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Students thrive artistically at TMS, working individually or in groups with guidance and support. Our Lower and Upper School students are encouraged to explore new ideas and concepts and showcase their talent whenever possible. Read about the latest updates in the Arts at TMS.

Truth and Reconciliation Rock Garden

September 30th marked Canada’s second National Truth and Reconciliation Day and Orange Shirt Day. Students across all levels of the School learned about and celebrated many facets of Indigenous culture across Canada over the course of the term, as well as delved into the painful and complex history between First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples and settler Canadians. Elementary students marked Truth and Reconciliation Day by creating a ‘Rocks For Peace’ rock garden. The garden symbolizes the connection we have to the Indigenous People of the lands on which our campuses sit, their life-ways, their cultures and languages. Through this project, students expressed deep and profound gratitude for our ability to gather and engage in learning in our School spaces. Smooth rocks were specially chosen and carefully painted to express student interests.
Music Keys Bringing Melodies to Toddler Students
Music Keys is an interactive program which encourages singing, finger play and musical movement together between parents and our Toddler Students. TMS invites parents into the classroom at various times throughout the year for this joyful and engaging time of singing. Therole of music and movement is to encourage cognitive development as well as to strengthen and develop fine and gross motor skills. Dr. Montessori understood that singing together strengthens social skills and language skills. Most of all, music teaches children to listen with purpose. Thedifferent notes and sequential nature in a song help children understand sequences which, in turn, help their problem-solving ability.

Sculpting Pottery in the Middle Years Programme
A key component of the Middle Years Programme is that process and practice are just as important as the final product. Grade 10 students in Visual Arts produce tea bowls as practice. Through this work, students develop their hand-building skills using slab, coil and pinch-pot techniques. Later inthe unit, students are challenged to create more complex clay vessels. They need to justify their chosen methods and techniques to answer this challenge.
“Through working with clay, I learned
patience is a virtue, while constructing an art piece. By slowing down and working on details, I enjoy the process. I can also improve my precision to produce a more refined tea bowl.
Hashim Q., Grade 10

Lower School Choir Returns to Make Sweet Music
If you find yourself in the halls on Monday mornings at the Lower School, take a moment and listen for the joyful sound of children's voices singing together once again. Choir has returned! We are thrilled to have a large number of early risers from Grades 1 through 6 joining us in preparation for concerts and assemblies. Choristers will not only develop vocal techniques but will also enjoy a sense of wellbeing and belonging. Keep your eyes and ears open! Our singers will be sure to entertain you at a variety of events throughout the year.

Children’s House Gather Inspiration from Autumn
Children’s House students have been busy in art class with Ms. Bonus creating fall leaf drawings for the first art display of the year! The lesson started with an explanation of how to draw a large leaf using black marker and then to artistically colour them using crayons. In the following class, students were taught how to use scissors to carefully cut out their leaf and paste it onto the poster board for display outside of their classrooms. They are all very excited and proud to see their autumn artwork exhibited for all to enjoy!