Assist Your Body in Removing Toxins
Far Infrared Sauna (built with untreated wood): 30 minutes 3-7 times per week. S
Hot bath with 2 cups Epsom salts and 1 cup Baking Soda and 1/3 cup Hydrogen Per juice) while you are soaking and take a lukewarm to cool shower after getting out of t
Alternating Hot/Cold Showers: Will increase blood flow through all major org of tissues and blood. Instructions:
While performing normal duties in shower alternate temperat
Start with 3 minutes hot (as hot as you can tolerate). Quickly switch water to co This equals one cycle. Perform 3 cycles. Always start with hot and always end with cold.
Castor Oil Packs Shown to stimulate the immune system and increase white blood cell count. Supplies Needed: 3-5 Cotton baby diapers 1 bottle of Castor Oil Hot Water Bottle Old T-shirt and or towel Saran wrap
Shower afterwards to prevent reabsorption of toxins into skin
roxide. Soak 20-30 minutes. Drink lots of fluids (preferably water with lemon the tub to rinse off the salts. Rest for 30 minutes after the bath.
gans including Liver, Kidneys, and Spleen. Will increase detoxification and cleansing
ture of water in the following fashion:
old for 30 seconds (as cold as you can tolerate).
Instructions: Saturate 1 side of folded baby diaper with ½ cup of Castor Oil (add more if needed) Apply saturated side to liver area. Cover diaper with saran wrap Place towel over area and lay hot water bottle on top Rest and relax for 20-40 minutes. Remove baby diaper and store in plastic baggy. Store in refrigerator. Replace baby diaper with new one after 2-3 weeks. Castor Oil will stain, so take care to protect pj’s and sheets.