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Your Two-Month-Old Developmental Guide
W ell, that went by fast, didn’t it? Your baby is already two months old! Look how he is changing: he has more control over his body and can hold his head up for brief periods during tummy time. He concentrates on your face and may show signs of recognizing you. He may be smiling or vocalizing with coos and raspberries.
But your baby is not the only one changing. You are learning to differentiate your baby’s cries, learning what positions and techniques soothe your baby, and perhaps mastering the power nap. If so, good for you! If not, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, as most babies begin sleeping longer stretches by twelve weeks. You may also be making choices about going back to work or staying home full-time. Make these decisions prayerfully, knowing whatever God shows you, He will provide all your needs: He will be your strength as you seek Him.
This month your baby will continue needing between fourteen to seventeen hours of sleep. Some babies will begin taking less-frequent naps, but napping for longer durations.
Your little one will also continue to need to eat about six to eight times per day. He will give you cues that he’s hungry by making sucking noises, putting hands toward his mouth, and whimpering. Baby’s growth spurts vary, so continue to be sensitive to his cues. Don’t compare him