Self Evaluation Taylor Morris
Front Cover I found that my final design did not exactly match the flatplan. This is because the main focus of my picture were students who were sat to the right of the image. Therefore I decided to add the image in the bottom right on my plan as it would obstruct the main background. I also changed the buzz words to the right instead of the left because I thought it would fit there best. Looking at the work now, it is apparent to me that the background of the buzz words may make it slightly difficult to read and the masthead seems a little juvenile in my opinion, however in the peer assessment task, many commented on it positively. I included students as well as the main building in the front cover image because in my questionnaire 15 out of the 30 asked said they would prefer students and 11 said they would like to see a main building opposed to just college rooms.
Contents Page In my contents page, I included lots of bright colours to make the text easily visible, to grab the readers attention, and to include some of the colours associated with the college. In my questionnaire I asked what colours, warmer or colder, would the person associate with the college. I got mixed responses and therefore I decided to include a variety. Also in my contents page, I included some pictures, as are in my flatplan, however, I could only fit in three.