Brochure seguritec 2016

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Security International Fair and Seminar

Security, Safety, Fire, Rescue and Police May 26-28, 2016 Lima, Peru

Feria Internacional y Congreso de Seguridad

Física, Industrial, Incendio, Rescate y Policía Mayo 26-28, 2016 Lima, Perú

SEGURITEC PERU is the only International Trade Fair addressed to the Security Industry organized in Peru every two years. This event has been authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Commerce an Tourism (MINCETUR). This event Promotes and Facilitate the sale of Equipment, Supplies and Services for Security, Safety, Fire, Rescue and Police. Exhibitors are Manufacturers and Distributors of these Equipment and Services, who will have the opportunity to meet with new buyers to increase their sales. Visitors are Owners, Directors, Managers, Supervisors, Technicians and Specialized Personnel from Private and Government Companies, including Armed Forces, Police, Embassies, Airports, Commercial Centers, Hotels, Casinos, Hospitals, Clubs, Universities and those interested to buy Security Equipment and Services. We expect around 6,000 Visitors during the three days event. The Peruvian market for Security Equipment is very big and competitive, with a large number of brands from local and foreign suppliers. The Act N째 29783 of Safety and Healthy at the work obligues the Employer to adopt rules for the prevention of Occupational Risks and term of imprisonment of not less than two years or more than five years to that breach. Peru has a generally open market. There are no significant barriers or limitations on imports and foreign currency is freely exchanged. Import of Security Equipment is subject to the payment of tariff levied on the CIF value (Cost, Insurance and Freight) of merchandise, plus 18 percent General Sales Tax (IGV). However, the samples for exhibition can be temporarily imported into Peru without paying import duties or without presenting Bank Drafts. A Technical Seminar will be held during the frame of SEGURITEC PERU to present interesting themes and to announce the State-of-the-Art Equipment for Security.

SEGURITEC PERU es la única Feria Internacional especializada en Seguridad que se organiza en el Perú cada dos años. Este evento ha sido autorizado por el Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (MINCETUR). SEGURITEC PERU tiene por objeto Promocionar y Facilitar la Venta de Equipos, Suministros y Servicios para Seguridad Física, Industrial, Incendio, Rescate y Policía. Los Exhibidores son Fabricantes, Distribuidores y Proveedores de estos Productos y Servicios. Los Visitantes son Propietarios, Directores, Gerentes, Jefes, Supervisores, Técnicos y Personal Especializado de Empresas Privadas y Gobierno, incluyendo a las Fuerzas Armadas, Policía, Municipios, Embajadas, Asociaciones, Mineras, Aeropuertos, Centros Comerciales, Hoteles, Casinos, Hospitales, Clubs, Universidades y otros interesados en adquirir Equipos y Servicios de Seguridad. Se espera alrededor de 6,000 Visitantes. El Mercado Peruano para Equipos de Seguridad es muy grande y competitivo, con un gran número de marcas locales y extranjeras. La Ley N° 29783 de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo obliga al Empleador a adoptar las normas para la prevención de Riesgos Laborales y pena de prisión no menor de dos años ni mayor de cinco años al que la incumple. El Perú generalmente es un mercado abierto. No existen significativas barreras o limitaciones para la importación y el cambio de moneda es libre. La Importación de los Equipos de Seguridad está sujeta al pago de los Derechos de Importación sobre el valor CIF Advalorem (Costo, Seguro y Flete) de la mercadería, más el 18% del Impuesto General a las Ventas (I.G.V.). Sin embargo, los productos a exhibirse en este evento podrán ser importados temporalmente sin pagar Derechos de Importación, ni presentar Garantías ó Fianzas Bancarias. Paralelamente a la exhibición, se desarrollará un Congreso de Seguridad donde se presentarán interesantes temas y se anunciarán los más recientes Equipos de Seguridad lanzados en el mercado.

PACKAGE BOOTH White Vinyl 10cms High

30 cm



White Vinyl 10cms High

ts 0m


3.00 mts

2.48 mts

Nordex Red Color

• • • • • • • • • • •

3 Hard Walls on Three Sides Carpeting Exhibitor Name Sign Booth Number 1 Table 2 Chairs 1 Kw of Electricity Single Power 220V/60Hz 1 Double Outlet 3 Spotlights 60W Booths are 2.0 Mts Deep. except corners Corner Booths only have a backwall. Dividing Walls are not installed for a better visibility

PARTICIPATION COST: US$ 320.00 Sq. Mt, included Package Booth and Additional Services listed below: • General Sales Tax (I.G.V.) • Listing in the Official Catalogue • Listing in the Official Website • Central Wireless Internet • Unlimited Mounting and Dismounting Badges • Unlimited Exhibitor Badges • Unlimited Invitation Cards for Exhibit Only • 10 Invitations for the Opening Ceremony and Cocktail • Promotion of the Fair • Security of the Event • Cleaning of the Booth • Happy Hour

STAND STANDARD Vinilo Blanco 10cms de Alto



Vinilo Blanco 10cms de Alto

ts 0m


3.00 mts

2.48 mts

Nordex Color Rojo 30 cm

• • • • • • • • • •

Paredes en los tres lados Alfombra Nombre del Exhibidor Número del Stand 1 Mesa 2 Sillas 1 Kw de Fuerza Eléctrica Monofásica 220V/60Hz 1 Tomacorriente Doble 3 Braquetes de Iluminación 60W Los Stands tienen 2.0 Mts de fondo, excepto las cabeceras • Las Cabeceras sólo llevan la pared central. No se instalan las paredes laterales para mejor visibilidad

COSTO DE PARTICIPACION: US$ 320.00 m2, incluído Stand Standard y los siguientes Servicios Adicionales: • Impuesto General a las Ventas (I.G.V.) • Inclusión en el Catálogo Oficial • Inclusión en el Website Oficial • Internet Inalámbrica Central • Cantidad Ilimitada de Pases de Montaje y Desmontaje • Cantidad Ilimitada de Credencial de Exhibidor • Cantidad Ilimitada de Invitaciones para la Exhibición • 10 Invitaciones para la Ceremonia y Cocktail de Inauguración • Promoción de la Feria • Seguridad General del Evento • Limpieza del Stand • Happy Hour

PROMOTION A strong Media Planning & Promotional Strategy has been lined up to ensure the success of the event and include the following: • Distribution of 50,000 Invitation Cards to Prospect Buyers • Ads in Specialized Magazines • Newspaper Ads • TV Ads • Radio Ads • Press Conference • Interviews • On-Line Promotion in different Web Portals and Website • Posters • Banners at the Entrance of the Event

PROMOCION Una fuerte Campaña y Estrategia de Publicidad y Promoción ha sido diseñada para asegurar el éxito del evento e incluye lo siguiente: * Envío de 50,000 Tarjetas de Invitación a Potenciales Clientes * Avisos en Revistas Especializadas * Avisos en Periódicos * Avisos en TV * Avisos en Radio * Notas de Prensa * Entrevistas * Promoción On-Line en diferentes Portales Web y Website * Posters * Banners Gigantes al Ingreso de la Feria

We are pleased to invite you to sell your products in the Booming Economy you never Heard: The Latin America Emerging Market, PERU, with a full expansión economy. Peru has a population of 29 million people and for the last 10 years the Peruvian economy is booming and could more than triple its GDP. Forecasts 2014 and 2015 are extremely positive and predict a strong economy with a growth rate of around 5.4% respectively to 5.9%. As a result of a good economic management, Peru still remains one of the Latin America countries with the lowest inflation rate. The low inflation rates in the past years enabled to country to generate perfect conditions to promote foreign investment and economic growth as well as developing for Peru non traditional sectors like the financial sector. Peru Safety and Security market is approximately US$ 230.00 Million per year. Recent developments in Peru highlight robust future opportunities in this sector For example: recently passed laws at national and municipality level requiring installations of security cameras in casinos and public venues with capacity of more than 30 people; increased national budget allocation of US$ 18 million for Fire & Fighting equipment and US$ 62 million for vehicles to combat crime; and recently enacted mandating new occupational safety standards for employers. SEGURITEC PERU hosted 121 exhibitors and 5,557 visitors from 24 countries. This show serves as an excellent venue for Distributors to establish and expand overseas distribution , generate sales leads, evaluate competitors and to identify potential buyers and partners. We encourage you to participate and get acquainted with this expanding emerging market. OFFICE NETWORK China:

Tope Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Tel: +86-21-27100490, +86-139-16291266 Summer Fang –


Thais Expo Pvt., Ltd. Tel: +91-184-4030999 – Mobile: 919812390009 Jitender Kumar –


Amiral Fair Tel: 90 533 543 57 89 Erhan Ersever –

ORGANIZER Av. Jatosisa Mz-A, Lt-12, Urb. San Fernando Pachacámac, Lima 19 - Perú Tel: (511) 201-7820 -

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