Jesus Calling Morning & Evening Edition

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September 14 MOR N I NG


orship Me by living close to Me. This was My original design for man, into whom I breathed My very breath of Life. This is My desire for you: that you stay near Me as you walk along your life-path. Each day is an important part of that journey. Although you may feel as if you are going nowhere in this world, your spiritual journey is another matter altogether, taking you along steep, treacherous paths of adventure. That is why walking in the Light of My Presence is essential to keep you from stumbling. By staying close to Me, you present yourself as a living sacrifice. Even the most routine part of your day can be a spiritual act of worship, holy and pleasing to Me. G e n esis 2:7; P s a l m 89:15; R om a ns 12:1–2


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September 14 EVEN I NG


enuine worship requires that you know Me as I truly am. You cannot comprehend Me perfectly or completely, but you can strive to know Me accurately as I am revealed in the Bible. By deepening your understanding of Me, you are transformed and I am glorified—in beautiful worship. Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. —Psalm 29 :2 nkjv Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. —1 Corinthians 13 :12

Also read: I s a i a h 6:3 n kj v

Before You Turn Out the Light How does your world reflect My Glory? Consider this, and worship Me in the beauty of My holiness.


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September 15 MOR N I NG


est in Me, My child. This time devoted to Me is meant to be peaceful, not stressful. You don’t have to perform in order to receive My Love. I have boundless, unconditional Love for you. How it grieves Me to see My children working for Love: trying harder and harder, yet never feeling good enough to be loved. Be careful that your devotion to Me does not become another form of works. I want you to come into My Presence joyfully and confidently. You have nothing to fear, for you wear My own righteousness. Gaze into My eyes, and you will see no condemnation, only Love and delight in the one I see. Be blessed as My Face shines radiantly upon you, giving you Peace. J oh n 15:13; 2 C or i n t h i a ns 5:21 n kj v; Z e ph a n i a h 3:17; N u m be r s 6:25–26


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September 15 EVEN I NG


r ing your feelings of failur e into the Light of My Presence, where we can examine them together. In My brilliant Light, the feelings shrivel and shrink because they are based on lies. Let the Light of My unfailing Love shine upon you, dispelling the darkness, lifting you closer and closer to Me. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. —Psalm 36:7– 9 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. —1 Corinthians 15:57

Also read: P s a l m 6:4

Before You Turn Out the Light For as long as you need, sit here with Me and soak in My Love.


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September 16 MOR N I NG


designed you to live in union with Me. This union does not negate who you are; it actually makes you more fully yourself. When you try to live independently of Me, you experience emptiness and dissatisfaction. You may gain the whole world and yet lose everything that really counts. Find fulfillment through living close to Me, yielding to My purposes for you. Though I may lead you along paths that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing. If you follow Me wholeheartedly, you will discover facets of yourself that were previously hidden. I know you intimately—far better than you know yourself. In union with Me, you are complete. In closeness to Me, you are transformed more and more into the one I designed you to be. M a r k 8:36; P s a l m 139:13–16; 2 C or i n t h i a ns 3:17–18


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September 16 EVEN I NG


refuse to dwell in people who think they are already “good enough” without Me. I have called such hypocrites whitewashed tombs: beautiful on the outside but putrid on the inside. As you ponder the miraculous truth that I live in you, let your heart overflow with Joy. I am not a shortterm tenant, indwelling you only as long as your behavior pleases Me. I have come to stay—permanently. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. — Galatians 2 :20 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean.” —Matthew 23 :27

E ph esi a ns

Also read: 2:10 n kj v; J oh n 10:10

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Before You Turn Out the Light Yield to My ongoing renewal work within you, and you will become more of the masterpiece I designed you to be. 537

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September 17 MOR N I NG


ou w i l l not f i n d My P e ace by engaging in excessive planning, attempting to control what will happen to you in the future. That is a commonly practiced form of unbelief. When your mind spins with multiple plans, Peace may sometimes seem to be within your grasp; yet it always eludes you. Just when you think you have prepared for all possibilities, something unexpected pops up and throws things into confusion. I did not design the human mind to figure out the future. That is beyond your capability. I crafted your mind for continual communication with Me. Bring Me all your needs, your hopes and fears. Commit everything into My care. Turn from the path of planning to the path of Peace. 1 P e t e r 5:6 –7; P rov e r b s 16:9; P s a l m 37:5 n kj v


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September 17



he future is one of those secret things beyond your domain. Release it to Me, the rightful Owner. Refuse to worry about the future, and you will find your resources for today quite sufficient. Remember that I am part of those resources and nothing is impossible with Me! The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. —Deuteronomy 29 :29 “For nothing is impossible with God.” —Luke 1:37

Also read: R om a ns 8:28

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Before You Turn Out the Light Concentrate on now—and leave every next to Me.


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September 18 MOR N I NG


eek to pl e ase M e above all else. Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day. Such a mind-set will protect you from scattering your energy to the winds. The free will I bestowed on you comes with awesome responsibility. Each day presents you with choice after choice. Many of these decisions you ignore and thus make by default. Without a focal point to guide you, you can easily lose your way. That’s why it is so important to stay in communication with Me, living in thankful awareness of My Presence. You inhabit a fallen, disjointed world, where things are constantly unraveling around the edges. Only a vibrant relationship with Me can keep you from coming unraveled too. M att h e w 6:33; J oh n 8:29; C olos si a ns 3:23–24


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September 18



ou are being renewed day by day. My Spirit is in charge of your renewal, and He is alive within you— directing your growth in grace. Find hope through trusting that I continually hold you by your right hand—and I am preparing you for Glory! We do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. —2 Corinthians 4 :16 esv Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. —Psalm 73 :23–24

Also read: R om a ns 8:9

Before You Turn Out the Light Do not be weighed down by the failures and disappointments of this day. Resolve to begin tomorrow anew, seeking to walk with Me.


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September 19 MOR N I NG


here is a mighty battle going on for control of your mind. Heaven and earth intersect in your mind; the tugs of both spheres influence your thinking. I created you with the capacity to experience foretastes of heaven. When you shut out the world and focus on My Presence, you can enjoy sitting with Me in heavenly realms. This is an incredible privilege reserved for precious ones who belong to Me and seek My Face. Your greatest strength is your desire to spend time communing with Me. As you concentrate on Me, My Spirit fills your mind with Life and Peace. The world exerts a downward pull on your thoughts. Media bombard you with greed, lust, and cynicism. When you face these things, pray for protection and discernment. Stay in continual communication with Me whenever you walk through the wastelands of this world. Refuse to worry, because this form of worldliness will weigh you down and block awareness of My Presence. Stay alert, recognizing the battle being waged against your mind. Look forward to an eternity of strife-free living, reserved for you in heaven. E ph esi a ns 2:6; R om a ns 8:6; 1 J oh n 2:15, 17


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September 19



lthough you m ay thi n k you are planning your way, I am actually the One who directs your steps. However, you can choose the hard way (ignoring Me) or the right way (seeking My will). Treasure My teaching in your heart, for it is not your plans but My counsel that will stand. The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. —Proverbs 16:9 nasb There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand. —Proverbs 19 :21 nkjv

Je r e m i a h

Also read: 10:23; P s a l m 32:8

Before You Turn Out the Light Turn back to Me quickly when your myriad plans confuse you. I’m invested in saving you precious time and energy.


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September 20 MOR N I NG


ry to see things more and more from My perspective. Let the Light of My Presence so fully fill your mind that you view the world through Me. When little things don’t go as you had hoped, look to Me lightheartedly and say, “Oh, well.” This simple discipline can protect you from being burdened with an accumulation of petty cares and frustrations. If you practice this diligently, you will make a life-changing discovery: You realize that most of the things that worry you are not important. If you shrug them off immediately and return your focus to Me, you will walk through your days with lighter steps and a joyful heart. When serious problems come your way, you will have more reserves for dealing with them. You will not have squandered your energy on petty problems. You may even reach the point where you can agree with the apostle Paul that all your troubles are light and momentary compared with the eternal glory being achieved by them. P s a l m 36:9 n kj v, P rov e r b s 20:24; 2 C or i n t h i a ns 4:17–18


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September 20 EVEN I NG


henever you ar e feeling batter ed by life’s trials, remember the crown of righteousness that is stored up for you. I have promised to give it to all those who love Me—who long for My return. When I, the Chief Shepherd, come back for you, you will receive the crown of Glory that will never fade away! Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. —2 Timothy 4 : 8 nkjv And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. —1 Peter 5:4

J a m es

Also read: 1:12; 1 C or i n t h i a ns 9:25

Before You Turn Out the Light Strive to do more than compete for an imperishable prize—endure, steadfast till the end.


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