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A Rest That Re-creates Me
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
EXODUS 20:8–10
Your One-Month-Old, Wee� One Theme: Rest
Rest? Is she kidding? I’d love to rest, but that’s not happening with a onemonth-old! If you are thinking rest is impossible with a young one, I want to encourage you to ask God to show you the way. He wants your soul to rest, even amid nights of interrupted sleep. Sabbath reminds us to stop and let God care for us. It reminds us that caring for our souls is deeply important. It is a priority that re-creates us on a weekly basis.
Sabbath points us to God as our ultimate rest. When we take a day away from work, we trust He is our true provider and that every good thing is from Him. When we take a day to rest, we invite God to reinvigorate us for our work.
How can you find Sabbath rest amid life with a one-month-old? There isn’t a formula. But begin with your heart. Take your Sabbath day and set it apart. Use it to honor God as the center of your life. Do what you can to make this day easy and delightful to your soul. Rearrange your week to help make this the day you anticipate and savor most. As we do this, we find God weeds out the wrong priorities, the unnecessary burdens. We lean into the habits of rest and trust. We discover our souls cared for in ways that re-energize us to work vigorously for Him on the other six days.