Project Name : Pet ’n Paw Friendly Dogs Therapy And Training Center
Type : Helthcare
Designer : Sugunya Prontri
Year : 2019 - Bachelor's degree
Thesis of Landscape Architecture at Mahasarakarm University, Thailand.
Pet ’n Paw Friendly Dogs Therapy And Training Center consist of the three main ideas for alternative therapeutics process, which are dog therapy, therapeutic design, and a healing garden. Pet’n Paw project can provide numerous psychological and physiological benefits. People who interact with animals for treatment may experience improved health, including depressive disorder, acute stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and stroke.
This project approaches to mental health care that incorporates Dogs Therapy, Therapeutic Design, and Healing garden into the psychotherapy process, emphasizing the bond created during human-animal-landscape interactions. provides four main areas for therapy may experience improvements in health.