TKI Dinalog Yearbook 2015 EN

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4C: Cross-Chain Collaboration Centers


Service Logistics


Supply Chain Finance




Human Capital




Customs and Trade Compliance




Dinalog Amsterdam




The yearbook is published by TKI Dinalog. means that more information is available on the website of Dinalog. If you click you will be redirected to the project. 1

Foreword TRANSITION FROM TKI LOGISTICS TO TKI DINALOG You can only reap after you have sown. We have worked hard on this. In the TKI Logistics foundation (Top Consortium Knowledge and Innovation Logistics), Dinalog, NWO and TNO have worked together on the implementation of the innovation program for the Top Sector Logistics since 2013. In 2014 it was decided It is with great pleasure that I present the Yearbook 2015. We ‘celebrate’ Dinalog’s fifth anniversary with the conclusion of the first block of long-term R&D projects, which have produced wonderful results

that a board integration between TKI Logistics and Dinalog be prepared. This was rounded off in July 2015 with a new working name, TKI Dinalog. TKI Dinalog continues to build on Dinalog’s extensive project port­ folio and the ensuing results. In TKI Dinalog we work very closely - and successfully - with TNO and NWO. The cooperation with TNO and NWO has resulted in TKI Dinalog now taking care of joint programming of the funding coming in through TKI, NWO and TNO. This is already producing results with fundamental and applied research that builds bridges between the logistics sector and all sorts of new knowledge areas.

for our sector. With crossovers to other sectors and to other countries, with new solutions and possibilities for large-scale enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses. With publications that set the trend internationally, about fast moving consumer goods, about AEO certification, about service logistics and about European projects in cooperation with the EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr. With the 4 Impact Bundles, and numbers 5 and 6 in the making. With serious games to train students and familiarize professionals with new working methods. With handy ‘tools’ for small and medium-sized businesses. We celebrate the rich harvest of cooperation with cost savings, planning

The transition was an intensive process. Our work takes place at the intersection of public and private. As an institute, we carry major responsibility both towards the sector and towards science and government. With this transition, we are fully prepared for the future. The harmonization with the Top Team Logistics and the Ministries of Infrastructure & Environment and Economic Affairs has been secured, both administratively and intrinsically. As TKI Dinalog, we have an extensive project portfolio with more than 60 projects, in which we collaborate with about 700 companies, 30 knowledge institutes and government. There is a lot of interest for new projects from the sector. In the coming period, we want to devote attention to Human Capital. The professionals of the future have to be educated now. With sound business cases for instance. TKI Dinalog is going to contribute to this. And that is a good thing too. The only way our sector can remain a healthy pillar for the Dutch Economy is through continuous innovation and sharing this innovative knowledge. We have to remain ahead. That is where the Netherlands’ strength lies. Once they have completed a project with Dinalog and TKI Dinalog, many companies return and start another project. That makes me very happy. But we keep looking for companies that, now the market is picking up, want to tackle innovation. Contact us and let us innovate together. The results we achieve work in practice and make an essential contribution to the goals set for the Top Sector Logistics. It attracts new companies and ideas for projects. I am more than pleased.

more efficiently and more reliably, averted road kilometers and the reduced emission of harmful substances.


Breda, September 2015 Willem Heeren, Chairman Executive Board TKI Dinalog



In the coming years, three issues are truly important for the innovation of logistics and supply chain management. First of all, supply chain control, secondly the development and



Supply chain control was an important theme even

The third line of action is Human Capital. All sorts

at the time of the Van Laarhoven Committee. In

of tools are designed by smart PhD students and

recent years, important concepts for supply chain

professors, but people on the work floor have

control have been researched extensively: 4C,

difficulty getting the best out of these complex

Synchromodal, Service Logistics, Supply Chain

systems. Consider, for instance, multimodal

Finance, Customs and Trade Compliance. We are

transport planners. You can dream up the most

going to continue down this road. Dutch knowledge

complicated systems, but planners usually first fill

in this field is recognized throughout the world,

the ship, then the train and then the truck. These

especially in forecasting and planning.

systems can do so much more. Planners can get to

implementation of the required ICT and thirdly Human Capital, expertly trained professionals.

grips with this through ‘synchromodal gaming’. We


implemented this in inland navigation last year and

The second line of action is ICT. This was already a

we want to do the same for rail in 2016.

separate line of action in the top sector. A research

Serious games have been designed for many

roadmap was recently added to this. We have to

projects. They can be used both in education and

lift the IT landscape for the logistics sector to a

on the work floor. In the short term, Dinalog will

higher plane and get in line with modern develop-

launch a game platform on which all these games

ments. Devices are becoming smarter all the time.

will become available.

There is more need for connectivity between load

Another important point of attention is the course

bearers such as containers and pallets. Consider

material. The Dinalog projects produce many

‘embedded software’, for instance, but also topics

interesting business cases. Very suitable for edu-

like cyber security and safety. Research in the top

cation programs to better tailor their curriculum

sector should contribute to exploring the bounda-

to demands from business. We are going to get to

ries of knowledge development, but also to these

work with that in the coming period.

new solutions becoming accessible to a larger audience. This concerns smart use of all sorts of data in load carriers, vehicles, infrastructure, but also processing this data, making it easier for instance for drivers to assess their own driving behavior, and adapt it to save money.


VIEW OF THE NEAR FUTURE Fundamental, long-term research remains necessary to develop new theories and concepts. This produces the building blocks for practical solutions on the work floor that still have to be developed, the so-called industrial research. In addition, there is a great need in business for short-term projects aimed at the identification, implementation and effect measurement of these new solutions. This is partly done in so-called ‘experimental’ research projects (such as Promenade for AEO certification). For many companies, this offers sufficient options to keep up with innovation, but it also remains a challenge for many other companies. I would therefore like to partly break free from projects and develop other approaches to innovation, particularly with small and medium-sized businesses. What does the sector need as a whole? I expect that we will devote more attention to e-commerce and service logistics. This also includes continuing to support start-ups in either access to research or the option of trying out their new concepts in living lab-like environments. Another development we will see is the integration of the activities across roadmaps, and even across top sectors. Great examples can already be seen in the roadmaps Trade Compliance and Supply Chain Finance: international trade and standardization are accompanied by financial issues; they are inextricably linked. We are identifying other crossovers. The real innovation often takes place on the common ground between knowledge areas and between sectors.

Albert Veenstra, TKI Dinalog Scientific Directeor


4C: Cross-Chain Collaboration Centers OBJECTIVES ROADMAP 4C • By 2020 there must be a minimum of 15 operational 4Cs.

coordination of one or more complex chains. This does not just concern physical flows, but also information and financial flows. After all, chains are more efficient when there is collaborative orchestration. The bundling of freight, for example, can save many extra trips, through which costs are reduced and harmful emissions are limited. This is how 4C contributes to the improvement of the Dutch competitive edge and a sustainable society. As such 4C has been included as a roadmap in the innovation program for the Top Sector Logistics.

MORE INFO Bas van Bree

kilometers. • By 2020 an extra contribution of 1.8 billion euro to the GDP through new chain control activities.

Flowers from the Netherlands. We are worldfamous for flowers, but many flowers no longer pass through the Floraholland auction. They go

trol hubs, but also on the pre-limiting conditions

directly from Africa to Italy (for example) via the

for facilitating 4C. This could be the development of

virtual auction clock. Or they are sold through

business models, systems for the equal distribu-

alternative channels like supermarket chains and

tion of profit and IT applications. Within logistics

DIY stores. How can the Netherlands still maintain

networks, horizontal and vertical 4C-collaborations

its number 1 position in the world? Every link in

can be distinguished. Horizontal collaborations are

the chain worked together in this project. Together

relations between companies (usually haulers) who

with the University of Wageningen, twelve different

gain economy-of-scale benefits from similar types

commercial models and business models were

of activities. Vertical collaborations are between

developed for the various links in the chain. The

parties who offer complimentary services. This

market can now pick up on these. A close-knit

usually involves customer-supplier relations.

community evolved as a result of DaVinc3i, in which

Dinalog now coordinates 33 research projects,

work and innovation continues. A new project has

large and small, focused on 4C. Some of the

evolved, ‘Hubways’, in which growers bundle the

supply chains that are now being considered are

transport of their products. A follow-up to DaVinc3i

healthcare, the chemical industry, eCommerce and

is currently developed.

city distribution. In 2014 a number of projects were successfully concluded.

In this project, a number of large shippers and lo-

“Most of the time goes into thinking through the model for cooperation.”

gistics service companies have conducted research

Arnoud de Vries, manager, Greenport Logistics

RSM and UT into the possibility of bundling the transport of products to distribution centers and from there to supermarket chains. With a potential saving of 4.8%. This project thoroughly investigated the pros and cons of the various 4C approaches. These new scientific



Projects do not only focus on establishing the con-

together with Eindhoven University of Technology, Bas van Bree, 4C program manager, TKI Dinalog

Supply Chain.

• By 2020 50 million fewer road transport


“4C issues are often very complex.”

in the recommended reference work: Cross-Chain Collaboration in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods

• By 2020 a saving in CO2 emissions of 50,000 tons. 4C is all about the collaborative control and

insights and possible business models are set out



In 2014 two projects concerning construction

A lot has been achieved, but that is no reason to sit

logistics were started. The logistics supply chain is

still. Central to 4C are collaboration and trust. This

often fragmented in current building projects. The

can only take place with a mind shift right along the

main contractor works with subcontractors and, in

supply chain. Extra attention is paid to this in new

turn, they work with various suppliers and haulers.

projects. It is also being explored if the coordination

So half-laden trucks drive on and off construction

would be better off in the hands of an independent

sites. The project is working on a system for supply

party, who can manage all the data from the

chain control that harmonizes these flows. Goods

various parties confidentially. We also never lose

are bundled at a hub on the city perimeter. From

sight of the importance of dividing the profit from

here, just-in-time deliveries are made to the con-

the collaboration equally between the parties. 4C

struction site. The project is to deliver a calculation

concepts often focus on the execution of transport,

model with costs and benefits.

but in the coming period attention will shift to the tactical and strategic function of 4C concepts like systems for joint forecasting.

IZI MOTIVE: CONTROL OF A SHORTENED SUPPLY CHAIN maintenance has many links, which include the

“I expect enormous growth in the number of shipments next year.�

manufacturer-importer and the wholesaler.

Anton Gul, developer new business, Packs

The current spare parts supply chain for car

In the IZI Motive project, Eindhoven University of Technology looked at ways to shorten the supply chain and, in turn, reduce costs. The result was a digital supply chain control platform and commercial company where garages and consumers can order spare parts. Cost reduction: 15%. 7


qualifying uncertainties in the order process and

• By 2020 a total of 8 service logistics control

last-order volume.

interpreting these in the effect on the necessary

towers in place. Service logistics is the control of the after-sales

• In the innovation projects running until 2020 each

service from product delivery until the end of the

The objective of Ultimate Spare Parts Planning


(USP) is to automatically process 50% of all orde-

product life cycle. Service logistics demands unique and new areas of knowledge and the application of specific logistics control and ICT solutions in the area of supply chain control and configuration. It is the ambition of the top sector for the Netherlands to be the absolute leader in service logistics knowledge and ability in Europe and perhaps even worldwide by 2020.

MORE INFO Jasper de Graaf


project will reduce the Total Cost of Ownership by

ring advice, without the intervention of a materials There are plenty of excellent opportunities for

planner. This project, which began in July 2014, is

achieving these ambitions. Interest in service

intended to reduce the operational costs. In many

logistics is growing, because profit margins in

companies, the ordering advice for the purchase of

the service business are higher than in manu-

spare parts is only assessed by material planners.

facturing and sales. In addition, clients want to

This advice is sometimes well-founded, but some­

further reduce and better manage their costs.

times arbitrary. The research involved Gasunie,

This trend stimulates companies to offer their

Enexis, Railpro, Mag45, Océ, Xerox, IHC, Twente

clients more competitive service contracts. The

University and Gordian Logistics Experts.

technical ingenuity that is required for the more efficient organization and management of service


chains is increasing exponentially. Reason enough

This project too commenced at the beginning of

for Dinalog to work on new approaches for chain

2014, together with Gordian Logistics Experts and

control and chain configuration.

Pragma (South Africa). The project stimulates the

Service logistics is a roadmap with an active

cooperation between international consortia in the

community. Under the TKI Dinalog banner, a large

field of service logistics innovations. Two science-­

number of R&D and demonstration projects are

meets-business meetings are already planned in

running. A number of examples of successful

South Africa and Belgium.

projects are explained in more detail below.

This project looked at sections of stocks of spare


parts and new approaches to last-buy issues.

This project is about the impact of 3D printing on

Research was also conducted into proactive

maintenance and the organization of after-sales

maintenance based on logbooks for capital goods.

service supply chains. Instead of stocking a wide

A flexible spare parts management system was

assortment of slow-to-turnover spare parts with

developed for moveable assets for Fokker Services.

unpredictable demand, spare parts could be

A last-time buy model was developed for Océ

printed. The project examines the possible imple-

that was awarded the SLF graduation prize. And

mentation of 3D printing, for which types of spare

an intelligent data-mining model was developed

parts it is feasible and at which stage of the asset

for ASML for proactive maintenance, which was

life cycle this could take place. Participating parties

granted the DI-WCM award. In addition, an ASML

are Additive Industries, Fokker Services, Ministry of

researcher developed a new integrated approach to

Defense, National Aviation and Space Exploration

planning that allowed all service level agreements

Laboratory and Thales Netherlands. The project

to be met efficiently. IBM too was content with the

must be completed by 2019.


project; a researcher developed a method for


WORK IN PROGRESS In the field of service concepts, there will be more attention for more complex and implementable solutions. Data generation is a project that relates to this challenge and is in its start-up phase. There will also be a follow-up of the ProSeLo project. This research will focus heavily on operational decisions from a control tower approach. In the coming years, collaboration with other TKIs will be targeted within the service logistics roadmap.

“Across the sector, there is a demand for more condition based maintenance.� Twan Kohlen, managing director, Oliveira


Supply Chain Finance

Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is a catch-all term to do with financing in the logistics chain. It regards solutions and instruments that optimize the transactions, working capital and costs of extensive supply chains. New models have to considerably improve the access to financing or reduce the need for finance through opening up the financial potential within the supply chain instead of the current dependency on external creditors. Since 2011 Supply Chain Finance has been on the innovation agenda for the Top Sector Logistics. Making SCF available for SMEs is an important theme. Minister Kamp from Economic Affairs recognizes this importance and in 2014 he established the SCF taskforce. SCF -as an alternative form of financing- has great potential in Europe with an estimated annual growth of 30%.



In 2020 half of the SMEs in the Netherlands must

In this project, Heineken, Unilever and Philips

have access to SCF forms of finance. This percen-

together with Eindhoven University of Technology

tage is currently around 1%. TKI Dinalog stimulates

and Windesheim explore the opportunities for new

the sector with projects in which new approaches

solutions that could make pre-shipment financing

are being developed and through disseminating

more accessible, less expensive and less risky.

knowledge about this.

Heineken established a program for financing malt

TKI Dinalog has several SCF-related projects

suppliers as a result. Thanks to the better credit-


worthiness of the beer brewer, the malt producers can now obtain cheaper finance for their malt


stocks than before, which leads to a lower cost

Reversed factoring utilizes the credit rating of

program will deliver more stability to the supply

the larger parties in the chain (often the ship­pers). ­

chain, because the danger of financial problems

Following approval of the receivable by the pur­

among suppliers is reduced. In addition, it offers

chaser, the logistics services company sells its

the possibility of getting the interest costs out of

receivable to a financier (for example a bank).

the chain.

price. In the long term, this supply chain finance

The financer pays out this invoice immediately with the deduction of a discount for rapid payment.


The discount is based on the remaining number

In 2015 TKI Dinalog plans to look further into

of days of the original payment term and the

supplementary services and applications like SCF,

creditworthiness of the purchaser. This reimburse-

such as ‘Vendor Management Inventory’ and ‘Risk-

ment is lower than standard interest for financing.

sharing modules’. In 2016 the international project

In the project Expedited Payment a calculation tool

‘Cross European SCF research with logistic service

was developed in 2014 that immediately calculates

providers’ will start with the objective of improving

the pros and cons of reversed factoring for the

the competitive position of logistics companies

partners (SMEs too) in the chain. In addition, model

and reducing the risks and (financial) costs in the

contracts were prepared.

chains that they are a part of, through acquiring insight into the potential of logistics companies as suppliers of financial services to other supply chain partners. TKI Dinalog works closely with the SCF

MORE INFO Martijn Siebrand

Community for the further intensification of knowledge sharing worldwide. Strengthening the supply chain finance community, including the integration of the top sector agenda for SCF and additional activities, to which belongs. In the coming years, work will go into a supply chain finance house, as a control approach in which finance mechanisms will be included in the supply chain.

“Supply chain financing is the alternative source of finance for SMEs.” Christiaan de Goeij, researcher, Hogeschool van Amsterdam 10 TKI DINALOG YEARBOOK 2015

This concerns the next step in the development of SCF 2.0. We will also be looking to expand the supply chain finance concepts to the logistics sector, of which the research project ‘Cross European SCF research with logistic service providers’ is a good example.

“We now want to extend the project to small and medium-sized businesses.” Martijn Siebrand, program manager Supply Chain Finance, TKI Dinalog


Internationalization EXPORT OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE FOREIGN PROMOTION The Top Sector Logistics has set an ambitious objective: by 2020 the Netherlands will be considered internationally as an extremely attractive country in which to establish logistics activities, or have flows of goods managed. Dutch knowledge is being actively sought by countries that want to develop in the field of logistics. Dinalog contributes to these objectives through the export of knowledge and expertise and the development of innovative consortia.

At the beginning of 2014 the foreign promotion


platform started its work. Dinalog participates in

The World Bank established a trust fund in 2014

this platform, together with NDL/HIDC and NFIA

partly thanks to Dinalog. This fund is intended to

and is responsible for the export of knowledge and

boost the export of logistics knowledge and experti-

expertise, which takes place in collaboration with

se to low and middle-income countries. The focus

Buck Consultants International and EP-Nuffic.

is on Agrologistics, Green Logistics and PortCity

Dinalog has established the methodology for the

Logistics. As the first donor, the Netherlands is

measurement of knowledge export and performed

closely involved in the project. Dinalog organized

the first annual measurement. The zero measure-

the first conference for the trust fund in the

ment delivered a value of 31 billion euro. Specific

Netherlands at the beginning of 2014.

themes and sector propositions and activities are also being developed to support the foreign pro-


motion by companies, government and knowledge

Worldwide, 40% of all food is lost after harvest. In


emerging economies, the cause is often to be found in the organization and quality of the supply chain.

Objectives for internationalization:

At the end of 2014 the Post-Harvest Network was launched, which intends to link and market Dutch

• By 2020 supply chain control activities contribute

knowledge and expertise in the field of post-har-

€ 17.3 billion to the GDP.

vest supply chains. Dinalog was the project director (financed by Economic Affairs via the Wageningen

• By 2020 at least 100 companies and activities

University and Research Centre). Together with two

have been brought to the Netherlands that are

local partners, Dinalog organized a workshop in India about post-harvest supply chain opportunities

connected with logistics or supply chain control

in tomato and banana supply chains.

(an increase of 30% compared to 2012). • The Netherlands has first place in Europe in the World Logistics Performance index (2020).

MORE INFO Liesbeth Staps

“Where it concerns internationalization, Dinalog is especially active as liaising, promoting and directing organization.” Liesbeth Staps, program manager, TKI Dinalog


COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION AGENDA HORIZONTAL COLLABORATION For many years, Dinalog has participated in European projects in the field of knowledge exchange and cluster development. An international network has been woven with other logistics innovation clusters. In 2014, a number of European projects were brought to a conclusion, including CO3 that focused on horizontal collaboration between shippers (4C). This resulted in various business models. Nestlé and PepsiCo initiated a collaborative project for the logistics surrounding Fresh & Chilled products to retailers in Belgium and Luxemburg. This resulted in cost reductions, CO2-emission reductions and a

FUTURE-ORIENTED Dinalog is also focusing on other activities within the agenda for Foreign Promotion in relation to innovative logistics knowledge and expertise in the Netherlands and the further development of the international innovation agenda, which is rich with opportunities for the Netherlands, through for example in-depth involvement in ETP ALICE.

higher level of service.

EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM (ETP) ALICE The European Commission has established an ETP for a number of vital sectors to determine the research agenda for Europe for these sectors. In 2014, the ETP Alice was established for the logistics sector. Dinalog is a member of ALICE, participates in a number of work groups and supplies the vice-chairman.

COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS WITH INTERNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTES Dinalog has entered a cooperative agreement with EffizienzCluster, ‘Logistics in Wallonia’ and the Flemish Institute for Logistics (Belgium), LOGKOMP (Sweden), the SCA Institute (India) and there is intensive contact with Colombia (LOGPORT) and South Africa. In September 2015 the book ‘Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation, Bridging the gap between Theory and practice’ was published with 25 international business cases. A first taste of the cooperation with the EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr (Fraunhofer).


Human Capital OBJECTIVES OF HUMAN CAPITAL The objective of the Human Capital agenda is 50% more output of professionals in the logistics sector with thorough knowledge of the innovation themes. A key factor in the realization of the ambition in the Top Sector Logistics is awareness of Human Capital. There is a pressing need for well-educated professionals to bring innovation to the sector. In addition, the highly educated professionals are not evenly distributed throughout the sector, but they work mostly for the major shippers. Through focusing on the development of Human Capital, we

At university of applied science/university level this means an increase of 1400 people (2010) to 2100 (2020). It looks as though this is going to come together. The number of students at universities of applied science is currently growing by approximately seven to ten percent a year. The program line for Human Capital at Dinalog is focused primarily on the transfer of knowledge to logistics and supply chain professionals with work experience (post-experience), but also to students and lecturers. Dutch knowledge is also exported abroad.

also improve the attractiveness of the Netherlands as a country for establishing a business.

MORE INFO Liesbeth Staps

three levels: globally from Ambon to Rotterdam,

LOG 2020

regionally from Ambon to Surabaya and locally

In this European project, international knowledge

within the port of Surabaya. The analysis brought

institutions, including Dinalog and Eindhoven

opportunities for improvements in the logistics

University of Technology, have developed five

process to light. The handling time was reduced by

multi-disciplinary education modules at post-aca-

20%. In addition, PT Ollop is now certified in line

demic level for supply chain professionals. The

with the Rain Forest Alliance and Organic

project was concluded at the beginning of 2015 and

Agriculture Certification and new foreign markets

the work will be continued by Lund University,

have been entered. Living Lab Logistics has been

which is to deploy the results for the development

included in the EP-Nuffic program.

of an international post-academic MBA course.

LIVING LAB LOGISTICS INDONESIA – NL (LLLI-NL) In LLLI-NL, universities of applied science, companies and governments in the Netherlands

“It’s often difficult for businesses to read theses and assess the knowledge potential.”

and Indonesia work together on the solutions for

Liesbeth Staps, program manager, TKI Dinalog

and knowledge is shared. For example, in 2014 the

practical logistics problems encountered by the participating companies. Studies are conducted logistics of the spice supply chain was examined. PT Ollop is a family-run business with approximately 90 employees on the island Ambon. As a major exporter of nutmeg, mace and cloves, the company is looking for ways to improve the entire nutmeg supply chain from Ambon to Rotterdam. Customers are making increasingly higher demands on PT Ollop. Students mapped out the logistics chain at


“Awareness regarding the necessity of creative solutions and the development of new approaches to logistics, infrastructure and services has risen markedly as a result.” Chair Ollong, director business development, PT Ollop




Conversion Factory is Dinalog’s tool for stimulating SMEs to utilize available scientific knowledge in

Through global developments, the list of tasks and

on making the knowledge developed regarding the

practice. In addition, the Conversion Factory has a

responsibilities for the customs service has grown.

innovation themes education and training more

Human Capital objective: the education of profes-

As a result, a need for professional knowledge and

accessible. This means, for example, the develop-

sionals with knowledge that meets the demands of

an understanding of customs legislation and supply

ment of educational materials and investment in

industry. To tackle this, Dinalog is working with the

chain management has arisen in both the customs

(micro)games and a platform for game-based

Stan Ackerman Institute at Eindhoven University of

services and among customs professionals within

training for professionals and students.

Technology that trains process designers. The

companies. The necessary knowledge has been

Conversion Factory has supported and facilitated

bundled in a new master course that unites the

20 trainees from the course in finding companies

disciplines and on which government, commerce

with complex logistics challenges. The trainees

and academia are working together. The legal

have used their knowledge to design tangible tools

knowledge component of the course is provided by

that provide successful solutions for these

Erasmus University Rotterdam, the trade facilitati-

companies (also see SME knowledge disseminati-

on and logistics by Eindhoven University of

on). The last trainee started in September 2015.

Technology and the commercial information

In the coming months, Dinalog will focus primarily

systems and compliance by Delft University of Technology. Dinalog supports the course with grants that are awarded under conditions to the participants (also see Customs and Trade Compliance).

“To gain an understanding of the complex world of customs, you need knowledge of logistics and business systems.” Frank Heijmann, head of trade relations, Dutch Customs


Synchromodal SYNCHROMODAL ROADMAP OBJECTIVES • By 2020 850,000 extra synchromodal transports (in comparison to 2012). This roadmap is coordinated by TNO within

ULTIMATE: EFFICIENT MULTI-MODAL HINTERLAND NETWORKS Ultimate is the first synchromodal project in

• By 2020 reduction of 35 million truck kilometers.

the Netherlands and will be concluded in 2015.

• By 2020 reduction of 18,700 kilo tons of CO2.

Together with Erasmus University Rotterdam and Brabant Intermodal, ECT is developing a synchro-

TKI Dinalog.

modal network between its deep-sea terminals in

In synchromodal transport, the logistics service

Rotterdam and its hinterland terminals that function as Extended Gates. The objective is to improve

company is able to deploy various transport

the management of container transport in a net-

modalities real-time and to exchange them if

work by rail or waterway, relieving pressure at the deep-sea terminals and reducing road transport.

reason arises to do so (i.e. up-to-date traffic

The whole chain has to work together on optimum

information, availability). The major difference

routes and sailing times with joint responsibility, legislation, regulations and insurance. The project

with intermodal transport is that in synchromodal

has resulted in the application of new knowledge

transport the network is controlled as a whole and

and a considerable scientific output.

that this control outshine individual modalities.


Synchromodal transport reduces costs and

In the fall of 2013 the project SynchromodalIT started. The University of Twente developed IT services

contributes towards reducing the number of ‘truck kilometers’, reducing in turn the emission of harmful substances.

MORE INFO Jan Burgmeijer, TNO

for synchromodal logistics with eight industrial Advanced information systems and smart software

companies. It is a combination of mathematical

are required for the successful coordination of

methods, gaming and IT knowledge.

synchromodal transport. The development of a

SynchromodalIT is to tackle three challenges. This

Neutral Logistics Information Platform and a good

is intended to improve the efficiency, reliability and

network of hubs in the hinterland are important

sustainability of the logistics services and those

conditions. All parties must know from each other

involved want to facilitate a mental shift among the

where they are, what they are doing and when.

shippers and logistics service companies so that

All parties must have contractual freedom to act

their approach is more in line with synchromodal

proactively and flexibly. Parties must also be able

principles. The desire for an integrated multimodal

to harmonize their activities to deliver the optimum

logistics network is made tangible. This means a

yield for shippers and individual haulers, and the

flexible choice of modalities and combinations of


modalities, with the option of being able to revise plans flexibly and real-time. The expectation is that

“New business models with the help of scientific knowledge.” Arno van Rijn, business developer, ECT


Reason enough for TKI Dinalog to run a number of

the project will lead to a reduction in costs, CO2

research projects with commerce and the scientific

emissions and traffic congestion. The first results

community. There are currently six R&D projects

are already available, which include a serious game

and three demonstration projects.

for synchromodal planning.



TNO developed a serious game together with

The bar has been set high. In 2020, as service

ECT and Danser. Through playing SynchroMania,

companies, we want to be able to offer sustainable

planners and sales managers gain an understan-

synchromodal transport concepts, so that shippers

ding of what synchromodal transport means and its

can be served on the basis of a-modal performance

advantages and disadvantages. The player is given

criteria. Before this all comes about, new TKI projects

a transport task with a deliver-by date. Players

will be established aimed at broadening the scope of

can choose which modes of transport they wish to

synchromodality (with a focus on more rail), transition

deploy. Each modality has a price tag and a certain

among the planners (mental shift), better provision of

CO2 emission. Negotiating with the customer about

data and information, more collaborative planning and

the transport modality to be chosen and planner

a stronger role for the shipper and the infrastructure

considerations are crucial components of the game.

managers. 17

Customs and Trade Compliance

This roadmap is being executed by TNO within



• In 2020 the Netherlands must be the country

almost 1400 companies with an AEO (Authorized

in which many companies have their complete

Economic Operators) certificate based on a self-as-

European customs and inspections processed.

sessment. Self-assessment is a difficult hurdle

• Complete management of the international

TKI Dinalog. Around the globe, governments are interested in the way in which Dutch Customs does its work. The Netherlands is an example when it comes to the implementation of European rules. Trade

15 front-runner companies, the book ‘Promenade’

with a transparent control framework form

was published in October 2014. It describes 56

the basis for a new supervisory regime. With

examples of how you can effectively and efficiently

minimum transaction costs, for both commerce

meet AEO conditions.

and government, with the social, economic and commercial risks of international business safeguarded.

EDUCATION AT MASTER AND BACHELOR LEVEL Through global developments, the list of tasks and

burden is one of the most important reasons why

In its ultimate form, declarations and physical

shippers choose the Netherlands as a gateway

replaced with a supply chain visibility system with

inspections are no longer required and are

into Europe. This success is based on the unique

a viewing feature for governments (government

collaboration between customs and commerce.

risk analyses.

dashboard). Inspections take place on the basis of

Recurring elements in customs and trade compliance are risk management, the exchange of information and trust. For example, ways to reduce the inspection burden through using the information in the chain more intelligently. This roadmap is also exploring possibilities of transferring the customs inspection to locations that are less disruptive for the logistics process. Finally, it is important to improve the cooperation between the various inspectorates.

“Customs have to get access to different systems, reducing the need for physical checks on the border.” Jan Burgmeijer, program manager, TNO Mobility & Logistics 18 TKI DINALOG YEARBOOK 2015

for many companies. Which is why, together with

trade and logistics supply chain, in combination

facilitation through the reduction in regulatory

MORE INFO Jan Burgmeijer, TNO

Since 2008 the Customs department has issued

responsibilities for the customs service has grown. As a result, a need for professional knowledge and an understanding of customs legislation and supply chain management has arisen in both the customs service and among customs professionals within companies. In 2014 Dinalog made twenty-four grants available for the new Master in Customs and Supply Chain Compliance. Fontys University of Applied Science also started a new minor (Customs Management in International Business) in February 2014. The course has three themes: Customs & Trade Legislation, Supply Chain Management and Compliance and Information Systems.

CASSANDRA In 2014 the EU-project Cassandra came to a conclusion. The project investigated how the safety of logistics supply chains could be improved, with more effective supervision of international flows of goods. Keeping integrated compliance costs as low as possible was also subject to the research. How can you make the work of the customs service system-oriented, so that the customs service has fewer physical inspections to make on the border? How can you ensure that the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority can consult the information? This goes a step further than AEO. Companies such as Seacon Logistics, Portbase, IBM and Descartes developed tangible solutions and value propositions. Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam developed directly applicable scientific knowledge. In the Cassandra project they worked on dashboards and a data pipeline. The research will be continued in the EU research project CORE.

FUTURE-ORIENTED In CORE the Trusted Tradelane supervisory model will be fleshed out further and the integration of supervision and compliance will be strongly promoted in logistics value chains. On the one hand, this takes place by IT, standardization and data harmonization. On the other, this takes place by linking supervision more closely with commercial interests for achieving far-reaching supply chain control. In addition to CORE, parallel innovation projects will be required, such as the cyber security aspects of far-reaching digitalization and computerization, the specific supervision and compliance aspects of eCommerce trade transactions and harmonization with parallel initiatives and projects such as NLIP, Single Window Trade and Transport, Maritime Single Window and other eFreight initiatives.


SME knowledge dissemination

To ensure that SME logistics companies are able to benefit from innovative knowledge, Dinalog has developed the program line SME knowledge dissemination. We share the results in seminars, the ‘Impact bundles’ and through the Dinalog website.

In 2014 a number of projects where brought to


a conclusion, such as the Knowledge Support

Schiphol Container Services (SCS) Multiport

Voucher and the Development Budget. The

wanted to optimize the transport of refuse between

Development Budget was awarded a total of 15

Amsterdam and Tilburry (UK) in a pilot project. The

times and 30 knowledge support vouchers were

ships are unloaded in Amsterdam and the waste

granted. For example to the Faes Group who

paper is transported to its final destination by

involved the University of Groningen to research the

truck. If anything goes wrong in the process (like

causes of DOAs (Dead On Arrivals) of spare parts

delays), intervention is required. This depends on

for Philips. The packaging process appears to be

many factors such as people, fuel, time, costs, and

the culprit. Philips and Faes then improved the

sailing schedules. Prior to the implementation

packaging process with support of the EU project

of the project, these decisions were taken on the

‘Grenzeloze Logistiek (‘Operational Program

basis of gut feeling. With the tool that has now

Interreg IV A Cross-border region Flanders - The

been developed planners can observe exactly the


consequences of a delay in the entire process and take an informed decision. The tool is useful for

MORE INFO Coen de Lange


companies that wish to optimize their planning pro-

With the Conversion Factory, Dinalog aims to

cess and have to take sailing times, waiting times,

stimulate SMEs to utilize available knowledge. At

loading and unloading times, space on the quay

universities, a lot of research is conducted by PhD

for loading & unloading and storage & forwarding,

students. This knowledge is now deployed in the

loading capacity, the availability of cranes and

Conversion Factory by trainees Engineering Design

reach stackers, the availability of trucks and the

of Eindhoven University of Technology. Companies

number of containers into account.

present them with complex logistics problems. In just eight months, the trainees design a solution


in the form of, for example, a toolkit, method,

Dinalog Incubator supports entrepreneurs who are

software or a checklist. The last project started in

just getting started. Dinalog offers these compa-

September 2015.

nies advice and financing so that concepts can be developed further. There are now 26 incubators and the project will run until 1 January 2017.

ROUTE42 This company combines IT knowledge with far-reaching technical knowledge of the truck itself. It transforms a truck into a ‘smart truck’. Route 42 is


“If packaging is used incorrectly, the risks of damage to goods and costs are high.”

not brand-oriented. It allows you to manage your

Ed Klijsen, business development manager,

An excellent example is the smart fuel cap that

Faes Packaging Concepts

combats fuel theft.

existing fleet more efficiently through, for example, better maintenance and engine management.

scheme, Dinalog is currently in consultations with

‘We’ve put the developer in touch with the port of Amsterdam, where the system is being tested.’’

sector organizations to explore which projects

Coen de Lange, program manager, TKI Dinalog

FUTURE ORIENTED In the SMILE project and the more generic MIT-

can be initiated in the coming period. Also under consideration is the possibility of starting up online communities, for Supply Chain Finance, Service Logistics and the ornamental plant and cultivation industry. At Dinalog Amsterdam, preparations are underway for the establishment of an Incubator Program and a Knowledge Lab.

MAPROLOC CARGOPICKER When loading and unloading individual items, the physical burden on warehouse employees is often very high. Loads are loaded and unloaded manually. The CargoPicker is an adapted dragline that makes manual stacking and unstacking a container a thing of the past. Dinalog introduced Maproloc to the Port of Amsterdam, where the system is being tested.

SMILE Smile is the continuation of the Knowledge Support Voucher. Companies that wish to improve their logistics process can purchase advice. Dinalog reimburses 50% of the costs, to a maximum of €1500. The project will run until mid-2016. The children’s clothes brand Dirkje took part. The company is shifting to eCommerce and this has led to a different mix of shippers. In collaboration with Dinalog and Fluas, a so-called ‘Transport Upgrade’ has been performed. This analyzed existing transport flows (including Customs) and the cost structures were scrutinized. Very quickly, it became apparent that many opportunities for improvement were within arm’s reach for Dirkje and that the logistics costs could fall by as much as 25%. Dirkje is going to implement the intended improvements in collaboration with Fluas. 21

Dinalog Amsterdam

In 2012 Dinalog opened the doors of its first regional satellite in Amsterdam Schiphol. Dinalog Amsterdam is the physical and online community in which commerce, government and knowledge institutes in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam (MRA) work together to boost innovation in the logistics sector in the region. The primary objectives of Dinalog Amsterdam are the



The objectives of Dinalog Amsterdam are exactly in

Through the chapters, various projects and initia-

line with the ambitions of the Amsterdam Logistics

tives are worked on that accelerate, connect and/

Board (ALB), the cluster table for logistics in the

or strengthen the logistics supply chain themes

MRA. In 2014 the ALB drafted a joint vision for

that are relevant for MRA logistics. These themes

logistics in the MRA for the coming decades.

include City Logistics, Circular Economy, Supply

The MRA has four hubs: airport - seaport -

Chain Finance and Synchromodality. Examples of

green port - data port, a unique combination of

projects include:

components for ensuring the region becomes an

• Logistics pilot Practical test Amsterdam (linking

integral logistics market place. The ALB is working

of traffic information from road managers to

on 4 chapters: Supply Chain Innovation, Public Space & Infra, Human Capital and Marketing &

haulers’ planning systems). • Westas as a hotspot for the circular economy &


logistics. • House of Logistics (labor market and education). • Koplopers D-020, companies that deliver using

dissemination of knowledge and building a strong network (community) around logistics, innovation

smart and clean means throughout the city.

and collaboration.

MORE INFO Vivianne Blommers, SADC

“Dinalog’s success is not just limited to innovation but also extends to the construction of active logistics innovation communities. Dinalog Amsterdam has become a lively community of logistics professionals.” Enno Osinga, former senior vice president, Schiphol Cargo.


ONLINE COMMUNITY In addition to its function as a physical meeting place, Dinalog Amsterdam is working on an online platform that is all about sharing news and knowledge. At there is up-to-date news covering logistics, a calendar with activities in the region, project information and more. In addition, members can blog or respond to contributions from others. The community has now grown to include more than 1,000 members.

FUTURE AMBITION The Amsterdam Logistics Board has declared the ambition to give Dinalog Amsterdam a greater role in the area of the valorization of logistics knowledge in the Amsterdam region. To this end, a ‘Smart Logistics Hub’ is to be established with the following areas of focus: • Stimulation of the exchange of knowledge and matchmaking through the (joint) organization of events and network events. • Stimulation of knowledge development through collaboration with universities of applied science and universities. • Knowledge development in the Knowledge Lab for Urbanism. • Accelerating entrepreneurship with a focus on basic knowledge and changing market circumstances. • Offering accommodation to knowledge developers and start-ups.























Country of origin visitors Dinalog Portal (in blue)

Credits COMPILATION AND FINAL EDITING TKI Dinalog EDITING Witlox Teksten TRANSLATION Double Dutch PHOTOGRAPHY Eric Bakker, Jordi Wallenburg and diverse stockphotography DESIGN Ontverpia creative communication PRINTING EDITION 500 copies Published by TKI Dinalog, Breda, October 2015. You will find the digital version on This digital version also contains the links that lead to the mentioned projects. The greatest of accuracy has been taken with the references mentioned in this overview. The publisher is not liable for any (printing) errors or omissions. TKI Dinalog is empowered by:

DUTCH INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED LOGISTICS Princenhagelaan 13 | 4813 DA Breda | The Netherlands Telephone + 31(0)76 531 5300 | WWW.TKIDINALOG.NL

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