Key Considerations for the growth Proposals Town Centre Parking Parking provision in the town centre will support the development of Ashford as a shopping and leisure destination. Three new multi story car parks are proposed at Victoria Way, New Street and Mace Lane as well as a number of short-stay car parks in the core of the town centre and 3 Park and Ride schemes on the town’s outskirts.
Proposals for the growth of Ashford town centre Your guide to the Town Centre Area Action Plan
Cycling Encouraging greater cycle use is a key aspiration for the wider Ashford Growth Area, and appropriate cycle parking provision within all development schemes will help to stimulate greater cycle usage within the town centre. All retail and leisure, office and residential developments will be required to provide on-site cycle parking spaces.
Protected Areas The protection and enhancement of the town centre’s green corridors is a key objective. Development proposals within identified areas will be permitted, providing they are compatible with, or compliment, their principal open space or other existing uses within them, and it can be demonstrated that they would not harm the overall environment, biodiversity, visual amenity or functioning of the Corridor.
Open spaces and play areas Any development within the town centre that cannot provide open space, play or sporting facilities on site, to meet the needs of the development, will be expected to make a financial contribution towards providing the remaining provision at an appropriate off-site location.
For more details about The Ashford Town Centre Area Action Plan visit or call the Planning Policy Team on 01233 330229.
By 2021, Ashford’s town centre will grow to provide around 8000 additional jobs and 2500 new dwellings to create a vibrant, attractive and safe place to live, work and do business. The Ashford Town Centre Area Action Plan outlines detailed proposals of how this growth will happen. It identifies specific sites for development and policies to address a range of planning issues including design standards, the mix of business, residential and retail premises, how the town’s heritage and character will be preserved, the inclusion of public art in development proposals and parking provision. This leaflet introduces the key proposals within the area action plan...
Proposals for the growth of Ashford town centre
vision is for a 24m wide urban avenue with improved public spaces and landscaping. Road construction to be completed by 2011.
11 Elwick Place Size: 6.65 acres total, with 22,000sqm retail/leisure, 5,000sqm commercial, 300 residential units. A major development covering 6.65 acres of prime town centre space, that will help bring forward the area’s regeneration. A mix of flats and houses, office space and street level retail and leisure, with scope for a possible cinema and hotel fronting the innovative ‘shared space’. Development planned to commence by 2011.
17 Victoria Way South Size: 1,000sqm retail/leisure, 600 residential units Residential development capitalising on the attractive Victoria Park and riverfront, with some small scale retail and office units fronting Victoria Way.
18 New Street South Size: 1,000sqm retail/leisure, 50 residential units. Project to build a new 400 space multi-storey car park, and possible redevelopment of existing buildings and provision of new retail, leisure or residential units. Expected after 2016.
19 New Street North Size: 2,000sqm retail/leisure, 1,000sqm commercial, 50sqm residential Redevelopment of existing building for retail, office and/or leisure use.
20 Charter House
Size: 9,880sqm commercial, 224 residential units
12 Enterprise Centre
Existing / Future Projects
Proposals in Town Centre Area Action Plan
Creation of an Enterprise Centre in a town centre location to provide temporary accommodation and support for new businesses, particularly new media.
13 Station Improvements 1 Latitude Walk Size: Up to 46 flats and 2 houses An affordable housing development on the corner of Elwick Road and the East Street/ West Street Junction, that will incorporate improvements to the street scene along the shared space route. Currently under construction.
2 Elwick Road (corner) Size: 2,000sqm retail/leisure, 4,000sqm commercial, 200 residential units
4 My Space Skate Park A project to relocate the Sk8side skate park from the Stour Centre to an alternative town centre location.
5 Powergen Site A retail and residential development at the key intersection of Victoria Way and the Learning Link corridor, with a new 800 space multistorey car park and possible inclusion of a 2,000sqm food store.
14 Park Mall
8 St Mary’s Church Project to sensitively refurbish the historic St Mary’s Church to incorporate a vibrant arts venue for the community, attracting nationally renowned acts and local talent. Due to open by the end of 2010.
9 Gateway Plus
3 Dover Place
A major development within the commercial quarter next to the railway station, consisting of high quality office space, with attractive riverside residential units. To commence before 2012.
An 18,000sqm learning campus off the new Victoria Way, catering for 14,000 full and part-time students. Due to open 2011, subject to funding.
Size: 5,500sqm retail/leisure, 50 residential units
Redevelopment of derelict buildings on the corner of Elwick Road and Station Road, with street level retail and leisure outlets, office space, residential units overlooking the memorial gardens, and improved access to the High Street.
Size: 55,000 sq.m. of commercial floorspace with complementary residential and small-scale retail uses
7 Ashford Learning Campus
6 Gateway to Elwick Place An iconic new gateway providing real focus for the growth of the town centre southwards, comprising a new pedestrian pathway and cycle route linking Victoria Park to Elwick Square, and incorporating the improved Learning Link bridge.
A project of phased improvements to Ashford International Station. Works include extending the booking hall, improving access by foot, cycle and public transport, and better signage to the town centre.
Redevelopment of Ashford Library to house a new Gateway Plus centre, with 2,500sqm of improved library, community and educational facilities for the town.
10 Victoria Way A major new road linking the International Station to the A28 Chart Road, with a mix of residential units, street level shops and cafes, and commercial and office space. Ultimate
Redevelopment of the Charter House office block into high quality flats, with some office space. Plans include two new buildings to provide a further 110 flats, with associated parking and landscaping.
21 Vicarage Lane Car Park Size: 5,000sqm retail/leisure, 2,000sqm commercial, 100 residential units. Residential and community development sensitive to the surrounding conservation area, incorporating existing community facilities and new street level retail and leisure units. Possible relocation of Bingo Hall to provide an attractive new pedestrian link to and from the High Street and the churchyard.
22 Former Godinton Way Ind Est
Size: 9,000sqm retail/leisure, 3,000sqm commercial, 100 residential units.
Size: 300 residential units
Redevelopment of the existing Park Mall shopping centre and multi-storey car parks, with significant provision for new retail, including a possible 2,000sqm food store, and improved pedestrian access from town centre.
23 Gasworks Lane
15 County Square Extension Extension of the existing County Square shopping centre, including a 90,000 sq ft Debenhams and 600 space multi-storey car park. Completed Spring 2008.
16 Victoria Way East Size: 1,000sqm retail/leisure, 600 residential units Residential development capitalising on the attractive Victoria Park and riverfront, with some small scale retail and office units fronting Victoria Way.
Residential development, with a mixture of flats and town houses envisaged.
Size: 2,000sqm commercial, 300 residential units Residential development with employment opportunities close to the link to Leacon Road Ind Est, and retail and leisure frontage on Victoria Way.
24 Former B&Q site Size: 4,000sqm retail/leisure, 6,000sqm commercial, 100 residential units. A major office-led development, capitalising on its key position on Romney Marsh Road opposite the International Station, with the possibility for a business hotel. Street level retail and leisure to encourage pedestrian movement, and residential units on upper floors.
The Town Centre Quarters Town Centre Core Quarter The focal point for retail, entertainment, tourist and cultural activity in Ashford, with increased residential population and improved pedestrian links.
Commercial Quarter The new business hub of the town, capitalising on its proximity to the international station and playing a lead role in job creation, with substantial office space, hard and soft landscaping, retail and leisure outlets, and some residential units along the riverfront.
Southern Expansion Quarter A large residential development, including the new Ashford Learning Campus, 800 space multi-storey car park, and the new the Victoria Way link.
International Station Quarter The international gateway to the town centre and entrance to Ashford from junction 10/10A of the M20, the area will benefit from high quality building design, improved pedestrian connections to the town and Designer Outlet, new office space and possible business class hotel.
Civic Quarter A spacious quarter with softer, greener character, capitalising on the river corridor and associated open space. To feature limited new amounts of commercial development around the established large-scale educational, leisure and civic facilities.
Residential Transition Quarter A transitional zone between the large scale developments of the town centre core and the traditional residential neighbourhoods adjoining the north and west of the town centre. New development is focused around the New Street entrance to the town centre, with a multi-storey car park and some mixed-use development sympathetic to the surrounding areas.