18 minute read
Nik Wallenda


Tight-Rope Walker Nik Wallenda Follows Tragedy with Bravery
by Michael Scott Overholt
NIK WALLENDA KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS to face fear every single day he gets up. As a funambulist (a fancy way of saying “tight-rope walker”) confronting fear is a normal part of his job.
He also knows a thing or two about working through the trauma of tragedy. Coming from a family of circus performers stretching back to the 1780s, Nik began to play on the practice wire when he was eighteen months old, his parents holding him steady as he walked two feet above the ground. Since those first steps, Nik has earned the title “King of the High Wire” and eleven Guinness World Records, including the highest blindfolded walk, the steepest incline, the highest “wheel of death” performance, and the longest tightrope crossed by a bicycle.
For him, the high-wire life has been a platform for a higher cause. “I know God has opened doors for me to get to where I am in order to bring glory to His name,” the seventh-generation performer says.
But life on the wire doesn’t always move in a straight line.
In 2017, Nik saw a funambulist’s greatest fear materialize in front of his eyes. He and a team of seven others had been rehearsing a complicated eight-person pyramid walk for over two months when the pyramid suddenly began to collapse. From the base of the pyramid, Nik watched as five of his family members fell thirty feet onto the ground. His sister Lijana had broken every bone in her face and slipped into a coma. She barely survived.
Though Nik was able to cling to the wire when the pyramid collapsed, the accident shook his confidence. In fact, he felt terrified to step onto the wire again. “What I didn’t realize was a seed of fear had implanted in my head right after the accident, and I just wouldn’t acknowledge it. I was experiencing a form of PTSD,” he admits. “We had to go to New York, and I had such a spirit of fear I’d never experienced before—I was trembling. I told my wife, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ And she said, ‘I will support whatever decision that you make, but don’t forget that your life is about inspiring people to overcome their greatest challenges.’
“I think that happens to a lot of people. The seed of ‘I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’ll never make it through this’ is planted, and they continue to water that seed. I think that holds people back from their greatness and their calling.”
As a seventh-generation funambulist, Nik fell back onto his training in order to grow his confidence to get back on the wire. He also relied on a relationship that’s been a rock-solid part of his life ever since he could remember.

FROM TOP: Nik and his Mom practicing on a tent wire, Nik and family rehearsing in pyramid formation, Nik walking an arena

Nik (foreground) and sister Lijana walking over New York City's Times Square
“Tightrope walking is so similar to our walk with God. We’re supposed to constantly be praying and in the Word. When we do those things, we’re preparing for what we’ll inevitably face at some point. When I walk across Niagara Falls, I’m not focused on the heavy mist, or the wind, or the waves—to be honest, the roar of the falls is more intimidating than anything—but I’m focused on the solid rock at the other end. That’s really about fi xing our eyes on Him. That’s really what I do when I’m walking the wires. So we might have wind and waves on each side. But the reality is, if we can gaze our eyes on the other end, that’s where we’ll go.” That laser-sharp focus has helped Nik earn records and acclaim across the world. It’s also helped him move through seasons of pain to give him a perspective that goes higher than than his life on the wire. “There were many times where I was in the valley going, “God, why would You do this to me?” At the time, I didn’t realize that’s called life, and I was living the consequence from the decisions I made. But as my relationship with God has grown more and more, I can see it took those valleys in order for me to get to those peaks.”

Nik’s book Facing Fear is available at your favorite book retailer today.

An exclusive excerpt from Sarah Young’s all-new, 365-day prayer devotional Jesus Listens September 22
My ardent Lord,
YOUR LOVE CHASES after me every day of my life! So I’ll look for signs of Your loving Presence as I go through this day. You disclose Yourself to me in a variety of ways—words of Scripture just when I need them, helpful words spoken through other people, “coincidences” orchestrated by Your Spirit, nature’s beauty, and so on. Your Love for me is not passive. It actively chases after me and leaps into my life! Please open the eyes of my heart so I can “see” You blessing me in myriad ways—both small and great.
I want to not only receive Your bountiful blessings but also take careful note of them—treasuring them and pondering them in my heart. I’m thankful for the countless ways You show up in my life. I like to write down some of these blessings so I can enjoy them again and again. These signs of Your Presence strengthen me and prepare me for whatever diffi culties I’ll encounter on the road ahead. Help me to remember that nothing in all creation can separate me from Your Love!
In Your conquering Name, Jesus, Amen
LUKE 2:19 • ROMANS 8:39
Jimmy Houston Lives for Faith and Fishing

by Michael Scott Overholt


THE EARLIEST METAPHOR of following Jesus is fi shing. “Follow me, and I will make you fi shers of men,” Jesus tells brothers Peter and Andrew, two literal fi shermen, in Matthew 4:19. Jesus takes their language and invites them to be his students. Two thousand years later, it’s a message Jimmy Houston has taken to heart. Houston is one of the most well-known anglers in the country. Famous for his ready laugh and limitless banter with fi shing partners, he’s fi shed over one hundred events in the prestigious Fishing League Worldwide and fi nished in the top ten on three separate occasions. He’s won the B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year title twice and earned a spot at the Bassmaster Classic fi fteen times.
After four decades on television airwaves, the name “Jimmy Houston” has become synonymous with fi shing success. But it hasn’t always been that way. “When I was growing up, there was no such thing as a professional tournament fi sherman, period,” he remembers. As a child, Jimmy’s father had a place on Lake Tenkiller in eastern Oklahoma, where Jimmy fi shed as often as he wanted. Even after he went to college, Jimmy fi shed about two hundred days out of the year so it’s likely that, he jokes, “I probably spent way more time on the water than I did in class. And that shaped what I’ve ended up doing for a living. All of my life is fi shing and things built around fi shing.” After college, Jimmy turned down jobs with lucrative companies like Phillips 66 that would have taken him away from Lake Tenkiller. Instead, he and

his wife, Chris—also a Freshwater Hall of Fame inductee—opened a nearby insurance agency and still spent time on the water. “Through all of that, we fi shed in local tournaments, maybe one national tournament a year,” the angler says, “but that was all.” For a while, the setup worked. Jimmy and Chris spent their days in the offi ce and as much time as they could by the water. But after a while, the balance began to shift. Jimmy found himself winning fi shing tournaments, gaining notoriety and more opportunities to compete, leaving Chris to run the agency alone. Something had to give. “I said, ‘Why don’t we sell this agency and just make our living fi shing?’ And I could see that stress lift off of her in a big way.”
Not long after they decided to make fi shing their full-time business in the late 70s, they started the television show that lifted Jimmy to a new level of fame that’s stayed with him for the past four decades. But the path to success hasn’t always been a straight line. “A lot of times we've been at the top of the mountain. Sometimes we’ve been dead broke. God’s had a big hand in all of it throughout the way. When we stumbled and fell, when we hit those broken roads, when we got in those valleys, God was always able to pick us up and take us to that next step, whatever that next step might be.” Houston sees life through a spiritual lens, one that he shares along with fi shing tips in his highly anticipated new devotional called Catch a Better Life that just hit store shelves. He’s passionate about sharing his faith with anyone he meets, whether it’s on the page, on the screen, or in the stream. And he has the same message for all of them: ”When you look back and see similar circumstances happen that you’re facing now, God will remind you through His Spirit how He took care of it. ‘Do you remember when that same circumstance came back? Do you remember how I handled it? I'll handle it again.’ It gives you a peace and a joy.” With a heart like that, there’s no telling how many souls he’s caught—and changed for the better.
Fishing Tips from a Pro
Using an underhand cast is the best choice.
Pitch the lure so it makes a soft landing on the surface so you don’t spook the fi sh (and keep your scent off the bait, too).
The lower end of lakes—especially near a dam—are your best bet.

Jimmy's devotional Catch a Better Life is available everywhere books are sold.

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New Jesus Listens YouTube Series!
Feeling overwhelmed? See how others moved through hard moments with the power of prayer. Host Susie McEntire-Eaton talks with guests about how they found joy and peace through talking with Jesus.
Hear stories of prayer from guests like Stephen Miller (entrepreneur & YouTuber), Rob Kenney (viral sensation “Internet Dad”), and Emily Ley (creator of The Simplifi ed Planner®) more!
Watch Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer only on the Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Subscribe today so you can catch every new episode as it drops.

A Legacy of Faith
Gospel’s Mica Paris on the Power of a Praying Grandmother
Mica Paris is a powerhouse in British entertainment. She’s a beloved singer in multiple genres: gospel, pop, and jazz. She’s starred in theater productions on the West End. She’s been a television actor and host. She’s even a member of the prestigious Order of the British Empire (MBE) for her services to music, entertainment, and charity. None of it would’ve been possible, she thinks, if her grandmother hadn’t caught her at six years old singing the theme song to the children’s cartoon Rupert the Bear. “Basically, she had a meltdown and told everyone, ‘She’s got an amazing voice!’ And then she started sort of dragging me all around the churches to sing.” Mica grew up in London, the granddaughter of immigrants who moved to Britain from Jamaica as part of the Windrush Generation. From 1948 to 1970, half a million Caribbeans brought their food, culture, and faith to the UK, and Mica’s grandparents were no diff erent. They became pillars in the Pentacostal church community when they arrived.
And it was in those churches where Mica developed her talent. At eleven, she was winning awards. At sixteen, she was discovered singing in church and signed her fi rst record deal. A year later, she crossed over from gospel to pop, and went straight to the top of the charts. Television appearances began fi lling her schedule. The young singer found the overnight fame a bit dizzying.
“Fame is like a psychosis—you feel like you go a little bit mad,” she admits. “Suddenly, you’re like the second coming, and that’s really intoxicating. You’re so important to everyone. Everything you say is right. I had about a fi fteen-year run of everything just being amazing. And then suddenly, it started to go down a bit. The records weren’t selling as much. At those moments, that’s when faith comes in. “Every single disappointment I’ve been through, my faith got me through it. Grandma always used to say, ‘Whatever you’re going through, Mica, just get on your knees. Just get on your knees, girl.’ I have to tell you: if I never had that, there’s no way I could still be here thirty-three years later and still have my faculties intact.” After her music career cooled off , Mica looked for new opportunities in the entertainment industry and decided to produce a documentary about the origins of gospel music. Aired during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program was a huge hit for the BBC. Music producers began calling again, and Mica signed her fi rst deal in eleven years. The singer acknowledges things have changed a bit since the last time she’s cut a record. “People say to me now, ‘Mica, your voice sounds so diff erent.’ And I’m telling you, what you’re hearing is the journey. You can’t learn that. You are your living testimony. Your life is your voice.”

Mica’s latest album, Gospel, is available wherever you stream or buy music.
Summer Summer Say Yes to Adventures! Adventures!

by Greta Eskridge
I love to go on adventures, especially with my family. It’s a time for us to talk, grow, laugh, learn, and make memories together.
I wrote a book for kids with 100 adventure ideas to get outside their normal routines (and away from screens). But these ideas aren’t just for kids. When we see new sights, smell new aromas, taste new foods, and hear new sounds, we’re changed by what we encounter. But that only happens when we say yes to adventures!

Host a Meteor Slumber Party
Every summer from mid-July to mid-August, a beautiful meteor shower lights up the night sky. It’s incredibly exciting, and you never know when the next one is coming! These tips will help you enjoy your meteor slumber party:
•Research the nights when astronomers predict the meteor shower will peak.
•Travel to a place in the country away from lights, where you have a wide open view of the sky. Don’t forget to bring a thermos of something yummy—lemonade if it’s warm or hot chocolate if it’s cool—to sip while you wait!
•Sit back and enjoy the beautiful fi reworks display that God made for you.
• Travel to a place in the country away from lights, where you have a wide open view of the sky. Don’t forget to bring a thermos of something yummy—lemonade if it’s warm or hot chocolate if it’s cool—to sip while you wait! • Sit back and enjoy the beautiful fi reworks display that God made for you.

Put on a Talent Show
Talent shows are a lot of fun, no matter which side of the stage you’re on. It’s inspiring to see all the different things people can do.
Need some talent ideas? You’re probably good at one of these! Need some talent ideas? You’re probably good at one of these!

Tell jokes Do magic tricks Share a piece of art Do a dance Lip-sync to a song Do jump rope tricks Perform a puppet show Share a LEGO build
Do tricks with a pet Sing Share homemade food Tell a story Hula-Hoop Juggle
Play an instrument Dribble a soccer or basketball

Create a Chalk Art Masterpiece
One of the best ways to be a better artist is to study the works of famous masters and re-create them yourself. But instead of drawing your favorite artwork with pencil and paper, grab some chalk and use your driveway or sidewalk as your canvas!
You can choose a painting by a modern artist with big blocks of color, or fi nd an artist who drew simple things around the house, like fl owers or fruit. You could even try a landscape scene. No matter what you choose, you’ll have fun comparing your own work with the piece of art that inspired it!

100 Days of Adventure is available at your favorite book retailer today.
HAVIN' FUN in the SUMMER SUN Make Some Words! l
THE RULES: You can spell a word using letters that appear together horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. No letter square may be used more than once within a single world. You may use plurals. After two minutes, score one point for each three-letter word, two points for four-letter words, three points for fi ve-letter words, and so on. Keep a dictionary handy to point out words that aren’t, um, real. INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble each word. Once that’s complete, use the highlighted boxes to decode the secret message (which is also scrambled!)

What's the Secret Message?
DCopy the Sandcastle Summer Days aWord Scramble