Our NICA SS12 collection This season we’ve merged classic 70’s elegance with an ample dose of our signature Nica flair. Bold, vibrant colours meet must-have vintage shapes. Textures, prints & gorgeous detailing engages laid back style with a quirky edge. Get carried away with this beautiful collection….
Beau-ti-ful– adjective 1. having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind 2. excellent of its kind 3. wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying
Get carried away....
s and y shape e k in e rent rang ixes diffe a harming A fun, c izes. Andrea m te s to crea s r u lo o perfect &c eless s, trims n of tim rend. io t a texture in b com tage t splendid and playful vin ation sophistic
Large Bowling NH1364 Rafia
Satchel NH1359 Rafia
Large Bowling NH1269
range n i rs u o l o C affia
R Black ffia a Tan R
k y Pin k s u D Tan
Celine Colours in range Blush Bone Charcoal Tan
Xbody NH1315
Shoulder NH1371
Shoulder NH1371
Colours in range
Charcoa l Snake Coral Patent So ft Bone Snake
Tote NH1270
Xbody NH1311
Colours in range
Bitter Choc Bone Burnt Orange
Florance Colours in range Shoulder NH1262
Black Tan
Folio NH1276
Xbody NH1274
range Colours in
Bone Purple Yellow
Grab NH1275
Colours in range Black Natural
Straw Tote NH1344
Xbody NH1345
Grab NH1320 Canvas Print
Cage Bag NH1303
Drawstring Xbody NH1366
XBody NH1362
ange Colours in r Bone Yellow Tan
Choc Print Pink Print Green Print
Shoulder NH1295
Shoulder NH1367
Colours in range Black Bone Red Tan
Tote NH1283
Shoulder NH1312
Xbody NH1309
Tote NH1341
Grab NH1310
ange Colours in r Choc Green
C o ra l Yellow
M argritt
ine ly femin d e id c e veals a ith a d hape w wor k re s t r ic a s t s u la d o Ac ll finishe ate cut a c , li h e t d a e e h m. undern touch. T ica char pattern N l a e r r o u fl t signa pretty eautiful b a h it off w
Tote NH1334
Xbody NH1369
ange Colours in r Bone Navy
Tote NH1330
Small Frame NH1328
Mollie Colours in r ange Bone Base Navy Base
ents the elem a ll a h it shape w bag! Morgan is louchy s ft o s a soft y Nica A ssentiall comes in both ely e t in u q of a and a lov vourite well as fa s a e r it e n h fi t de x lea ous fau canvas. sumptu printed
Xbody NH1298
Tote Canvas NH1363
Tote NH1299
ange as Print) c Print r n i s (Canv ter Cho olour oa l Ch a rc Stone Tan
Bit Print Green t rin Pink P
Nica Play
lly yet tota n fu l, fu lso lay range a g the p is in r h t u , t a p Ca f Nic the ments o m with le r e a l h a c ic f t prac ouch o ail. added t e h t er y det s id a o h r b m lovely e
Holdall NH1370
Grab NH1348
ange Colours in r
Bone Base Cora l Base Navy Base
Backpack NH1346
Xbody NH1349
Nica Play
Patty Colours in range Black Jade Pink Tan White Xbody NH1386
Tote NH1390
EW Grab NH1388
Santes Colours in range Mink White
Tote NH1260
Xbody NH1264
Weekender NH1322
Bucket Tote NH1289
ange Colours in r Bone Green
C o ra l rint Navy Boat P
Satchel NH1313
Duffle NH1287
Xbody NH1375
Scoop NH1384
nge a r in s r u lo Co Black Green
Tara Colours in range Bone/Black Dusky Pink/Taupe
Xbody NH1382
Top Handle Flapover NH1383
t out laser cu e t a ey ic r t these k us in o o e t g s r s o la The g h of c ray in an ar hic touc c s e a m s o d c d tful anino detail a a deligh hapes. V s h it d e w r s u str uct colour tractive t a h ic r charm. of hanging
Colours in range Burnt Orange Chocolate Dove Green
Large Xbody NH1284
Tote NH1268
Shoulder NH1306
Xbody NH1360
Drawstring Shoulder NH1296
Colours in ran Brown Yellow Green
s e s r u P a Nic eather Goods
L and Small
Andrea Coral Tan
Large Purse NS1333
Large Purse NS1334 Rafia
Black Raffia Tan Raffia
Celine Purse NS1345
Large Purse NS1343
Bone Blush Charcoal Tan
Elaine Purse NS1258
Large purse NS1256
Bitter Choc Bone Burnt Orange
Hope Bone Yellow Purple Purse NS1340
Large Purse NS1339
Kingston Choc Print Green Print Pink Print Large Purse NS1363
Travel Wallet NS1369
Wash Bag NS1371
Make-up Bag NS1367
s e s r u P a c Ni Leather Goods
and Small
Koper Black Bone Red Tan Purse NS1323
lily Choc Print
Clutch NS1361
Large Purse NS1322
Navy Boat Print
Passport Travel Wallet NS1328
Large Purse NS1331
Wash Bag NS1329
Make-up Bag NS1335
Purse NS1294
Large purse NS1293
Vanino Burnt Orange Dove Green Choc
Inspired by cinematic glamour & 30s style, Nica London showcases a range of beautifully crafted leather handbags. This season sees the Nica London brand come into its own with an exciting fusion of luxurious leathers, a bold colour palette, key shapes & exquisite detailing.
A den
Folio NH1220
Colours in range Black Fuchsia Tobacco
A den
Shoulder NH1221
Purse NS1237
Large Purse NS1235
A den
Xbody NH1305
Colours in range Black Fuchsia Tobacco
Purse NS1327
Large Purse NS1325
Colours in range Fuchsia Sea Green Tobacco
Ca mden
Purse NS1259
Large Purse NS1245
Colours in range Carbon Snake Khaki Snake Salmon Snake
Tote NH1218
Colours in range Chocolate Khaki Tan
Boxy Mini NH1249
Xbody NH1219
Purse NS1241
Large Purse NS1239
Tote NH1233
Purse NS1259
Large Purse NS1257
Colours in range Mid Brown Sage Rouge Yellow
Portfolio NH1178
Colours in range Black Fawn
Burnt Orange Grey
Xbody NH1177
Purse NS1192
Nica L ond on
Mo od b
Nica Press
Contact us NICA SHOWROOM TLG Brands Ltd 20 Broadway Chambers London W6 7AF T: +44 (0)208 563 2206 F: +44 (0)208 563 2207 UK & INTERNATIONAL Sales Manager Iva Suchankova T: +44 (0)208 237 4647 E: iva@tlgbrands.com SALES ASSISTANT Amy Stephens T: +44 (0)208 237 4648 E: amy.stephens@tlgbrands.com SALES AUSTRIA Patric Stromberger Showroom: M1 Carl-Zuckmayer-Strasse 38, A- 15101 Bergheim M: +43 660 120 8280 T: +43 662 456230 E: p.stromberger-nica@gmx.at SALES BELGIUM & HOLLAND Ilse van Gompel - Aksynt Showroom: Brussels Trade Mart Fashion Gardens Este 140 Belgium T: +33 489 610 810 M: +33 625 787 487 E: info@aksynt.com SALES FRANCE Ilse van Gompel - Aksynt 4, avenue Mont Joli 06110 Le Cannet - France T: +33 489 610 810 M: +33 625 787 487 E: info@aksynt.com
SALES USA Maureen Schwarz Liza Liaw T: +001 347 783 5123 E: lliaw@latiqueusa.com SALES SCANDINAVIA Aica Trading AB T: +46 33 204360 E: trading@aica.se SALES FOR THE NORTH OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND & WALES Rachelle Manders T: +44(0)7962 887523 E: Rachellemanders99@googlemail.com Showroom: 308 Ducie House Ducie Street Manchester M1 2JW SALES FOR SOUTH OF ENGLAND Matt Haselwood T: +44 7795 204 065 E: mhaselwood@hotmail.com PRESS OFFICE Lucy Rome E: lucy@tlgbrands.com T: +44 (0)208 237 4627 DISTRIBUTION Mill House Unit 2 Eelmoor Road Farnborough, Hants GU14 7QN T: +44 (0)1252 518 060 F: +44 (0) 1252 517 742