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Meetings & Events Calendar Embrace Your Space

Page 4 January 2020 - Green Concept

Remind Your Community Why They Love Their Plants and Get Them in Your Store!

With your community starting to Embrace their Space, your business should be their Go-To place for their planting needs.

The Embrace Your Space campaign is revamped and we are encouraging consumers to LOVE YOUR PLANTS this February! Along with this we are offering a MONTH LONG 15% Discount on all of your Best of Texas Landscape Guides (shipping not included). TNLA wants to provide you with the resources and inspiration to keep business booming with these campaigns. Make sure to check into the #EmbraceYourSpace media kit with new graphics for your business to share on social media and flyers to print, to keep those customers excited for planting! These graphics are updated each campaign for you to post for your audience and get the people in your doors! Embrace Your Space does not stop with this month, we will be rolling out new themes throughout the year to keep your customers coming and allow you to have more fun with your advertising.

See What We Have Coming up With Embrace Your Space...

We want to Share Your Posts!


Encourage your customers to find the plants they love to start their green spaces at home.

PLANT SOMETHING in March and April

Encourge your customers to Plant Something and get those plants they love in the ground.


Teach and encourage your customers to be Water Smart in May and get them in the doors Memorial Day Weekend for the Lawn and Garden Tax Holiday

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