2 minute read

1.3 About the Plan

Table 1 continued

Quality of life • Sewage pollution in the water • Toxic algal blooms • Declining water clarity • Weed growths along the shoreline • Inappropriate sites for new subdivisions • Invasive pests and weeds • Overdevelopment of Taupo lakefront • Restrictions to legal access • Thefts and vandalism • Beach lifter • Visual pollution • Noise pollution • Destruction of unique geological features.

Ngati Tuwharetoa • Confusion in the roles and responsibilities of government agencies in the management of natural resources within the Ngati Tuwharetoa rohe • Lack of partnership between Ngati Tuwharetoa and government agencies in the management of natural resources within the Ngati Tuwharetoa rohe • Intellectual and cultural property rights of tangata whenua need to be protected • Adverse effect on mauri through the mixing of waters from other catchments • Discharge of human sewage and storm water into water bodies • Need to make sure both hapu and tribal wahi tapu are protected, while keeping their exact nature and location confidential to Kaitiaki • Lack of knowledge on the status or condition of wahi tapu areas • Confusion about roles and responsibilities in enforcing the harvest of native species. This confusion results in insufficient protection of mahinga kai • Ad hoc implementation of Crown Minerals Act 1991 and Resource Management Act 1991 by agencies in the area of mineral exploration • The management of geothermal resources is controlled by statutory authorities as opposed to nga hapu o Ngati Tuwharetoa.

1.3About the Plan

The Plan is made up as follows:

• Part One Introduction • Part Two Overview issues (relationships, Ngati Tuwharetoa and commercial values) - these issues have an over-riding influence across all other values (they can be regarded as providing an umbrella for the other resource-related activities) • Part ThreeEnvironmental values - these include the 12 community values identified • Appendices - these expand on some of the details of this plan Under each Community Value (or groupings of values) the following matters are covered:

• What does the community want to achieve? • What are the main threats to the value? • What is currently happening to manage this value? • What needs to be done in addition to the current work to reduce the threats? • What can you do to reduce the threats? • How will we know that the value is being protected? • What else do we need to find out about this value?

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