6 Reasons You Should Redesign a Website in Wordpress

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6 Reasons You Should Redesign a Website in WordPress Your business website will attract more online users if it its looks amazing. But, if your website is unappealing, takes time to load, and is not mobile friendly, it will surely make its viewers go away. Many small businesses solely rely on their websites to bring leads, viewers, and potential customers. Business owners who are planning to create a website usually think that it is really hard, but actually that is not true, why? Ever heard of WordPress? Wordpress is a platform that is used to power the back end of your website. Mostly, people refer to it as Content Management System (CMS), why? Because of its ability that allows you to build and organize all the media you have recently or are still planning to upload onto your website.

Here are 6 reasons why you should redesign your website in WordPress: 1. Blogs If you are using other websites to post your blogs on, then you have to switch to a WordPress website, it literally takes a few minutes (if you are a beginner) to add a new page in it and you can simply name that page as your blog page, you can then post daily, weekly, or monthly blogs and articles to it. A blog is one of the easiest ways to update your content, this is an effective way to keep your viewers and customers updated with your business.

2. Security Updates One great thing about WordPress websites is that it always keeps your websites security measures up-todate with the latest policies (other plugins requires manual checkups to see if they have to get update). So, with a WordPress website you don’t have to worry about its security measures. WordPress is constantly working better to make its system more secure for its visitors and of course its users.

3. Open source Why is it an open source? A WordPress website allows developers to contribute something to it, like adding themes and plugins to it. So, how can that benefit you? With this way you are helping it to get better from time to time, and guess what? It does not cost you a single cent. This is one advantage in a WordPress website, as you can improve your website without having to pay for it. 4. SEO friendly

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows your website to be more visible in search engines like Bing, google, yahoo, and many more. Mastering SEO will surely take time, but knowing its simple ways and techniques will surely benefit you. There are free plugins that will help you and lets you know on how your website is doing and how can you improve it.

5. Standard Coding Most business owners hire a web developer who then creates a website that only an expert can manage, but in a WordPress website you do not have to do this. Its coding is really simple, any web developer or someone who has knowledge in it can manage it and apply changes, fix errors, and do other things that makes it better. A WordPress website is the most preferred website builder as it does not require much time and money. For an instance if you want to redesign your website, any web developer will get the job done.

6. You’re in good company WordPress has capabilities that exceed the basic ones, even the biggest companies in America uses WordPress to power their website. So how is WordPress good for startup business? A website that is powered by WordPress is visually appealing, has endless capabilities, fully functional, and is easily accessible by anyone.

Should you power your website by using WordPress? Yes, why? First of all, in a startup business you need to invest more in making your business more popular to boost your sales as fast as you can, and a WordPress can really help you with that, with an appealing website that provides full information on what you are providing, it is likely that you will get possible customers through it, and the most important thing about it is that it does not cost a lot of money. What are you waiting for? Go! Create your business website with us and Make an impact on the online world! Other Posts That May Interest You: 1. Google introduces Mobile Speed Scorecard and Impact Calculator to compare Mobile Page Speed with other sites. 2. Top 11 SEO Off-Page Techniques 2018 3. Google Launches Breadcrumb SERPs

4. 9 SEO on-page techniques that will help you to rank on the first page

For more questions and queries, you can contact T&G WebSolutions, the best Web Development Company Calgary.

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