You're Not Finished Yet - Sampler

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You’re Not Finished Yet

© 2023 Caso Writing, LLC

Some text in this book has been drawn from the following books: Unexpected: Leave Fear Behind, Move Forward in Faith, Embrace the Adventure (Zondervan), Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick Up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny (Zondervan), Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do (Zondervan), How Did I Get Here?: Finding Your Way Back to God When Everything Is Pulling You Away (Thomas Nelson), and 20/20 Seen. Chosen. Sent. (Lifeway).

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Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable— if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy— dwell on these things.


When I first started renewing my mind, I kept sticky notes of handwritten scriptures on my bathroom mirror to remind me of what I needed foremost in my mind. There were verses that reminded me of who I am and what I have in Christ. Verses that reminded me that I am a new creation, that I am the righteousness of God, that I am more than a conqueror in Christ.18 To this day, sticky notes are still my best friend. Because it took years to develop all the wrong thoughts, it’s taken years to renew my mind to the truth so I can think right thoughts. I know firsthand that despite our best efforts, we can’t undo overnight what took so much time to create— all those occurrences of listening to family, friends, teachers, the media, ourselves— so many voices feeding us negative thoughts. But as I have remained committed to the process of replacing my thoughts with God’s thoughts, it has continued to transform me and to keep me on track, fulfilling all the plans and purposes of God for my life.

What has profoundly impacted my life is the truth that it really is

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possible to learn to think a new way. Have you experienced this? For example, have you ever thought about what you think about? And then tried to change it with the Word of God? With God’s truth?

Because I’m still working on it, I start every morning filling my mind with the Word of God. I need to remind myself of what God says about me and every circumstance in my life. When I am armed with the truth of His Word, I am able to endure and contend with the daily onslaught of fear, doubt, insecurity, negativity, and lies that the Enemy hurls at me. I do my best to follow what Paul wrote to the Philippians and purposely think on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable. I try to think on anything praiseworthy. I dwell on these things. In the context of our thinking, to dwell means “to keep the attention directed on.”19 I keep my attention directed on God and His truths so the lies of the Enemy are less powerful, less dominant, less intrusive, and not in control of my thinking. I know I’ve grown when a thought that once rattled me instantly no longer has the power to interrupt my day.

Have you put Paul’s instructions into practice? Take some time today to think about what you think about. Then, in the areas where you see a need for change, find key verses to start renewing your mind further. It’s the best way to keep yourself dwelling on these things: whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, and worthy of praise.

Heavenly Father, help me recognize the thoughts that need replacing with Your truth. Illuminate key verses to me that I can memorize, pray, and speak to renew my mind. In Jesus’ name, amen.

59 Peace: His Presence in Our Minds

You are absolutely beautiful, my darling; there is no imperfection in you.


When Catherine was in kindergarten, she and a little boy in her class began fighting over a teddy bear. At one point, the little boy ripped the bear from her hands and said, “Catherine Bobbie, you are dumb and ugly!”

What she did next astounds me to this day, and I am so grateful. The teacher told me that she squared her shoulders back and said, “No I’m not. My daddy says that I’m intelligent and beautiful!”

What the teacher had no way of knowing was that’s exactly what Nick has said to our girls for as long as I can remember. Every night since they were born, he has prayed with them and told them who they are in Christ. He has reminded them year after year that they are created on purpose and for a purpose, that they are intelligent and beautiful, that they can do whatever God has called them to do, and they can be whomever God has called them to be. He tells them in every way he can what the Word says about them.

Nick knows that our world today tells women, young and old alike, just the opposite. That they are not enough in so many ways—not thin enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, not smart enough, not young enough, not old enough, and on I could go. I’m so glad that because

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Catherine knew the truth of what God says about her, she avoided years of torment— all because she knew who she was. Had some little boy said that to me, because of the trauma I had experienced from abuse, abandonment, and adoption, I would have been paralyzed. I would have had no idea what to do except to let it affect me. Deeply. For years to come. It was only when I gave my heart fully to Christ, when I began to learn who I was in Christ, that I learned how to deflect the darts of the Enemy. That is when I began letting what Christ did for me become bigger than what others had done to me— or said about me. Knowing who I am in Christ is one of the most powerful ways I endure in faith. I know who I am, in Christ.

Has someone voiced something deeply wounding to you? Has it affected you more than you thought it would? Maybe it’s time you sorted out the lies of the Enemy from the truth of who God says you are. Knowing more of who you are in Christ is the best way to overcome the lies that have been told to you. Run to God and His Word today. Read the truth and declare it over your life. You could start with the Song of Songs (also known as the Song of Solomon). It’s where God says, “You are absolutely beautiful.”

Heavenly Father, help me learn how to tell Your truth from lies I’ve heard. Help me know Your Word and discover more of who I am in Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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But the fruit of the Spirit is . . . patience.


Patience is my least favorite word in the English language. If you were to ask anyone in my family or someone who works with me, most likely they would acknowledge that while I have gifts and have worked hard to develop the fruit of the Spirit, patience is the one thing that still feels like it’s in embryonic form. I feel sure somewhere in my spirit this seed is just waiting to sprout, but I know from the times when my patience has been tested that it has yet to come into full bloom.

It’s not because I haven’t fertilized it and watered it faithfully, because I have. For years. With the Word and in everyday situations I face. When I’m stuck in traffic. When I’m waiting because my flight has been delayed— again. When I’m waiting in the car in the driveway for the girls to come get in. We’ve all been there, right? Still, it remains a struggle. Even when I do something as basic as baking cookies, my lack of patience can get the best of me— and the cookies.

To this day, when my girls smell cookies baking, they come rushing to the kitchen because they know I’m going to do one of two things. I’m either going to pull them out too soon because I’ve got things to do and I can’t stand waiting one more minute on them, or I’m going to wander off and start doing something else I need to do and completely forget about

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them. So I specialize in either cookies that are the equivalent of warm dough or ones that are more than well done, perhaps with some burned edges as a bonus. Suffice it to say, it’s best that I leave the cookie-baking to Catherine and Sophia. I have good intentions but not enough patience. What about you? What are the things that try your patience? What stretches you to grow more of this fruit of the Spirit in your life? I’ll admit that my first thought every time my patience is tried is not to grow and develop more fruit, but overall I have grown significantly through the years of my life. And I have used many a trying moment as an opportunity to change. I’m so grateful that God is patient, and He is patient with me as I keep working on this.

He’s patient with you too. As you move through your day and things start to try your patience, recognize it as an opportunity to develop more of the fruit God wants to grow in you. Recognize it as another way you build endurance so you can keep moving forward full of vitality and strength, fulfilling all that God’s called you to do. Even if it’s something as simple as watching the cookies bake until they are just right.

Heavenly Father, please help me in the everyday moments when my patience is tried. Help me recognize the opportunity before me to develop more of this fruit of the Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.

159 Patience: Our Strength in the Waiting

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