwards to the beginning. I saw the finger push play and I saw my life as God saw me, and I was given my purpose that night. I know now, that night God breathed the breath of life into my nostrils and I became alive! God has given you and me purpose, which is His Purpose, Gen. 2:7. I was searching for my meaning in life and nothing could fulfill me, it wasn’t until I gave up on life and began to destroy my life with drugs and almost lost my family, did I begin to focus on God. Are you trying to find yourself, are you currently living a life that’s causing you to not hear God? Understand this, God did not create you to fail, He created you to have Dominion, Gen. 1:27 – 28. The enemy wants you to think you do not have meaning in life, John 10:10. I don’t care how bad it is right now in life, it’s not over for you, God has a plan for you and it’s available for you. Just say yes to His will and He will reveal your Purpose, Mark 1:15! He has given me the authority to speak to your Purpose and cause it to come forth! I speak to your dreams and goals and tell them to come to life this very moment; you will be what God created you to be. God created you and gave you purpose and that purpose will be established in the Earth. I was once known as a crackhead, but now I am a Pastor of God’s people and I empower others to walk in their Purpose. ✽



Overseer Rodney Ballenger Macedonia Baptist Church South Carolina

July - September ✻ 2015 -THY KINGDOM CARRIERS

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