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Coalition Helps Pass Historic Referendum for Cook County Lands and Waters

Over the past year, important conservation legislation in 14 states was approved by voters, securing more than $7 billion for conservation and moving us closer to achieving The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC’s) ambitious 2030 goals. This includes the Vote Yes for Clean Air, Clean Water, and Wildlife referendum in Illinois, which will generate approximately $45 million for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC) annually, totaling $1 billion over 25 years. This is essential for protecting Chicagoland’s biodiversity, providing flood absorption and heat protection as we reckon with climate change and ensuring the region’s more than 5 million people have access to healthy outdoor spaces.
Partnership is key to tackling these complex challenges, and passing this important referendum was no exception. TNC co-led a coalition of environmental, labor, civic, business and faith organizations that worked together to educate residents about Vote Yes for Clean Air, Clean Water, and Wildlife. The legislation was crafted to secure critical funding for the FPCC, the nation’s largest and oldest forest preserve system, by approving a property tax increase of 0.025%. The funding stands to expand the preserves, which means there will be more trees to absorb pollution and keep our air healthy, and more habitat to store and filter stormwater, thereby reducing flooding and cleaning our fresh water. The funding also creates additional job opportunities in local communities and safeguards green space and wildlife habitat for 5 million residents.
Working together, TNC and partner organizations helped Illinois voters take a step toward a healthier planet. The outreach campaign resulted in a resounding “yes” on election day, which ensures the forest preserves—covering 70,000 acres across Cook County—will have the funds needed to thrive throughout the region.