Morning Message

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Morning Message

Presented by: Zofia Drotlef & Tami Karakasis

Morning Message (MM) AGENDA:  Morning message definition  5 Ws & an H  Model two morning message formats  Group activity

Morning Message (MM) General Definition: ď Ź Morning messages are an

interactive form of teacher demonstrations with a strong emphasis on the use of context clues

Morning Message (MM) WHO: ď Ź Teachers present topics that are relevant

and of interest to the students

ď Ź This tool can be adjusted for use with any

elementary grade level

ď Ź The goal is to have students take over

presenting and or creating MM

Morning Message (MM) WHAT:  Use visuals to support the topic whenever


 Use 2-4 short sentences on the same topic  Use different colours to highlight

areas/words of focus

 Use MM across all content areas

Morning Message (MM) WHERE:  Display the message in a prominent

position like a chalk board, white board, flip chart or SMARTBoard ™

 Gather the students together on the carpet

Morning Message (MM) WHEN:  As the title suggests,

morning messages are presented at the start of every school day

 The presentation is usually

about 5 – 10 minutes long

Morning Message (MM) WHY:  MM promotes all six language arts  This tool can be used to teach letter sounds

letter combinations, sight words, reading left to right, word spacing, sentence sequencing, punctuation and more

 MM provides daily structure to aid with

classroom management and creating a safe and nurturing environment

Morning Message (MM) HOW:  You are bound only by your imagination  Use colours, pictures and sounds  Ask questions to invoke group participation

and draw on background knowledge

Morning Message (MM) HOW: Here is an example of a morning message: Good Morning Boys and Girls, Today is (day of the week), (month), (day), (year). We will ________________________________. (Comment and Task of the day) Love, Mrs. Nelson

Morning Message (MM) HOW: Before modeling “how”, are there any questions? v=KUh0Q3CmJYI&feature=player_detailpage feature=player_detailpage&v=CkQ_n-N-eUM

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