R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
The Republic of Ireland Taekwon-Do Association’s sparring syllabus for gradings is based on Gen Choi’s 15 volume encyclopaedia (vol 5 page 10) Grade/ kup
3- step alone
3 – step
Pre-arranged (Attacking and defensive stances should be the same)
3 – step
Not Pre-arranged, but attacker can indicate what they will attack with.
3 –step, 2 – step
Not Pre-arranged (current 2-step can be shown as examples). Must be two attacks, one with the hand one with the foot.
2 – step, 1 -step
Not Pre-arranged, (current 2-step can be shown as examples)
1 – step, semi free
Not Pre-arranged, semi-free is loose stance (1,2,3, 1, 2, 3) (more like free-sparring)
Semi – free, free
Semi-free not in a straight line
Semi – free, free
Semi-free not in a straight line
Free, self-defence techniques
Free, 2 on to 1 sparring, self-defence techniques
Not Pre-arranged
1st Degree
Free sparring, 2 on to 1 sparring, self-defence techniques, defence against a knife (like 1 – step) foot sparring
Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged
2nd Degree
Free sparring, self-defence techniques, defence against a knife, (like sparring) foot sparring 2 onto 1 sparring
Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged Not Pre-arranged
3rd Degree
Free sparring, self-defence techniques, Not Pre-arranged defence against a knife (1 – step and free) Not Pre-arranged 2 onto 1 sparring Not Pre-arranged
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
3–Step for 10th kup. (pre-arranged, alone) After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Select an appropriate defence for a low, middle or high attack. • Correctly perform parallel ready stance, and walking stance. • Correctly perform middle and high punch, and also front smashing kick, Correctly perform low, middle and rising forearm block.
Number 1: Attack: Start in attention stance, then move right leg back walking stance low forearm block. 1. Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch 2. Step forward left walking stance observe middle punch 3. Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch Step back to parallel ready stance Defence: • Move right leg back into left walking stance inner forearm middle block (left arm) • Move left leg back into right walking stance inner forearm middle block (right arm) • Move right leg back into left walking stance inner forearm middle block (left arm) Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse middle punch Then step forward to parallel stance
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Number 2: Attack: Start in attention stance, then right leg back walking stance low forearm block. 1. Front kick right leg, landing in right walking ready stance 2. Front kick left leg, landing in left walking ready stance 3. Front kick right leg, landing in right walking ready stance Step back to parallel ready stance Defence: 4. Move right leg back into left walking stance low forearm block (left arm) 5. Move left leg back into right walking stance low forearm block (right arm) 6. Move right leg back into left walking stance low forearm block (left arm) Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse middle punch Then step forward to parallel stance
Number 3: Attack: Start in attention stance, then right leg back walking stance low forearm block. 1. Step forward right walking stance observe high punch 2. Step forward left walking stance observe high punch 3. Step forward right walking stance observe high punch Step back to parallel ready stance Defence: 4. Move right leg back into left walking stance forearm rising block (left arm) 5. Move left leg back into right walking stance forearm rising block (right arm) 6. Move right leg back into left walking stance forearm rising block (left arm) Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse high punch Then step forward to parallel stance 5
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
3 –step for 9th kup. (pre-arranged, with partner) After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Select an appropriate defence for a low, middle or high attack. • Correctly perform attention stance, parallel ready stance, walking stance and sitting stance • Correctly perform middle and high punch, and also front smashing kick • Correctly perform low, middle and rising forearm block. • Correctly measure up for a given technique. • Select an appropriate counter attack. • Explain and demonstrate the advantage and disadvantages of performing and inside (an makgi) and an outside block (bakat makgi). Note 1: The student has not learned full control of their techniques or to correctly judge distance yet, so there is no need to shift or slide in the counter attacks. Selecting an appropriate counter attack is enough. Sliding and shifting to adjust distance to focus a technique will be dealt with at 8th kup. Note 2: Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are inside blocks while number 4 is an outside block. This is designed show the students the advantage of an outside block. Note 3: Gen Choi’s book shows 3 step being done using two systems; one way and two ways. Instructors and students should practice both ways for proper development.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Number 1: Person A (attacker) and B (defender) Measure: A) Bow in attention stance B) Bow in attention stance A) Measures up in walking stance, overlap the top half of the feet. Then return to attention stance. B) Stays in attention stance. Ready: On the command ‘3-Step sparring ready’ (Sambo Matsogi Junbi) A) Right leg back walking stance low forearm block. Shout ‘Ya’, as a ready signal. B) Moves left foot in to parallel ready stance. Shout ‘Ya’ as a ready signal. Attack: 1. On the command ‘commence’ Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap top half of feet) 2. Step forward left walking stance observe middle punch. (place left foot on inside of defenders foot, overlap top half of feet) 3. Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap top half of feet) Defence: 4. Move right leg back into left walking stance inner forearm middle block (left arm) 5. Move left leg back into right walking stance inner forearm middle block (right arm) 6. Move right leg back into left walking stance inner forearm middle block (left arm) Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse middle punch Both A and B return to attention stance, because they need to re-measure 7
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Number 2: Measure: A) Measures up in walking stance, overlap heel to heel. Then return to attention stance. B) Stays in attention stance. Ready: On the command ‘3-Step sparring ready’ A) Right leg back walking stance low forearm block. Shout ‘Ya’. B) Moves left foot in to parallel ready stance. Shout ‘Ya’. Attack: On the command ‘commence’ 1. Front kick right leg, landing in right walking ready stance. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap heel to heel) 2. Front kick left leg, landing in left walking ready stance. (place left foot on inside of defender’s front foot, overlap heel to heel) 3. Front kick right leg, landing in right walking ready stance. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap heel to heel) Defence: 4. Move right leg back into left walking stance low forearm block. Left forearm blocks the tibia. 5. Move left leg back into right walking stance low forearm block. Right forearm blocks the tibia. 6. Move right leg back into left walking stance low forearm block. Left forearm blocks the tibia. Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse middle punch Both A and B return to attention stance because they need to re-measure.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Number 3: Measure: A) Measures up in walking stance, overlap heel to heel. Then return to attention stance. B) Stays in attention stance. Ready: On the command ‘3-Step sparring ready’ A) Right leg back walking stance low forearm block. Shout ‘Ya’. B) Moves left foot in to parallel ready stance. Shout ‘Ya’. Attack: On the command ‘commence’ 1. Step forward right walking stance high observe punch. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap the back half of the feet) 2. Step forward left walking stance high observe punch. (place left foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap the back half of the feet) 3. Step forward right walking stance high observe punch. (place right foot on outside of defender’s front foot, overlap the back half of the feet) Defence: 4. Move right leg back into left walking stance forearm rising block (left arm) 5. Move left leg back into right walking stance forearm rising block (right arm) 6. Move right leg back into left walking stance forearm rising block (left arm)
Counter Attack: On the spot, walking stance right reverse high punch Both A and B return to attention stance because they need to re-measure.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Number 4: Note: This is an example of an outside block. Measure: A) Measures up in walking stance, overlap heel to heel. Then return to attention stance. B) Stays in attention stance. Ready: On the command ‘3-Step sparring ready’ A) Right leg back walking stance low forearm block. Shout ‘Ya’. B) Moves left foot in to parallel ready stance. Shout ‘Ya’. Attack: On the command ‘commence’ 1. Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch. (place right foot so that the top half of feet overlap) 2. Step forward left walking stance observe middle punch. (place left foot so that the top half of feet overlap) 3. Step forward right walking stance observe middle punch. (place right foot so that the top half of feet overlap) Defence: 4. Move left leg back into right walking stance inner forearm middle block (right arm) 5. Move right leg back into left walking stance inner forearm middle block (left arm) 6. Move left leg back into right walking stance inner forearm middle block (right arm) Counter Attack: move left foot across to the right side of A and perform a middle punch in sitting stance. Stop: On the command ‘Stop’. Both A and B return to parallel ready stance.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
3-step for 8th kup and 7th kup. (not pre-arranged)
Note: This 3-step is not pre-arranged, however 8th kup ‘attackers’ can tell the ‘defender’ what they are about to attack with e.g. ‘Niunja so sonkal taerigi’. 7th kups ‘attacker’ will not forewarn the 7th kup ‘defenders’.
After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Select an appropriate defence for a low, middle or high attack. • Correctly select and perform the appropriate stance for an attacking and defensive technique • Correctly perform middle and high punch, and also front smashing kick • Correctly perform blocks. • Correctly perform walking stance and L-stance. • Correctly measure up for a given technique. • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. • Block on either the inside or outside of the attacking technique. • Adjust the distance of the 3rd stance to correctly execute an appropriate counter attack.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Main points • The defenders stance must be the same as the attacker stance, otherwise the distances between the two people will change over the three steps. • The attacker and defender must use a common rhythm as this in a training exercise not real sparring. The idea is not to try and catch out your partner but to practice together. • All attacks start with a right hand or foot attack. Attacker • The attacker must measure up in the appropriate stance and overlap the feet correctly. • Take 3 steps forwards and perform 3 attacks using the same technique. • The attacks can be in either walking stance or L-stance. The attacks will typically be; walking stance middle punch or high punch, L-Stance middle punch, front smashing kick, knife hand strike. Defender • Defenders should use all the blocks from 4-directional punch, 4-directional block, Chon-Ji and Dan Gun (and Do San for 7th kups) Example; walking stance; inner forearm middle block, rising block, low forearm block, low knife hand block, outer forearm high side block L-stance, inner forearm middle block, knifehand guarding block, twin forearm block, (6th kups circular block) Counter attack: Note: Students should shift or slide to adjust the distance and angle of the counter attack. This could include sliding; back, forward, sideways (or at any angle), or jumping up. Examples; punch in walking stance or L-stance, knifehand strike in L-stance, backfist strike, elbow strike, front smashing kick, side piercing kick, turning kick Instructors and students should do various examples of this in their classes but they should not number them or write them down for the students to learn off.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
2-Step for 7th and 6th kup (not pre-arranged)
After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Select an appropriate defence for a low, middle or high attack. • Correctly select and perform the appropriate stance for an attacking and defensive technique • Correctly perform various hand and foot techniques at different heights and to different targets. • Correctly perform a variety of blocks. • Correctly switch from one stance to another • Correctly judge distance (by eye) for a given technique. • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. • Block on either the inside or outside of the attacking technique. • Adjust the distance of the 2nd stance to correctly execute an appropriate counter attack. • Move forwards, backwards, sideways, or any angle. • Anticipate and correctly react to the angle and direction of an attack.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Main points • The defenders must perform two attacks, ideally one with the hand and one with the foot. Not necessarily in that order. • The attacker and defender must use a common rhythm as this in a training exercise not real sparring. The idea is not to try and catch out your partner but to practice together. • The attacker should punch or kick to the correct target not slightly off to the side to try and help the defender to block. This will help to develop the correct and strong defence. • As in 3-step this can be done either one way or two way. Distance / Measure The distance between A and B is basically the same as for 3-step, though it can be flexible. Distance is judged by eye. (no measure). A and B start in attention stance facing each other. Bow A) Bow in attention stance B) Bow in attention stance Ready: On the command ‘2-Step sparring ready (Ibo Matsogi Junbi)’ Right leg back L- stance forearm guarding block. Shout ‘Ya’, as a ready signal Moves left foot in to parallel ready stance. Shout ‘Ya’, as a ready signal Attack: On the command ‘commence’ Attacker The attacks can be in either walking stance or L-stance, fixed stance, sitting stance Punches, strikes (knifehand, backfist), thrusts (fingertip), kicks (front smashing, side piercing, turning) 6th kups may use back piercing kick, front leg reverse turning and back leg reverse turning kick
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Defender Defenders should use all the blocks from 4-directional punch, 4-directional block, Chon-Ji, Dan Gun and Do-San. (and Won-Hyo for 6th kups) Example; walking stance; inner forearm middle block, rising block, low forearm block, low knife hand block. Wedging block L-stance, inner forearm middle block, knifehand guarding block, twin forearm block Counter attack: Note: Students should shift or slide to adjust the distance and angle of the counter attack. This could include sliding; back, forward, sideways (or at any angle), or jumping up. Examples; punch in walking stance or L-stance, knifehand strike in L-stance, backfist strike, elbow strike, fingertip thrust, front smashing, side piercing, back piercing, turning, front reverse turning. Don’t stop after the first counter attack, keep going; 1,2, 1,2, 1,2 1,2, backwards and forwards, sideways. Instructors and students should do various examples of this in their classes but they should not number them or write them down for the students to learn off.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
1-Step Sparring (Ibo Matsogi).
After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Correctly select and perform various hand and foot attacking techniques at different heights, angles and targets. • Anticipate and correctly react to the angle and direction of an attack Select and perform an appropriate defence for an attack. • Correctly select and perform the appropriate stance for an attacking and defensive technique • Correctly judge distance (by eye) for a given technique. • Move forwards, backwards, sideways, or any angle in 1-step • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. Typical procedure for 1-step sparring Again, the attacker and defender must use a common rhythm as this in a training exercise not real sparring. The idea is not to try and catch out your partner but to practice together. A and B take an attention stance respectively The distance between A and b can be flexible according to the technique to be used, though one full step length is normal. However the attacker should adjust the distance either closer or further depending on the technique the plan on performing. At the command of ‘1-step sparring ready’ (Ibo Matsogi Junbi) Take a parallel ready stance moving the right foot. Take a parallel ready stance moving the left foot. Both A and B shout ‘Ya’ when ready.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
At the command ‘commence’: A and B take appropriate action of attack and defence respectively. 1-step sparring is close to a real self-defence situation. Students should use all the offensive and defence techniques they have learned from 4-directional punch to their current pattern including and techniques they have learned in their fundamental movements in class. Jumping techniques should also be performed. Counter attacks to the vital point and soft target e.g. back, neck, kidneys, knees, eyes, throat should be encouraged but execute with great care (with no contact). Note: There are many excellent examples in Gen Choi’s book page 630 (1999 edition). Again it is still an exercise so certain rules are necessary for it to work properly. A should attack with a right sided technique first (either foot or hand) and then returns to parallel ready stance. A then attacks with a left sided technique (not the same technique as the right side), then returns to parallel ready stance. Then B attacks with the right side and then the left side as above. The purpose of this is to practice with both right and left sided techniques. At the command of ‘Stop’: A and B return to ready stance respectively. There are two ways of performing 1-step sparring Method 1: A tells B what technique they are going to use. A must use Taekwon-Do terminology to name the technique and not just mime the technique B then defends against the technique. This is a good way of getting use to the idea of 1-step especially with 6th kups. Method 2: A just shouts ‘Ya’ and then attacks with 1 technique and 1 step. B reacts, defends and counter attacks.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Semi-Free Sparring (Ban Jayu Matsogi) (for 5th, 4th and 3rd kups). After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • React quickly to attack with appropriate defence techniques • Move forwards, backwards, sideways, or any angle in 1-step • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. Main points • The distance between the players, method of attack and defence used, attacking and blocking tools used and number of steps taken are completely optional. Only one series of attack and defensive motion is exchanged, however, and then for a brief duration. • Semi-free sparring is the last stage before the student enters into free sparring, though it can be exercised at all levels. (Taken from Gen Choi book) Note 1: Stances should be loose like in free-sparring, with heels up slightly and not flat footed. Note 2: The instructor decides whether it is 3-step semi-free, 2-step semi-free or 1-step semi-free sparring being practiced at the time in class. Note 3: Students need to be encouraged to block and not just dodge the attacks, especially the 3rd attack where they have to block to create an opening for the first counter attack.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Typical procedure for semi-free sparring Bow A) Attention stance, bow B) Attention stance, bow Then A and B take a parallel ready stance facing each other. Ready At the command of ‘semi-free sparring ready’ (Ban Jayu Matsogi Junbi) A and B take a right L-stance, forearm guarding block, shouting ‘Ya’ as a ready signal. At the command ‘commence’ A and B exchange attack and defence motions, usually 3 attacks each, but it can be 2 or 1 depending on the instructors wishes. Example: A performs 3 attacks, not necessarily in a straight line B perform 3 blocks, not necessarily in a straight line After the 3rd block, B counters immediately with 3 attacks and A defends.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Self-Defence (release from grabs etc) for 2nd, 1st kup and black belts. After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • Release from a least 6 typical grabs. 2nd kups will need to be able to ‘escape’ from the holds/situations listed below, using the A, B or R (Attack, Break, Release) method. 1st kup and higher will need to be able to release from any hold (undefined) by a single attacker. Listed below are 6 typical situations the students must be able to ‘escape’ from (Taken from Gen Choi gives examples on page 682 (1999 edition)). Note: There a several ways to release from these holds. The instructors and students should practice several ways and settle on their own preference. • Opponent grabs your wrist/hand/arm with one hand • Opponent grabs your wrist/hand/arm with both hands • Defence from a hair grab • Defence from a choke • Defence from a necktie being grabbed. • Defence from a rear choke hold. Basic release from grabs can be taught to all grades but will not be examined until 2nd kup.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Self-Defence against a knife for black belts
After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • React quickly to knife attack from a range of angle (straight, inward, outward, downward etc) with appropriate defence techniques • Move forwards, backwards, sideways, or any angle in 1-step. • Move their body out of the line of attack. • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. • Perform strong blocks and immediate effective counter attacks. • Describe the most important areas of the body to defend against a knife e.g. neck, torso (major organs), groin etc. Mains points • This is done like 1-step but the attacker has a knife. • There are only 6 or 7 typical directions a knife strike can travel (e.g. slashing to the head, slashing to the stomach, inward slash, outward slash). • There is also a stabbing motion and a slashing motion. • The student must have a strong block and counter immediately. • Blocking and quickly moving inside the knife is important. • The importance of blocking either inside or outside is highlighted. • The purpose here it to strike the opponent fast and hard to defend your life not wrestle the attacker to the ground and try to disarm them.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Self-Defence sparring against a knife for black belts After extensively practicing this exercise the student should be able to: • React quickly to knife attack from a range of angle (straight, inward, outward, downward etc) with appropriate defence techniques • Move forwards, backwards, sideways, or any angle in 1 or 2-steps • Move their body out of the line of attack. • Select an appropriate counter attack; match the attacking technique, tool and target. • Perform strong blocks and immediate effective counter attacks. • Describe the most important areas of the body to defend against a knife e.g. neck, torso (major organs), groin etc. Mains points • This is done like free sparring but the attacker has a knife. • Only one person has a rubber knife • The attacker can kick, strike or stab. • The defender can attack, block or counter attack. • It is a very good exercise in developing strong blocks and makes the student aware the tournament type sparring (kicking the arms and legs, excessive dodging) does not wok in this situation. • As an exercise, when the attacker (A) ‘scores’ with the knife, or if B ‘scores’ a counter attack on A, they then hand the knife over to B who then becomes the attacker.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Foot Sparring for Black Belts (Bal Matsogi) • This in like 1-step but not prearranged. • Both A and B should attack, defend and counter attack using only their feet. • The current list of techniques can be used examples, but they should not be written down and numbered.
2 on to 1 sparring for 1st kup and Black Belts Students grading for 1st kup and higher should be able to spar (defend/attack) two opponents at the same time.
Tournament or Sport Sparring Tournament sparring is open to 8th kup in the RITA’s tournaments and will continue to be so. Although there are many disadvantages to tournament sparring there are also many advantages. Such as;
- increasing the students’ fitness,
- practice their techniques with safety equipment on,
- it is fun,
- many students are competitive and join Taekwon-Do to compete.
- Tournament sparring in class for members of all grades is at the discretion of the instructor.
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Release from Grabs and Holds 2nd, 1st and Black Belt Attacks 1 Opponent grabs wrist with one hand 2 Opponent grabs wrist with both hands 3 Defence against a hair grab 4 Defence against a choke 5 Defence against a rear choke hold 6 Release from a necktie grab Defence 1 Twist the right arm clockwise moving the right forward release while forming a right walking stance 2 Hold the right forefist with the left hand twist the right hand clockwise till the back hand faces the floor while moving the right foot forward 3 Grab the opponents hand with both hands locked press the opponents wrist while moving the right foot to the rear 4 Twist your opponents right hand clockwise with both hands while moving the left foot forward , pressing the elbow joint with the left palm 5 Grab your opponents right arm with the right hand and the right back hand with the left hand pull and lift the opponents right hand while droping the body break the opponents wrist with the right hand 6 Grab the opponents right hand with your right hand twist clockwise pressing the elbow joint while stepping forward
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Knife Defence (over 18 only. 14-17 use a stick) 2nd and 1st kup Attack Start from parallel stance. Move right foot forward walking stance 1 Strike downward to high section 2 Inward slash to high section 3 Left walking stance inward thrust to lower abdomen Defence Start from parallel stance 1 Left walking stance X knifehand rising block grab the attackers hand and perform knee kick to lower abdomen 2 Right walking stance left knifehand outward high block while executing high palm heel strike 3 Grab the attacking arm with both hands slide forward while executing knee kick to groin
R I TA Sparring Syllabus for Gradings
Knife Defence (over 18 only. 14-17 use a stick) 1st and 2nd Degree Attack Start from parallel stance Move right foot forward walking stance 4 Strike downward to high section 5 Inward slash to high section 6 Left walking stance inward thrust to lower abdomen 7 Right walking stance outward slash to high section 8 Right walking stance thrust to solar plexus Defence Start from parallel stance 4 Left walking stance X knifehand rising block grab the attackers hand and perform knee kick to lower abdomen 5 Right walking stance left knifehand outward high block while executing high palm heel strike 6 Grab the attacking arm with both hands slide forward while executing knee kick to groin 7 Left walking stance high double arc hand block grabing the opponents arm hold in wrist lock and break elbow 8 Step to the side grab opponent s arm with your left hand perform knife hand strike to wrist and turning kick to mid section