Undergraduate Architecture Design Portfolio 2016

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Undergraduate Design Portfolio 2016 University of South Florida School of Architecture and Community Design


Kit of Elements


Bruce Lee / IP Man


Michael Heizer


Delta Shelter / Le Petite Cabonon


Inhabitable Wall


Tectonic Canopy / Habitable Light Wells


Selected Works


intro 1 / Spring 2015 Professor Jason Welty

Intro 1 / Spring 2015 Professor Jason Welty

intro 1/Spring 2015 Professor jason Welty

Intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders

Intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders

intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders

Kit of Elements intro 1 / Spring 2015 Professor Jason Welty

The kit of elemnts was our first exposure to Architecture and its vocabulary. Given a large L volume, cube, planes and linear elements, we were to explore terms such as mass vs void, extrude, penetrate, additive subtracive, joint, threshold, rythmn, datum, transformation, space within a space, interlocking spaces, and folding. the first half of the project was making parti models to illistarte some of these terms. the second half of this project was to nest some of these parti models into the larger L shape. we used mueseum board and bass wood linear elements for construction of the models.


30 60 axo

Parti Model 1

Parti Model 2



Final Model

Bruce Lee / IP Man

Intro 1 / Spring 2015 Professor Jason Welty

“Tao of Jeet Kune Do” was a project where we chose quotes that Bruce Lee wrote while creating his brand of kung fu and turning them into physical representations of the chosen quotes. “Ip Man” is a movie about the life of Yip Kai-Man who was Bruce Lee’s mentor and teacher. the challenge of this project was not only introducing plexi as a new meduim to use, but also how to capture movement or non movement into our design while still using our freshly learned vocabulary from our first project.


“The Immovable is the concentrationof energy at a given focus, as the axis of a wheel instead of dispersal in Scattered activties” -Lee

“The difference betweeen an expert and novice fighter is that the expert makes use of every oppurtunity” - Lee

“a fighter cannot use the same attack against every opponet, a good man should vary his game with simple and complex attacks and counter attacks with changes in distance and speed.” - Lee Yip Kai-Man

Bruce Lee

“Jeet Kune Do does not beat around the bush It does not take widening detours. It follows a striaght line to the obsticle. Simplistity is the shortest distance between two points.” -Lee

“In martial Arts Cultivation, there must be a sense of freedom. A conditioned mind is never a free mind, conditioning limits a person within the framework of a perticular system” -Lee

“Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that. the void is all inclusive, having no opposite, there is nothing which it excludes or opposes, it is living void because all forms come out of it and whoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all beings” - Lee

“know the emptiness and tranquility of your mind. Be empty, have no style or form for the opponet to work on.� -Lee

Plexi mind model

Plan showing Section cuts

section study

section study

Final Model

Michael Heizer intro 1/Spring 2015 Professor jason Welty

The purpose of the michael Heizer project was to see different ways of using land as art. This will be very helpful in the future when designing spaces, structures, and communities. Michael heizer used a lot of Positive/ negative relationships in his work and that is what i tried to use in my design for this project.


Michael Heizer

Displaced replaced mass

Double Negative

Levitated Mass NYC

Levitated Mass L.A. CA.

Light Study

How light can effect space

Axo Section Study

Axo Section STudy

Delta Shelter Le Petite Cabonon Intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders

This project had 4 main influences: Delta Shelter by Tom kundig, Le Petite Cabanon by Le Corbusier, Domestic Transformer by Gary Chang and Maison a Bordeaux.


Delta Shelter -Tom Kundig

Le Petit Cabanon -Le Corbusier

Domestic Transformer -Gary Chang

Maison a Bordeaux -Rem Koolhaas

Fourth level

Third level

People mover that becomes part of each floor it visits, creating views that you can only have in the perfect setting

Second level

First level

Plans and section

Inhabitable Wall Intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders

this project began with a study of Pritzker prize recipient Alvaro Siza and his work at Leca de Palmeira. we were to understand the spatial concepts of how a building and its environment react to each other.


Alvaro Siza is the 1992 Pritzker Prize recipient for his work desiging the city plans for the Chiado neighborhood in lisbon after it was destroyed by a fire. we studied his work (Right) 1966 pool at Leca de Palmeria.

purposed Site

West site elevation

north east site Elevation

The second part of the project, was to pick a site on campus to study the same spatio-temporal concept as in Siza’s work. I chose the campus southeast rec fields and devloped a partially in ground wall condition that solves substantial saftey concerns. It includes a space for healthy eating options and It has a transportation hub which serves as a connection point from off campus to on campus.

draft model

Hybrid Perspective

Final Model

The first part of this project was to study light by creating light wells that illustrate Tenebristic, chirosciro and chromatic light. the second part was to design a carved mass to overhang a shadow garden in which we would embed our light wells that would also be habitable. We learned the limits of materiality and started to develop a sense of what tectonic spatial relationships mean. I created a moving light well that can be moved over the shadow garden to get different lighting conditions.

Tectonic Canopy Habitable Light Wells

intro 2 / Fall 2015 Professor Nancy Sanders


Light study with light well in point 1 and 2 with glass staircase

Section Study

Selected Works


2 PT Perspective Exterior

1 PT Perspective Downtown Tampa

2 PT Perspective of CCTV Building Beging China

Light Shadingstudy of Brown Egg

2 PT Perspective Interior with Nature Taking over

Architectual freehand Drawing

Intro to Digital Design

Line Weight exercise Munich City Map -Autocad

The relationship of Path in the matrix - Rhino3d

Rendering Exercise using Rhino, Vray and Photoshop

Thank you for your Consideration twmartineau@mail.usf.edu

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