Δεκ. 2010 IB News

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!B Student News •

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! !* 3*45/6 ‘Don’t Go With The Flow, Make The Flow Go With You’, 75+ /6897126+ 7*: ;< 1 "#$% !&'(()*$, 63.=36=' .>6 63? 76 @'-63.>7' 0160'46 7*: ‘Foyle Young Poets’ @26AB>2=/*(, 6>C/'=6 =' 20.510 3*29/676 63’ ?D* 7*> -?=/*. E "#$ 86 0160':7'4 A26 7* 3*45/C 75+ =7* Royal Festival Hall 7*: F*>@4>*: 63? 75> Poetry Society. ! E /6897126 7*: ;<1 +','-)' ./0,1,' -62 * /68579+ 7*: ;<2 2(,3($% 4567-8% =://'7'4)6> =75> 655 ,2'8>9 G:>@2C=-'H5 7*: I:1B-*2>*0*:D4*: 7B> #.B> =7* Lviv 75+ %:-16>46+. %2 /6857.+ /6+ '4)6> ' 3 2D'A'4 >6 =://'7C=)*:> =75> IDD5>2-9 6 3 *=7*D9 /'7C 6 3 ? '8>2-9 =:>@2C=-'H5 3 *: .A2>' 7*> 3'16=/.>* "314D2*. ! % /68579+ 7*: ;< 1 9,:-6;% <'06,=>;/-;% @26-1485-' =7* 40* 3 1B7C8D5/6 ' 3 2)'215/67*D*A46+, 3*: *1A6>J>'2 @(* K*1.+ 7* )1?>* 7* "/'12-C>2-* L*DD.A2* (Pierce College), B+ -6D(7'1*+ 31B7*'/K6>2M?/'>*+ */2D579+. % 9,:-6;% /6M4 /' 7*> /68579 7*: ;<1 2065,?)*$ <065,:' -67.D606> B+ */C@6 75 1 0 5 8.=5 =7* 4@2*


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! H /6897126 7*: ;< 2 D:,' E;F(,' =://'7'4)' /' 71'2+ 433*:+ =' @2'8>'4+ 6AJ>'+ 'K90B> 3*: @2*1AC>B=' 7*> %-7J012* 5 IDD5>2-9 %/*=3*>@46 ;3 36=46+ =7* %D:/326-? L.>71* ;336=46+ =7* O61-? 3 *:D* , ? 3 *: 6>6@'4)85-' >2-97126 -62 =76 7146 4' +:' ,;/ !G 1

6AB>4=/676 . E D:,' , /' 76 63*7'D.=/676 6:7C, 3.7:)' 75> 31?-12=9 75+ A26 =://'7*)9 =7* I:1B36P-? Q1B7C8D5/6 IK90B> 2011. •

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•

AB6 2011

G75 K'72>9 %1A6>B72-9 I3271*39 Q6>5A:12*( =://'7.)*:> *2 'N9+ /6857.+: ,26-?=/5=5 : T?;*;5; > ;F-;/ Q)-6'( (;<1) -62 T?;*;5;>;F-;/ U((' (;<1) I-8.='2+ - S/2D*2 : <'563,$ 2('5,'5)' (;<2) L6K'>'4*-L6>74>6: H6I>-8 2-?V)' (;<1) -62 ./0)I$ 20C/0:(6' (;<1)

L1' 3 '14 - !60.1>6 : .6I;F-$ K'061((' (;<1) O*:=2-?+ !*/.6+ : .;/0?I:(;/ !&1((' (;<1) Q'12K1*(15=5 : .'--670;(1% L$I8,0$% (;<2) -62 .'0'>:,5$% NII'(;/8- (;<2) Q1B7*0*:D26-.+ %/C@'+ : .&(5,'(,6-6:0$ W--$ (;<2) !')>2-?+ !*/.6+: K > ?,0;561( 9,:7'(;% (;<1) •

2C3('% Paintball

!5> L:126-9 2 1 #*'/014*: , /6857.+ 7*: ;< 1 =:>*@':?/'>*2 63? 7*> A. .. 9/A63,$, -685A579 T:=2-9+ "ABA9+ 7*: ;< , =://'7'4)6> =' 6AJ>6 paintball, ?3*: 3.16=6> 71'2+ J1'+ A'/C7'+ @1C=5 -62 '>8*:=26=/?. •

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!5 ,':7.16 25 %-7B014*: -68J+ -62 75 ,':7.16 1 5 #*'/014*: , /6857.+ 7*: ;<1 /6M4 /' -685A57.+ 7B> #.B> IDD5>2-J> 3616-*D*(85=6> =7* 8.671* Knot Gallery 75> 361C=76=5 ‘% RDC1*+’ 7*: U>7*> !=.)BK, 75+ '7621'46+ 8'C71*: PEQUOD. E =-5>*8'=46 75+ 3 61C=76=5+ 6>9-'2 =7* L$I8,0$ X'(M= > ;/-; '>J 5 /'7CK16=5 7*: .1A*: =75> X:(6' .'-;C?0;>;F-;/. •

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G72+ 2 %-7B014*:, 76 362@2C 7*: ;< 1 /' 75 =:>*@'46 -685A57J> 7*:+ '32=-.K85-6> 7* *1'20672-? -676K(A2* 75+ QC1>586+ =75 8.=5 TD6/3*(12.

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NA*8-&5$-9/P8,$5$ O' 6K*1/9 75> *D*-D91B=5 7B> '1A6=2J> A26 75 @5/2*:1A46 75+ >.6+ 648*:=6+ '-@5DJ='B> =7* -7912* 7*: ;<, @2*1A6>J85-' =72+ 22 #*'/014*: '-@9DB=5 =:M975=5 /' 8./6 ‘E IDD5>2-9 %2-*>*/46 : Q1*-D9='2+ -62 Q1**372-.+’ ?3*: -67.8'=6> 72+ 63?H'2+ 7*:+ 5 -. K. X'71, * -. 9. K1(;% -62 * -. B. 9,;/0(10'%.

Faculty News G' 3 7./012* • !* =:>76N2*@*7985-' * =:>C@'DK*+ -62 K4D*+ -. .. H' > 'S&1((;/ . % .35,'% '1ACM*76> =7* =)*D'4* /6+ 63? 7* 1978 -62 63? 7* 1998 @4@6=-' 63*-D'2=72-C =7* ;< 7* /C85/6 7B> #.B> IDD5>2-J>. • In November, Mr. J. Brengelmann, German language teacher, became a special qualified examiner worldwide for all German language levels. This special qualification was awarded by the Goethe-Institut Munich. • Mr. V. Kyrtatas, Math and TOK teacher, was the sole workshop leader for the IB Theory of Knowledge workshop held in Reykjavik Iceland from 28 – 31 July. His presentations covered the entire TOK course for IB teachers from the Europe/Middle East/North Africa region. • Mrs E. Ball was invited to the recent ‘Athens Dialogues’, an international conference on Greek culture and its role in modern society, at the Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, late November 2010, which brought together leading academics

from the classics, political theory and economics, science, mathematics and art. • Mrs P. Browne, Visual Arts teacher, presented a paper entitled ‘Egons Spuris and Alexandre Slusarev: their place in the history of photography’ at the annual international meeting in Ogre, Latvia on two seminal Latvian and Russian photographers on November 27. It had also been refereed and accepted for publication in ‘The History of Photography Journal’, Routledge. • G72+ 7 G' 3 7'/014*:, 7* R:/>C=2* *1AC>B=' 5/'14@6 /' 8./6 72+ ./K:D'+ 31*='AA4='2+ =7* )J1* 75+ '-364@':=5+ -62 747D* ‘#6 -*27C+ /' CDD6 /C726, >6 0D. 3 '2+ @26K*1'72-C ’ . ">6 3 7()85-' 6 3 ? @2CK*1'+ * 3 72-.+ AB>4'+, ' 3 2K6>J> ' 3 2=75/?>B> 6DDC -62 @2@6=-?>7B> 7*: =)*D'4*:, * 3 1*0D5/672=/?+ A26 75> 6>6 3 616ABA9 7B> =7'1'*7(3B> -62 75 =:/0*D9 9 75 @:>67?7576 6>74=76=5+ 7*: =)*D'4*: =’ 6:79 75> @26@2-6=46 /.=6 63? 76 =)*D2-C 'A)'214@26 6DDC -62 7*> 71? 3 * @2@6=-6D46+ –31*=.AA2=9+ 7*:+. G://'7'4)6> /' 6>6-*2>J='2+ 7*:+ *2 K2D?D*A*2 9. .'56I1,$ -62 N. +6A;-1A$. •E -685A97126 I2-6=72-J> !')>J> -. K. .=(,$ =://'7'4)' =75> .-8'=5 ‘Q1*89-'+ V6:/C7B> – C a b i n e t s o f M i r a c l e s ’ 3 *: *1A6>J85-' 63? 75> Zone D – R-6D'14 W*:/3*:DC-5. E .-8'=5 @291-5=' 63? 27 G'37'/014*: /.)12 30 %-7B014*:. •% -685A579+ "AAD2-J> -62 V'C71*: -. T. Stevens =-5>*8.75=' 75> 361C=76=5 ‘I2-?>'+ -62 XE)*2 4' +:' ,;/ !G 3

6 3 ? 7* ;'1? <20D4* 75+ " 3 *-6D(H'B+ ’ . !* .1A* 361*:=2C=75-' =72+ 6 G'37'/014*: =75 )J16 75+ QC7/*:. •% -685A579+ #.B> IDD5>2-J> L. N-?/M?01A$% '32/'D985-' 75> .-@*=5 7*: 020D4*: ‘ L . R . L61:B7C-5+, Q*29/676 -62 3'MC’, 5 *3*46 3'12D6/0C>'2 76 3*29/676 7B> 712J> =:DD*AJ> 7*: L61:B7C-5 , /6M4 /' 72+ /'76K1C='2+ 3 *: 3 1?=8'=' * 3 *2579+ =72+ @(* 7'D':764'+ =:DD*A.+ 7*:.

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

I 3 Q1*=6>67*D2=/*( F:-'4*:.

6AA'D/672-*( 7*: I>264*:

N>)5A?Y$ 5,; CERN !* @2C=75/6 2 6 - 3 0 %-7B014*: 316A/67*3*2985-' '34=-'H5 =7* CERN (Centre Europeene de Reserche Nucleaire) -62 =7* ESRF (European Synchrotron Research Foundation). G75 @16=7512?7576 6:79 =://'7'4)6> 13 /6857.+ 63? 75> !')>*D*A2-9 L67'(8:>=5 75+ RX F:-'4*: -62 7* ;<2. !5> */C@6 =:>?@':=6> *2 -685A57.+ 7*: ;< L. B?&0C6'A3*$% -62 L. .'0;FI > '-$%, *2 * 3 *4*2 '4)6> 6>6DC0'2 -62 75> 31*'7*2/6=46 7B> /6857J> /' ='/2>C126, 76 8./676 7B> *3*4B> 6K*1*(=6> 75 T:=2-9 =7*2)'2B@J> =B/672@4B> , 75 K6=/67*=-*346 6-74>B> Y -62 75 @*/9 -62 )19=5 '3276):>7J> -62 6>2)>':7J>.

!6 /.D5 75+ */C@6+ '4)6> '34=5+ 75> ':-62146 >6 3616-*D*:89=*:> 75> */2D46 7*: "-6@5/6P-*( L. +'(=>;/-;/, 3*: .A2>' =72+ 18 %-7B014*: =7* Z@1:/6 I:A'>4@*:, /' 8./6 ‘ G-*7'2>9 [D5 -62 * O'ACD*+ I3276):>79+ (LHC) 7*: CERN’.

4' +:' ,;/ !G 4

-685A97126 I2-6=72-J> !')>J> -. K. .=(,$. • G72+ 2 9 / 1 0 .B+ 3 1 / 1 0 @2*1A6>J85-' =75> LB>=76>72>*( 3 *D5 =:>.@12* A26 75 0'D74B=5 7*: internal assessment 7*: /689/67*+ 75+ <2*D*A46+ . G7* =:>.@12* =://'7'4)' 5 -685A97126 <2*D*A46+ -. .. K'0'CA1A$.

K(8I$ 17$% +;?I#0);/ !5> '-@9DB=5 A26 75> 5/.16 7*: Q*D:7')>'4*: *1AC>B=' K.7*+ */C@6 /6857J> 7*: ;<1 (+','-)' 2(,&();/ , L17($ G'0M1-$ , 2CC?-)(' G;/,/01 , !&1((' .;/0?I:(;/ , L'(1$ H' > '*; > ;F-;/ , N-651#?, <',P$C1A$ -62 K'0)P' <',P$51##') :3? 75> -68*@9A5=5 7B> -685A57J> 7B> #.B> IDD5>2-J> 7*: ;< -. L. N-?/M?01A$ A'6 A. K. 40;/>8. !* =:>7*>2=/? -62 75> 7')>2-9 '32/.D'26 75+ '-@9DB=5+ '4)6> * /68579+ 7*: ;<1 B630C;% G'A1A$% -62 *2 /6857.+ 7*: ;<2 2-:V$% K;-7:,'% -62 2-?V)' H6,5:-$.

IB Conferences • G72+ 2 2 / 1 0 .B+ 2 4 / 1 0 @2*1A6>J85-' =75 \4A6 =:>.@12* 7B> /685/C7B> T2D*=*K46+ -62 I2-6=72-J> !')>J> . G7* =:>.@12* =://'7'4)6> 5 -685A97126 T2D*=*K46+ -. N. L;F(6' -62 5

New IB Faculty "3? 7* G'37./012* N'-4>5=6> 75 =:>'1A6=46 7*:+ /' 7* ;< 7*: =)*D'4*: *2 'N9+ '-362@':72-*4: • % -. T. L;F#0$%, -685A579+ "AAD2-J>, '4>62 37:)2*()*+ -62 @2@C-7*16+ 7*: 7/9/67*+ "AAD2-9+ RDJ==6+ -62 T2D*D*A46+ 7*: Q6>'32=75/4*: "85>J>. E -. T. H65 > 60)CA;/, • -685A97126 #.B> IDD5>2-J>, '4>62 37:)2*()*+ 7*: 7/9/67*+ ;=7*146+ - "1)62*D*A46+ 7*: Q6>' 3 2=75/4*: "85>J> -62 -C7*)*+ O" =75> ]:)*D*A46 63? 7* Q6>'32=79/2* UAM 75+ O6@1475+.

University Representatives •

United States

Between September and November, admission representatives from the following American Colleges and Universities met with our students: Northeastern University (14/9), Boston University (4/ 10), Wheaton College (6/10), Parsons the New School for Design (11/10), Tufts University (11/10), Babson Col4' +:' ,;/ !G 5

lege (11/10), Johns Hopkins University (2/11) and Bentley University (15/11). •

Great Britain

During October and November, representatives and admission officers from various British Universities visited the IB, met with our counsellors and held informative questions sessions with interested students: Imperial College, King's College, LSE and UCL (13/10), Sussex University and Newcastle University (12/11). •


On November 3, Mrs P. Savary, representative of the French Embassy in Athens and in charge of tertiary education, presented to our students the program ‘Studying in France’.

IB Coordinators’ Meeting !5> !'7C175 1 ,'-'/014*: .A2>' =:>C>75=5 7B> ;< Coordinators 7B> =)*D'4B> 75+ "89>6+, =7* -7912* 7*: ;< 7*: =)*D'4*: /6+ . G:M57985-6> 8./676 3 *: 6K*1*(=6> =75 @2'N6ABA9 7B> 'N'7C='B> 7*: O6^*: 2011 -68J+ -62 =75> 4@1:=5 '>?+ =:DD?A*: 7B> G)*D'4B> 3 *: 3 1*=K.1*:> 7* 31?A16//6 7*: ;< =75> IDDC@6. $A2>' '34=5+ .>6+ 63*D*A2=/?+ A26 72+ 'N'7C='2+ 7*: #*'/014*: 2010, 75 @2'N6ABA9 7B> *3*4B> 7* ;<% '4)' 6>68.='2 =7* =)*D'4* /6+.

IB Art News •

Art Visits

In October, IB1 and IB2 students visited the 6th Biennale of New Greek architects and the exhibition of Danish Architecture: ‘Building Sustainable Environments’ at the Benaki Museum in Peiraios street. The IB2 group had the opportunity to visit the exhibition of Theofylaktopoulos as well, the Greek painter that was hosted at the lower galleries of the Museum. Both groups enjoyed the experience, made sketches on site and admired the creativity and innovation of young architects whose three dimensional models inspired them to make their own. Visual Art students also visited the relatively new Museum of Contemporary Art (IOG!) which is currently celebrating its tenth anniversary. They were given a talk and guided tour through the exhibition ‘Politics in Art’, hosting a large number of works in mixed media of contemporary artists, on this theme. • 2/,F*;/4><# E,F0C0/, !&= 89



H @2'(8:>=5 7*: ;< @2*1AC>B=' =76 7.D5 %-7B014*: @26AB>2=/? A26 7*:+ /6857.+ I2-6=72-J> !')>J>, ?3*: 7*:+ M57985-' >6 =)'@2C=*:> 3 6A-C-26 A26 7*:+ '=B7'12-*(+ -62 'NB7'12-*(+ )J1*:+ 7*: ;<. !6 362@2C .D606> : 3 ’ ?H2> 7*:+ 75> 62=8572-9 =)'@4*: , 75> '1A*>*/46 6>72-'2/.>*: , 75 @:>67?7576 )19=5+ :D2-J> 3*: '4>62 K2D2-C 3 1*+ 7* 3 '120CDD*> , 75 D'27*:1A2-?7576 =7* )J1* -68J+ ' 3 4=5+ -62 71? 3 *:+ -62 7')>*D*A4'+! 3 616ABA9+ . E -62>*7*/46 7*: =)'@26=/*( 63*7.D'=' -127912* A26 75> '32D*A9 7B> 0160':8.>7B>.! <160'(75-6> 76 .1A6 75+ .',?0)('% 2I>',P8 (;<1) -62 7*: 26I)-6;/ L'#-'(,8Q& (;<1 ) , 76 * 3 *46 -62 86 :D*3*258*(>. $362>* A26 76 .1A6 7*:+ 3916> 5 N-:($ G'-8 (;<2), * 4' +:' ,;/ !G 6

G'5)-$% @-6= > ;/-;% (;<1 ) , 5 K/05)($ .;R?)-' ( ;< 1 ) -62 5 @-:A,0' H'CA1-;/ (;<1).

NM?-;(,6A:% L0'5,$06=,$,?% G72+ 16 %-7B014*: */C@6 /6857J> -62 /685712J> /6+ =://'7'4)' =7* =:/0*D2-? O6168J>2* 3 *: @2*1AC>B=' 5 I=746 - L.>71* L*2>B>2-9+ T1*>74@6+ "7?/B> /' #*572-9 &=7.15=5, =7* WC33'2*. E */C@6 /6+ .71'N' /6M4 /' 76 362@2C 75+ I=746+ : 3 *=7514M*>76+ 75> 31*=3C8'26 75+ *1AC>B=5+ 3*: '4)' B+ =7?)* 75> =:A-.>71B=5 )15/C7B> A26 75> 6>.A'1=5 =3272*( =7* Q2-.1/2.

O.12/>6+ ( I7621'46 A26 75 T1*>74@6 Q62@2J> -62 %2-*A'>'2J> =75> "11J=726 -62 7*> VC>67*), 3*: .D60' )J16 =7* WC 3 3 '2* 7* 7'D':764* G60067*-(126-* 7*: #*'/014*:. O26 '0@*/C@6 3 12> 6 3 ? 7* O36MC1, 5 */C@6 7B> '8'D*>7J> /6+ '4)' 75> ':-62146 >6 01'8'4 =76 A16K'46 75+ *1AC>B=5+ -62 >6 '>5/'1B8'4 A26 7* .1A* 75+. !.D*+ /6857.+ /6+ 0*985=6> =75 @2*1AC>B=5 7*: Y12=7*:A'>>2C72-*: O36MC1 7*: G:>@.=/*: V'163':72-9+ ;336=46+ IDDC@6+ , 3 *: .A2>' =72+ 2 8 #*'/014*: =7* R*:@4.

I 3 4=5+ 61-'7*4 /6857.+ /6+ =://'7'4)6> =7* '79=2* Y12=7*:A'>>2C72-* O 3 6MC1 75+

N/R'065,;FI? M?0I1 ,;/% 5/('*:-7;/% A. E. Ball, A. J. Brengelmann, A. P. Browne, A. 9. B?0;/-1(;/, A. N. L;F(6', A. 9. .'56I1,$, A. .. .=AA', A. K. .;/0;FI'-$, A. G. ./0,1,', A. N. +6A;-1A$, A. B. H0:A', A. 4. Stevens , A. .. 9/A63,$, A. K. 40;/>8 A'6 ,6% A.A. N. .;5I1 A'6 4P. H'>'(,&();/ C6' ,$( >;-F,6I$ #;8M?61 ,;/%. 4' +:' ,;/ IB ,$% 9R;-8% K&0'Z,$ ?A*)*;(,'6 I? ?/MF($ A'6 ?M?-;(,6A8 >0&,;#;/-)' ,;/ A. .. D63C' A'6 ,$% A. K. 976CA1A$

4' +:' ,;/ !G 7

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