Tel: 01691 684840
e v i t c A t e G alf term this h
15th - 19th 016 February 2 Half Ter m t Try differen sports and activities
ivities t c a t r o p s tions: a c Multio l g n i ow in the foll Monday Trefonen playing fields and village hall 10am - 12pm Gobowen playing fields 2pm - 4pm
Tuesday Morda village hall and playing fields 10am - 12pm
Wednesday St.Martins playing fields and centre hall 1.30pm - 4pm
Thursday Weston Rhyn rec 10am - 12pm
Age 10+ s rl Boys & Gi
Friday Llanymynech playing fields 1.30pm - 4pm
Limited spaces available. Please book for FREE sessions by emailing Please bring along completed consent forms.
Tel: 01691 684840
Booking For m Name ................................................................................................... Age ...................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Post Code: ............................................................................................ Contact telephone number ...................................................................... Email address .......................................................................................
Signature .............................................................................................. I agree to allow my child to have his/her photograph taken as a member of the Get Active Holiday Club. (Tick Box)