5 minute read

Harry Connick, Jr.’s Prayers Through Music



by Laura Neutzling

WHEN HARRY CONNICK, JR. was just a kid, his biggest dream was to be on a stage. He saw a glimpse of that dream when he was just 5 years old, during a campaign rally for his father, Harry Sr., who was running to become District Attorney in New Orleans. As he climbed onto the “stage” of a fl atbed truck to play piano during the rally, Harry thought, If I can play the national anthem on the back of this fl atbed truck and make people happy, I’m in good shape.

Iʼm a work in progress.

Harry saw his dreams expand as he became one of the world’s most popular entertainers, selling millions of records, packing auditoriums for live performances, and acting in television shows and blockbuster movies. A winner of two GRAMMYs and three EMMYs, Harry’s exceptional voice and piano playing were evident at a young age, earning him a deal with Columbia Records when he was just 18 years old. He found his fi rst big break after working on the soundtrack for the hit movie When Harry Met Sally, which led to more appearances in movies, on Broadway, and on television. The piano prodigy credits his desire to “try as many things as possible” as the fuel that ignited his success in entertainment. But despite his accolades and accomplishments, Harry doesn’t think he’s got it all fi gured out. “I’m a work in progress,” Harry says. “I’m imperfect. I have a long way to go. So I feel like my purpose is trying to be the best person I can every day. I don’t always succeed, but if I try to emulate what I believe to be true, I think that’s the most powerful way I can get the message of my faith across.” Harry’s faith is something that’s always been part of him. It’s something he’s acknowledged during moments of success, and something he’s clung to in his most diffi cult moments. “I’ve had some tough times in my life, but the toughest was when my mom died, when I was 13. Many years later, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was another incredible test of my faith. I feel like my faith has passed that test every time, and when that happens, it deepens just a little bit more. Like I was saying to my dad last night—my dad will be 95 this year—it’s something that grows. Although he’s been a man of faith his entire life, I think his faith is even deeper now, and I’m seeing how that works.”

I truly believe prayer works.

Harry’s ever-deepening faith sustained him during a crisis shared all over the world: the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world tried to navigate how to live in the face of lockdowns and the loss of community, Harry asked himself, If I made an album right now, what would it be? He found the answer: a gospel album called Alone with My Faith.

“I’ve sung gospel songs onstage for years,” Harry refl ects. “I grew up playing spirituals, but I never decided to press the button and offi cially make a

Harry performing in Las Vegas, 2017

Harry with his wife Jill

gospel album. So when I was at home, I was sitting in my studio. I have all these instruments. I have all these songs like ‘Amazing Grace,’ and ‘Because He Lives,’ and ‘How Great Thou Art.’ Recording this music was a form of prayer, where I could close my eyes and kind of sink into the lyrics I was singing. “I truly believe that the power of prayer works. Prayer is keeping that line open with God. I believe He’s listening, and I believe He’ll answer us in ways He thinks they should be answered, maybe not what we expect. Prayer is important to me, and I believe in it.”

Adapted for print from the Jesus Calling Podcast. Put your phone in Camera mode and hover over this code to hear more of Harry’s story!

You can fi nd Harry’s latest album Alone with My Faith wherever you stream or buy music.

An exclusive excerpt from Sarah Young’s all-new, 365-day devotional Jesus Listens

September 14

Dearest Jesus,

YOU ARE WORTHY OF ALL MY CONFIDENCE, all my trust! So instead of letting world events spook me, I’ll pour my energy into trusting You and looking for evidence of Your Presence in the world. I love to whisper Your Name—to reconnect my heart and mind to You. You are near to all who call upon You. Please wrap me in Your abiding Presence and comfort me with Your Peace.

Help me remember that You are both loving and faithful. Your Love reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. This means that I can never come to the end of Your Love; it is limitless and everlasting! Moreover, I can stand on the Rock of Your faithfulness, no matter what circumstances I’m facing.

I realize that putting my confi dence in my abilities, education, or success is futile and displeasing to You. Teach me to place my confi dence fully in You—the Savior whose sacrifi cial death and miraculous resurrection opened the way for me into eternal Glory!

In Your breathtaking Name, Amen

PSALM 145:18 NKJV • PSALM 36:5 • 2 CORINTHIANS 4:17

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