Brandon M.Frame ----------------------------
Educator. Social Entreprenuer. Thinker. Maverick.
To  The  World,
If  you  told  me  10  years  ago  that  I  would  be  where  I  am  today,  I  wouldn’t  believe  you.  How  could  I?   I  was  a  young,  Black  male  in  America  inundated  with  images  of  men  who  look  like  me  solely  depicted  as  gang  bangers,  drug  dealers,  jailbirds,  deadbeat  dads,  or  dead  before  they  made  it  to  25.  I’m  not  even  talking  about  movies;͞  I’m  talking  about  the  news!
Table  Of  Contents Â
 Letter  To  The  World   ......................................................................................  1  Brandon  Frame:  Uplifting  Young  Kings  .....................................................................................  2  'HÂżQH <RXUVHOI 5HGHÂżQH 7KH :RUOG 7KH *XLGHG Some  might  say  I  beat  the  odds,  but  truth  be  told,  my  life  experiences  werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  a   Journal  for  Black  Boys  &  Men- gamble.  Mentors  came  into  my  life  in  a  variety  of  ways  and  each  oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  impact  on   .....................................................................................  3 me  pushed  me  to  move  forward  and  make  better  choices.   Most  importantly,  my   Speaking  Engagements  &  Pricing  Information mentors  encouraged  me  to  become  the  best  person  I  can  be.  That  is  where  my   .....................................................................................  4 core  values  lie  in  determination  to  constantly  become  my  greatest  self  while  also  %UDQGRQ )UDPH 'HÂżQHG helping  others  cultivate  positive  life  outcomes.  .....................................................................................  5 I  am  inspired  to  create  because  I  love  to  empower,  uplift,  and  inspire  others.  Any   Brandon  Frame  &  TheBlackManCan  In  The  News  .....................................................................................  6   and  everything  I  have  created,  from  my  current  programs  at  High  School,  Inc.  to  my  projects  back  at  Morehouse,  were  in  an  effort  to  have  a  positive,  meaning-  Contact  Information  .....................................................................................  7 ful  impact  on  someone  elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  life.  All  of  those  things  are  rooted  in  my  desire  to  help  others.  I  realized  that  when  one  is  given  the  opportunity  to  shine  brightly,  you  then  have  the  responsibility  to  illuminate  paths  so  others  may  navigate  with  more  ease.  Being  a  social  innovator  is  my  responsibility.  I  always  felt  like  it  was  my  duty  to  use  my  creative  intellectual  resource  to  build  a  better  world. Various  business  internships  taught  me  that  meeting  the  bottom  line  of  a  fortune  500  company  was  not  where  I  found  value.  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  always  found  value  in  meeting  the  bottom  line  in  issues  impacting  todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  youth  including  development,  HGXFDWLRQ DQG FDUHHU SUHSDUDWLRQ :KLOH WKH SDWK WRZDUG WUHPHQGRXV ÂżQDQFLDO gain  in  the  business  sector  was  alluring,  it  was  more  important  for  me  to  mone- tize  my  strengths  and  passions  by  contributing  to  the  greater  good.  It  is  a  bless- LQJ WR EH DEOH WR ZDNH XS HYHU\ GD\ DQG HQJDJH LQ ZRUN WKDW , ÂżQG SXUSRVHIXO meaningful  and  valuable.  I  love  what  I  do! $V ORQJ DV WKHUH DUH \RXWK LQ QHHG WKHUH ZLOO EH DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR UHGHÂżQH WKH world.  Together,  letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  embark  on  the  journey  toward  creating  communities  that  DUH ÂżW WR HGXFDWH LQVSLUH XSOLIW DQG HPSRZHU HYHU\ FKLOG                                                                      Â
Be  Different  Be  Great  Never  Stop,
Brandon M. Frame
If  you  begin  to  speak  about  empowering  movements  and  making  an  impact  in  our  communities,  Brandon  Frame  is  a  man  that  you  must  mention.  His  cumulative  collection  of  experiences,  skills,  and  WDOHQWV UHVXOW LQ VHOĂ&#x20AC;HVV VHUYLFH IRU WKH SUHVHQW DQG IXWXUH generations  of  leaders  under  his  personal  motto.
Brandon  M.  Frame Uplifting  Young  Kings
Be  Different.  *URZLQJ XS LQ +DUWIRUG &RQQHFWLFXW %UDQGRQ established  himself  at  an  early  age  by  committing  to  achieving  his  goals.  His  penchant  for  excellence  was  sealed  while  attending  0RUHKRXVH &ROOHJH LQ $WODQWD *HRUJLD $V D JUDGXDWH RI WKH illustrious  institution,  Brandon  cultivated  his  passion  for  GHYHORSLQJ \RXQJ %ODFN 0DOHV WKURXJK SURJUDPV VXFK DV WKH 5ROH 0RGHO 6FKRODU *HQWOHPDQ 56* 0(1WRULQJ 3URJUDP IRU &KDUOHV 5 'UHZ &KDUWHU 6FKRRO DQG DIWHU JUDGXDWLQJ WHDFKLQJ (QJOLVK DW The  Fessenden  School,  where  he  was  selected  to  sit  on  the  Diversity  Inclusion  Committee  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  developing  a  more  diverse,  inclusive  school  and  community.
%H *UHDW In  the  beginning  stages  of  his  career,  the  educational  area  served  as  the  breeding  ground  for  creating  a  model  that  would  continue  to  motivate  students  to  not  only  become  victors  against  the  obstacles  in  their  way,  but  also  created  an  avenue  where  Brandon  could  embody  high  achievement  on  a  daily  basis.  Currently  serving  as  the  Director  of  Business  Partnerships  and  Program  Development  of  Hartfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  High  School,  Inc.  Brandon  assists  with  providing  students  with  resources,  opportunities  and  knowledge  to  help  them  SXUVXH FDUHHUV LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI ÂżQDQFH LQVXUDQFH DQG RWKHU &RUSRUDWH UHODWHG VHFWRUV 8QGHU KLV GLVWLQFW OHDGHUVKLS KH KDV FUHDWHG SURJUDPV WR OHYHO WKH SOD\LQJ ÂżHOG IRU KLV VFKRODUV VXFK DV 7KH &RQQHFWLRQV 7XWRULQJ DQG 0HQWRULQJ 3URJUDP ([HFXWLYH /XQFKHRQV 6HULHV *OREDO %XVLQHVV ([FXUVLRQ DV ZHOO DV DQ DQQXDO FLW\ZLGH MRE VKDGRZLQJ GD\ +H KDV VSHDUKHDGHG LQWHUQVKLS RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU students  with  Fortune  500  companies  Travelers,  Prudential,  The  Hartford  Insurance,  United  Healthcare,  and  more. Never  Stop.  As  homage  to  the  golden  age  in  the  Mecca  of  Black  culture,  intellect,  and  economic  development,  Brandon  continues  to  use  his  power  and  resources  for  the  development  of  the  greater  good.  As  a  leader,  he  is  the  founder  of  The  Black  Man  Can,  a  digital  platform  where  the  Black  Man  is  nurtured,  empowered,  and  promoted  in  a  positive  light.  As  the  Principal  Partner  for  Final  Frame,  he  is  creating  an  opportunity  for  men  to  express  themselves  in  a  presentable  and  professional  way.  As  an  author,  he  has  composed  â&#x20AC;&#x153;'HÂżQH <RXUVHOI 5HGHÂżQH 7KH :RUOG $ *XLGHG -RXUQDO IRU %ODFN %R\V DQG 0HQâ&#x20AC;?,  a  one-Âof-Âa-Âkind  proactive  tool  that  will  help  to  propel  males  to  build  WKHLU FULWLFDO FRQVFLRXVQHVV WKURXJK VHOI UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ $V D G\QDPLF DQG HQJDJLQJ VSHDNHU KH LV FKDQJLQJ WKH FRQYHUVDWLRQ RQ HGXFDWLRQ and  empowerment  that  is  often  undermined  in  regards  to  Black  culture.  Among  a  myriad  of  awards  and  honors,  including  being  named- Top  40  under  40  by  the  Hartford  Business  Journal  for  2013,  his  greatest  accomplishment  is  being  the  walking  example  that  he  sets  for  WKH \RXQJ PHQ DQG ZRPHQ KH OHDGV :KHWKHU KH LV UHOHQWOHVVO\ VHUYLQJ DV DQ DGPLQLVWUDWRU PHQWRU RU WKH GHÂżQLWLYH DJHQW RI FKDQJH Brandon  Frame  emerges  as  a  thought  leader,  at  the  forefront  of  uplifting  our  communities.  Â
Define  Yourself,  Redefine  the  World: A  Guided  Journal  for  Black  Boys  and  Men
  By  Brandon  Frame  Edited  By  Literacy  Lives                                         Â
Through  empowering  words,  motivating  experiences,  and  insightful  quotes  of  wisdom,  this  journal  will  put  you  on  a  path  of  evolution.  TheBlackManCan  3UHVHQWV 'HÂżQH <RXUVHOI 5HGHÂżQH WKH :RUOG $ *XLGHG -RXUQDO IRU %ODFN %R\V and  Men  is  a  one-Âof-Âa-Âkind  proactive  tool  that  will  help  to  propel  any  man  young  or  otherwise,  to  actively  question  the  man  he  desires  to  be.  It  is  a  journal  that  will  open  your  mind,  strengthen  your  heart,  and  provide  you  with  an  outlet  to  release  your  thoughts. 7KHUH LV QR RWKHU MRXUQDO VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU EODFN ER\V DQG PHQ DQG WKLV one  takes  a  life-Âchanging  approach.  Every  quote  and  essential  question  will  leave  you  feeling  closer  to  your  destiny.  It  explores  topics  related  to  education,  spirituality,  purpose,  passion,  career,  leadership,  culture,  and  fatherhood,  all  of  which  are  vital  concepts  for  your  development.
Praises  For  Define  Yourself,  Redefine  The  World â&#x20AC;&#x153;This  is  a  brilliant  idea!  In  a  world  where  the  concept  of  Black  manhood  is  destroyed  by  faulty  images  of  Black  hyper-Âmasculinity,  this  journal  SURYLGHV D VSDFH IRU PHQ DQG ER\V WR UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW XSRQ WKHLU RZQ LGHDV RI masculinity  in  a  healthy  manner.   In  the  true  spirit  of  self  determination,  WKLV MRXUQDO SURYLGHV DQ LQVSLUDWLRQDO VODWH IRU ER\V DQG PHQ WR GHÂżQH themselves  outside  of  the  mass  mediated  controlling  images  they  are  bombarded  with  on  a  daily  basis.  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll  be  getting  copies  of  this  journal  to  share  with  my  sons  and  the  other  men  and  boys  I  loveâ&#x20AC;Śand  I  hope  you  do  the  same.â&#x20AC;?  -  Professor  Don  Sawyer  III  Department  of  Sociology  Quinnipiac  University
Purchase  Journal  on  or  Amazon Âł7KH -RXUQDO VSHFLÂżFDOO\ DQG HIIHFWLYHO\ DGGUHVVHV WKH need  for  introspection  during  the  transition  from  child- hood  to  manhood  for  Black  boys.  The  guide  is  a  useful  tool  in  offering  something  that  is  much  needed  during  a  critical  stage  of  development.  As  a  father  of  Black  Boys  I  will  add  this  tool  to  my  toolbox  to  aid  me  in  helping  my  sons  become  the  best  man  they  can  be,  while  also  DOORZLQJ PH WR UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW RQ KRZ , FDQ LPSURYH DV D PDQ ´ /HY\ 7 *LOOHVSLH 6U )DWKHU RI 7KUHH
Speaking Engagements Brandon is a dynamic and intelligent public speaker who is available for various types of speaking engagements including seminars, workshops, special presentations, and more.
Pricing Information
Price Of Single Book: $15
Pricing information for Speaking Engagements LQ DGGLWLRQ WR DLUIDUH KRWHO Honorarium $2000 includes 50 signed journals - Each journal after 50: $12 *Contact to discuss pricing for bulk purchases or to book Brandon for speaking engagements. Past Speaking Engagements Include: o Association of Independent Schools in New England o City Church of Milwaukee o Dartmouth College o Eastern Connecticut State University R +DUGLQJ +LJK 6FKRRO &RQQHFWLFXW
o Hartford Youth Scholars Foundation o Inroads
o Morehouse College o Nichols College o Ohio State University o Saint Louis Community College o Saint Louis University R 6DOYH 5HJLQD 8QLYHUVLW\ o University of Connecticut R :HVW 5R[EXU\ +LJK 6FKRRO 0DVVDFKXVHWWV
Brandon  M.  Frame:  Educator.  Social  Entreprenuer.  Thinker.  Maverick.  Redefining  Social  Media
To  date,  Brandon  Frame  impacts  a  social  media  audience  of  over  10,000  people  through  empowerment  driven  content,  engagement,  and  social  change.
High  School,  Inc.
Brandon  is  an  administrator  at  High  School,  Inc.  Hartford  Insurance  and  Finance  Academy.  He  serves  in  the  role  of  Director  of  Business  Partnerships  and  Development.  In  this  role  he  oversees  theme  curriculum,  theme  integration,  program  implementation  and  business  partnerships.  This  role  allows  for  him  to  combine  his  passions  of  business  and  education  to  create  avenues  of  success  for  his  students.
The  BlackManCan  Website
Brandon  M.  Frame  created  TheBlackManCan  in  April  of  2010  to  provide  the  positive  contradiction  to  the  prevailing  black  male  image  in  the  media.  TheBlackManCan  has  since  become  the  #1  Source  for  Positive  Images  and  Narratives  for  Black  Boys  &  Men.  It  is  read  in  all  50  states  and  15+  countries.  Â
The  BlackManCan  Institute Brandon  created  TheBlackManCan  Institute  to  create  a  grassroots  effort  to  empower,  uplift,  motivate  and  educate  young  men  of  color.  The  purpose  of  TheBlackManCan  Institute  is  to  provide  comfort  and  support  for  boys  of  color.  Boys  of  Color  attending  TheBlackManCan  Institute  can  be  assured  that  their  cultural  needs  will  be  addressed  and  they  will  be  free  to  express  themselves  while  fostering  brotherhood.  It  has  traveled  to  cities  such  as  Hartford,  CT,  :DVKLQJWRQ ' & &DPEULGJH 0$ %DOWLPRUH 0' $WODQWD *$ DQG 1HZ <RUN 1<
The  BlackManCan  Awards Brandon  created  TheBlackManCanAwards  to  recognize  the  accomplishments  within  the  community  and  professional  DUHQDV RI %ODFN 0HQ DQG %R\V ZKR HPERG\ WKH GH¿QLWLRQ RI D SRVLWLYH EODFN PDOH LPDJH 7KH DZDUGV KDSSHQ DQQXDOO\ and  have  generated  over  half  a  million  impressions  since  its  in  inception  in  2012.
Final  Frame
Brandon  created  Final  Frame  a  line  of  mens  neckwear  in  June  of  2012  as  a  way  for  men  and  boys  to  ex- press  themselves  in  a  presentable  and  professional  way.  Final  Frame  is  an  elegant  line  of  menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  neckwear  for  the  everyday  gentlemen. Â
Brandon  Frame  And  The  Black  Man  Can  In  The  News
*XHVW 79 $SSHDUDQFH This  Is  The  Day  TV  Show
Notable  Mentions
*XHVW 79 $SSHDUDQFH Stan  Simpson  Show
%ODFN*LYHV%DFN &11 0RQH\ $IUR FRP &%6 &ROOHJH 6SRUWV 0\ &UHDWLYH &RQQHFWLRQ 7KH +DQLI - :LOOLDPV Show,  Connecticut  Health  Foundation,  Healthy  Black  Men 6
Contact Information @brandonframe brandonframe rolemodelnscholar Brandon Frame