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Upper School Spring Showcase

The Upper School Spring Showcase is a spectacular event in which the Upper School's young artists celebrate the successes of their school year by presenting to their parents and teachers a range of performances, art, and design work. The event includes a series of galleries highlighting work from all grades, the DP Art Exhibition, and a showcase of the Performing Arts. This included performances from clubs led by senior students such as the Strummers, Dance, Vocal, and Drama Clubs, as well as a highlight of the music program with bands from every cohort as well as the Upper School Concert Band. We applaud the Visual Arts, Design, and Performing Arts teachers for their excellent guidance and encouragement of our exceptional young artists, and we congratulate them all on their outstanding results.
TMS Talent at CIMSF 2023

Every spring, a chosen group of young musicians from the Conference of Independent Schools perform a spectacular concert under the leadership of CIS members' instructors and music conductors. For the 2023 Conference of Independent Schools Music Festival (CISMF), a group of adjudicators carefully selected a number of remarkable musicians at an audition that was held last autumn. In the spring, they gathered and prepared the selected repertoire in just two rehearsals, then presented the results to their parents on the third day at the majestic Roy Thompson Hall.
We are proud of those who represented TMS at the concert: Wind Ensemble: Felice L.; Symphonic Band: Vince P., Patrick G., Kaitlyn Y. and Vitus C.; Concert Band: Ruoxi W.; String Ensemble: Ethan C; Concert Band Conductor: Mr. Marlés.

Food Art in the Lower School Dining Hall

To help celebrate the grand opening of the new Dining Hall on the Lower School campus, students in Grade 5 were involved in a collaborative project to create larger than life pieces of fruit and vegetables to hang on the walls for decoration. Cardboard served as the base shape of each fruit. Groups of 4-5 students applied torn bits of coloured paper to fill in the colour, creating a mosaic effect. These food sculptures, now on display in the dining hall, are a big hit with staff and visitors!
Cake Anyone?
The Grade 6s were very excited about the Creative Cakes sculpture project. I mean, who wouldn’t be?

The students measured and cut pieces of cardboard, taping them together to resemble a slice of cake. They then covered the cardboard with plaster bandage. Once dry, students painted the ‘flavour’ of their cake with acrylics. The final touches were created with a modeling compound, which really added personal flair to each and every cake. The end results - which were absolutely spectacular! - were on display in the Lower School for everyone to enjoy.