Morning Message
Presented by: Zofia Drotlef & Tami Karakasis
Morning Message (MM) AGENDA: Morning message definition 5 Ws & an H Model two morning message formats Group activity
Morning Message (MM) General Definition: ď Ź Morning messages are an
interactive form of teacher demonstrations with a strong emphasis on the use of context clues
Morning Message (MM) WHO: ď Ź Teachers present topics that are relevant
and of interest to the students
ď Ź This tool can be adjusted for use with any
elementary grade level
ď Ź The goal is to have students take over
presenting and or creating MM
Morning Message (MM) WHAT: Use visuals to support the topic whenever
Use 2-4 short sentences on the same topic Use different colours to highlight
areas/words of focus
Use MM across all content areas
Morning Message (MM) WHERE: Display the message in a prominent
position like a chalk board, white board, flip chart or SMARTBoard ™
Gather the students together on the carpet
Morning Message (MM) WHEN: As the title suggests,
morning messages are presented at the start of every school day
The presentation is usually
about 5 – 10 minutes long
Morning Message (MM) WHY: MM promotes all six language arts This tool can be used to teach letter sounds
letter combinations, sight words, reading left to right, word spacing, sentence sequencing, punctuation and more
MM provides daily structure to aid with
classroom management and creating a safe and nurturing environment
Morning Message (MM) HOW: You are bound only by your imagination Use colours, pictures and sounds Ask questions to invoke group participation
and draw on background knowledge
Morning Message (MM) HOW: Here is an example of a morning message: Good Morning Boys and Girls, Today is (day of the week), (month), (day), (year). We will ________________________________. (Comment and Task of the day) Love, Mrs. Nelson
Morning Message (MM) HOW: Before modeling “how”, are there any questions? v=KUh0Q3CmJYI&feature=player_detailpage feature=player_detailpage&v=CkQ_n-N-eUM