5 minute read
nio, TX. They have children, Ken of Plano, Randy of Ivanhoe, Beverly of Tulsa, OK and Karen, deceased.
Monday 8-30-21 - Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce, Parmesan Roasted Broccoli, Garlic Breadstick, Mixed Berry Parfait Tuesday 8-31-21 - Baked Chicken Breast, Whipped Sweet Potatoes, Vegetable Blend Tuscany, Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit Wednesday 9-01-21 - Tamale Pie, Spanish Cabbage, Yellow Squash, Pineapple Crisp Thursday 9-02-21 - Chicken Divan, Corn Salad, Wheat Bread, Sugar Cookie Friday 9-03-21 - Steak, ½ Baked Potato, Lettuce & Tomato Salad, Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit
210 E. 6th St., Bonham, TX • Phone 903-583-8573 Commissioners
8-31-21Continued from page 1
7. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding the Fannin County Declaration of Disaster Procla-
mation for Covid-19: Judge Moore gave the stats as of 1:15 p.m. yesterday as being 2,749 confirmed, 1,028 probable for a total of 3,777 Covid cases. Of those, 49 are active cases (down from 72 the week before) and there have been 114 fatalities. The hospitalization rate is currently 20.16%. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to extend Proclamation for one week.
21st Annual Greenville Swap Meet & Car Show
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5 year labor warranty
P.O. Box 35 Bonham, Texas 75418 Lifetime resident of Fannin County
8. Discussion, consider-
8/3/21 ation, and action regarding
the Covid-19 Response and Continuity of Operations Plan for Fannin County
Personnel: Judge Moore read a standing order from District Judge Laurine Blake for no jury trials due to Covid for the period of time from 8/23/21 to 10/15/21 due to Covid. He said all other court operations will continue to function consistently with the courts. Covid operating plan and the emergency orders of the Texas Supreme Court conclude the use of video conferencing tools for hearings be used; and in-person hearings require all persons to wear a mask unless testifying or asking questions; all in custody cases will be held via video conferencing. Judge Moore noted the First Family Coronavirus Response Act has expired which had allowed employers to pay covid positive or caretaking employees from the Act. That said, he told the Commissioners they needed to decide if they wanted to continue a supervisor’s ability to grant administrative leave to those who contract Covid and need to stay home. After some discussion, Commissioner Magness made the motion to approve the continuity plan as stated for one week with Commissioner Lane seconding and the motion passed.
9. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Covid-19 needs, supplies,
or personnel: Fannin County Purchasing Agent Michelle Case stated there were no needs at this time. Judge Moore then called a citizen to the podium who had requested to speak. A citizen from Ravenna spoke again regarding Covid issues.
10. Discussion, consideration, and action regarding Courthouse Restoration:
Judge Moore referred the Courthouse update to Barbara McCutchen who had been very instrumental in bringing about the restoration for the past fourteen years. Barbara’s joy could be heard in her voice as she told how sirens, car horns, applause filled the air downtown after the dome was put in place Friday, August 20th. She thanked Judge Moore, the commissioners, and all previous courts and then honored the memory of those who are no longer with us who had worked towards this day like Tom Scott, Bob Nunnelee, and Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Moody. She then thanked everyone whether they voted for the work or not.
11. Discussion, consideration, and action to appoint Alicia Whipple to the Fannin County Child
Welfare Board: Brenda Magness with the Fannin County Child Welfare Board submitted the name of Alicia Whipple to be appointed to the board and listed the many organizations Alicia is associated with such as CASA, CPS Services, The Children’s Advocacy Center and the Family Courts of Fannin County. She noted her expertise will be invaluable to the Board and has been found more than qualified to serve on the Board and to serve Fannin County’s most vulnerable children. Commissioner Magness made the motion to appoint Alicia to the Board with Commissioner Lane seconding and the motion passed.
12. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve Edwina Lane as an advisory member of the Fannin County Child Wel-
fare Board: Ms. Magness submitted the name of Edwina Lane as an advisory board member pending the application process and the required background checks. She stated after the process is completed, she will return to submit Ms. Lane’s name for appointment. Commissioner Self motioned to approve with Commissioner Magness seconding and the motion passed to approve.
13. Discussion regarding Fannin County Adult Probation budget for the bien-
nium: Director of Fannin County Adult Probation Corey Baker began by thanking the Commissioners Court for the improvements made to his building and then proceeded to give a breakdown on their budget as required by the State. His report included revenue from a bond program and a breakdown of the collection of probation fees, restitution, and fines. He noted the number of active cases and expenses incurred by his dept. His presentation concluded with a discussion about unfunded mandates dealing with bonds and the need for a certified employee at the jail who can conduct evaluations.
14. Discussion, consideration, and action to approve minutes from 08/18/2021 (S) and 08/10/2021 (R):
Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve minutes.

Craig Buford, Broker/Auctioneer
See Commissioners
on page 8
People always say the past is in the past but I beg to differ. The past is who we are, it prepares us for the future, it makes us strong...unknown Fannin County History The Road Down Memory Lane
Photos courtesy of the Fannin County Historical Museum Three blocks south of the Courthouse Square in Bonham One Main Street Bonham, Texas 75418 903-583-8042 Visit Facebook: “Fannin county historical group”
Randolph, Texas 1918