UDOT Construction Inspection Guide - Chap 8

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UDOT Construction Inspection Guide CHAPTER 8: Striping, Signing, Safety Features

Revised July 2014

Table of Contents Striping, Signing & Safety Features 8.1 Pavement Markings 02765 – Pavement Marking Paint Traffic Signal Systems are used to control competing traffic flows by assigning right of way…

02768 – Pavement Marking Material Used for connections of power and control wiring. It is important that the right junction boxes are used…

8.3 Safety Features 02843 ‐ Delineators Are either galvanized or flexible posts that are painted and covered with reflective sheeting to mark …

02761 – Longitudinal Rumble Strips A pattern ground into the final surface of the roadway used to warn traffic that they are straying from…


Signing 02891 – Traffic Signs Signs are an important part of every project. Sign size, orientation, elevation, visibility … 02893 – Overhead Sign/VMS Structure Are large structures used to support static and variable message signs that improve traffic safety…

Revisions 01/2014 02843 – Delineators: Updated Checklist 07/2014 02841 – W Beam Guardrail: REMOVED 02844 – Concrete Barrier: REMOVED 02842 – Crash Cushions: REMOVED Refer to Chapter 12

Chapter Features C 8: Striping, S , Signing, S , Safety S F


Chapter 8


A) PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT – SECTION 02765 Pavement marking paint is an acrylic water based paint applied to PCCP or HMA as edge lines, center lines, broken lines, guidelines, contrast lines, symbols and other related markings. The paint is applied with glass beads that enhance visibility.

SubmiƩal Items The contractor must provide the name of the manufacturer, the products to be used and the contractor performing the work for approval prior to the work being performed. The products must meet UDOT requirements for Acrylic water based paint as per ASTM Standards. D 3723, D 2205, D 562, D 3960, D 5381, E 1347, D 2805 and Federal Standard 595B. The Glass beads must meet UDOT Standards and AASHTO M 247. The contractor performing the work must be cer fied and have current calibra on records for their equipment.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The Inspector must verify that the products and contractor performing the work have been approved by the Engineer. The Inspector must determine if the project requirements exceed the requirements for small quan es. If the project does not exceed 100 gallons of marking paint sampling and tes ng of the paint is not required. A visual inspec on will be adequate. If the project exceeds 100 gallons sampling and tes ng must be performed as per MS&T requirements and job specifica ons. The inspector must find out what the sampling and tes ng requirements are for the project. This informa on should be available through the Engineer. The inspector should ensure that the HMA or PCCP to be marked has




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Construction Inspection Guide

been inspected and meets requirements for strength, density, grade, depth and profile. This informa on should be available from the materials technician and the Engineer. The inspector should verify that the contractor has a plan to meet traffic control requirements.

InspecƟon Items Pavement marking paint may only be applied when the air and pavement temperature are 50 and rising. If markings are to be removed prior to the applica on of new marking paint it may be removed by high pressure water spraying, sand blas ng or shot blas ng. It may only be removed by grinding with the prior wri en permission of the Engineer. It may only be covered with black paint or other covering with the permission of the Engineer. The road surface must be clean and dry prior to applying paint. The inspector should coordinate with the contractor to verify that the metering equipment is zeroed and that an accurate reading of amounts applied can be determined. The inspector must ensure that traffic control measures are followed. The Inspector must ensure documenta on of manufacturer and iden fica on of the produc on batch used. As the paint is being applied the inspector should verify that the striping and markings meet the approved drawings for loca on and dimensions. This should be done at a minimum at the end of each produc on day. The inspector shall verify bead adhesion. The inspector shall ensure and witness the sampling of paint and beads a er at least 10 gallons have been applied. If more than one color is used a sample of each color of paint must be taken. The inspector shall check that applica on rates meet specifica ons. The total quan es of beads and paint must be verified and recorded a er every applica on. The truck should have a calibra on cer ficate available for inspec on. The inspector should ensure that that the contractor is taking measures to protect the markings un l paint is dry.

Sampling and TesƟng At least one sample of glass beads and one sample of each color of paint shall be provided for each project over 100 gallons for analysis and tes ng. The project specifica ons must be checked for the amount of required sampling. The sample is taken from the fixture supplied Page | 2

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CHAPTER 8 on the paint truck a er at least 10 gallons of paint have been applied. The samples must be labeled with date, project name, project number, color, manufacturer, batch number, striping company, field number and name of person taking sample and sent for tes ng for the Materials test report.

Common Issues 1. The roadway is not clean and dry at me of applica on. 2. Traffic is allowed on markings prior to paint drying. 02765: PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT Pre-Inspection  Verify that products and contractor are approved by the Engineer.  Determine if project meets small job requirements of less than 100 gallons for visual inspec on only.  Check that road surfaces have met requirements for inspec on and tes ng.  Verify that traffic control plan is in place.

Inspection  Air and pavement temperature 50⁰ and rising.  Removal of exis ng pavement markings using equipment designed and approved for removal of pavement markings.  Road surface clean and dry.  Metering equipment zeroed and calibrated to verify quan

es used.

 Manufacturer and produc on batch iden fica on supplied and recorded.  Verify line width and bead applica on.  Verify applica on rates are within specifica ons.  Verify that pavement markings comply with required dimensions and approved drawings.  Verify that traffic control plan is followed.  Ensure the sampling of each color of paint and beads.

Sampling & Testing  Obtain sampling and tes ng requirements for the project.  Coordinate with contractor to observe and witness the sampling of beads and every color of paint used.  Ensure that sample is taken a er 10 gallons are used using valve on truck and that agitator is turned off while sampling.  Ensure that samples are labeled and sent in for tes ng for the Materials test report.

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Construction Inspection Guide

B) PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIALS – SECTION 02768 Pavement Marking tape, Solvent free and lead free epoxy, methyl-methacrylate and thermoplas c legends may all be applied to PCCP or HMA for use as lines, symbols and other markings instead of pavement marking paint. These materials must be approved by the Engineer for use.

SubmiƩal Items The manufacturer must submit a Manufacturer Warranty covering quality control, placement and all other factors that affect the service life of the material. The manufacturer must also submit a Warranty Bond for the total bid price of the material. The contractor or subcontractor applying markings must be approved to perform the work.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The inspector must verify that the manufacturer’s warranty and bond are approved by the Engineer and that an approved contractor is performing the work. This informa on should be available from the Engineer. The inspector must determine if there are any sampling and tes ng requirements for the product used in the specifica ons. The inspector should verify that the contractor has a traffic control plan for the pavement marking opera on.

InspecƟon Items The Inspector must verify that the materials used match the products and manufacturer approved. The contractor should be able to demonstrate that they are following manufacturer’s instruc ons for surface prepara on and applica on. The inspector must verify that the work meets approved drawings for dimensions, loca ons and markings. The inspector should ensure that the Traffic Control Plan is followed.

Common Issues 1. The surface must be prepared for the proper applica on of the Pavement Marking Material. 2. The markings must be checked that the right size and type of striping is placed in the proper loca ons with the right lane widths. Page | 4

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CHAPTER 8 02768: PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIALS Pre-Inspection  Manufacturer’s warranty and bond per specifica on.  Check sampling and tes ng requirements per specifica ons.  Traffic Control Plan.

Inspection  Verify that products used and manufacturer match those approved.  Verify that manufacturer’s instruc ons are followed for surface prepara on and applica on.  Verify that work meets approved drawings for dimensions, loca ons and marking.  Verify that Traffic Control Plan is followed.



A) TRAFFIC SIGNS – SECTION 02891 Traffic signs are an important aspect of every project. Sign size, orienta on, eleva on, visibility and installa on all contribute to traffic safety and proper opera on of the facility. Close coopera on between all forces on highway construc on projects is necessary when installing signs to assure proper signing for traffic safety and use.

SubmiƩal Items The contractor must submit the Manufacturer’s Product data and specifica ons for approval. If no special design is required the signs must conform to Specifica ons and Standard Drawings. Three copies of the shop drawings for overhead signs must be submi ed to the Project Engineer for approval prior to fabrica on.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The inspector must verify that the sign materials and the manufacturer have been approved by the Engineer including the three sets of drawings for overhead signs. This in- forma on should be available from the Engineer. The inspector should determine if the sign is a replacement or new sign. Replacement signs must be installed before the removal of exis ng signs. The inspector should verify the loca on of signs to be installed. It is recommended that the project

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engineer and the Region Traffic Engineer coordinate a study of the loca on of each sign to determine that each sign is placed in the most efficient loca on for visibility and nigh me reflec vity. All sign loca ons are to be staked prior to installa on by the contractor.

InspecƟon Items The inspector must verify that sign founda ons are constructed as per approved drawings in approved loca ons. This includes inspec on of the excava on for the founda ons for size, depth, loose soil and debris. The inspector must inspect the reinforcement used in founda on for size, type, condi on, dimensions, tying and placement of reinforcement and anchor bolt assemblies. The inspector must coordinate with the Materials Technician to ensure air, slump, temperature and strength tes ng is performed according to MS&T and approved mix design concrete is used. Backfill of founda ons and sign posts must be compacted to a density equal to surrounding materials. This is o en accomplished by boring into exis ng soil with the proper size augur and filling the en re excava on with concrete. Other backfilling shall be density tested by a Materials Technician to match compac on of surrounding material. The inspector must verify that the sign is the right size, eleva on, orienta on and type according to project specifica ons and Standard Drawings. The inspector must verify that the signs are constructed of acceptable materials for posts, structures and signs according to project specifica ons and Standard Drawings. The inspector must verify that all bolts are of the right type and size and that they are located and ghtened as per specifica ons and approved drawings. The inspector must verify that wood posts are the correct dimension, length and embedment with the correct size holes drilled at proper height. If the sign is to be temporarily covered the covering must be opaque. The covering should be fastened at the back of sign and maintained un l it is to be removed. The inspector shall ensure that concrete tes ng and density tes ng are performed by technicians that are TTQP qualified for their tasks. Page | 6

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Sampling and TesƟng The inspector must ensure that concrete placed for sign founda ons is sampled and tested as per MS&T requirements. The inspector must ensure that backfill is tested as required and meets specified densi es.

Common Issues 1. Founda on not placed in proper loca on or with proper offset. 2. Founda on or sign eleva on not mee ng design requirements. 3. Sign not proper type or size. 02891: TRAFFIC SIGNS Pre-Inspection  Verify that the sign materials and manufacturer are approved by the Engineer. For an Overhead Structure three sets of drawings are required for approval prior to fabrica on.  Determine if this is a new installa on or replacement. If it is a replacement, the new sign must be installed prior to removal of the exis ng sign.  Verify that the loca ons of signs to be placed have been checked and approved by the Engineer. The sign loca ons should be staked prior to installa on.

Inspection  Verify that excava on for founda ons is proper size, depth and clear of loose soil or debris and in the right loca on.  Inspect reinforcement and anchor bolt assembly for size, type, condi on, tying, dimensions, placement and eleva on.  Coordinate with materials technician to perform concrete and density tes ng as required.  Verify results of concrete tes ng and use of approved mix design.  Verify that all backfilling is done to match densi es of surrounding material.  Verify that the sign is the proper size, orienta on, eleva on and type and that approved materials are used for posts, structures and signs.  Inspect bolts for size, type, placement and ghtening.  Verify that wood posts are the proper dimension, length and embedment with the correct sized holes and drilled at proper heights.

Sampling & Testing  The inspector shall ensure that concrete used for founda ons is tested by a materials technician as per MS&T.  The inspector shall ensure that any backfilling is compacted to match densi es of surrounding material with required density tes ng performed.  The inspector shall verify that tes ng is performed by TTQP qualified technicians.

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B) OVERHEAD SIGN/VMS STRUCTURE – SECTION 02893 Overhead Sign/VMS Structures are large structural structure used to support sta c and variable message signs that improve traffic safety and func oning. The structures have reinforced concrete founda ons, anchor bolt assemblies and galvanized steel structures and hardware that are designed to support signs that are large enough to be clearly visible by motorists.

SubmiƩal Items The contractor must submit: 1. Five sets of shop drawings for each sign structure for approval prior to fabrica on. (There are to be no devia ons from approved drawings without wri en authoriza on from the Engineer). 2. Mill Test Reports for all structural steel and aluminum used. 3. Manufacturer’s Cer fica on for all reinforcement used in founda ons. 4. Concrete Mix Design for approval of concrete used for founda ons. 5. Erec on plans detailing procedures for safe installa on of structures. 6. Traffic Control plans for all aspects of installa on of overhead signs including demo, excava on, founda ons, structure installa on and sign installa on. 7. Buy America documenta on.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The Inspector must verify that all submi als have been submi ed and approved. This can be verified through the Engineer, Materials technician and the UDOT Materials website. The Inspector must verify approval of the loca ons of all Overhead Structures. It is recommended that the project engineer and the Region Traffic Engineer coordinate Page | 8

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a study of the loca on of each sign to determine that each sign is placed in the most efficient loca on for visibility and nigh me reflec vity. Sign loca ons should be staked prior to work being performed. The inspector should review the project specifica ons and UDOT MS&T requirements. The inspector should review Traffic Control plans and Erec on plans to ensure that work is performed in a safe and mely manner. The inspector should verify the roadway cross sec on informa on to ensure proper eleva on and offset. The inspector should verify that u lity loca ons do not conflict with pro- posed founda on and structure. The inspector must verify that compacted embankments are placed before drilling. This informa on should be available from the Engineer or the Materials Technician. The embankments must meet density specifica ons and be tested to MS&T standards. This informa on should be available from the Engineer or Materials Technician.

InspecƟon Items The founda on must be inspected as per sec on 6.1.b Drilled Sha s 02466 including inspec on of the sha , reinforcement, anchor bolt assembly, concrete placement and required tes ng of concrete by a qualified materials technician. The installa on of the structure must be inspected as per sec on 6.4.a Structural Steel 05120 including visually inspec ng the condi on of structural steel and aluminum components during delivery and installa on, visually inspec ng

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high strength bolt ghtening and verifying that high strength grout is placed between structure and founda on. The inspector must verify loca ons and eleva ons of founda ons and structural components to ensure that sign height meets requirements. The inspector must verify that all backfilling of founda ons matches density of surrounding material and coordinate with the materials technician to perform required density tes ng. The inspector must verify that the sign is made of approved materials. The inspector must verify that the sign is the proper size, type, orienta on and eleva on to ensure that the sign will perform its func on in assis ng traffic use and safety. The inspector must visually inspect sign bol ng and installa on to ensure that bol ng is the proper size, spacing and loca on and are ghtened adequately. If the sign is to be covered temporarily it must be covered with opaque material fastened at the back of the sign and maintained by the contractor un l it is to be removed. If the sign is a replacement the new sign must be installed prior to the removal of the exis ng sign. The inspector must verify that traffic control plans and erec on plans for each aspect of the overhead structure are followed to ensure the safety of both motorists and workers. The inspector must verify that tes ng of soil density and concrete are performed by TTQP qualified technicians.

Sampling and TesƟng The inspector must coordinate with the Materials Technician to ensure that concrete placed for founda ons is tested according to project specifica ons and MS&T requirements and that the concrete is an approved mix design. The inspector must coordinate with the Materials Technician to ensure that all required density tes ng is performed on embankment backfill and backfill material. The inspector must ensure that tes ng is per- formed by TTQP qualified technicians.

Common Issues 1. Plan to place founda on with water in drilled sha submi ed and followed. 2. Eleva on of concrete founda on and bolt assembly. 3. Traffic control setup for installing overhead structures allow for the delivery and craning of large structures.

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Pre-Inspection  Verify that all submi als have been submi ed and approved.  Verify that sign loca ons have been approved and staked.  Review project specifica ons and MS&T requirements.  Review Traffic Control plans and erec on plans.  Verify roadway cross sec on informa on for eleva ons and offset.  Verify that compacted embankments are placed prior to drilling.

Inspection  Inspect founda ons as per sec on 6.1.b Drilled Sha s.  Inspect installa on of structural steel as per sec on 6.4.a Structural Steel.  Verify that Traffic control plans and erec on plans are followed.  Verify loca ons and eleva ons of founda ons and structural steel.  Verify that all backfilling of founda ons matches surrounding material.  Verify that sign is made of approved materials.  Verify that sign is the proper size, type, orienta on and eleva on.  Verify that all bol ng is the right size, type, loca on and ghtened.

Sampling & Testing  Coordinate with Materials Technician to perform required concrete tes ng on founda ons. Ensure that mix design is approved.  Verify that all required density tes ng is performed on embankments and backfill.  Verify that concrete and density tes ng is performed by TTQP qualified personnel.

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UDOT 8.3

Construction Inspection Guide


A) DELINEATORS – SECTION 02843 Delineators are either galvanized or flexible posts that are painted and covered with reflec ve shee ng to specifica ons to mark hazards contribu ng to public safety. It is important that they are manufactured and installed to specifica ons to ensure visibility and performance of intended func on.

SubmiƩal Items The contractor must submit a Manufacturer’s Cer ficate of Compliance for all delineators provided for acceptance by the Engineer.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The inspector should ensure that the Manufacturer’s Cer ficate of Compliance is on file for all delineators used checking for type and number.

InspecƟon Items The inspector must verify that the correct type of posts are used as per project specifica ons. The inspector must verify that the delineators are placed in the proper loca on with the proper offset. The inspector must verify proper height and spacing of delineators. The inspector must verify that the correct color of shee ng is used. The inspector should verify that Traffic Control Plans are followed to ensure worker and public safety.

Common Issues 1. The delineators must be set to the specified height.

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Pre-Inspection  Verify that the Manufacturer’s Cer ficate of Compliance is received for all delineators used. Inspection  Acceptable posts  Verify the loca on and proper offset distance of installed delineators.  Verify that the delineators are installed at the correct height and spacing.  Verify that the correct color of shee ng is being used.  Verify that Traffic Control is setup.

B) LONGITUDINAL RUMBLE STRIP – SECTION 02761 Longitudinal Rumble Strip is a pa ern ground into the final surface of the roadway used to warn traffic that they are straying from their lane. The grinding is done using equipment designed to grind the required pa ern into either HMA or PCCP pavement to the required depth in the designed loca on.

SubmiƩal Items The Engineer should approve the equipment used to ensure that the equipment, personnel and methods of opera on produce acceptable results. A 500’ test strip will be constructed for evalua on of dimensions, alignment and smoothness.

Pre-InspecƟon Items The inspector should verify that the opera on is approved by the Engineer prior to the performance of work beyond the 500’ test strip. The equipment and the depth, width and offset of cut must meet specifica ons.

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InspecƟon Items The inspector should verify that the work is performed to requirements for loca on, offset, depth and width. The inspector should verify that asphalt flush coat is applied at a uniform rate of 0.10 gallon/square yard. The flush coat is diluted to two parts concentrate and one part water by the manufacturer. The inspector should verify that debris resul ng from grinding is removed prior to opening the lane adjacent to the rumble strip. The inspector should verify that Traffic Control plans are followed.

Sampling and TesƟng The inspector should coordinate with the materials technician to ensure that all required sampling and tes ng is performed on concrete placed around junc on boxes and density tes ng on any required backfill greater than the area excavated for the junc on box. The inspector should verify that all sampling and tes ng is performed by qualified personnel.

Common Issues 1. The Traffic Control must be in place un l the debris is removed.


 Verify proper equipment per specifica on.  Verify depth, width and offset of cut as per plan with 500' test sec on.  Flush coat applied uniformly at required rate.  Verify that debris is removed prior to lane opening.

 Verify that Traffic Control plan is followed.

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Construction Inspection Guide Chapter Links

1-Preface & Introduction

2-Traffic Control

3-Demolition and Earthwork


5-Pavement & Materials


7-Traffic Signals, Lighting, ATMS

8-Striping, Signing, Safety Features

9-Landscaping, Fencing, Incidental Const.



12-Crash Cushion & Barrier End Treatments

Construction Inspection Guide


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