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Tel: 01691 684840
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ents r a p y m e Acad l a e m s a m Christ The New Saints are having a Christmas celebration for all the Academy Parents. Its going to be on Saturday 14th December 2013 at The Venue, Park Hall, Oswestry. It’s £14.99 per person and a great chance to look back at all the highlights of 2013.
cou al me a
Disco Arr ive for
If you are interested in attending the Academy parents christmas meal, please fill in the form on the reverse and return with payment to the reception.
d Food serve
Should you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact Craig Edwards on 01691 684840 or 07917181151 Cheques to be made payable to TNSFC LTD
Our Club
Tel: 01691 684840
Our Community
Our Town
nts e r a p y m Acade as meal Christm Name ................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Post Code: ............................................................................................ Contact telephone number ...................................................................... E mail address ...................................................................................... Starters Honey & Parsnip Soup
Spinach & Riccotta Tortellini
Parsnip Crisps, Roll & Butter
Served in Homemade Tuscan Tomato Sauce
Main Course (All served with seasonal vegatables) Roast Shropshire Turkey
Fillet of Cod
Stuffing, Pigs in Blankets, Cranberry Sauce, Roast Potatoes & Rich Roast Gravy
Served on Homemade Potato Gratin in Parsley Sauce
Baked Mushroom, Brie & Cranberry Wellington Served with Vegetarian Gravy
Desserts Tradtional Christmas Pudding With Brandy Sauce
Warm Chocolate Fudge Cake With Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream
Cookie Bash Ice Cream Cake With Fresh Pouring Cream
Selection of Ice Creams