Credentials Report 2010 Final

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Credentials “Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc. Managing Partner’s Accomplishments

Introduction Part I General Cost Avoidance Construction Projects Landscaping Tentant Improvement Construction Cost Reduction – Poisonous Gas System Consolidation and Centralization of Corporate Facilities Information

Part II

Energy Savings Cogeneration Lighting Retrofit Lighting Control Systems Energy Management System HVAC Chillers Lighting Control Energy Consumption – HVAC Energy Savings – Laboratory Fume Hoods Heat Recovery Steam Trap Savings Chilled Water Production and Distribution Warehouse Lighting Walls, Floor and Electrical Wiring System Savings

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Part III

Labor Optimization Personnel Optimization Utilization Optimization of Multiple Site Labor Shift Design Process Improvement

Part IV

Human Resources Manage Risk of Unionization Integrating and Aligning Performance with Pay and Work Measurement Human Resource Planning Personnel Organization Value Assessed Training and Development

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies�

Part V

Cultural Changes Savings from Home OďŹƒcing OďŹƒce and Furniture Standards

Part VI

New Technology Implementation New Technology Implementation

Part VII

Subcontract and Procurement Management Procurement Contactor Vendor Performance Contractor and Supplier Consolidation Process Gas Custodial Contracting Natural Gas

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.


Capital Asset Management and Optimization Working for Multiple Customers within the Client Organization Capital Funding Facility Asset Optimization

Part IX

Finance and Administration Facilities Budgeting Internal Rent Charge Back Process

Part X

Quality Programs Performance Measurement Quality Management – ISO 9000 Program Tracking Information for ISO-9000 Compliance Customer Satisfaction Malcolm Baldrige Focus Six Sigma Focus

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Facility Services Partners, Inc. Managing Partner’s Accomplishments



The Managing Partners at Facility Services Partners have had executive management responsibility to oversee multiple client sites with large corporate service providers. Here are some of their major accomplishments with clients past and present.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”



Client: IBM, San jose CA and IBM Research Center Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 36 buildings comprising 6,000,000 square feet

IBM Almaden Research Center The client used traditional separation between engineering design and the construction process. By implementing Design/Build as one process, contracts were awarded to one company to do both design and build. Savings were hard to quantify, but a savings of at least 10% was achieved through the Design/Build Process. At the annual level of $2.6 million in construction for this client, annual savings were estimated at $260K.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM Almaden Research Center

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

LANdSCAPING Client: TRW (Now Northrop Grumann), San diego CA Classification: Military Avionics Research Size: 325,000 Square Ft.


TRW (Now Northrop Grumann), San Diego, CA Significantly reduced landscaping costs by introducing wildflowers to replace wide expanses of grass and weed areas. Savings in landscaping and irrigation amounted to $32,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

TRW (Now Northrop Grumann), San diego CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”



Client: Mcdonnell douglas (Now Boeing), San diego CA Classification: Aerospace Size: 220,000 square feet Client: TRW (Now Northrop Grumann), San diego CA Classification: Military Avionics Research Size: 325,000 Square Ft.

McDonnell Douglas (Now Boeing), San Diego and TRW (Now Northrop Grumann), San Diego, CA Implemented a supporting construction office for a large maintenance site to do retrofits and small capital work while providing services to other clients in the immediate office to defray overhead costs. Annual savings were over $126,000 to the client thereby reducing the construction support costs for these services.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Mcdonnell douglas (Now Boeing), San diego CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

COST REduCTION - POISONOuS GAS SySTEM Client: Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Classification: Manufacturer of Equipment to Produce Computer Components Size: 750,000 campus (5 buildings)


Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Researched and provided a more cost eective hazard alarm system for potential release of poisonous gases created during the manufacturing process. This resulted in a reduction of poisonous gas control technicians at the site saving $180,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”



Client: Washington Mutual (Now Chase) Classification: Bank Size: 1,300 Branch Banks, 3 administrative centers, 1 headquarters (11 million sq ft.)

Washington Mutual Headquarters, Seattle Washington (Now Chase) Facility information was scattered throughout the facility management organization and was not readily accessible. Some facility related information resided within the client’s business operating units. A significant amount of information was not written down, “tribal knowledge”. This placed the client in a risky and vulnerable position if such information was lost or not readily available. Through the use of our customized database residing offsite and along with a remote call center, standardized information was collected, backed-up and readily available. This resulted in improved effectiveness, responsiveness, and quality of operations.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Washington Mutual Headquarters, Seattle Washington (Now Chase)

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


COGENERATION Client: TRW (Now Northrop Grumann, San diego, CA Classification: Military Avionics Research Size: 325,000 Square Ft


Northrop Grumann formerly TRW, Rancho Bernardo CA Operated a central cogeneration plant that also included underground water-cooling tanks. The cost per kilowatt-hour produced was lower than any cogeneration facility in the Southern California region for a number of years. Annual savings for this 350,000 square feet facility averaged $250,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Northrop Grumann formerly TRW, Rancho Bernardo CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

LIGHTING RETROFIT Client: Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Classification: Manufacturer of Equipment to Produce Computer Components Size: 750,000 campus (5 buildings)

Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA


Provided a major lighting retrofit of the site (700,000 square ft.) resulting in $200,000 in annual electricity savings.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Lam Research Corporation

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

LIGHTING CONTROL SySTEMS Client: Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Pal Alto, Hewlett Packard Office Center, Cupertino, California, Hewlett Packard Storage Facility, San jose. Classification: Electronics, Computers, and Printers Size: 13 buildings comprising 2,100,000 square feet.



Hewlett Packard’s Headquarters, Palo Alto CA There were no lighting control systems in place on the client campus. Lights were shut down manually when not in use. We implemented a digital lighting control system in the offices to ensure that lights were always turned off during non-occupied hours. Critical emergency lighting remained on and reset switches overrided shutdown of lighting when required. Lighting controls provided consistent reduction in annual lighting runtime leading to a reduction in lighting energy consumption of $96,000.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard’s Headquarters, Palo Alto CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

ENERGy MANAGEMENT SySTEMS Client: duPont Nemours Headquarters and Surrounding Facilities, Wilmington, delaware. Classification: Chemicals Size: 9 million square feet


DuPont Nemours, Wilmington Delaware Office and common areas were primarily heated, cooled, and ventilated by many packaged rooftop HVAC units as many of these buildings were over 40 years old. These units were independently controlled through thermostats located in the spaces they served. Units were turned on and off independently via dedicated time clocks. An energy management system (EMS) was installed to control rooftop units serving office and common areas. The EMS provided more consistent integrated control than what could be obtained via independent systems. Annual energy savings were $1,300,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

duPont Nemours, Wilmington delaware

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

HVAC CHILLERS Client: IBM, Tucson, Arizona Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 2,700,000 square feet.


IBM, Tucson Arizona Chillers existed in three buildings that provided both process and HVAC cooling to those facilities. Energy balance calculations indicated that these chillers consumed approximately 19% of all electricity used on the client’s campus. These chillers were less than optimally efficient with respect to commercially available chillers at that time. Air-cooled chillers in the building were replaced with new units with improved efficiencies of per ton cooling provided. Chillers in buildings were replaced in other buildings with highly efficient variable speed compressor chillers. Modern variable speed compressor chillers provide an increase in efficiency when at full-load, but their true value was evident at part-load conditions. Chillers normally operate at part-load whereas constant speed chillers experience degradation of efficiency. Net present value energy savings were $1, 800,000 over a six year period.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM, Tucson Arizona

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

LIGHTING CONTROL Client: IBM, Austin TX Classification: Computers and Electronics Size: 1,700,000 square feet.


IBM, Austin Texas At the client site, lighting accounted for over 25% of all electrical use within office spaces and approximately 12% for all spaces reviewed. Site wide retrofits to electronic ballasts and high efficiency lamps placed the client buildings to best practice levels for lighting density. While energy efficient lighting was used throughout the campuses, operational run time was something that could be improved upon. Lighting control was recommended as an energy conservation measure. Many buildings had spaces where lights were left on when areas were not occupied. For these areas, automatic occupancy sensor lighting control systems were installed. These control devices were either wall switch replacements or ceiling-mounted sensors. Energy savings resulted from limiting the length of operation of light fixtures. For areas such as lobbies, entrances, hallways, exterior facade lighting, and landscape lighting where fixtures need to operate on a regular schedule for safety, security, aesthetics, or to facilitate commerce, time clock or day lighting controls were recommended. Time clock controls were installed in areas where slow starting lighting were used. Energy management systems were installed to function as time clocks, but with additional capabilities. Typical savings were approximately 15% to 50% of existing light fixture energy use, depending on operating schedule and the layout of the fixtures controlled.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM, Austin Texas

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

IBM, Austin Texas (continued)


Occupancy sensor controls enable light fixtures when an occupant was detected. Fixtures were automatically turned off after the area has been vacant for a preset period. The best places to install these controls were typically offices, conference rooms, classrooms, and utility spaces. Sensors were generally not recommended for areas where sudden switching of lights may be hazardous to occupants (such as stairwells), for HID fixtures (because of slow starting characteristics), or in areas where lighting was seldom used. Energy management systems afford flexibility in control and provide users with a means to override “OFF” conditions when required. EMS control was recommended for locations with regular but variable schedules, areas where users require local overrides, and areas where scheduled halflevel lighting may be appropriate. With the addition of photo sensors, an EMS was configured to provide lighting control in response to available daylight. The proper placement and periodic adjustment of all automatic sensors were key components of the site’s success. During the commissioning period, the location and calibration of each sensor was verified to ensure proper operation. During the first year after installations, a savings of $402K was realized.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM, Austin Texas

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

ENERGy CONSuMPTION HVAC Client: duPont Nemours Headquarters and Surrounding Facilities, Wilmington, delaware. Classification: Chemicals Size: 9 million square feet

DuPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington Delaware


Office HVAC and Lab ventilation accounted for approximately 47% of total electrical consumption of this client. General HVAC needs were met through a wide variety of equipment and controls, indicative of multiple generations of construction and equipment change outs. Cooling supply varied from site to site; including heat pump and DX cooling (BMP), as well as chilled water supply generated by both absorption (ESL) and centrifugal chilling (ESL, WOB). The Client’s facilities took the step from local, distributed HVAC control to campus–wide Energy Management Systems (EMS). The depth of penetration and level of control varied from site to site; there was also an ongoing effort to expand the presence of EMS control throughout the HVAC systems. The strategies deployed varied from simple time clock operations to space pre–cooling programs. The evolution from multiple energy management systems to a single, enterprise wide energy management was recommended and implemented. This step resulted in the establishment of HVAC control best practices and an adaptive, dynamic control system. This in turn presented the opportunity for the leveraging of a predictable, controllable, aggregated load desired by utility companies when negotiating energy supply contracts. The implementation of a centralized system resulted in the net reduction of energy costs for this client of $1.3 million per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

duPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington delaware

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

ENERGy SAVINGS – LABORATORy FuME HOOdS Client: duPont Nemours Headquarters and Surrounding Facilities, Wilmington, delaware. Classification: Chemicals Size: 9 million square feet

DuPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington Delaware


This client had over 1,500 fume hoods of varying configurations and control technologies. While best in class standards were in place governing face velocity and sash positioning, the fume hoods and ventilation systems were of varying ages and conditions, reflecting 100 years of building and space retrofitting. Laboratory ventilation and fume hood controls were upgraded as laboratory space was changed out and retrofitted. While this activity continued, there was significant energy savings potential remaining. An accelerated retrofit schedule was recommended and implemented. O-shift hours were used to implement controls upgrades in a non-obtrusive fashion. Priority was given to fume hoods needing minimal modifications. Air valve technology for variable exhaust flow was implemented for those spaces served by manifold exhaust systems. In those areas where individual fume hood exhaust ducting existed, improved sash position control was explored and made where feasible. Total annual savings implementing these recommendations resulted in a measured savings of $637,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

duPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington delaware

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

HEAT RECOVERy Client: Naval Air Station, jacksonville Classification: Military Size: 2,400,000 square feet

Naval Air Station, Jacksonville FL


Heat from boiler exhaust was used for air and water pre-heat within the Client’s powerhouse. Exiting stack temperatures exceeding 500 Deg F (at times) indicated the potential for additional heat recovery. Thermal analysis at the boiler house indicated a significant savings opportunity. Potential candidates for this thermal energy included additional feed water preheat and fuel oil heating. Logistical issues included the placement and maintenance of heat recovery equipment and distribution piping. The net present value savings from the implementation of this recommendation amounted to $655,000.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Naval Air Station, jacksonville FL

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

STEAM TRAP SAVINGS Client: Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland Classification: Military Size: 3,900,000 square feet.


Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland Condensate removal was an integral and often neglected component of any steam distribution system. This issue was faced head on, employing a managed, multiple site trap maintenance program, using the “Trap Man software� package. Scheduled testing and replacement was performed. The sites were also standardized to a single trapping technology for ease of replacement. As a result of this program, trap failure rate was reduced to be approximately 10% on an annual basis. While technology standardization was important, there was an opportunity to reduce steam due to misapplication of traps to specific condensate removal situations. Poorly applied trapping technologies resulted in repeated failure and excessive steam pass through in traps that were considered to be operating properly. A detailed evaluation of trapping applications and the addition of technology replacements resulted in savings of $116,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

CHILLEd WATER PROduCTION ANd dISTRIBuTION Client: Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Charleston SC Classification: Military Size: 2,700,000 square feet.

Charleston Naval Weapons Station, South Carolina Chilled water production and distribution was controlled via a centralized supervisory system in both the Client building and at their Experimental Station Laboratory. The ability to provide automated control in stages of chilled water production and distribution existed.


Two specific opportunities for the application of variable speed drives (VSD) were observed during the assessment of the Client facilities. These applications were monitored and modeled to determine the viability of installation. Chilled water flow at the Client site was controlled by means of control valves located within the distribution system. These valves open and close to maintain a designated differential pressure across the system. Energy savings through the installation of variable speed drives were obtained by varying flow through speed control as opposed to variable “friction” and by eliminating the unnecessary minimum pressure drop associated the control valves. The tower fans located at the power plant were also a candidate for variable speed control. The finer level of control provided by variable speed drives allowed for fully automated control of tower stages, eliminating energy waste through less dynamic control. Once variable speed control was achieved for these sites, a savings of $112,000 per year was achieved.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Charleston Naval Weapons Station, South Carolina

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

WAREHOuSE LIGHTING Client: Hewlett Packard Warehouse and distribution Center, San jose Classification: Electronic and Computer Equipment Size: 250,000 Square Feet


Hewlett Packard Warehouse and Distribution Center, San Jose CA The warehouse on campus was illuminated with a mixture of quartz halide and T8 fluorescent fixtures. This warehouse was a “high-bay� type space. High-output T5 fixtures were installed to provide similar light output levels with metal halide fixtures at a greatly reduced power requirement. High-output T5 fixtures possess slightly greater lumen per watt levels as compared to T8 fixtures, but cannot be utilized in low-bay spaces because of their high light intensity levels. This technology was ideal for high-bay warehouse spaces. Uniform lighting using the T5 fixtures generated less heat and thus provided cooling savings. Annual energy savings using the new light fixtures was approximately $87,000.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard Warehouse and distribution Center, San jose

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

WALLS, FLOORS ANd ELECTRICAL WIRING SySTEM SAVINGS Client: Altavista, Palo Alto, CA Classification: Internet Search Engine Size: 350,000 square feet.


Altavista, Palo Alto CA This company purchased three buildings and had the interiors gutted. We recommended that the company use moveable walls and a new form of electrical network that was easy to install and change. Prior to the construction, the walled offices used by the client were primarily fixed walls and all wiring was in the dry wall and the plenum areas above the ceiling. Changing out electrical and data cabling and hook-ups was costly with this arrangement. When walls had to be changed out, this necessitated the demolition, removal, and disposition of the wall material, which was partially hazardous waste. For new space and space to be retrofitted the client, based on our recommendations, raised the floor 2 ½ inches to allow for interlocking prefabricated electrical wiring and cabling. This type of wiring was “plug and play” reducing construction costs by 75%. Soldering was not necessary. Where new hard walls were needed, removable and reusable walls were used to significantly eliminate costly downstream tenant improvement costs and construction hazardous waste. These measures eliminated rewiring electrical and cabling costs when tenant improvement was needed. Removable walls have a more accelerated depreciation schedule and can be reused at other locations. The ROI’s for areas requiring walled offices and heavy churn can be significant. Though hard to measure, the targeted goal was a 20% reduction in the cost of tenant improvement for office space. Tenant changes could also be done quickly with these types of walls and wiring. To do electrical or cable maintenance, carpet squares were removed and the plug and play changes would be made. The Client saved $1.2 million Net Present Value over a 5-year horizon period.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Altavista, Palo Alto CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

PART III LABOR OPTIMIZATION PERSONNEL OPTIMIzATION uTILIzATION Client: Birmingham Southern College Classification: Higher Education Size: 920,000 Square Feet


Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham AL At this campus, a vigorous training and recruiting program was implemented to reduce the client’s reliance on high “per call” subcontractors. By transferring this work to a fully utilized full time person, we were able to significantly improve the skill levels of the employees to reduce this client’s reliance on subcontractors. Examples of scope areas that our company assumed with our “in house” staff included such areas as: • • • • • • • • • •

Gas distribution systems Fire alarm maintenance Repair of the energy management system. Boiler plants and steam systems – Major replacements On line vending system Automated doors Laundry equipment Compressor replacement Blower retrofits Drive assemblies for air handlers

Buy assuming these responsibilities from subcontractors, a savings of $266,000 was achieved in the first year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham AL

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

OPTIMIzATION OF MuLTIPLE SITE LABOR Client: Washington Mutual (Now Chase) Classification: Bank Size: 1,300 Branch Banks, 3 administrative centers, 1 headquarters (11 million sq ft.)


Washington Mutual Headquarters, Seattle Washington (Now Chase) An operational strategy was implemented to optimize the cost of labor to provide maintenance to over 1,300 branches located in 15 States in addition to administrative centers and the corporate headquarters. To do this, work was dispatched to four different types of maintenance technicians. The first type of technician worked full-time at one site when there was enough work for a full-time position. These sites were large enough to provide enough maintenance work for multiple full-time technicians. The second type of technician worked on a “dedicated crew” that was assigned specific routes to service multiple client sites in a given territory or area. The third type of crew were “non dedicated” crews that serviced different customers including the banks facilities. These crews were dispatched to provide “demand or emergency” services when the first two types were not available to do the work. The fourth type of service was provided from outside “niche subcontractors” to provide services when the first three types of technicians were not available or it was not feasible to use the first three types to provide services. This group was also used when specific skill sets or capabilities and equipment were needed. This type of maintenance minimized the cost “per work order” for all types of maintenance work needed to be done. In this case, optimizing work order costs rather than the cost per hour resulted in savings of over $2.2 million per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Washington Mutual Headquarters, Seattle Washington (Now Chase)

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

SHIFT dESIGN Client: Fluor Corporation Headquarters, Irvine CA Classification: Engineering, Maintenance and Construction Size: Headquarters Complex, 1,900,000 square feet


Fluor Daniel Headquarters, Irvine CA Before assuming facility management responsibilities at this site, all client services were single shifted although many had call-out procedures to assure that emergency work was performed as required. The costs of single shifting included: schedule disruption to manage non-emergency weekend requests that stacked up, sub-optimized maintenance services which need to be done in a non disruptive manner were inefficient, and unnecessarily high overtime charges. Additional shifts have costs as well. Shift differentials were a good example. However, it was not clear that the full potential of alternative shift designs were analyzed and exploited. Upon assumption of facilities management responsibility for this site, a review of shift structures were immediately established with a view to making efficiency changes. Shifts were reviewed within the context of ensuring adequacy of coverage, customer satisfaction, and cost optimization. Customer feedback on the desirability of expanded service hours for relevant services was conducted. We speculated alternative approaches and analyzed additional costs and benefits for each scenario. Where appropriate, we negotiated cost recovery approaches when higher customer value was identified. Alternative shift approaches were implemented to capture value. The appropriate application of off-hour availability resulted in higher customer satisfaction (least disruption to client work, for example), higher resource utilization, and eliminated overtime costs. Savings amounted to $180,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Fluor daniel Headquarters, Irvine CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Client: IBM Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 9 Sites totaling 24 million square feet.


IBM Reduced facilities, construction, maintenance, shipping and receiving, construction and engineering staďŹƒng for IBM sites located in San Jose CA, Almaden CA, Morgan Hill CA, Boulder CO, Tucson AZ, Austin TX, Rochester MN, Research Triangle Park NC, and Charlotte, NC from 1,370 facilities employees to 1,080 employees through work process improvement and the removal of unnecessary approval requirements. Developed standardized and streamlined work process documentation among the 9 sites totaling 24 million square feet. Consolidated help desks at the larger sites to one help desk. Savings in personnel reduction over a 3-year period resulted in annual savings of $23,200,000 per year. Reduced the number of approvals from the client to implement construction projects. Changed the sta from specialized craft capabilities to higher multiple skill disciplines thereby significantly reducing subcontracting and eliminating work process fragmentation and compartmentalization. Reduced administrative overhead to manage this larger work force.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.


“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Part IV. Human Resources MANAGE RISk OF uNIONIzATION Client: Intel Corporation, Colorado Springs CO and Rio Rancho, New Mexico Classification: Computer Chip Manufacturer Size: Two campuses comprising 2,400,000.


Intel, Rio Rancho New Mexico Decision-making regarding management action for this client that will impact employee satisfaction, appear to be made out of a concern regarding the possibility of unionization. This was of course a prudent approach. Upon assumption of facility management responsibilities, we identified excessive risk aversion about the potential of unionization. The potential issue here was that management was not taking full advantage of existing employee flexibility in the performance of work. Once we assumed the responsibilities of the facility department, we developed an explicit approach to utilization of manpower with more flexibility built into it. We did this by:

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Intel, Rio Rancho New Mexico

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Intel, Rio Rancho New Mexico (continued)


Once we assumed the responsibilities of the facility department, we developed an explicit approach to utilization of manpower with more flexibility built into it. We did this by:

• Performing a rigorous risk assessment around the risks and consequences of unionization and developed a common management approach based on a level of risk that was identified as acceptable. • We inventoried projects and plans and initiatives that were bypassed and largely based on excessive prudence regarding potential unionization. • Built and gained leadership team alignment to the new standard, including the use of performance coaching to reduce management reluctance to operating at the new standard. • Established higher multi-skilled positions that were more versatile than the single skilled positions that unions promote.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Intel, Rio Rancho New Mexico

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

INTEGRATING ANd ALIGNING PERFORMANCE WITH PAy ANd WORk MEASuREMENT Client: Former Nissan North American Headquarters, Gardena CA Classification: Automotive Size: 450,000 Square Feet


Former Nissan North America Headquarters, Gardena California Upon the assuming the facility management services with this client, our interviews, supported by organization performance documentation indicated that the critical operating tasks, and the planning architecture that guides and rewards managers did not directly link to the performance pay of sta. One result of this was the missed opportunity of harvesting the energy of a much broader employee base in the achievement of these goals. Upon assuming facility management responsibilities, the company implemented goals and related streams of action and performance measures that were meaningful to employees in their day-to-day work. These goals and measures were lined to meaningful incentives (team or individual). Outcomes were reviewed through a focused annual performance cycle (goals, coaching, review). Wage progression was linked to the outcomes of the individual and the group. This program was aimed at leveraging the potential of the entire employee population in the achievement of Client priorities. Broader organizational alignment resulted in higher levels of commitment to required change and shorter cycle times for initiatives. Additionally the program o-loaded some of the work of these initiatives from the management team to build a greater sense of a whole team.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Former Nissan North America Headquarters, Gardena California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

HuMAN RESOuRCE PLANNING Client: duPont Nemours Headquarters and Surrounding Facilities, Wilmington, delaware. Classification: Chemicals Size: 9 million square feet


DuPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington Delaware Before the assumption of facility management responsibility, the client was in a demographic crunch with an aging labor force with the associated issues of increased health and availability risks, and topped out salary and vacation levels. This created issues around operational flexibility and longer-term ramifications about the capacity to provide leaders and experienced technical people when retirements come up in large numbers. There was an absence of a long-term staffing plan. To solve this problem the following staffing plan and other documents were implemented for the facility management employees. • A staffing plan was fully aligned to strategic and business planning processes of the client with respect to facilities. • A risk mitigation plan to manage the impact of the upcoming retirement bulge, including an analysis of alternative approaches including, for example, flattening the bulge by encouraging early bridges to retirement, • Created a leadership and high skill succession plan that identified: • leadership and high skill requirements • internal high potential candidates. • a fast track career path for high potential candidates. • internal gaps and external sources of required talent.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

duPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington delaware

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

PERSONNEL ORGANIzATION Client: Mazda Corporation, Irvine CA Classification: Automotive Size: 250,000 square feet


Mazda North America Headquarters, Irvine CA The client had 2 employees working for a subcontractor solely devoted to furniture management, storage, and furniture moves. These employees were supported by a help desk. These employees were responsible for a narrow scope of services. These employees were compartmentalized into a specific scope of work that reduced the efficiency of these employees. They were too busy or not busy enough with the workload they had. When we assumed the facility management responsibilities for this client, we hired these employees to be a part of the general facilities staff. The call center was incorporated into the facilities call center. The workload for furniture management was managed easier as the general staff could take up the shortage of personnel and these personnel could contribute to other work when furniture moves were slow. This organizational change promoted a multi-skilled approach to the work and more flexibility in the facility organization.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Mazda North America Headquarters

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

VALuE ASSESSEd TRAINING & dEVELOPMENT Client: IBM Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 9 Sites totaling 24 million square feet.


IBM, Boulder Colorado Opportunities for employee training and development were constrained by the fiscal reality that time away (in addition to other overheads like vacation and benefits loading), puts the residual (profit) goals at risk. Training was seen as an overhead, not treated like an investment. For this reason, training and development’s potential contribution to cost reduction and productivity improvements was not being fully exploited. When our company assumed responsibility for the facility management and maintenance services for this client, the facility management and maintenance-training program had to be refined to clearly identify the level of success or failure relating to the cost of training to eventual business outcomes. The training plan also: • Qualified and linked all potential training against measurable observable behavioral differences that will have a quantifiable difference in business outcomes and make training a conscious investment. • Measured and verified training outcomes against targeted outcomes • Explored alternative training approaches where employees shared costs (on own time) where training was predominantly for the sake of employability • Continued to build essential skills in support of key organizational skills needs

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM, Boulder Colorado

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

PART V. CuLTuRAL CHANGES SAVINGS FROM HOME OFFICING Client: Performance Auto Group Headquarters for Ford Motor Company, Irvine CA Classification: Automotive Size: 250,000 Square Feet


Former Ford Pacific Auto Group Headquarters, Irvine California Configured and reduced total office space through the implementation of a “home officing” program. This resulted in the establishment of a number of common areas and offices designed for visiting employees. This resulted in the reduction of “individual offices” for a net reduction of office space equaling 11%. To accomplish this, we reviewed job titles and descriptions at the client site and recommended to the client those positions that may be feasible for officing at the home. After consideration of the potential issues, certain positions were offered the opportunity to work out of the home. This was a voluntary program that resulted in savings of $520,000 per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Former Ford Pacific Auto Group Headquarters, Irvine California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

OFFICE ANd FuRNITuRE STANdARdS Client: Altavista, Palo Alto, CA Classification: Internet Search Engine Size: 350,000 square feet.


Altavista, Palo Alto CA The client had hierarchical standards for office space and needed to free up space and save money. A decision was made to cut office sizes by 15% over time. By changing standards from a hierarchical structure to a standardized structure that did not make large distinctions between different levels of employees, a 22% reduction of annual costs ($2.9 million) was achieved after a three-year period.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Altavista, Palo Alto CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”



NEW TECHNOLOGy IMPLEMENTATION Client: Soka university of America Classification: Higher Education Size: 820,000 Square Feet

Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo CA New technologies were implemented to improve service delivery. A summary of these technologies are provided as follows: • Room Disinfection Fogger. While disinfecting rooms, introduced a room fogger that provides a disinfecting fog to cover all areas of the room. • Postage Machine. Optimizes discounts for outgoing mail. • Mail Tracking System. “State of the Art” tracking of inbound mail • New Mop Technology. Chemical injecting mops that improve productivity by 35% eliminating the need for a mop bucket. • En-Motion Paper Towel Dispensers. Installed replaced single sheet dispensers actuated by hand motion.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo CA (Continued) • Back-strapped Vacuums. Improves coverage by to 10,000 square feet per hour. Multiple filters including HEPA filters remove 99.99% of the Allergens. • Overhead Door Holders – Prevent injuries and have built in smoke detectors. • Mulching Mowers – Introduced to return nutrients back to the soil. • CO2 Tanks—The introduction of new CO2 tanks for the swimming pool that have their own heater to prevent them from freezing over and becoming inoperative. • Electronic door magnets – These units lock doors without the use of door locking bars that can be damaged by students. • Odor Remover Sewer Chemicals—Environmentally green chemicals were introduced to eliminate biologically created sewer odors.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


PART VII. SuBCONTRACT ANd PROCuREMENT MANAGEMENT PROCuREMENT Client: Brocade Software, San jose CA Classification: Software developer Size: 320,000 Square Feet

Brocade Software, San Jose CA Prior to our assumption of facility management responsibilities and related procurement activities, the client had very liberal procurement polices. We revamped procurement strategy to reduce competitive bid limits for formal and informal bidding. This was done to get a larger range of transactions procured through the competitive bid process. We also developed strategies for the procurement of dierent classes of products including definite and indefinite quantity term contracts, innovative blanket orders for low-ticket items. Sole and single source procedures were also put into place. The development and execution of the procurement program saved the client $150K after the first year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Brocade Software, San jose CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


PROCuREMENT Client: Los Angeles World Trade Center, Los Angels CA Classification: Commerce Promotion Size: 630,000 Square Feet

Los Angeles World Trade Center, Los Angels CA Developed long term indefinite quantity agreements for equipment and supplies specifically used by the various site locations and reduced the number of procurement personnel at the sites.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Los Angeles World Trade Center

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


CONTRACTOR VENdOR PERFORMANCE Client: Mattson Technologies, Fremont CA Classification: Advanced fabrication equipment used in semiconductor manufacturing. Size: 250,000 Square Feet.

Mattson Technologies, Fremont CA Before taking over the facilities program, the client had no method of auditing service performance and no subcontractor data in the work order management system for status and cost tracking. When assuming the responsibility for facilities management including subcontract management, a formalized subcontract management program was implemented which included the development of scopes of work, service expectations and contractual conditions. Personnel were assigned responsibility for reviewing bids, negotiation, awarding and reporting on performance. Specific programs were developed for specialized HVAC, elevator, electronics maintenance, pest control, CCTV, gas cylinder supply and demurrage, emergency generator maintenance, landscaping services, and pest control. This program improved the performance of these types of vendors resulting in cost savings, improved responsiveness, and quality of workmanship.

client was able to eliminate some of the smaller contracts resulting in a reduction of the size of the contracting workforce. Savings for the first year exceeded $1,400,000.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Mattson Technologies, Fremont CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


CONTRACTOR ANd SuPPLIER CONSOLIdATION Client: Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Pal Alto, Hewlett Packard Office Center, Cupertino, California, Hewlett Packard Storage Facility, San jose. Classification: Electronics, Computers, and Printers Size: 13 buildings comprising 2,100,000 square feet.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California A review of the “A-list”, those contract services providers that either had contracts or were pre-qualified to provide services to the client revealed that the client was maintaining relationships with 159 contractors. 21 of these contractors, or 13% of the total, were not expected to receive any work from Client during the year. Additionally the 10 largest contracts accounted for 80% of the total estimated spend for the fiscal year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California (continued) Once assuming facilities management responsibility, the company performed an in-depth analysis of its current and future service needs to determine if any of the contracts could be eliminated by either consolidation or elimination of redundancy. As part of this analysis, the following items were evaluated: • The amount of work historically performed by the contractor • Average annual in-house cost to maintain the contract (including Scoring, Contract Administration, Legal, Accounting, etc…) • Criticality of the work being performed and lead time to procure service • The number of other local service providers offering the service or product. • Once the review was completed a number of smaller contracts were eliminated and a reduction in the size of the contracting workforce occurred. The client was able to eliminate some of the smaller contracts resulting in a reduction of the size of the contracting workforce. Savings for the first year exceeded $1,400,000.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


PROCESS GAS Client: Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Classification: Manufacturer of Equipment to Produce Computer Components Size: 750,000 campus (5 buildings)

Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Nitrogen generation equipment existed on campus to provide large quantities of nitrogen gas for the campus. This equipment was consuming approximately $145,000 worth of electricity per month of operation. A pipeline capable of providing economical nitrogen gas existed directly adjacent to the facility. The nitrogen generation equipment was decommissioned when contracts expired. Process nitrogen gas was then purchased through the adjacent pipeline owner. Backup liquid was stored in the existing tanks in case of pipeline supply interruption. Ceasing operation of this equipment eliminated maintenance and energy costs that were $211,000 per year.

CuSTOdIAL CONTRACTING Client: Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA Classification: Manufacturer of Equipment to Produce Computer Components Size: 750,000 campus (5 buildings)

Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA The janitorial service contract the client was used was a frequency-based contract. When our company entered into an agreement with the client, we negotiated a performance-based contract with frequencies posted as a guide. We were able to reduce the custodial sta from 22 people to 18 people that resulted in a savings of $120k per year.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Lam Research Corporation, Fremont CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


NATuRAL GAS Client: IBM Corporation, Rochester MN Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 3.5 million square feet.

IBM, Rochester Minnesota The client was paying too much for natural gas coming from the local utility company. The local deregulated gas market allowed customers to procure this commodity from a number of independent suppliers. Given the high volume of natural gas purchased annually, the Client was in a position to seek bids and negotiate a lower price per therm from the independent suppliers resulting in a savings of 106K.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

IBM, Rochester Minnesota

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


VIII. CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT ANd OPTIMIzATION WORkING FOR MuLTIPLE CuSTOMERS WITHIN THE CLIENT ORGANIzATION Client: jdS uniphase, Milpitas, San jose Area and Santa Rosa CA Classification: enables broadband and optical innovation in the communications, commercial and consumer markets Size: 1,200,000 in multiple sites.

JDS Uniphase, Milpitas California Continuous attention to increasing Customer Satisfaction scores was a focus of the Client. The company observed that an opportunity for improvement was the apparent in lack of alignment around service and quality standards in some of the customer business unit organizations. What service users desired and what the paying business unit was willing to pay for were not necessarily connected. Client personnel were often put in the role of communicating the paying customer standards to the user community, which did not contribute to customer satisfaction. Once our company assumed facility management responsibilities, a “service level agreement� was established between the facilities organization and each business unit. These agreement were two-way commitments to a commonly agreed upon outcome.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

jdS uniphase, Milpitas California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


JDS Uniphase, Milpitas California (continued) Work with customers to set service level expectations were in accordance with business conditions and the Client’s strategic needs for each business unit. This was done ensure that these were communicated with all consumers. Adequate governance processes were put in place to ensure that the customer business driven service levels were aligned with what consumers expected. The process involved the establishment of a clear distinction between specified service level standards (relatively fixed) and the standards that would serve to actually satisfy the client (variable). Appropriated adjustments in cost were made to insure that business units that wanted extra services were paying for them out of their budgets. Past relationships between the Client facility organization and the business unit customers was heavily focused on cost and delivery standards and to a lesser extent on customer satisfaction standards. The potential outcome of this can be the dilemma of delivering exactly what the customer negotiated and still (potentially) leaving the customer unsatisfied. After the assumption of facility management and maintenance responsibility, we adjusted the focus to relationship management and client value creation from the older focus on deviation from cost and service level specifications. Original service level agreements were changed in some cases in some cases to reflect this new relationship focus. We were able to create a customer satisfaction process owner role focused on creating and guaranteeing delivery (through a powerful partnership) with the Business Units. The new service level agreements increased flexibility in standards of service level oerings to meet the specific client needs. The value of this recommendation was to increase customer satisfaction without increasing costs that were unacceptable to the customer.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

jdS uniphase, Milpitas California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”


CAPITAL FuNdING Client: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Classification: Federal Government Size: 16,000,000 square feet

Laurence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore California The client’s facility management group had to compete for funding for capital projects against strategic operating units within the client’s organization. Capital projects submitted by the facility department for approval had higher return on investment threshold requirements as those of the other operating units (for example, the Laser Research Lab). The facility organization was continually struggling to get capital funding as building fixtures and equipment were deteriorating. The company developed new tools to support business cases for capital funding. The new tools included facility degradation curves to: • Demonstrate the total cost avoidance by investing in facilities now as opposed to the future. • Quantify the increases in operations and maintenance costs associated with not overhauling or replacing an aging asset • Partner with other business units to develop business cases that include capital funding for facilities • Team with supplier organizations that have invested and developed mature systems and technology and pay usage charges rather than capital costs. This was a program that saved the client over $3.5 million in net present value dollars in the first year of implementation by providing management more accurate decisions to optimize the capital replacement and renewal.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Laurence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies�


FACILITy ASSET OPTIMIzATION Client: Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Pal Alto, Hewlett Packard OďŹƒce Center, Cupertino, California, Hewlett Packard Storage Facility, San jose. Classification: Electronics, Computers, and Printers Size: 13 buildings comprising 2,100,000 square feet.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California With this client, we identified and inventoried critical facility assets. At the same time, a facility condition assessment of the buildings was done. From this information we developed recommendations for the client relating to replacement dates. The approved information was put on a capital replacement schedule, which was updated annually. Some years, liquidity was more important that longer-term paybacks and the schedule would have to be redone to reflect these liquidity constraints. Each year internal rate of return guidelines or net present value guidelines were updated to meet the criteria of the time. A formalized asset optimization program provided confirmation to the client to insure that the Client knows the level of investments necessary to minimize the total cost of maintenance, replacement, and downtime costs.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

PART IX. Finance and Administration FACILITIES BudGETING


Client: Nissan Headquarters, Gardena CA Classification: Automotive Size: 450,000 Square Feet

Former Nissan North America Headquarters, Gardena California The facilities budget did not reflect all of the facility related costs within the client organization. Some costs and investments were borne by the client operating units and this information was not readily available for the FM organization. Without this information, a holistic depiction of costs and capitalization was not possible. Budgeting categories were changed to allow the facility management organization to be the repository for all facility related costs. This allowed a more complete picture of costs and allowed for better and more holistic decision-making relating to facilities.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Former Nissan North America Headquarters, Gardena California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

INTERNAL RENT CHARGE BACk PROCESS Client: duPont Nemours Headquarters and Surrounding Facilities, Wilmington, delaware. Classification: Chemicals Size: 9 million square feet


DuPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington Delaware The client maintained two different rent rates for office space and lab space. The charge for office space was the same regardless of where the customer was located. This practice was originally adopted to ensure equality across sites and to prevent all customers from moving to the lower costs sites. A detailed study of the effects of the rent allocation process to determine if was causing sub-optimal use of client space was conducted. The following items were reviewed: • • • •

Cost of current space and cost of empty space Future Client demands for space Local real estate market Client’s cultural acceptance of leasing space to other organizations

By eliminating rent subsidies, the customer was able to occupy 650,000 square feet of its empty space for a savings of $9.5M. Subsidized non-owned leased space was vacated to fill this “owned” vacancy.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

duPont Nemours Headquarters, Wilmington delaware

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”




Client: Hewlett Packard Headquarters, Pal Alto, Hewlett Packard Office Center, Cupertino, California, Hewlett Packard Storage Facility, San jose. Classification: Electronics, Computers, and Printers Size: 13 buildings comprising 2,100,000 square feet.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California Designed and implemented a facilities related measurement and reporting system based on Hewlett Packard’s corporate wide key result areas (TQRDCE- Technology, Quality, Responsiveness, Delivery, Cost and Environmental Responsibility). This reporting program tied individual performance appraisals, facility related key result areas, measures and reports together to align the interests of the client, our company and the employees. of work processes contributing to the client’s and the company’s goals and objectives.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

QuALITy MANAGEMENT – ISO 9000 PROGRAM Organization: Building Technology Engineers, Inc., Irvine CA Classification: Facility Maintenance Company Size: 1,800 Employees

Building Technology Engineers Inc., Irvine CA


As the CEO of this company, Mal Thomas was the executive sponsor (CEO) for the implementation and certification of an ISO-9000 program for a company that provided maintenance services in 33 states comprising 7 regions. The program required the development of the following: • Standard Operating Procedures – Procedures that govern the entire company. • Work Instructions – Procedures for a specific or operating unit within the company. • Operating Plan – Contains customer site-specific operating procedures that were customized to meet client requirements. • Procedures for recording and acting on customer feedback were detailed in the specific account operating plans and site-specific procedures. Site management was responsible to act appropriately on customer feedback and record action taken. Pertinent feedback and actions were reported in the monthly report to senior management

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Building Technology Engineers Inc., Irvine CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Building Technology Engineers Inc., Irvine CA (continued) The site manager was responsible to ensure that customer requirements were met as detailed in the contract Scope Of Services (SOS). Account specific procedures (work instructions, guidelines, postings, etc.) were produced whenever the lack of documented processes could adversely affect the quality of the product or service provided.


A part of our accreditation process related to how we aligned with our clients and measured performance. The ISO-9000 program provided standardized unity of direction for procedures and tasks where feasible. The system fostered learning and improvement of work processes contributing to the client’s and the company’s goals and objectives.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Building Technology Engineers Inc., Irvine CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

TRACkING INFORMATION FOR ISO-9000 COMPLIANCE Client: IBM, San jose CA Classification: Electronics and Computers Size: 36 buildings comprising 5,000,000 square feet


IBM, San Jose CA Communications and approvals were informal thereby making it difficult to track information when needed and not in compliance with the Company’s ISO-9000 compliance program. A database platform was developed to store subject matter in Internet based “teamrooms”. This provided a way to track information, communications and service level agreements, etc. Interface procedures were documented and became a part of the IS0-9000 program to insure compliance. Proper communication interfaces between our company (the service provider), the client, contractors and client business units staff insured operational consistency and improvements in the responsiveness and quality of communications. Also, the our company helped this client become compliant with ISO-14001 (Environmental Compliance].

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Hewlett Packard, Cupertino, California

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

CuSTOMER SATISFACTION Client: Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA Classification: Higher Education Size: 820,000 square feet.


Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo California Before using our services, client satisfaction was obtained soley from work order input. People had the option to complete their level of satisfaction on the work order not. Rather than using this information source as the only way to obtain client satisfaction information, a site survey was developed and sent via email to all of the building occupants. In addition to the survey, in depth interviews were given to key people eected the most by the facilities organization. The survey and interview, along with the specific work order feedback, provided a comprehensive view of the level of client satisfaction. Follow up was used to conduct root cause analysis on any problems deemed appropriate for this type of review.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

MALCOLM BALdRIGE FOCuS Client: Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA Classification: Higher Education Size: 820,000 square feet.


Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo California The company, working in concert with its Clients, has implemented the Malcolm Baldrige program funded and started by the United States Department of Commerce. The program defines the major areas of excellent focus and has a framework work for focusing on leadership, customer satisfaction, human resources, work measurement, process improvement, results and organizational strategy. Using this framework, we have achieved a Malcolm Baldrige award for excellence. One of the Managing Partners is also on the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige program.

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

Soka university of America, Aliso Viejo CA

“Over 30 Years of Experience with 150 Companies”

Facility Ser vices Par tners, Inc.

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